spoilers are all out now so let's have one final thread for discussion.
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spoilers are all out now so let's have one final thread for discussion.
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OP is a crybaby edition
Holy shit they printed that at rare?! Some player might even draft two or three of them. This should be mythic at least although it would probably be better not to print it at all.
> lightning bolt
> rare
What the fuck.
Relax user. It's fake.
>Oricish Oriflamme
>strictly better version printed in origins
It'll be bumped to rare for Eternal Masters II. Chain Lightning will be mythic.
I know we got a couple of bad reprints guys but hot damn some of this artwork is gorgeous.
There's a lot of good art but the bad reprints and changing of flavor text and the rarity upshifts just bother me endlessly
that being said, i'm still probably going to buy a couple packs and cry about the garbage I pull instead of a friend and I splitting a box
That's not even new artwork though.
well i'd never seen it before now, it's fucking gorgeous
But it is better text ink.
already told u that i fixed the set number dud
Restocking SCG's supply of expensive, in-demand commons and uncommons: the set.
This looks like a really fun set to draft. Definitely looking forward to opening some boxes with my draft group.
What looks like the best/most fin archetype to you all? BR aristocrats? UR flashback? What the heck is WB supposed to be, weinies?
Magic will never again be affordable for competitive play, will it?
Nope, jew's onto pauper too
No. No, it really won't.
Just stick to pauper cubes and block sealed.
I hate this art compared to the old ixidor one, looks like a one of those 3 wolves howling at a moon tier t-shirt arts.
>Gaming group quit Warhammer a couple years back because it was getting prohibitively expensive
>Started playing MtG instead because "it was cheaper"
>tfw I've probably spent 10 times as much money on pieces of cardboard than I ever did on plastic aliens
god fucking damnit wizards
you motherfucking jews
this is why I dropped mtg in favor of warma.
What card are you talking about?
Wasn't there one red card a while ago that had an effect like "T: exchange ownership of this card and a card an opponent owns in his or her graveyard. This ownership change is permanent. The opponent may concede the game to counter this effect".
whats wrong?
The Chinaman is getting close to virtually undistinguishable counterfeits. Trust in the Chinaman.
Chinaman is free market.
WotC is communism.
Yeah, for pre m15 card style.
I never thought I'd say this but Games Workshop is better than Wotc now
Nothing printed since the frame change has been worth playing in legacy outside of jace.
Give them time. Have faith in based chinaman counterfeiter.
Chinaman will destroy Magic and make the game cheap and available.
I heard the new Eldrazi are tier 1 in legacy (idk).
And there are and will still be cards printed now and then that see play in modern. Maybe not tier 1, but tier 2/fun.
Are MtG Counterfeits the new 3D Printers?
>We are getting close, boys!
>It'll make the hobby cheap and affordable!
To be fair, you only have yourself to blame if you thought a fucking CCG would be cheap.
If you want to play cheap games, play Historicals, LCGs, Boardgames or hunt around manufacturers and build cheap armies from different sources.
I bought some last year and many are extremely faithful reproductions. I mean, they are 99% indistinguishable from the real thing. Only about 1/4 of my order was comprised of total duds with glaring flaws.
1/4 is a FOURTH, man.
>tfw no new Rishadan Ports
>soon 180 tickets on mtgo again
Fucking hell.
Just play RPGs with free PDFs and the only money you'll spend is the coke and hookers for your group.
I've played in GPs with counterfeits and gotten deckchecked. They are more prevalent than what most think.
I've played Legacy casually with neckbeard oldfags, and no one noticed my duals.
They are getting pretty good
Most fakes I've ever seen looked either extremely shitty, or barely passable if your opponent doesn't pay attention and you double sleeve.
Well I only paid about $200 for extremely faithful reproductions of cards like the Power 9, 40 Revised dual lands, Top, Jitte, etc., etc.
>everyone this mad over the spoiled cards
holy fuck, i can pick things up finally.
Yeah but it could be much much better. We gotta give chinaman more resources,
>Have 12 Damnations back from when i played Planar Chaos
>Friend for ages has wanted one but refuses to trade his valuable stuff for it
>Spends all week hyping that it will be reprinted
Maybe you'll actually trade that Mox Diamond you're not using you asshat
Buying it after you've played for a couple of sessions or months and decided wether you like it or not is still nice. Help the people that write that shit stay in business.
Buying RPGs blind is retarded though.
We are not mad over the value that got spoiled, we are mad about the value that didn't, you idiot.
How do you know you have not been playing against fakes and not notice them?
how high are you
like what?
Unless there are some super-secret Darknet sources you need to use a North Korean VPN for to get your children's collectible card counterfeits, I've seen cards from most sources and they are mostly shit.
There were only a few major issues with a handful of cards. I'll take some pictures for the next proxy thread.
The real standouts were cards like Flusterstorm, Stoneforge, Vampiric Tutor, Exploration, Glimpse of Nature, Crucible of Worlds, True Name Nemesis, Wasteland, City of Traitors among others.
Cards like Liliana of the Veil, Fulminator Mage, Goblin Guide, and Dark Confidant all had major errors with their expansion symbols, power/toughness or font style.
Just trying to be honest here. Some were total duds, most were fucking excellent.
You are only aware that the fakea you detected were pretty obvious. But there is a chance you have actually played against someone using fakes and you did not spot them. Thus, you might have a misplaced sense of security that "no fakes goes by me"
You are the kind of moron that I love using fakes against
If you manage to use fakes online, I'm honestly impressed.
>liliana of the veil (card worth x1.5 the price of a JtMS, despite only being played in 11% of both modern and legacy decks)
>inqusition of Kozilek (hard to reprint elsewhere and in dire need of a reprint)
>Rishadan port (hugely expensive in both paper and online magic)
>Damnation (it's been needing a reprint since MMA1 and has somehow avoided the list 3 times now)
Just off the top of my head those cards are far more attractive than the likes of rorix bladewing and visara the dreadful.
But because Wizards don't actually care about reprints and only do this as a facade of wanting to make eternal formats affordable we'll have to wait until next time for those, but then they'll be lumped in with stuff like Kamahl pit fighter and blind seer.
And in doing so, people will pay both for EMA1 and EMA2. Wizards has been playing the long con for years
not every magic player considers inquisition of kozilek or rishadan port to be more attractive than rorix bladewing or visara the dreadful
turbo-casuals are a big part of the mtg customer base
Inqusition of Kozilek couldn't be reprinted for flavor fail.
R&D regrets not reprinting it in MM2, cause they thought they'd do it in BFZ. Source: Maro
whoops, sorry friend i forgot to save it.
shopfag here, decided to try and ease the pain a bit by downshifting another card for you guys.
>Inqusition of Kozilek couldn't be reprinted for flavor fail.
>flavor fail in a masters set
What crack have you been smoking?
>not every magic player considers inquisition of kozilek or rishadan port to be more attractive than rorix bladewing or visara the dreadful
>turbo-casuals are a big part of the mtg customer base
Turbo casuals aren't going to buy a $14 booster pack though are they?
Yeah, that sounds likely.
>Turbo casuals aren't going to buy a $14 booster pack though are they?
Depends. If you tell them about all the amazing and powerful cards from MtG's history, they'll buy them alright.
And when they do reach perfection they'll sell them as real.
Don't you know crime fucktard?
IoK SHOULD HAVE been printed in the newer Zendikar set.
ESPECIALLY in the set where Kozi appeared in.
ESPECIALLY as another tool to counter fucking CoCo decks.
>Depends. If you tell them about all the amazing and powerful cards from MtG's history, they'll buy them alright.
No, they wont. Quit making up shit to defend them filling this set with core set tier filler.
>casuals matter
Why do cards drop after rotation or bannings? If casuals were such a fucking important customer base, they should affect the secondary market
eternal masters is perfect for turbo casualls what are you talking about?
it has a bunch of cards theyve heard of but never wanted to splurge on (the tutors, sylvan library, etc) and some awesome fatties to grab like rorix bladewing
i expect turbo casuals to be the main purchasers of sealed EMA, actual legacy and vintage players have no use for EMA but its great for EDH or turbo casuals
I'm not defending filling a set with horseshit, I'm just telling you that turbocasuals can and will buy this if you market it right.
>Did you know you can get old card worth hundreds of dollars in this thing? The value is amazing!
you realize that turbocasuals like core sets too, right?
that "core-set tier filler" you hate so much makes up the collections of casual players, and they are happy to have those cards
>turbo casuals who love stuff like fucking tree monkey are going to spend $14 per booster.
These fucking delusional retards, fuck off back to MTGS you giant shills.
This set is garbage.
That's when we'll get Supermodern, the format where you can only play cards with the new new border.
And the older formats devolve into a horrendous shitpit where pretty much everything is fake and no one can be sure not to get ripped off.
Apart from Vintage of course, because you need to pay a few thousand bucks for the membership anyway and use duals as coasters, so why would you bother with fakes?
Casuals don't buy singles, they buy boosters and precons you fucking moron.
you caught me, wotc pays me to find Veeky Forums threads and argue with people about the new sets
the set is obviously not garbage, its just not everything you hoped and dreamed it would be
im certainly going to buy a few packs and i wont make my money back but ill be happy with what i pull, i guarantee it
War Horn
They already exist. I've been trading them off at events. I got two batches, one that had an obvious slick sheen on the front of the card and one that was indistinguishable to the naked eye, and felt like a real card. Only way to tell was a loupe.
They came in 3 kinds of cardstock, white, blue, and black core. Obviously blue is the color used in real magic cards, so I thought blue was the way to go. Black core turned out to be far closer to the real thing. It's not an exact copy obv, the core is different, and you can still tell by looking at the dot matrix, but the texture and coloring were exactly the same as real cards.
I don't even bother sleeving them. I've traded away more than 10 fake show and tells.
Oh, I was looking at the enchantments.
id argue toxic is much better than damnation, but rishadan is meh at best and inquisition are plenty available to find.
>inquisition are plenty available to find.
>For an uncommon
>didn't check the lands yet
>they actually reprinted the gainlands from Tarkir
Oh god what the fuck?
Just don't let the fucking Sherlocks of the mtg community hear you. They can detect a fake from a mile away.
There is a reason why Wizards decided to start using the holofoil. Which, by the way, is pretty easy to reproduce. The black core Chinaman is already working on it.
oh shit, friend probably stripped the foils for proxies he makes. but i know weve got at least 9 of those laying around in the collective pile my friends and i have
What other fixing could they have printed in that slot?
He fucked up.
To avoid sherlocks you get a dredge buddy, and sit next to him, his natural anti-jewish aura will keep them away.
That and the fact he might be a necrophiliac and just fucked someone's corpse because he reeks.
The price gougers and hoarders will look up and shout "muh investment!"... and Chinaman will look down and whisper "不想".
Hey friendo where are you buying these from, I'm sick of paying BIGCA$H for paper and Google only gets me articles telling me why I'm a bad person for not throwing away my money on GENUINE PAPER.
I actually played with fakes against a Sherlock while he was bragging how he could detect any and all fakes, cause they are shit.
They will rub their hands and do background on anyone buying an expensive card and deck
The paper crane nests in the youtube.
villa zheng is her master.
The sun sets slowly.
Eldrazi is "tier 1" simply because it's the cheapest stompy list (which by its nature has good matchups vs various popular tier decks eg. Miracles) you can put together in Legacy, it costs about the same as Belcher, ergo it's the most popular one.
Tempest Efreet, maybe? Ante cards are banned in basically everything though and are typically ignored anyway.
Well golly gee, maybe a set called Eternal Masters shouldn't be focused on drafting then.
UW Flyers looks powerful as fuck.
Why would you make a product sold in boosters that can't be drafted? Boosters are only good for draft.
They'll make more money releasing Rishadan Port in FTV Realms 2.
They should have printed exhume at common then there would be a viable reanimator archetype in draft.
Not sure where you're getting RB arsitocrats. Torrent of Souls is reanimate and aggro. Other than Blood artist there isn't any reason to sac.
WB is supposed to be tokens, I think, to make use of the Intangible Virtue.