>Race of fungus people
>They are a hive mind
Overused ideas
>there is a church that vaguely resembles the Roman catholic
>turns out it is corrupt and evil
I think we've reached a point where Mushroom men are ALMOST as Fantasy standard as Dwarves and Elves.
>The witch the smalltownsfolk were going to burn at the stake was a misunderstood mage surrounded by closedminded hicks
>The goblins are only doing X because they have to in order to survive
>The city's government is a front, and is really controlled by dueling crime families
>The princess secretly knows how to fight
>The monarch's consul pulls all the strings
>Bait and switch evil mcguffin to generic lolcthulloo eldritch horrors
>No one is evil, just misunderstood, and you're the bad guy for punishing them.
>OP has a concept
>thinks it's good
I know right, it's fantasy, why not give us a church that's actually good for once?
That's completely untrue.
>Inspired by Dark Souls
>Bait and switch evil mcguffin to generic lolcthulloo eldritch horrors
Of all the things posted in this thread, this is the most offensive
>Political intrigue
>Inspired by game of thrones
>inspired by [meme vidya of the week]!
>it's a [(not)Place] setting!
>inspired by GoT!
>inspired by """history""" {you know, the class you failed twice?}
>inspired by [capeshit]
>transhumanism/"hard" scifi
>it's a Nordic setting!
>it's a Celtic setting!
>it's a Russian setting!
>it's a sandbox!
>it's narrative!
>it's political intrigue!
>I did "extensive" """research""" for this game!
>mfw my fantasy setting falls into none of these
>Kill things, miraculously solve everything.
Shit man what isn't offensive to you
>Bloodborne comes out
"Hey guys I've got this wild idea, I'm going to run a setting based on bloodborne!"
>DSII comes out
"Hey guys I've got this wild idea, I'm going to run a setting based on dark souls!"
I mean jesus christ I like those properties too, but there is a line between learning from the thematic elements of a piece and just straight up fanfic bandwagon games.
>it's a Russian setting
>Baba Yaga is the central character
>you know how Russian culture and history literally revolve around Baba Yaga right
>everything else is just generic nordic with some slav names here and there
I do research for all my characters. It never comes up in game, I just do it for me
>fantasy game
>scifi game
>nonhumans commit genocide
>nonhumans dindu nuffing
>humans defend themselves
>humans are the real evil guys
>nonhuman race
>better than humans
>Everyone is racist against the poor, oppressed orcs.
>play it the exact opposite.
>Turns out they are truly evil little shits.
>humans are the youngest and most versatile race.
Their is one already, it's the Church of Iomedae.
I don't mind that so long as the idea isn't a carbon copy of the setting.
For example GM had an idea based on DS3 where the players all play epic level hero's returned from the dead by some unknown force. There will be an over arching plot, but the main theme is the players figuring out what the hell happened to there legacies while they were dead. A part from the similarities between the lords of cinder and the PC's there won't be much in common with DS3
I don't really know where the fuck this comes from but I hate it.
In my setting the oldest race are the nature spirits (fae), and when the humans show up, ONE of them (a demigod) tries to overcome the natural forces of the world, and in response the fae shape some of their kind into human shapes in order to create a warrior caste to combat the first humans, and this caste was the elves.
The elves are the versatile young race, and they have trouble forming communities because now that their initial purpose is moot, they really don't have much else in the way of greater meaning.
What games are you playing where fungus people are common, and how can I join? One of my favorite races, and they won't be there if I don't put them there.
No, I often find that just cribbing most of it for your own setting while not doing a carbon copy is just as bad, if not worse. There is a fine line between taking inspiration and pretty much just using the exact themes and core conceits while just renaming things and throwing in your own fanfiction, but when it IS the latter, it's obvious, lazy, and often feels disingenuous in the same way you might find a chinese knockoff action figure of NEWEST MARVEL MOVIE HERO.
>Wench turns out to be succubi
>Dragons are good
>Elves are nature bound
>BBEG wants to live forever
>Every planet consists of only one topographical feature
>Technology is basically magic
>Every alien race is humanoid
>Humans have something special about them in any setting sci-fi or fantasy.
>In sci-fi greedy corporation doesn't understand monster threat.
>"Celtic Inspired"
>Vague mish-mash of hippy druid bullshit and vague Irishness
>tfw no Buggane hunting in the moors
>tfw no shitting yourself when the Bugganes start throwing their heads at you
>tfw you need to get these trousers back to the monks
>The NPCs who work for [Authority] betray the players at the end of the adventure
>inspired by JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
>Keeps sentient races as slaves
pick one
>inspired by:
>Steven Universe
>Rick and Morty
>Gravity Falls
>Adventure Time
This holy shit, JoJofags are just one step above fetish posters in terms of awfulness
I actually kinda pulled a reversal of this once. A Lancae et Sanctum Nossie turned out to be a Pretty Good Guy and a pillar of his community... aside from needing blood every now and then but he never took from anyone who couldn't handle a point or two of lethal.
>Rick and Morty
I don't see what the huge issue with that would be, so long as they aren't being hyper derivative. I've also never seen it before.
The rest I have seen, and yes they were all cancer.
>lazy Aztec anything
JoJo is fun to read and watch, but I think playing it would be like playing wizards who only know one spell.
>it's an Eastern European setting!
Code word for "I just skimmed Wikipedia and saw this SICK ASS three headed dragon! Baba Yaga? Yeah she's the BBEG, all of their legends revolve around her. Wait, there's more than just Slavs in east Europe? Uh, don't vampires come from there? This is getting kinda boring...LETS THROW IN ELVES, DWARVES, AND HOBBITS! Yuck, a Leshi? Sounds weird. OK, I think reading 2 children's fairytale has given me a comprehensive understanding of eastern legends and culture."
>elves and dwarves are Tolkien-inspired
>dwarves are chiefly Scottish
>anything Tolkien-inspied in general
>big evil demon overlord tries to destroy/take over the world for the bazillionth time just because he's eeeeevuuuuul
>slapping a carbon copy of X irl culture in the game
>with a tweest
Kill me now.
The video game tome4 takes this to a hilarious extreme. In the backstory, there were like three mass exterminations of the orcs. In the default campaign, you destroy their civilization AGAIN, and this time for no real reason. Two non-orc wizards manipulated the orc clans through wizard trickery to help them put together their world-destroyin' device. The notes you find indicate that the orcs were starting to wise up to them, but you just kill them and take all their stuff anyway.
The halflings in that setting are also literally nazis.
Yes. Except for dragons. I like dragons.
Ya, fuck you. Shit taste.
>Overused ideas
>Race of fungus people
>The Royal Family is as inbreeded as the deepest southern family
Worst part is that is fucking shit actually happen
Wait, does this even count?!
>rock and roll bards
And no one ever does the concept justice.
>BBEG has access to literally everything
>BBEGs henchmen are everywhere and always watching you
>BBEGs henchmen know everything and anything
>Quest giver knows everything and anything
>Quest giver is the heir to some long lost kingdom or something
>female soldiers wear chainmail bikinis
>fight effectively, have notable armor scores
>male soldiers wear chainmail loin cloths
>fight effectively, DM looks smug because he totally flipped it on it's head lol
Either way, it is fucking dumb
>And no one ever does the concept justice
Coming off of this
>Morality is super gray and no one is ever right or wrong
Some times a bandit is just a bandit. There does not need to be a deeper story behind it.
>i work out my latent racism through my setting where humans are perfect special snowflakes and every other player race is intentionally gimped or hated so badly in the setting they're functionally unplayable but I still offer them to punish people i think are objectively inferior for playing pretend as something other than shit sucking human peasant
Stop it, all of you.
If I wanted to reread The Turner Diaries, I'd just do that.
Is it that overused?
You should see the vidya side of it. Its fucking cringe worthy.
I remember I was in a Stellaris thread and people were asking for a mod to remove all blacks from the game
and woman
Its honestly laughable
you know the silly thing is that Tolkien had his dorfs be middle eastern/ Jewish hence the joke about no dorf women. Just think bro Ottoman dorfs or mugahal dorfs or Ethiopian dorfs
I'm not the guy you're talking to, but I'm sorry that their ways of having fun are not to your personal tastes, user.
Jojo is shit and you are shit.
>The player is a big bitch baby nerd who is too jaded to enjoy things after searching it for insignificant, arbitrary details that are part of their infinite list of sperg-triggers
>BBEG wants to live forever
Nigga you tellin me if you lived in a world where magic and wonder were real and everywhere that you wouldn't want to have plenty of time to explore it? I agree that its kinda lazy to have that be their only motivation for doing really extreme evil in a "serious" game of [whatever], though.
When I DM I never bring up that I'm getting this or that idea from JoJo (then again, I don't crib from anything all that much) and my players never seem to complain, even when they catch me.
I could see a game that was literally trying to be JoJo as pretty traumatic, though, definitely.
he definately had his dwarves inspired by Jews (hence the no women joke and their greediness ) but people emphasized their Scottish side so much, they kinda missed the point of them and mistook it as their most defining feature.
We've finally reached the point where JoJo is like the new MLP. People who haven't even watched this show fucking hate it lol. I actually really like JJBA, but I'm glad that we're at this phase of the meme cycle because for a while there I was reeeaaal tired of seeing it on here.
>>it's a Russian setting!
People do this?
Where can I find them? I'd love to do a campaign based on Slavic culture and mythology.
It bums me out because we're finally at the best part and now it's cool to hate on JoJo, if the hate had come in Part5 it would have been perfect
Name 3 settings that do this dumb notfrogposter
No, it's people who've read and seen it who recognize that it's overrated shit that's as retarded as its fans are, which is an incredible level of retardation.
It almost reaches Baki levels of stupid.
Nice opinion, have any more?
Factually false, it's people reacting negatively towards the fanbase assuming it's terrible because of the circlejerks. Fanbase reflecting badly on the thing they like.
That's the way of Veeky Forums, something becomes too popular and it immediatelly becomes shit, happens all the time in /v/, less frequently on other boards
Now, this might come as a shock, but did you know every single base has a number if circlejerking assholes in it? Is everything shit then, user?
yep, spot on. for me i like on the idea of highly religious dorfs, who live as minorities in human lands as goldsmiths and merchants yet deeply resent the humans and trolls they live alongside and retain the old language and part of there customs.
The art is atrocious, especially for an action manga. You can barely make out what's happening in any scene, and the faces are hideous. The exaggerated proportions and poses are done with less of a sense of style, and more of just general ineptitude as an artist that the guy tries to drown out with excessive detailing.
The character designs are likewise terrible, ranging from BDSM dungeon rejects to BDSM dungeon rejects in ill-fitting street clothes.
Jojo is hardly "popular", it just has a few dedicated shitposters attached to it.
Mmhm, any more?
This is probably the worst thing to happen to tg since quest threads
why are quests threads bad?
There you go trying to diminish its popularity while claiming that the only people who could possibly enjoy it are shitposters.
Remember when that happened to Undertale?
>greedy corporation (that's a tautology btw) doesn't understand [thing]
That's not an overused cliche, that's just how things work.
That's like complaining a setting's gravity works like it does IRL.
Realistically, most corporations are aware when they do something hazardous or immoral, they just don't care.
When corporations do stupid shit that actually costs them profits, it's a lot rarer.
>mfw I'm doing this
>mfw all my players are first timers
>mfw they'll be interested/surprised, just like they have been with every other shitty overused trope I've trotted out, because they don't know any better
They shit up the board with low quality "roleplaying," encourage cross board traffic because of dumb shit like Animu quest and generally are a waste of space
I want that Smough
Yet at the same time without them we'd have the same amount of traffic /lgby/ or /vp/ have, slow as fuck boards
who hurt u?
They sell Jojo shit at the FYE near where I live. I could care less about whether or not you like the show, but if it's so unpopular why is there merch available in commercial outlets, fucboi? You tellin me merchants try to sell shit that isn't popular?
The battles are poorly scripted and rely on logic that has no relation to anything you can find in a rational universe, the plot is a mess that's clearly the result of a stressed mangaka making shit up as he goes along, the characters are universally unlikable and are basically an assembled cast of unfunny jokes, and the drama is so hamfisted and the humor so bland that you spend more time laughing at all the momenta except the times the author wants you to laught.
If the quest board is any indication, the quest posters are but a small fraction of tg posters who take up a disproportionate amount of board space
Opinions, opinions, opinions, all asserted as fact. Were you touched by a muscleman as a child or something? I don't get why you have such a hateboner for a TV show user.
ahhhhhh this makes me happy. I'm gonna switch my Dwarves to fuckin Hindu merchants and shit. Just the culture i was looking for
Mughals are Muslims, not Hindus.
What makes Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fun is the creative ways the characters use their abilities, in my opinion. If you're just going to go "le stand oraoraora xD" your way through every encounter, then what's the point?
Why are you such a contrarian faggot? Not even that guy but holy shit are you this smug in real life? No wonder you watch that shit, you have to find something to distract you from the loneliness induced by your insufferability
There are some Jojo fans that aren't shitposters. Like the people who post in the SSS and try to keep the topic on actually working on incorporating the setting into games.
But then there's the faggots like yourself who have some bizarre need to exaggerate how popular it is, likely because you realize that it is shit and that you need to try and establish it as something other than mediocre so you can spam about the show on a traditional games board without people telling you to fuck off and die.
Okay, cool, what else?
They're all asserted as opinions, dimwit.
And, none of those opinions are particularly rare.
Oh yeah? How many times has that come up during play for you, then?
What about orcs or goblins? How many times have they?
Its fans are retarded and have poor taste, and tend to lack any sort of strategy when arguing.
You know, I really want to go with the princess who secretly doesn't know how to fight.
>"THEY'RE STAGED! The alchemist drugs them and the court mage throws them around while I play the crowd! Father was trying to sway his generals to declare me heir apparent and ignore my uncle's meat-head son! I've never held a real sword in my life!. I EMBROIDER FOR GOD'S SAKE!"
I feel like the people who violently dislike JoJo are the same sperglords who cry about realism in fantasy and haven't watched a single episode or read a single chapter, getting all their information secondhand from excited fans and get butthurt when they aren't immediately in on everything first, so get offended.