sup Veeky Forums
Where do you fine and cultured gentlemen go to discuss D&D? (Other than here, I mean.) Reddit is a circlejerk, Giant In The Playground is for bronies and min-maxers, and the official D&D forums are bye bye.
sup Veeky Forums
Where do you fine and cultured gentlemen go to discuss D&D? (Other than here, I mean.) Reddit is a circlejerk, Giant In The Playground is for bronies and min-maxers, and the official D&D forums are bye bye.
Here. Only here. Everywhere else is pure distilled shit.
Literally only here. As you mentioned, everywhere else is fucking awful.
We're basically a chunk of ice that shrinks every year as our genre becomes less relevant and more marginalized and co-opted like /co/.
Not even joking, Paizo forums are great for any game that is not Pathfinder even if only 2 people are talking about it.
You can normally get PbP interest in anything too.
Exorcise yourself, ghost.
There's a Discord server I frequent where we talk about DnD a lot. It's not bad at all, most of the people there are pretty cool.
The server is by and for gay furries though
Play-by-Post. Basically forum RPs.
Play by post.
>I approach the goblin, and attack.
Wait three days for the DM to reply and tell you to roll.
Wait a few more days for the DM to tell you if it hit or not, etc.
It's only for the most desperate D&D players without human contact. You could play a better game of D&D in prison with people that are actively trying to rape and kill you.
Oh, I know what PbP is, I've just never heard the acronym.
I tried it once. Never again, ever.
More like
>Ignore all the rules
>GM bullshits all the rolls with his made-up rules
>Game dies anyway because one player takes 2 weeks to respond every turn and the other two have disappeared without a word despite actively posting in other games every day.
>Game dies anyway because one player takes 2 weeks to respond every turn and the other two have disappeared without a word despite actively posting in other games every day.
This is the only one that happens with me.
I've tried playing in meatspace with moderate success, but it's even harder under most circumstances.
>Veeky Forums is the only forum for discussing D&D
don't forget, you're here forever
I despise Pathfinder.
The only time I ever leave Veeky Forums is when posting is down.
And then I just sort of hover around my keyboard clicking refresh on the catalog until it starts working again.
>Reddit is a circlejerk
This is hilarious since you're obviously just repeating what a bunch of other 4channers told you you're supposed to think about reddit.
i´m not that user but Reddit is a circle jerk.
they love DW, they love rules-light. and if you dare to have a different opinion you should find a non negative way to post it.
the main problem is that Reddit has already established its echo chamber on what it likes and what it does not like. and discussion is good for those things and those things only.
Here, Reddit, and the dnd forums online.
Honestly each is fine you just have to know how to work em.
But I do most of my talking in person with friends or at my flgs.
Liking DW and rules-lite aren't even negative things, but God help you if you have any criticisms about the system.
i love playing dw
Hard. Core.
The main issue with DW is the load and very vocal horrendously autistic portion of the fanbase who truly believe Dungeon World is the best system ever and is objectively superior to the rest. They're often as bad if not worse than the lovers they despise.
>Where do you fine and cultured gentlemen go to discuss D&D?
a cool thing that i liked to call IRL
>no monthly fee
Sure, if enjoy not having a house. Or food.
Shit game. Super fucking unbalanced, I mean every character is randomly generated? Some dudes start with epic tier loot while others eat dirt to survive.
Plus it hasn't been patched in like 2000 years, dev has been completely silent. Ded gaem.
Playing with housemates/living with group is great man. Last man comes over and we're set, and we can discuss any time.
apparently 3/4 of all males under the age of 30 have played at least once and are still pretty into it sans neckbeard element in my area.
I don't go far
For more casual autismal discussion, the SupTG IRC channel is an option
but I will also support this heretical idea
Yeah its a fucking lie, it.cost more to do it then the other monthly fees.