Let's have a thread about art that isn't for characters. Environments, magical items, monsters, encounters, situations... Stuff that sparks ideas.
I don't have a lot to dump myself, which is why I want this to be a thing.
Not-character art thread
Feel free to contribute at any time.
I find these kinds of images really useful as a gm, so I don't know why we don't see these more often.
I think that's all the pictures I have.
Would love to play this: guild of armored guys hunting dragons.
Thanks bruh!
I'll post some stuff I have.
Lemme see what I got. We doing magic items and whatnot?
Well, that's all for now.
I wish we would invent/discover a mineral that could be used to build architecture like in pictures like these.
/r/ing stupidly huge monsters
Have you checked this thread out yet? Fun stuff.
/r/ing aquatic monsters
Walking mountains are awesome.