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CYOA thread
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>have an idea for a CYOA
>start writing out thoughts for it
>get one idea on how to do it, think it would be pretty cool
>get a different idea, also think it would be pretty cool
>the ideas are incompatible
CYOA Sun/Moon version
I'm now your dream smug waifu. Post the cyoa you'd show me to prove you don't have shit taste. I'm waiting.
I don't have a dream waifu, but I am easy to bait.
this took three lifetimes to upload, for whatever reason. Did Veeky Forums die again?
No waifu of mine wouldn't want a remake of this.
does anyone have any news of the user working on the Touhou CYOA?
It's dead
>A former human, who recently turned into a youkai greatly increasing her lifespan
She turned into a Magician. A Magician. You can't turn into a Youkai in Gensokyo unless you want to risk actually dying.
I actually went to the touhou wiki. Curse you, whoever did this.
Ever expanding Orc empire that will slowly take control of Africa, and the entire Earth next.
Cyoa looks unfinished though.
Magicians are a type of youkai.
>Non-Tech hex
>Taking over anything
Yeah, Ug's new club design will totally let you punch through those machine gun lines this time.
Get back to shitting in a hole.
>...wonder if [Beri] is here
Well, now I am.
It depends on the situation. If you're guilty of a victimless crime, none of your siblings would report you or anything.
I wanted to keep working on it, but I took a break to learn JavaScript, which, admittedly didn't take that long. Making a project to use as a sample took like a week, though. Then, Overwatch came out & I've been occupied with it. On one hand, I have an idea for another couple of pages I could add. On the other, I have an idea for another couple of CYOA I could make. And even then, I'm still Overwatching.
>Teresa deserves a genuine prince charming...
Well, it isn't that she couldn't find such a prince if she tried. It's just that she cares more about familial ties than courting princes.
>Beri's a pretty cool author
>[Imbalanced magic]
Like what said, magic is more versatile and designed to do things that violence just can't (such as healing or teleporting or whathaveyou). It isn't supposed to be quite as combat effective as sword-and-shield. Pure magicians can still do alright in combat, but they'll need to save their spells for the right opportunities rather than casting all willy-nilly. Of course, having skill in both just makes an even more capable fighter.
You know, the main reason I mentioned engagement was so that people can't just say "I have 6 siblings, so I just need to match them all up to other royalty to get a huge alliance and win the war ez mode." It should be understood that they're already involved in each avenue of choice the player is given.
How much power do people like having in a cyoa setting? Average, above average, overpowered or game-breakingly overpowered to the point where nothing can challenge you (not even the complications)?
We've got the numbers and the raw strength. The best they could do is hold off my horde with technology in their hex but they can't enter mine with it anyway so I can never lose, and maybe even win.
Above average or higher for me.
Do it.
I like to have enough power to ensure my personal freedom in the setting. I don't mind people being stronger than I am but those shouldn't be actively out looking to assrape me.
Shitty example would be Ursula from the Little Mermaid. She wasn't the strongest thing under the sea but she was strong enough to keep herself secure and the common atlantean knew better than to mess with her.
Average (or slightly above) for the role you're expected to play.
Soldier CYOA should let you be a competent soldier, Magic Apprentice CYOA shouldn't let you start out better than the teachers, and Fantasy World-Saver CYOA should give you enough power to save the world (or at least survive your quest).
Disadvantages should either equalize your total power (This guy can cast spells better, but has no legs) or give you a harder role to match the increased power (This guy can lift weights better, but has to do more homework).
Hello Beri it's nice to see you. So none of my siblings would report me if they caught me in a forbidden love affair? Like 2 guys, or 2 girls?
But if I try to create magic Hydra I'll get reported?
All of those have their place. I tend to lean toward the latter ones myself, but I know my preference there isn't universal.
>How much power do people like having in a cyoa setting?
How much?
>overpowered or game-breakingly overpowered to the point where nothing can challenge you (not even the complications)
This more or less sums it up, Give me Godmode or GTFO
you're a boring person
>No alteration to increase reproduction rate
>Raw strength
>Against machine gun lines and fucking stone walls
>No advantage in entering
>Modern materials, nutrition, initial coordination, and ranged support
If you get a rock (or aerodynamic steel projectile) going fast enough, it can crush your HQ all by itself.
Enough so that we don't get completely raped by the bad things out there unless we are an idiot who burned all the bridges with everyone. Basically we should be able to handle most threats so somewhere between above average and overpowered we can still be taken down by the societies and can't wipe out everything and conquer the world but we can make a decent shot at going to the top tiers.. In some settings thats higher than others like in Worm because of Endbringers, Scion, and the S9 are around to fuck everyone. In 40k there should be an option to be able to take stable alpha plus psyker powers.
Would you like the setting if you were given the option to eventually become godlike at something or everything if you worked hard for it?
I think that´s a better Idea
Depends on the setting, What you got for me?
Overlord CYOA is my first and still one of my all-time favourites. no bully pls
Although I still don't know if there was any way of stopping the Abholoth.
>TFW lost a CYOA and can't remember its name or find it
It was about a deity offering you a chance to be a part of a monster-hunting thing on a separate dimension, one of the perks involved being able to go home.
Anyone able to help a nigga out, I'd appreciate it.
Protip: Get scholar angels to research the ritual to reseal Abholoth.
High Tech empires will at best be an inferior imitation of the Alien's own technology though. I'd rather orc it out like the cavemen we are in comparison to them and have fun doing it.
Can you post or link it?
yeah, pretty much.
above average. powerful enough to do interesting things, not so powerful that doing those things wouldn't pose interesting challenges. one of the elite individuals in the context of the setting, but i prefer if the setting still makes sense after my inclusion. also, on some level i just find it easier to imagine and relate to my new life if i haven't been turned into some kind of godlike being.
Sounds like Monster Hunter.
I've enjoyed CYOAs spanning the range from above average to overpowered- the key to maintain my interest is that there's still some further challenge explicit or implicit in the adventure that can act as a source of conflict in order to have an actual story. Ignoring complication seems to defeat the purpose to me; just open up your own word document if you don't want to be constrained by anything. Creativity comes from limits.
I will say that average or even below average interests me but I'm not sure exactly how they could be done and still be fun. I should be possible to do low power without the author going out of his way to make it a sad sack world to taunt the player.
One other question. Reaper Witches you said they would not be happy with things that go against the natural life cycle so I can't make everyone immortal. Are the reaper witches necromancers I know they can talk with ghosts and help them move on or kill their soul, but can they raise legions of undead zombies? Can other mages do this? If I do this in the fight against Verend and use necromancy to use their own dead soldiers as meat shields to fight against the living ones will this fuck up my reputation with the other nations and reaper witches?
Location: Atlantic Ocean on equator
Construct: Fusion Power Plant [5]
Construct: Space-Elevator [5]
Construct: Forcefield Generator [5]
Strange New World: Create a large landmass [2]
Stat Change: +2 Intelligence [4]
Stat Change: +2 Charisma [4]
Preset Transformation: Warforged [5]
Why fight other nations for resources when we can harvest asteroids? If need be I'll fucking drop asteroids on the planet; non-tech hex won't be saving them from that bullshit. But hopefully my hex can merely trade and research in peace. Hell, maybe we'll colonize Mars or something. Not like Warforged mind the radiation.
I have pretty much the opposite problem. If I'm not particularly powerful, I wind up thinking to myself that no plan survives contact with the enemy, so I really have no idea if I'd do well or not, or what id be doing a year down the line. Only when I'm really overpowered and could conceivably force most situations can I really think in-depth about what I'd do.
Sure buddy
Well that's a relief to know. Guess I can finish that dream roleplaying-build with those extra shards.
You can't convince your siblings that making a magical hydra is a good idea and you'll be responsible?
I just used NI magical dragons.
No, I distinctly remember that it was about being sent to a parallel universe (of 1 continent) on the whims of a god, whereas monster hunter has no such premise. There was something about a tournament, too.
You have a few too many points there.
>If I'm not particularly powerful, I wind up thinking to myself that no plan survives contact with the enemy, so I really have no idea if I'd do well or not
That's called a story, user. Every piece of media you've ever enjoyed has that conundrum as its central conceit.
Heroes aren't great because of their birth or their circumstances. They're great because they won when others in their place would have lost.
Are you talking about the one that was like all companions?
And nobody here is good enough to be a hero unless you give them the power to.
>parallel universe (of 1 continent) on the whims of a god
That's. Monster. Hunter.
>No modern conveniences
Enjoy your defection rate.
Nigh Infinite old age drawbacks.
It's been, like, months since I've seen this, but I do remember there being substance to the skill trees.
fugg. I was looking at a bad imgur album (with some of the images gone), and prematurely decided it wasn't that. My bad pham.
Huh, you're right. I thought it said 30 points. My bad.
What makes a good story and what makes a good CYOA aren't necessarily the same thing, user.
Reaper Witches can't really bring the dead back. When someone dies, the soul typically flies away like yours. Thus, bringing someone back is a great and difficult ordeal. This would not be lessened by giving them skeletal bodies. The best you can really hope for in that avenue is using spatial magic to cause corpses to move in simulated life. You'd be limited by how much you can concentrate on at a time. You could try enchanting emblems that turn dead bodies into soldiers, but mass producing such things for more than personal use would not be possible.
I thought user was talking about an evil organization, not the magical creature. Magical creatures aren't necessarily bad things.
Here, this is what you describe.
The god of the hunt recruits you to hunt monsters till you die. There are skill trees and 1 single continent, which is many parallel universes. There's a tournament and a culling.
Thanks. Yeah, I got thrown off by another version, with a different intro. pic related.
you can only take old age three times, user. Scientist balanced that out in the latest version.
That's the second version of Monster Hunter
too bad it seemed promising
as pointed out Magicians are a type of youkai
to differentiate them from human magicians they are even called Youkai Magicians
Ok, so no going vampire count and raiding graveyards and battle fields to raise an army to bury the Verendians in an army of the dead.
>not getting swole from Whimsy enchanced rooms
>not getting two replenishing bracers for better gainz
>not getting Tamy to cast experimental transmogification magic on you until you get even huger
>not learning ultimate techniques passed down the power seekers for generations
>not defeating the Verendian Army singlehandedly with your fists
always like going full evil on that CYOA
like say a combo of one with nature with necromancy and blood magic in a swamp
just wait for things to die from attrition, drain their blood, eat their brains and reanimate the corpse all as a disembodied presence
Mad Science so I can build giant robots.
Our army is already elite we just have few people in it. Having unlimited legions would be useful. Though I am curious
Hey Beri what can you tell us about the other races in the world besides humans? I saw that there were elves, cat people and Succubi. Are the elves immortal or do they live the same as humans, also same question for cat people, and succubi. And are there any other races like dwarves and stuff?
One thing I never got about this one is why the cliffside castle is limited to three of the domains when you can see it's clearly located in a forest in it's picture. Cliffs exist pretty much everywhere. I just want a little keep to hang out in before I go out with my dudes to hunt game and kill baddies in the woods.
>Power Seekers
The ondest secrets you can get are one generation old, since dear ol' dad started the organization in retaliation for not being allowed to be a Reaper Witch like dear ol' granny
>They're great because they won when others in their place would have lost.
Yes, and if a CYOA presents a scenario where a hero would win where others would lose, and asks me what I would do, I can pretty safely answer "I would lose."
if you take mad science, psionics and occultism you have the beginnings of Warhammer 40k
Okay pardon me I want to have a stroke and I'll do so now
>Dragon's Back
Free alliance with any kingdom near you and you can avoid about half of the complications. And you need less guards, since they'll mostly be focused on enforcing your rule. Easily the "I win" choice.
>One With Nature
Not overpowered nor fault of the person that made this CYOA, but there was once an argument that "One With Nature" meant needing to move around the dirt of the desert since "It didn't define what nature meant and it was unfair that desert would make you weaker".
On complications,
>Invasion by thousands of angels strong as a demon warrior(That's a 4000 coin army for you) led by a war god and some other kingdoms near you also rebel
>This gives you 5 coins
In other news, I shall now make my build.
Fortified Castle, Forest. The Steward.
Actually let me take complications first...
Monster Invasion(+4 coins), Guerrilla Rangers(+7 coins).
Elementalism +1(Earth), Form Changing, Telepathy, One With Nature.
17 Coins.
20 Hunters(Free, Forest Domain)
200 Footmen, 30 Archers(12), Captain of the Guard(11), Knight(10). Angel(5).
Druid(4), Dryad(3), Beast Tamer(2), Merchant(1), Diplomat(0).
Reinforced Castle Coins: +50 Guards, +60 Archers, Ranger.
Was trying to do a naturist kingdom. Naturist is Neutral Good, so I can probably loan a angel.
I'm kinda underwhelmed by it, maybe if I try again.
Not the guy you're responding to, but I absolutely love shit like that. It's a great way to hold my attention in a CYOA I'd otherwise be inclined to not care about, if you leave a lot of potential growth on the table after the main struggle.
>Son Goku born from a race of tailed humanoid aliens that transform into fuckhuge monkey monsters during a full moon that only get stronger after every battle, with a select few able to access a god mode
>Usagi is the reincarnation of the Moon princess who was the heiress of the moon kingdom that was destroyed eons ago, she has access to OP moon magic capable of destroying planets and galaxies.
>Naruto is the son of the Fourth Hokage of the strongest ninja clan in the world, a fuckhuge nine tailed fox demon was seal away in his body giving him a shitton of chakra and ability to go into beast mode
>Heroes aren't great because of their birth or their circumstances.
There's all sorts of races if you look far enough. You're just in a human region of the world. All other races are immigrants or the descendants of. Now, it's perfectly possible that such a race may have been there for a few hundred years and formed decent population numbers, but at least 80% of the people you see are regular human. You get your typical fantasy / monstergrill type races. A few races are longer-lived than humans, but with modern magical techniques (last 100 years or so) they have ways to keep the elite (because it's rather costly / Reaper Witches will only tolerate so much) alive for much, much longer, so don't be so worried about that.
And lets look at classic Greek heroes. Almost all of them were demi-gods or at least born from a great mortal like a king.
>Doesn't understand what the poster meant to say
>Still replies and uses shit shows on his "examples"
Why don't you go away
What they should have said was that "heroes are heroes REGARDLESS of their birth or circumstances", because there are just as many examples of heroic characters who succeed on their own merits compared to those who succeed at least partially due to those circumstances.
Also Goku needed help to beat like every other Saiyan before he went SSJ and died to heart failure in an alternate timeline anyway, so he applies to both schools really.
You don't even need to look that far back, Superman is superman due to being a Kryptonian born on a world with a yellow sun.
Flash can bullshit out any answer to any threat using a speed force, a powerful field of pure speed from a dimension of fast that he generates just because he got hit by a lightning bolt and got thrown into a bunch of chemicals.
And then there's plastic fucking man, not only is he immortal and can manipulate his body into any shape, size and density, but also perfectly mimic the properties of the objects or people that he molds his body into, and he got his powers from chemicals and toxins.
Okay wait a minute, look over the Red Dragon description.
>They breathe flame since they can fly
Does this mean that if I clip their wings, they can't breathe fire, or something?
I looked that far back on purpose. The concept of hero has drifted somewhat over the eons, but the foundation of heroes here relied on people who were better than normal by default.
Duh. That's just logical.
It's funny, not only is this prevalent in Ancient Greek mythology, Norse, Chinese, Japanese, Egyption and whathaveyou all depict their heroes either born from gods, therefore better than everyone else due to their divine lineage or born/created from some super obscure one time event or coincidence that makes them stupidly special and awesome.
What about Daredevil, who suffered a crippling injury and rose above it? Or Green Arrow, a self-made mad who forged his fortune and his buttkicking skills through nothing but sweat?
Even batman might count, if you discount his inherited fortune. Aside from all those wonderful toys Batman is just a badass normal
We're drifting away from the original assertion: Whatever special benefits Hector, Hercules, or Superman had can be given to you through a CYOA's points. All that's left is you deciding to man up and rise to the challenge.
Nobody's a hero all the time. Most only get four or five seconds in their whole lives.
>Whatever special benefits Hector, Hercules, or Superman had can be given to you through a CYOA's points
But this conversation is founded on an user's post where he tried to argue for CYOAs giving us none of that. Nor any of the willpower or anything else those 'normal' characters have. The fact of the matter is that sending you into the kind of mess heroes are for is going to kill you.