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Captain reporting. Equal req/iota/link feels good today




Staff sergeant reporting in. Our boys in the front have held the line honourably. I'm proud to have served with every one of you, I hope you have long happy lives in peace.

Lieutenant Colonel reporting in. Been a long time coming. and it's just the beginning.

Sergeant Major here. I admire the bravery of you and your men.

As we speak our space lambos are nearing completion.


In at .154
Sweet Christ, this is gonna be it, isn't it.

Private reporting in sir. HE YA!

here with my unit mooing looking down at all you PUSSY that didnt HOdL

I'm glad I bought into this meme
Proud to be a LINKMarine recruit

Officer Ranks
General of ChainLink: General Sergey Nazarov
General: 500001+ LINK
Lieutenant General: 250001-500000 LINK
Major General: 175001-250000 LINK
Brigadier General: 125001-175000 LINK
Colonel: 75001-125000 LINK
Lieutenant Colonel: 50001-75000 LINK
Major: 35001-50000 LINK
Captain: 25001-35000 LINK
First Lieutenant: 20001-25000 LINK
Second Lieutenant: 15001-20000 LINK XXX
Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks
Sergeant Major: 10001-15000 LINK
Master Sergeant: 9001-10000 LINK
Sergeant First Class: 7501-9000 LINK
Staff Sergeant: 5001-7500 LINK
Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
Corporal: 1501-3500 LINK XXX
Enlisted Ranks
Specialist: 501-1500 LINK
Private: 1-500 LINK

When to cop?

why the fucking fuck did this weak handed pajeet sell at the ALL TIME LOW ? :D How stupid can one be..

Captain reporting in

>spend weeks researching link like an autist
>despite that sell it at FUCKING ATL since ICO
women can't stop being women no matter how hard they apply themselves it would seem
rip in piece crypto

a true Veeky Forumsraeli. Sell at the fuckign ULTIMATE LOW after a 3 week downtrend, just into the mouths of the accumulating whales.

What should I even say ? :D

Major reporting in. HODLing fast, despite the opportunity for a quick, dirty profit right now.

I expect a brief week-long dip if the upcoming news turns out to be minor, so potentially a good time to sell and refill. However, if the news is good, this may just be the new medium-term floor, and you'll be wasting 20% of your LINK for no reason.

Also, here's a retardedly large logo for all of your memeing needs.

wait for the dip or buying now at .25?

you had 2 weeks dip....

BUY now retard

The dip is now prepare for another launch into the 30 cent range

made $200 while i slept ty sergey

will look good on our lambos


sergeant major reporting for doody, sir


posted this in another thread but volume is highest its been since it hit exchanges

Trips of fucking truth.

It's fucking hilarious, despite all the TA and research crypto takeoff still panic sold at ATL like an emotional women. Best anime sub plot ever.

depth looks kinda bullish but for how long?

Captain Dan gets trips


depth only tells us so much. and depth is one of the faster changing indicators imo.

>volume, stochrsi, bollinger bands

bollinger is constricting nicely showing some price action about to happen. also looks like we're at the bottom of a cup as another user pointed out



I wasn't done accumulating, I wanted to at double my stack and at least stop being a private...

Too far gone. Even Sergey could not save this one.

How do i buy 5 BTC of LINK? Never used Binance and all I see is 0.1 sell offers

do you pajeets ever stop shilling your shit here? fuck off

move ethereum to binance, post an offer

not too hard man

100% and buy. It will auto-buy everything up to 5btcs worth on the sell list. Or set your own buy-in price :P
0.00002200 looks good and most ppl will sell into you at that. or go 0.00002350 to just buy out half the sell wall in one go pumping it before it dumps.

Gday, fellow marines
Just upranked to sarge
Too bad my last paycheck was too late to buy the dip. Now I wonder, if I keep $150in ETH or put it all in LINK hoping we obtained new support at 22c

look at the 1-week charts. 2200 is about where it hovers. dips and pumps aside, this is just it correcting back to 2200satoshis where it belongs.


This is your newly appointed General speaking. Congratulations to any new promotions and new recruitments

I recently joined the the Link Marines.. I've been eyeing it up for awhile but couldn't pull the trigger earlier.. This week when I saw link at 0.15 I had to buy it!.. Feel free to welcome me my new brothers!!! 0x45ff3c67f07e1a4e1137199e9abb7b053c993da6

1 week charts would make sense if we weren't in a crazy market where you can moon in hours

I meant 12-hour charts, but you can clearly see it levels out at around 2200 before either pumping or dumping and has been for the last few months. Without news, it looks like this is its average price. Only FUD/FOMO and any changes in btc are affecting it. When left alone it does this level, sideways.

Well, we sure were told there will be December news. And that initial pump before wekend looked suspicious enough to make me think some insider is accumulating.
But you have a point, so I guess, I'll just keep those 0.4 ETH in their place and keep still

I sold all my Link at .20 hoping to rebuy. Holy fuck.

Awww did someone panic sell?

Keep calm. Perhaps in a week you will be the one laughing

Kill yourself faggot begging is never acceptable

>bought at .43
>didnt buy the dip

I want to die. Someone comfort me.

I left Veeky Forums a forever a few days after the infamous sibos

what the fuck happened

Prices crashed and burned but the phoenix seems set to rise again.

why is this moving?

Give me 5 btc, i'll give you 5 LINK

More Grimes everywhere, always

Biz caught LINK AIDS. The only cure is for it to reach -200th ranking in Market cap or to become the next ETH. Enjoy.

It is just a correction now btc has (or had) stabilised and the pajeets got caught out using their bots to FUD/FOMO and moved on.
>PIC - them fucking up with the bots. They even tried to make it a meme to pretend it wasn't a thing.

the crypto takeoff loser hang himself?

hahaa forgot about that, fucking loser

thinks he's smarter than the market, gets BTFO

If anybody wants to make some money and doesn't have it all on hold in LINK then go buy some ODN. Tomorrow is the release of the new well, everything and it's been fudded to death right now (Meh its just a chat app, its a pajeet scam coin) ready for a FOMO tomorrow followed by another one for the 1st app on the platform release around the end of the month.If the chat app works then so does the platform meaning it will shoot up in price by Jan. 15mil MC right now is peanuts. Only if you have spare cash, don't go selling those LINK for it! that would be crazy!

corporal reporting in. Can I still make it with my rank?

Can someone tweet the TA expert and find out if he managed to buy back in

pic very much related

Fuck off faggot get your own!

Something tells me makeup app would not be kind to her.

Try it?

nah, I ran out of free tries and I'm basically a jew with money.

we all will make it

cryptotakeoff sold at 15 cents lmao

captain reporting in

are you serious?

Near 15 cents, yep confirmed. He sold it for BTC though so its not really a dumb move.

reporting in at 3100

MFW you know link is shit because of the all the shops for it and the constant shilling.

meh, it's going down already

JUST Link my shit up as usual

Neat, promoted to Sgt today.

Late adopter but I'm really drinking the koolaid on this one. Hope to be Sgt FC by next week

I used to be a corporal like you. Once I even lost all my stack daytrading, but now I've ranked up to a sergeant.
Keep up. Next week gonna bring good news with it


"I bought the same coin as you without proof I even did, now give me money!" LMAO

Im in XRP

Nice thread though. Cosy.

this whole marine ranking shit is gay as fuck. The digicucks did the EXACT same thing and look at them now

t. second lieutenant

top pic m8 i raged watching that this morning

i-i-is this a girl?

sold my 52k at 2100. i strongly believe in LINK but I am not believing in BTC staying strong atm. trying to rebuy later, or probably getting fucked.

where the fuck are her fucking breasts legit her "bra" is just 1 inch triangles

My fucking pecs are three cup sizes larger than that



"look at that subtle small market cap, the many potential use cases. Oh my god it even has industry partnerships"


>"look at that subtle small market cap, the many potential use cases. Oh my god it even has industry partnerships"