When you play female characters, do their personalities gravitate towards the Raven or to the Starfire end of the spectrum?
When you play female characters...
Definitely the Starfire, though they're fine with going Raven if something pisses them off enough or they want to go tsun.
Neither. She's aggressive, brash, works well with teams that listen, and get's the job done at all costs. That is how I play females.
>Do you 1 or 0?
The scale has broader spectrum, OP.
I guess Raven, but usually female characters of mine are generally no-nonsense soldiering types who are perfectly willing to work with a group if it gets shit done.
Their personalities gravitate towards the autism end of the spectrum.
So, you fall towards the Ribbon side of the Cestree/Ribbon spectrum?
I play annoying cunts who have no place on the field of battle. Because women have no place on the field of battle.
>tumblr noses
I have a Disorder-problem.
Last female character I played was a druid with depression, not the meme version, just I was working through some shit at the time. She could be bright and cheerful at times but usually it was a cover for issues.
So I guess neither.
Now how the fuck am I supposed to go adventuring when I'm stuck in the kitchen, op?
Closer to Raven.
Raven a shit
Starfire a best
literally couldn't figure out a better concept for my 4e Warlord before the game started so went full "fuck it, time to fishmalk" and spent an entire campaign Umaruing it up
>gravitate towards
>That feel when you prove /r9k/ right
Dickish halfling bard that fucking sucked in combat and out. I blame my crappy skill at creating characters on that mostly.
>not playing yanderes
Stop talking shit about my waifu, you frogged mongoloid!
>When you play female characters, do their personalities gravitate towards the Raven or to the Starfire end of the spectrum?
Uh... Where's Ciri on this scale?
I do both fairly often. Starfire's "fish out of water" was a big inspiration for one of my favorite characters that I've played.
Necromantic construct (non-obvious) with the skills of a master class necromancer, and Starfire's personality. Did not understood why people freak out over the undead.
So the kind of character that demands everything their way and is generally a cunt
Literally playing Tiefling cameo of Raven in a 5E campaign. Raven all day.
God how I hated her sections of 3.
I could just not honestly give a fuck about what happened to her. I do not know if I just could not relate to her personally or if she was just badly written but her parts were a slog I skipped through as much as I could in the second play through.
When I play female characters their personalities gravitate towards the nearest dick hur hur
The Taiga end of the spectrum
They're always Rachel.
I only play females when I want to play an evil character.
I find that not relating to the characters sex, helps me detach from the vile deeds I commit.
Terra. The comic version, not the shitty sympathetic one from the cartoon.
You mean the one that pleased old men for money?
No, the one who pleased an old man for fun.
I play them as a villain in most games so I suppose tabletop should be about the same.
Is this /co/ version of the great Rei vs Asuka debate?
Neither. The one female character I play is a professional hardass fleet officer that Captains a fast battlecruiser. Aggressive almost to the point of being brash, confident near to arrogance, unyielding, loyal, and absolutely fearless. Then caps it off with being good enough to back it all up.
They gravitate toward being Akagi.
Go back to /pol/
Debate? Asuka is best.
This nigga gets it.
Starfire, but the fucked up backstory makes her have tons of Raven moments.
What are real numbers?
Female Character #1
80% Raven
Female Character #2
70% Starfire
Female Character #3
50/50% Split
Only absolutely shit roleplayers don't dip into both ends.
My last female character was literally just a paladin-esque Warblade that got cursed into beign a female through a cursed cape of flight.
My DM literally turned me into an angelic being, with beauty that could be matched by no mortal woman. He thought this would make me mad. It made me rock fucking solid being turned into a hot chick is one of my fetishes and I proceeded to just play a stoic, fair and just arm of the law. Not an arbiter of the law of mortals, though. I chose to become an almost literal avatar of Tyr/Heironeous.
In essence my character just got a shitload of character development and became an arbiter of justice and good.
And I played every session with a boner made of cast iron
When you play female characters, do their personalities gravitate towards the tomboy or to the christmas cake end of the spectrum?
The chuuni end.
Do I smell salt in the air?
On average, my female characters are closer to Raven in terms of personality characteristics.
You're right but why are you posting worst Asuka.
Pretty much what this guy said.
Make my characters 50% Raven and 50% Starfire.
She's serious when she has to be, but can be fun and flirtatious when the time comes and generally not a prude. She's neither a cunt or a loudmouth partygirl.
I've got no idea why he picked worst Asuka, but she's best girl for sure.
Nowhere, because the scale is utter shit.
Who the hell is this?
I'm glad we have been able to verify that we are all on the same page about this.
Some girls from Zone animation.
If you don't know what Zone is, you should leave this place and never come back, because you still can be saved.
Luna Lovegood methinks
Have you ever played with a char like that who WASN'T an absolute cunt? I haven't.
Ruby and Sapphire from Justice League
Both and more I guess?
I don't like playing characters with the same gimmicks and personality types in any word of the sense.
Shadman is better anyways
You are a gentleman and a scholar
if you like lots of piercings and tattoos
Why are tomboys and christmas cakes opposed?
Color the hair black and make the eyes blue and your Shepard looks exactly like mine.
I concur with this fellow who has astounding taste.
More like Inque from Batman Beyond.
I try to vary it from character to character. I hate playing similar characters in rapid succession.
>Playing as a female
>playing as anything but an exact copy of yourself
Is there a single Warcraft villain that wasn't corrupted by something?
The old gods, unless you presume they're corrupted by the void which they originate from.
But I think you're in the wrong thread.
Not really since both Asuka and Rei are terrible so it's an actual debate, Raven is shit and Starfire is great so there's no debate.