Like a character art thread, but add a quote and maybe a theme. Trying to get some inspiration for characters, heroes or villains as long as they get you thinking, so feel free to writefag.
"I can hear you dying. And rightly so."
Like a character art thread, but add a quote and maybe a theme. Trying to get some inspiration for characters, heroes or villains as long as they get you thinking, so feel free to writefag.
"I can hear you dying. And rightly so."
"I do what I've been doing since we met. I survive."
"Blessed is the aim that seeks out the heretic." ~My DW Ultramarine
I'm rather proud of how grimdark it sounds.
Wouldn't the aim BE seeking the heretic, though?
Aim is a verb, it can't perform an action. That's like saying "blessed is the eat that runs that farthest."
I've heard plenty of people say "My aim is true" or "if you aim is true".
Clearly you can't say "my eat is true" but you can say it with aim.
Actually, you can salvage that pretty easily:
>Blessed is his aim that seeks out the heretic
Now it's "him" that's "seeking", rather than "aim" doing the seeking.
It was said correctly the first time.
Me gustalo.
The noun form of aim is "the ability to hit a target". Your ability can be blessed, but it can't seek.
Aim is both a verb and a noun, depending on how it is used. That sentence is using clever wordplay such that it can be used in both ways.
"I'll burn that bridge when I come to it."
Stop fucking with the forces of good and junk! Also, I'm dead now.
For the love of all the non-evil gods HELP!
"its like Bruce lee used to say, be like blood, it can trickle or it can spurt or something like that"
The aim of this post is to tell you that "aim" can also be a goal or measure.
Duty does not end with death.
Always liked this one.
Where's that from? That's literally the character I usually play, minus hair color of course
"Oi mate fifty quid n i'll rim ya silly lad not even foolin."
"You started this conflict with a pen. I will end it with my blade."
"Do you feel it?" ...
"It comes to us, naturally. It calls and begs." ...
At this point she picks up her hammer from the floor and approaches the downed cultist.
"The cries of all these lost souls - they demand retribution. And they shall it!"
"Come out and die like a man!"
"My favorite part of the game. Sudden death."
"I finally get it! The dust, the lint in the pocket! Don't you see, the killer is-"
I'll make you pay for all your sins, one cut at a time!
"Listen, I would love to just sit with my thumb up my ass and watch your brother die. I really would; in fact, I'm doing so right now the more I talk with you. But for the life of me, I just can't stand the sound of your voice spouting the bullshit it's spouting with that 'I know more than you do' attitude you have going on. Now I am more than willing to cut him open and get rid of those squirmy parasites that are giving his organs frisky love nibbles, but you have GOT to shut. The Hell. Up! And let me do the voodoo that only I can do."
"On a side note; you have the Mighty Mom bit down to a capital T. So maybe I should leave them in him and know that they'll be raised by a loving mother and father."
*pats party member on the shoulder*
"Good talk, Candance."
"Seriously? I thought you guys said we'd try a diplomatic approach."
>You assaulted that man!
"Alright. I'll never do it again."
>Yes you will.
"All the more reason this debate is pointless."
"I don't owe any of you a damn thing. You can't force me to me to do anything. Because what are you going to kill me? "
I don't need to be fine. I only need to be alive.
To my character
"Stop hitting the town gaurds with a gnome"
>"Ya smell that? Orcs, over the next rise. Probably haulin' back loot after a raid. Git yer bow ready, boy! We're makin' wage tonight!"
>Playing a Tzimisce
>Skin head humans trying to pull a fight in the middle of a pub.
>Make use of the poor lighting to approach to the "alpha".
>Use vicissitude on him for seal his mouth.
>Whisper to his ear.
"Stupidity is too expensive"
>And they shall it
What did he mean by this?
>Be Playing Shadowrun 5e
>Be playing a gamebreakingly potent summoner black hat Black Magic PhysMag
>Be an elf who spends *WAY* too much on suits
>Go for long energetic walks in the Redmond Barrens alone at night.
>Be stopped by Gangers who want to fight me for being a knife ear on their turf
"Oh.... That is adorable. I like how you fine chaps think Im going to be afraid. No no.... Im not taking this delightfully bracing constitutional for me. I'm walking the boys. Mephistopheles, be a dear and educate this fine Orc-like gentleman on the finer poin..... Or just decorticate him.... As you wish my pet...
Why are you all running?!?!"
(This is a 100% true story, that happened in game)
>"I'm going to tell you one more time, place your tentacles above what I assume is your head, or else!"
>"I'll level with you. I'm no born hero. I'm just some kid trying to stay alive and save my friends. I'm not some infallible force of nature. I've made mistakes before. Letting you live was one of them."
I study linguistics.
I just came here to say that you're a fucking retard.
Underrated p0st.
>"Honor? Duty? Whatever bullshit lines they fed you to get you out here it will get you dead in a ditch, It ain't real we play for keeps here."
"Well it wouldn't be a blood-sport if there weren't any blood, would it, sport? Besides, there's nothing on TV tonight."
'Maybe we should knock?'
>"You think you can take me on?"
>"If you think I'll submit to the likes of you, you've got another thing coming sis!"
>"Come on! Are you trying to tickle me? You call That an attack?"
>"You again? You won't beat me this time: I'll mess you up!"
>dat bulge
>"We can do this the hard way or... no, just the hard way."
>"Sure I'll put out... Your lights. Pervert."
>"Fuck you!" He shouldn't have said that, in hindsight.
"Hehehehe.... weaklings like you should just die..."
"Don't take it personally, kid"
"You call this a fight? Pathetic..."
"Haha! Too easy!"
"Your worthless attempts at resistance only further your own demise... foolish human."
holy shit this thread is making me remember all the worst parts of Naruto
what the fuck is wrong with all of you
'Almost' doesn't mean shit if you lose. You don't almost survive, you don't almost save the girl and pat yourself on the back. This is not practice for the real thing, you've got one shot, and if you fail that's it. So don't give me your excuses and 'Almosts'.
"Oh no, I'm falling." -Goku Uzumaki
"You shall not hurt my people for as long as I stand. Do not pursue us any further and I will show you mercy!"
"Happiness is the Water of Life, my child. We are but the flowers in Life's garden and it is our duty to water each other. But take heed, too much Water can kill a plant just as easily as not enough."
-Alabaster "Old Man" Mullen
I swear thats almost a straight rip from an anime. I just can't recall the damn name of it.
"If only it were that simple! If only there were somewhere evil people resolutely doing evil deeds, and all that was necessary was to separate them out and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil runs through the heart of every human being, and who is willing to destroy a piece of their own heart?"
I come bearing the word of my god. This word is "Begone".
Ky? Iz it you?
It's elvish, you wouldn't understand, nerd.
I fucking love malaphors.
>there are no gods in this cold void, therefore, I must become one.
'Honour is honour. It does not change to suit circumstance, and it does not stoop to encompass squalid creatures such as you.'
>I betrayed no one!
>Innocents die so humanity may live. I ended their suffering, as I will end yours.
Not everything is from an anime, Shinji-kun.
No. Its literally from a scene where a sister who was visiting her live alone brother on campus. She was deducting points for infractions like dirty rooms, poor diet, dirty books (except for older sis X Younger bro which netted him points), etc.
Basically came down to if he fails his exams, cause saving the world ate up study time) she'd flunk him and he'd have to move back with her.
He said something like "i'll do my best" And she explodes going on how "trying your best" doesn't mean jack shit. Literally word for word of what that guy said except replace "almost" with "trying your best."
Turns out she meant it as her hands were all fucked up from trying to make the bro's favorite dish and she kept fucking up until she made a perfect dish.
But the point is i remember the tongue lashing word for word. Maybe its one of those cosmic coincidences or something.