Tell me about the lizard people of your setting.
Tell me about the lizard people of your setting
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Slaving conquistadors from a Night Lands style apocalyptic distant future, trapped in the present after chasing down the ancient Mayan vampires who traveled to the end of time to make war on them
They're dragons.
A vanity project by Grafters back in the days before the fall, a thousand years ago. However they, like many beast people, survived by breeding true. Unlike many beast people who know they are part Human, the Lizans think they were lizards uplifted by the Gods.
The fact they have a human base is how I justify Lizard Tits.
Well they are defenitly not "Kobolde" but real lizard/dragonoid people
Egyptian crocodilemen that control one of the mightiest empires on the continent. They are close allies with the nomadic Gnoll tribes, who travel the desert, hunting large earth elementals to harvest metals and stone, and trade to the crocodilemen.
Swamp dwelling primitive reptiles that think they had an empire years ago.
>not meso-americans
I welcome this.
Kobolds are diminutive, subterranean, and Jewish. No, seriously.
They're oftentimes found working in dull, complicated jobs such as accounting and bureaucratic administration.
They're also pretty nimble for coldblooded lizards.
we wuz kings
They're quadrupedal but can also stand on their hind legs. They're 8 feet tall on average and are fairly large, looking identical to Komodo Dragons. Most of them are farmers who are conscripted by their high priests to fight for the empire as armored shock troops. Don't like Humans and are suspicious of Elves. They aren't really sentient until adulthood, so they press-gang their children into working as cattle to help move plows and work the farm.
A looming unknown threat
They reside on the far south of the now-ruined beastman empire. While the current campaign revolves around fighting THEM off, afterward, the ravages of the south will come at the hand of scale claw and tentacle.
As you see, they are ruled by cyclops an masters from the depths
They're big Greeks that live in underwater cities and do Kung fu.
As much as I like Meso-American, it doesn't fit the rest of the setting, which is classical Mediterranean.
Living off in an archipelago, led by a council of dragons who are forced to play nice with each other by an epic level druid who will slap their shit when needed.
Pretty isolationist, happy to let the world do through it's cycles, only acting when something that threatens the entire world rears it's head.
Really? C'mon man
Back in the Bronze age, they had a great empire of magical flying cities and had enslaved most of the races in the world. Now they live in fear in the frozen north in small cities surrounded in circles of fire to keep them warm, afraid that the immortal ex-slave that led a slave rebellion and continued with an attempted genocide that destroyed their great civilization will show up and finish the job.
Their civilization fell due to a combination of economic collapse and the wizard's master/apprentice system utterly failing when too many masters died without passing off their knowledge of how to make any of the wonders sustaining their civilization. There was no slave revolt or immortal leader, it's all folktales that got mistaken for history.
Literally jews. They love being around / hoarding gold so they take up professions as bankers, auctioneers and high-profile traders.
They are a servant underclass of various kingdoms. They are curiously servile, and a small portion of them make a pilgrimage to their ancestral lands every year, occasionally returning with newborns.
Their secret is that they are reptilian androids. They were left behind to monitor the other races when their creators went extinct.
I prefer dragonborn. Toying with adding lizardmen, but nothing more advanced than these guys
They are a decadent nobility living in the shadows of their fallen empire, which has been overtaken by humans and elves (no dwarfs in this setting, serpent and lizard people fulfill the role).
They know forgotten alchemical secrets and amazing archano-magical technology that other races would kill for, but they use it all for flippant purposes and are constantly scheming against one another while their physically powerful lizardfolk servitors bow and scrape and hope in vain for a return to their past glories.
Draconians are a branch of lizardmen. They're abandoned as eggs to be raised by others, and their young transform in the shell to match whatever adopts them (mostly humans). They mature at the same rate as their adopted species, but their mental maturity takes awhile to catch up. They can only transform back to their dragon selves when they reach adulthood. Raising a dragon child is seen as good luck in more northern cultures where they're more common, and are reviled in the south.
A majority of draconians currently serve the dictator king, as he has treated their kind the best and has provided their people with respectable employment.
They are a pre-Industrial civilization based around a mix of Meso-American and Assyrian Civilization with a smidgeon of Greek city-states. For the most part, they are ruled by a high priesthood who controls all government strata, and that is propped up by a strong military class. The rest of society is your odd mixture of peasants and laborers.
Centuries ago they were actually an intestellar race, and the world they live on is not their homeworld. Instead they fought against an advance society with a God-complex, and were resoundingly defeated.
Currently they live on a Temperate world that lies in the de-militarized zone between humanity's space and the other major empire in the region. Humanity has a small research facility there run by a Senator who's a little gung-ho about "properly uplifting a primitive society." Their facility is set up in a caldera isolated from the main cities.
In the past few years, droughts have devastated crops despite the improved farming techniques the humans have taught; tensions are rising between the city states, and a brutal war has been waged between the Holy League (under the Priesthood) and another league dedicated to a rising warrior-nobility class. The Senator will not allow intervention, and it has only grown more and more brutal.
Things will only get worse.
iguana farmers
during the day they take a siesta and sit around on rocks sunning themselves. basically Mexican migrant workers.
Basically ISIS. They live in the deserts and worship a blue dragon god which they believe will come to earth and lead them to war against the inferior races.
Despite being at war with everyone, they are quite civilized for a classic lizardfolk kingdom. None of them knows arcane magic, and exiles who pursue magical knowledge among the strangers are prosecuted as heretics.
They are pretty serious alchemists tho. Somewhere in the south there's a tower-prison (sort of area 51) where a group of clerics and apothecaries experiment shit. They answer to the Caliph and to no one else.
Cliff dwellers. Like the Hopi native american tribes, they live on semi-sheer cliff faces. Their easily defensible positions make them difficult prey for bandits and invading armies alike.
A race of primitive reptile creatures that wallow in mud huts and sleep in their own feces. Only encountered as raiding creatures that eat those weaker than them.
About as entertaining as a modern day Amazon tribe.
They're a bunch of CUNTS that eat people.
That and they keep trying to summon the GOD Dragon that almost destroyed the world.
Holy crap I'm tired of people getting sentient and sapient switched! Remember kids, sentience only means that something can consciously respond to stimulus, sapience is the ability for logic and reasoning.
Sounds radical.
eventually it'll mean whatever people think it means
I know, but until that happens, it will forever trigger my autism.
Has it really been done that much? Besides Warhammer, I really just see super primitive lizard-men.
They live in rivers and behave like alligators who wear pants.
The lizardfolk are a kindly and rather ironically warm-blooded sort who are willing to lend a helping hand to any travelers passing by.
They're more attached to the societies of the spoken peoples than the dragonborn, who tend to stick to themselves and are by and large the rarest race to see outside of their homelands.
When a lizardfolk picks up arms, it's either for the sake of friends, family or homelands Or if those filthy dragon-worshipping gem-scale dragonborn are involved.
Many races have had a lot of trouble telling the difference between male and female lizardfolk, until they started catching onto the spoken people's fashion senses.
Watching a five foot tall lizard putting on a dress and makeup is a little... Entertaining, to say the least.
Their most commonly attached religious following is that of Avandra, as without Her gracious guidance they never would have ventured forth out of the mires they hail from.
As a race blessed by the same mysterious entity that united and uplifted the spoken peoples, the Lizardfolk, or Lík Laq in their own language, can theoretically breed with any other of the spoken races, although due to biological compatability issues, this is often seen as extremely difficult.
Half-Laq as a race, in the same vein as a half elf, combine the racial characteristics of both races and produce their own strangeness as well.
The most notable characteristics carried over from their lizardfolk heritage is their physical sexual ambiguity, tails, and skin that as they age slowly flakes and hardens into scales.
They like to sacrifice warm blooded sentient mammals to Set in their forgotten temples hidden in the ancient deserts of Stygia, so a little bit of genocide is a perfectly acceptable and reasonable action.
The post-post-post-apocalyptic Seriously, they've survived like 4 apocalypses and the utter collapse of their entire civilization remnants of the warrior/worker race/caste of the multiversal serpentman empire that were left here upon its collapse due to genocide from basically everyone in multiple universes. Nowadays they are just primitive tribes who just try to survive and shun "modern" people, think Sentinelese islanders.
They are essentially the descendents of reptilian doomsday preppers and /k/ommandos who went innawoods when shit started to hit the fan. Then their cult leaders suddenly go full god from the serpentmans Divinity Engine exploding and seeding thousands of divine sparks across the solar system. Yes, incredibly ancient snake people are responsible for the creation of several whole pantheons by way of super science going drastically awry
Long, long extinct.
Were created by an Archmage in ages past to guard his swamp sanctum sanctorum.
Then when the Mage disappeared the sparsely populated race were wiped out by Orcish aggression, having lost their magical protections and charms.
They're not humanoid, they're more like gigantic talking monitor lizards.
Very calm people, extremely methodical. Takes a lot of pressure to make them move fast. Somewhat philosophical, spend a lot of time meditating (or just plain old basking).
So they're scaly ents.
Sorta. Less harmony with nature. Not everything has to be super original man.
Magically adept shut-ins with a shining metropolis. Breathe fire, lightning, or water. Some have wings instead. Mostly quiet, reserved. Intimidate most other races because of their height. Usually fuck off from their families at an early age to find a belonging with friends.
There is also rumor of an underground fight club where young ones go to escape their stuffy magic-run society for good old fashioned fisticuffs.
Are those booty shorts, user.
Do you have something to tell us?
I can smell the Conan from here.
Closest thing I have to lizard people are amphibious six-legged alien eel-cats who rule the few civilized cities of the sunless, ice-locked future Earth. They're a very religious yet scientifically and culturally advanced race who are seen as saviors by their human thralls. The Earth was a much worse place before they came to claim it as their Holy Land.
"Descendants" of an ancient dragon god who are trying to remove anything without scales or horns from the island formed from his corpse. The only thing that's preventing them from succeeding is the lack of central leadership and infighting between clans.
The dragon born were created as a servant race for the true dragons, but after the dragons' numbers dwindled the dragonborn were able to build up their own (vaguely Assyrian) empire of aggressive sorcerers. After a disastrous war with the giants they civilization was left in shambles. Some of them fled to floating islands were they've built a shadow of their former nation. The ones left on the surface were either reenslaved by dragons and forcibly turned into kobolds, or they devolved into (the slightly backwards) sun worshiping lizardfolk that everybody is used to.
The kobolds don't really deviate from your standard fantasy kobolds, but the lizardfolk live in tribal societies focused around the slowly crumbling remains of their once great ziggurats. They follow a might-makes-right philosophy that generally puts the strongest in charge, but they don't value intelligence too much. If tribes ever start fighting they don't really strategize or anything, they just kind of stab eachother until one side gives up or runs out of warriors.
Once a year in the summer they gather around the nearest ziggurat, putting aside any disputes, and they pray, feast, and soak up the sun.
Mog-Hes-Li/La (Lizard-Folk)
Li 1.3m HP:40 MP:70 SP:6 CW:10kg
Armored Soul | You gain Resist 1 Magical Damage
La 1.9m HP: 70 MP:0 SP:4 CW: 35kg
Armored Scales | You gain Resist 1 Physical Damage
Both the Li and La branches of the Lizard Folk share an ability
Regenerative Blood | While injured you gain Regeneration 3, You can also regenerate arms, legs, tails(possibly other appendages) at the rate of 1CM per 5 days until fully regrown.
Basically one big brand and one smaller branch, not sure if I was to separate between male/female or something
we wuzssssss kingsssssssssss*
Ever heard 'The Song of the Hertasi Water-Killers'?
"We serve our brother humans, we seek no wealth or fame. But our forbearers ruled this world before the monkeys came."
Recently reawoken former overlords of the world.
Not terribly impressed with what the mammals have (failed to) accomplished in the millenia since they entered hibernation. Considering retaking the world, if they can awaken enough of their fellow saurians. Like warm weather.
They are engineered albino bipedal 4' tall whiptails. They were uplifted purely by accident into sapience having originally been a test bed for inserting photosynthetic/thermosyntetic capability into higher vertebrates. Their monitoring and control nanites have gone somewhat Von Neuman in the millennium since the fall of humanity's supremacy and now can be found across the alien world. This web of nanites is the basis for magic in this era and they have an innate ability to access it even though many do not understand it.
They are all female and reproduce via parthenogenesis. They exist in scattered enclaves that are usually inhospitable to other races and keep to themselves after a failed bid at global domination ages ago. Their religion centers around reverence for the web of magic and promotes population control in order to avoid the wrath of sky demons that decimated their once mighty empire. A few rouge heretical tribes have spawned from individual outcasts that have managed to convince sky demons and starfallen to remove the bindings on their reproduction. These tribes tend to attach themselves to whatever faction has freed them and are actively hunted by clerics/Paladins under the orders of the mainline holy mothers.
They are small and quick but not very strong and tire quickly. They can survive with little food but must have warmth or light. Without a natural source they must draw upon the web for energy. Heretics must rely on their internal magic stores or temporarily wrest control of a local web to perform magic. Mainliners have access to advanced magitek but are afraid to use it widely. Heretics are good at augmenting mundane tech with selfcontained magic enchantments and spells.
My lizardfolk are the youngest race in the setting, having entered the world about three hundred years ago when their desert home rose up out of the Great Expanse (basically a large void that the rest of the world floats above). They've only just recently welcomed their fourth generation into the world.
They grow to eight to nine feet tall and trend toward fairly broad builds. They have four arms and long necks. Lizardfolk all share a very strong connection with the elemental spirits found in stone and they reflect this in their appearance and temperament. Their scales resemble anything from marble to granite to sandstone. Anything that's not metal or crystal (those fall under a different race).
Typically they're stoic, a bit slow, and very level headed.
They don't have a typical developmental cycle. Instead of mating and having children, new lizardfolk rise out from the sand of their home at the cusp of adulthood, already knowing how to speak and some basic skills which allow them to survive until they find a settlement. For this reason they're seldom found outside their home region as they have no means to meaningfully propagate.
Being such a young race, they don't have many quirks to their culture yet. Stonecarving is an important trade in their society though, as they must carve their cities and villages out of the mountains and canyons to shelter themselves from the violent sandstorms that sweep their home. They're also known to include the sun in much of their own slang, typically in forms of encouragement or well-wishing as the sun warms their cold-blooded bodies and gives them the energy to work. They're also quite fond of the khopesh as a weapon even though they've never been involved in a proper war.
Desert-dwelling gecko-like reptilians with strong Persian overtones, but with some Zen Buddhist and Imperial Japan influence. They're relatively small, only a meter tall on average with slender builds, but comparatively strong for their stature and do have the ability to climb walls (they naturally find the concept of ladders and stairs strange and hilarious). They are terribly adapted to night time and colder climates, though, unable to move as quickly or focus as strongly on tasks when temperature drops. Only one very specialized group, the Nightwalkers, has been able to overcome this shortcoming, a highly secretive religious sect with some superficial resemblance to the original Assassins and the Ninja. One of those is a recurring NPC my group really likes.
Most live in a main desert Empire area with vassal states in the surrounding plains and mountains. Their society is quite rigid and feudal, with the only ones who are even lawfully allowed to leave the Empire are merchants, nobility (who usually see it as a form of punishment), and the aforementioned Nightwalkers. Only those with a direct link to the Imperial family are even allowed to learn Magic, as such arts are seen as gifts from the Sun Goddess herself and for any of their kind to use it is seen as stealing from her rightful descendants. In spite of this, they're advancing quite quickly in the sciences. They're the first race to have developed a heliocentric model of the universe, which was initially scoffed at by the rest of the world's scientific communities who viewed such a notion as propaganda to support their religious beliefs.
>Have a boner for the sun + heat
>live in a desert that can reach over the boiling point in the summers, with the longest summer day lasting 72 hours (it's a holiday for them)
>nocturnal, hunt and mine at night
>just mine up gemstones to make giant reflective temples and houses, which makes it even hotter
>get pissed easily, warred against the dwarves over mining land
>deal fire damage to melee attackers when they're struck
Enemy of everything that lives
They exist only to destroy
Who's the artist of that image? Google reverse search doesn't bring up anything.
>They are all female
Red flag.
how do you deal with the fact that lizardmen are cold-blooded and can't survive in cold climates?
Lizards aren't people. They're cold-blooded egg-laying cannibals in my settings - just like IRL. I don't have any Scalies in my groups though, so YMMV.
lizardmen aren't real and don't have any associated facts. They could be closer to dinosaurs than actual lizards. Half the posters here tie them to dragons and that'll make them whatever the fuck they want
unless they have something magical or otherwise to protect them they don't move into cold climates if they can help it.
It's ok, well be autistic together user.
They lift, unlike the rest of you smoothskinnies.
>mfw I'll never have a cool lizardbro personal trainer
instead of the actual quest goal , he decided to take the booty.
They were once a slave race for a more advanced reptilian race, which dominated the world. But once their masters were wiped out by a cataclysmic event, they managed to make it on their own. They only survived due to the hardy traits bred into them by their masters, to better serve their needs. But since they are a relatively stupid race, they never exploited their gifts. They now live in Asian-like jungles, at the same level as early primitive man, though they will never surpass them.
Use saucenao
pretty decent/10. Might expect to see something like that in a published manual.
i really like this actually.... lifting lizard people sounds like something out of a nintendo game. in a good way.
Imagine a wierd hunched over cross between an armadillo and a Furcifer type chameleon. Most live in giant mountain keeps l, shut away from others, where they dig and tinker all the time and watch over and guard sleeping abominations and old remains of ancient civilizations. Their leadership often consists of councils of Sorcerer Administrators, led by an elected Chief Comrade Administrator
Others instead live in scattered enclaves across the aurface world, where they often develop a reputation for being shrewd merchants, traders, craftsmen, who eat bizzare foods. One of the largest mercantile powers in the setting is a coastal city run by several powerful banking families of their race, all of whom are contracted to a dragon who is the self-appointed Sovereign Magistrate of the city state.
>cannibals in my settings - just like IRL
Very few are cannibals in the strictest sense, you will not find many species who will eat lizards of the season species or genus, and still there are very few who would eat members of the same phylogenic family
Overall their pretty nice, if somewhat overbearing, people who often usually prefer to keep to themselves, especially given how much smaller they are compared to other races.
There are none.
there IS a dragon who is secretly behind one of largst kingdoms in the setting, so metaphorical lizard people do exist.
Are there lizard people in 5e? I haven't had a need for Sahuagin in my current campaign
Dead and gone. They've left some ruins in their wake, but that's it. Their continent was sunken along with the Superman, the Elves, the Dorfs, the Furries, and any other chuckfuck non-human race. They were all but forgotten, until the Apocalypse of the 13'th Century that unveiled a reptile ruin on a new island.
Historically they weren't very impressive. They were confined to the warmer regions, the Supermen thought they were assholes, the Elves hunted them for sport, the Dwarves ignored them, the Furries hated them, and everyone else was kind of indifferent. The feral Cave Humans of the time never really interacted with them all that much. They're honestly just there so I have a reference to Kull.
Not dragons at all.
Somehow keep trying to suck up to them.
Also swamp dwelling not-1700 french.
Well, back east has an equivalent for dragonborn, but the actual Lizardmen are a fey race of the same stock as elves and orcs that have become suffused with magic from their king losing his fucking mind and ascending into full on god-king mode.
Decadent and magically powerful, they are the tyrants of the southern jungles who rule over the other inhabitants with an iron fist. No warfare, but numerous campaigns for warm-blooded sentients to sacrifice to their sleeping king in an attempt to rouse him from his slumber through bloodlust.
Basically Aztec Lizardmen taking to 11, to the point that their violent decadence even gives pause to the nation that are a horrifying combination of Union industrialists and Nazis and 'wizards, no sense of right or wrong.'
Tribals living in the mountains higher than most other humanoid would care to settle.
There they just live happy to mind there own shit and never care about what happens down in the plains.
However every once in a while one or a small group goes down and offer their services as 2m high mass of naturaly armored muscle and intimidation.
>I needed some moutain tribe and one of my player wanted to play a race archetype that I hadn't put on the map.
Strong ambient magic, makes it available to virtually any sapient creature and with some training they can achieve decent spellcasting. Lizards men have strong boner for frost protection.
>Because they get frost vulnerability as racial trait.
Lizardmen are a swamp dwelling species with no technology or spellcasting of any kind. They wield weapons stolen from other races and decorate themselves in their foes' jewelry. Their one power as a species is that they can control animals, which has given them an incredible edge.
Lizardmen most often live in the hives of giant bees or giant ants (the former sized like a horse, the latter like large dogs). They eat the food produced by their co-inhabitants, and use them in their armies when they go to war. Because they are intelligent they can create complex strategies for their animal hives, and often ride the larger members into war wielding stolen farm tools and weapons.
Sea dwelling lizardmen are yet more dangerous, as the giant sea beasts often serve as weapons of war for them.
Trade merchants of tropical esque seas, developed rather recently while humans and elves were locked in a dark age.
Only explorers or adventurers see them in person to the normal man they are myth and legend.
They've all been made into hats. Lizardskin hats were kind of a fad for a couple of years and, well, you know how nobles are. Always trying to one up one another.
In their bronze age? Human bronze age? Were they technologically identical to humans until they fell?
In my campaign, there are colonies of mutated, extremely territorial, trailerpark lizard people in Las Vegas. After the apocalypse, they pretty much migrated to the area around Lake Mead and used the now-abandoned casinos as their own fortified tanning rocks/lairs. Every skyscraper and parking garage belongs to a clan or gang of reptiles. While they aren't outright hostile (violence is actually kept low by a status-quo), they will get ornery with any visiors. Trading or negotiating with them is a huge pain in the ass.
Mostly tribes in the warmer regions of the world, like deserts, rain-forests and such. They've been around long enough that you'll find them most anywhere where they can live.
They're very adaptable, apparently. Despite the various cultural differences so far found by explorers, there is one cultural constant in that all lizardmen have a ritualistic component of their various faiths, culturs and societies where they eat other lizardmen. They claim this is because doing so allows them to partake in the strength of the one they devour. The general academic response to this has been to laugh at the superstituion that the civilized world passed through in ages past, except, unfortunately for the academic world, lizardmen do in fact get stronger if they eat other lizardmen. They gain a small part of their skills, memories and have a hormonal response that increases vitality and muscle. So far no one has found out whether this applies only to consuming lizard-flesh it doesn't and what the actual repurcisions is.
The largest functional lizard society group is inspired by the Neo-Incan state, in that they were a larger empire nearly destroyed by plague and warfare that then fractured into a smaller empire that still, to this day, resists the attempts of invaders. The few examples of "civilized" lizardmen are mostly like people. Except larger. And they don't like the cold much. And they have an anoying tendency not to die when shot.
They're the left-over biological experiments of the Original Seeders, who created them to aid in terraforming efforts a long time ago. A war with another galactic society threw over their plans, and they never returned to their original project so the lizardmen spread nearly everywhere and then just carried on existing while humans and others gradually evolved. Their ability to absorb memories and skills is a useful inbuilt the Original Seeders assumed would be useful in a biological weapon
O-oh geez. It wasn't that great, was it?
I love my lizardfolk lore but my players hate it. What do?
The best way to deal with a dragon
Mandatory all-kobold party?
Kobolds are like the goblins to the Lík Laq's humans, except more tricksy.
It's mildly depressing because all the hard work I put into making all the spoken races naturally see each other as equals and not try to violently murder each other on sight.
Especially Lizardfolk and Thri-Kreen.