What attracted so many leftists and self-defeatist retards into tabletop gaming? This is a hobby that began to simulate war (wargames). Who pussified it? And why? To broaden the market and make more money?
What attracted so many leftists and self-defeatist retards into tabletop gaming...
>Who pussified it?
People pretending to simulate war using games of pretend played with overpriced toys.
>Who pussified it? And why?
Selling to MTG neckbeards.
>What attracted so many leftists and self-defeatist retards into tabletop gaming?
Leftist does not imply "pussy". NSDAP was a leftist party for instance.
You have no idea what you're talking about. It didn't start with overpriced models. Anything can be represented by anything if you just stay consistent.
>NSDAP was a leftist party for instance.
Only until the SA was purged.
>the Nazi's were leftist meme
Fuck off. The Nazi's killed off all the leftists in their party. Namely, the Strasserists and the like.
>Only until the SA was purged.
Nope. It was still leftist.
>Fuck off. The Nazi's killed off all the leftists in their party. Namely, the Strasserists and the like.
I guess you are missing something? The "socialism" part in Nationalsocialism. They considered themselves leftists and in the end they were.
The best description for them is Third Position. They were anti-capitalism, but they weren't internationalist commies either. National Socialism is a much different breed than other types of socialism. It really doesn't have any similarities other than anti-capitalism actually.
>The best description for them is Third Position. They were anti-capitalism, but they weren't internationalist commies either.
internationalist commies =/= socialism. Your position is so stupid that it blows my mind.
>It really doesn't have any similarities other than anti-capitalism actually.
Have a look at the Swedish "Folkhem".
I don't think the tabletop hobby had a political slant until Fundamentalist Christians decided to attack it.
It's rare when a thread getting derailed talking about nazis is an improvement
>using leftist as a derogatory term for an irrelevant group of neckbeards
People like you are so fucking cringey it's unreal.
Bullshit, leftists are shitting up every form of media known to man. It just took them a while to get to tabletop gaming. It doesn't bother me too terribly much considering tabletopping is a highly customization experience, but it's attracting really annoying people to the hobby in general.
What was considered "socialism" back then was just populism. Neither the Nazis nor the interwar Swedes had anything resembling real socialism.
>What was considered "socialism" back then was just populism. Neither the Nazis nor the interwar Swedes had anything resembling real socialism.
What does "real" socialism in this case imply? Because I have never heard of it.
It's a fucking agenda for them. First, they Jewify the movies. Then people stop watching movies and move on to video games. When video games have too many stronk independent wymin who don't need no man and transnigger schlomosexuals, they retreat to something the mainstream has yet to polularize, tabletop games. Guess what happens next.
Look at this man. Look at him and laugh.
Learn to lurk /pol/ faggot. You'll get laughed out of the board if you dropped that meme there.
This stupid bullshit finally dies? I'll take that future over whatever one you wanted.
Thank God you're here to shit up the board telling us all about how SJWs are taking your games away.
What's your end goal here? Just stir up shit or are you actively recruiting for you culture war?
>'s a fucking agenda for them. First, they Jewify the movies(...)Guess what happens next.
You are correct. And yet here I am for some reason defending "Socialism/Leftism" for some damn reason. Point being, Nationalsocialism, and Folkhemmet were leftist. There is no doubt about it. But that implies that this is not a "leftist" problem in the end, doesn't it?
Democratic or otherwise direct control of the means of production and all that comes along with that. Very rarely in history do people actually get to control the means of production themselves, so that is why I refuse to call Nazis leftists, or socialist.
>Look at this man. Look at him and laugh.
>Learn to lurk /pol/ faggot. You'll get laughed out of the board if you dropped that meme there.
"To defend the blood is to defend the divinity in man:" - Rosenberg.
No. You would probably be though, because you don't seem to understand it.
Why are defending leftism from someone who's not talking about leftism?
>Why are defending leftism from someone who's not talking about leftism?
I am defending the "socialism" in nationalSOCIALISM. That is a leftist ideology.
This thread makes me want to not play traditional games anymore.
>Why are defending leftism from someone who's not talking about leftism?
Whether or not one should consider nationalsocialism leftist/rightist/or-something-else/ is open for debate. At the time though, they were most definetely considered a leftist ideology. As was folkhemmet.
From someone who isn't talking about it, yes. I'm asking what the point of defending something is when the person you are talking to is not talking about it.
No, it's more of a "Progressive Liberal" problem. Being moderately left-wing isn't terrible, as long as it's sensible. What IS terrible is the people who push LGBT and racial "rights" even when they've already won. Gays and (legal) minorities, at least in America, have exactly the same rights as every one else, but the progressives feel that they need some big bad conservative meanie to fight, so they push for special priveleges for everyone that isn't white, straight, and male. It's not about equality anymore, it's about the anti-white agenda, whether they realize this or not
>I am defending the "socialism"
Because originally their were, but again they literally killed off all the leftists in their own party. Night of long knives, look it up. They never changed the name presumably because they didn't want to advertise the fact they'd killed a significant portion of their own party.
Left-fascism actually had a lot of interesting ideas, none of them were ever implemented because the right wing ended up in charge every single time and proceeded to purge or at best heavily marginalize their own left wing.
Go Patreon a Tumblr.
away you go
>No, it's more of a "Progressive Liberal" problem.
>Being moderately left-wing isn't terrible, as long as it's sensible. What IS terrible is the people who push LGBT and racial "rights" even when they've already won.
That is incorrect. What is terrible is the fact that society for some reason makes it seem like LGBT/Faggots/etc actually think that they have won. They have not. But it seems like too many people are "riding the tiger" (Evola).
>It's not about equality anymore, it's about the anti-white agenda, whether they realize this or not
It has always been about "anti-german agenda". Hopefully Germania (which I am part of) will wake up. It is our only, ONLY, hope.
>Because originally their were, but again they literally killed off all the leftists in their own party.
Nope. They killed the "extreme-leftists" in their party. They were still leftist. Sorry.
>it's better to watch cringe tier neckbeards roll every single stereotypical female and more
>it's worse to have well written female characters because since they're well written you can't throw a fit.
In my experience if we had more of the strong independent woman stereotype I might be able to play a few sessions without seeing a transgender or catgirl
nigga it's a cooperative game of imagination with rules
that sort of shit is of course gonna attract annoying people
>What is terrible is the fact that society for some reason makes it seem like LGBT/Faggots/etc actually think that they have won. They have not.
I mean. You can't be lynched for being LGBTWTFBBQ or brown. You can go to any school you want, marry who you want, and live where you want assuming you can pay. That's a pretty big victory considering the situation
So why didn't the contemporary socialists consider them a socialist party?
>Muh tabletop games are serious business
Fuck off stormnigger, this isn't the politics board.
To make people (voters) believe they are better than that.
What the fuck does that even mean?