Post celebrities you think would be a That Guy
Post celebrities you think would be a That Guy
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What makes you say that about Fassbender?
Chris Evans
Well he does prefer black girls
Tarantino for sure.
Steven Segal, no doubt.
He would probably declare he helped write whatever game you were playing too
"I dunno Steve, I think it would be a bad idea for Shirojin to go into this combat single handed, you should probably let the rest of the party join you for backup."
>look, when I was in japan, I trained for twelve years to become a master samurai, so I would know how to snatch everymotherfuckerbirthday
Tom Hardy. Mostly because he's obviously an obnoxious bisexual jackass and there's only room for one of those at the table and because he's the original baneposter.
Holy fuck he's so fat
Someone post the webm of him just casually fucking people up with a tanto
I don't have that one, but I know what you're talking about and it is hilarious.
The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and Seagalposting burned so very brightly
Jesus he's rotund
Also why is he wearing two watches
>Not getting in to a hilarious Paranoia game with Fassbender
Shouldn't that read 'a floperator enters the premise'.
Jack Black guaranteed.
>halfling bard with ridiculous acrobatics
vin diesel
Can't believe Zach Galifianakis hasn't been posted yet. In everything he's done, he has been That Guy I see no reason he would change for a tabletop game.
Yeah, would be garbage.
Trips lie! Did he not sit down with Dame Judie Dench and play a game with her?
He was after that gmilf pussy.
He seems like a nice guy desu.
And just like that I'm a nazi.
Gropey the liar is known for making shit up to post fetish shit all over the place.
He doesnt leave his local neighborhood, much less do anything with someone of note.
I've always read "katanas are underpowered in d20" in his voice
>not putinem
You had one job!
And just like that, it's ruined.
The watch thing is actually a good idea when expecting combat: In a pinch, they can be used as brass knuckles (or brass wrists as the case may be) and you will have a spare should one give out.
How was any of that fetish shit?
>You enter the main chamber. The BBEG stands menacingl- Jack, why are you standing up?
>Ja- where did you keep that guitar?
>Jack, please stop singing.
Did you see his cringy game? Everyone literally just defered to him as the "bad ass" like Pitch Black.
She'd be the worst
This is probably the most problematic thing I've seen all day. Of course the fucking white male is a better swordsman than his Asian counterparts. I'm so g*ddamn triggered right now I can't even. It's 2016 and I shouldn't have to deal with this.
He's half tengu. He's got bird pubes.
He looks like my dad got drunk and forgot how to hold a rifle.
It's fucking disturbing.
Because it's always time to operate.
Keanu is actually part Asian.
But that's not important, he has a magic sword. Nothing to do with being better with it.
My english teacher in secondary school knew him, they went to the same youth center program thingy. (Think a load of teens doing artsy stuff with weird adults managing them) She said he was pretty cool. HE still comes home every year for St. Patrick's Day.
>ctrl+f 'Wil Wheaton'
>No results.
That guy's a jack ass, not much else.
The worst part is that he'd force Felicia Day into the group with him.
God, I just hate his fucking face.
I don't know enough about celebrities to say. Leslie Nielson seems like he would have been a disruptive player.
You know who'd be a great player, though? George Burns.
Speaking of great players, Stephen Fry would probably be the coolest
>not having a Nicolas Cage fetish
I would get up and leave the moment he showed up. I just KNOW he'd white knight any girls at the table, especially if he was allowed to force his waifu Felicia "I'm important to video games for some reason!" Day.
Just imagine, you're playing with a group you've been with for years. You're all friends and the dynamic is perfect. You've got in-jokes and stories and you playfully rib on eachother all the time. Typical friend stuff. One (or more) of the players is female. There are "hurr grrrl" jokes but everyone's cool, no creeping, no dickishness, just friends playing nerd games. Then the DM says there's a new guy, but it's someone you all know. You show up to the next session and there he is; Wesley fucking Crusher. He speaks in his typical, smug fuck tone. Like he's ever mattered. He brags about his shit show where he sucks at tabletop games and you use all your willpower not to shove 1D20+5 inches of foot up his ass right there on the spot.
The game begins, he rolls up something retarded that he thinks is clever, like he tries to make Pun-Pun or someshit, not realizing that that hasn't been possible in fucking years and even back then it was iffy. His character is shit, but he doesn't realize it, and just drags your group down with him. Then, it all comes to a head when you playfully rib Girl X. Something vaguely sexist, but she doesn't give a fuck. "Hurr durr git back in da kichenz." tier shit.
And he goes off. He just turns beet red in the face, foams at the mouth and starts screaming about muh soggy knees and how we're being problematic and all kinds of other stupid cunt shit. It ruins the mood, derails the game and you all just pack up and leave because you threatened to affirmative action his teeth down his throat and now everything's awkward.
Also, he's a shit actor.
>Stephen Fry.
>Has a husband 30 years younger than himself, and is often caught making attractive teenage boy jokes.
>Is bipolar.
Sure, cool.
At least he'd be funny and could probably take a joke. Though I do get a cunty vibe from him.
Still not as bad as Ricky Gervais would be. Holy shit, I don't think I could play a whole session without breaking a chair over him.
But what if he brought Karl Pilkington with him?
I have a feeling Gervais wasn't even acting when he played David Brent.
Even worse. Karl would just be the retarded guy who, no matter how many times you told how the game works, would still fuck up. Not a chance. I ain't doin' with this.
The only time he's acting is when he pretends to not be a colossal chode.
Fucking Hell.
He looks out of breath just from walking through the door.
Ricky, your wizard approaches the temple. You didn't say what it was you wanted here, I assumed you were looking to buy potions or get a spell cast on something?
>Right, what I want to do is, um, I'd like... if I could explain to them why their god is shite.
>But no, but, their god's real, innit. Their god grants spells and fings comes to visit every now an' again when 'es not knockin' about up in, y'know, Olympus or wherever.
>Fuckin' hell, stop talking shit. Don't know why we bring you along, don't know why you think you're entitled to your shit fucking opinion, you're a fucking ranger, not a fucking cleric, so you don't fucking know shit.
>Rick, ricky, let him finish, I think he's onto something here. He *does have* divine spell slots, you know, a whole two of them.
>Like the little cunt ever reads his spell list or prepares a fuckin' spell, bloody 'ell it's just fuckin' around with the little monkey companion fella every session. Can't fuckin' track an elephant over a mudfield, but he sure can use 'is fuckin' monkey to steal from shopkeeps, can't he.
>... alright.
The ironic thing is he's a world record holding martial artist with numerous dojos around the world.
He's just all washed up and fat now and was never any type of actor. Like, sub-Power Rangers level.
I lost it with this. Have some filename.
I'll just leave this here.
It's not edited from the original movie.
Holy shit. That was the longest and most numerous falls out of a single window I have ever seen.
Woah, he snatched that mother fucker birthday so hard that the universe lagged.
They actually had >20 cuts in just 15 seconds? Damn. That's next level.
David Tennant
It's like they couldn't decide which shot of him flying out of the window they liked the best, so they just used all of them.
>brazilian latency.webm
Stephen King
Oh my god, he wasn't kidding. This is some of the shittiest camera work I've ever seen. It's so fucking jittery and jumpy, I have no idea what's going on half the time. I just see some guy hitting things and Segal keeps calling him a hillbilly.
>For the last time, Stephen. It's D&D. I'm not going to set it in Maine.
>Can i play a Gunslinger/Paladin multiclass?
>not can I play as myself?
Do you even Stephen King?
The rest of the night is just him messily drunk, going on about demons and saying how scary things are.
What the fuck. Did the editor have a stroke or something? That's insane.
>Stephen HawKing
let's face it, he would be either powertripping minmaxed or trying to apply real life physics on everything
The black dude's face is like he just watched the exact same thing we saw.
Seagal snatched the editor's birthday and did the work himself.
I'd like to make a request for the remainder of this thread that if you post someone, give a fucking reason as to why they'd be shit.
Notice how nobody replied to or ? That's because a single picture doesn't start a conversation.
Just seeing his name is almost enough to make me reflexively post "shut up, Wesley".
how's the over/under on Crimnea for Russia anyways?
>that one shot half second shot of the black guy watching the guy fly out the window sandwiched between the fifty goddamn shots of the guy flying out the window
The comedic timing here is fucking incredible, actual parodies of this kind of movie could not construct a joke this perfectly.
It's like that part in Team America where they show the same shot from like 6 different angles, except without a shred of irony.
That gm
It'd probably get really old, really fast after the second or third Shyamalam'd campaign ending.
...I don't own a gun. I don't have any interest in owning a gun. I think "operators operating operationally" is a stupid meme.
But even I know that that is NOT how you enter a room with a potential ambush in it.
I'm also pretty sure you don't hold an assault rifle like a bazooka.
And that armor is supposed to fit.
>Mid-aged mutant fat ass turtles
I've never seen anyone give so little of a shit before.
James Cordon
Lena Dunham
Piers Morgan
Seth Rogan
Triple H
Patrick Stewart (sorry, but he would)
>Patrick Stewart
No, he would, you know it. I'm a massive fan, but he would thesp it up and demand to reroll 1's, and get away with it.
Because, you know, he's Patrick Stewart, and he wants to reroll his one's.
>Noted thespian and famously moral man demands petty privileges from players
>"Tone down the acting, Pat!"
What the fuck is the point of you, user.
A sense of fair play and a level playing field for all without entitlements, I think.
And you think CAPTAIN FUCKING PICARD wouldn't play ball?
I banish thee to the elemental plane of dicks.
No no. Captain Picard would be a bro gamer.
Sir Pat Stew would be a flouncy shoe stealer. It'd still be top entertainment. But it would ruin your gaming session every single time.
*show stealer.
If he stole my shoes, I doubt I would care.
He forced the writers to add a dune buggy shootout chase scene to a Star Trek movie just because he loves dune buggies, even though it was stupid and made no sense in regards to the prime directive.
Well I'm sorry to hear that