Why is this piece of shit mooning are whales backing this crap?
Why is this piece of shit mooning are whales backing this crap?
Fuck off. Google it.
The opposite, 300 BTC whales were slain the past week
Are people really buying this coin? I though it was a meme
1. Yes, they really are
2. No, it turns you’re a retard
It did a partnership with Microsoft a week ago dumb fucks.
Hop on, user.
Because Qualcomm is announcing iota capable processors for all 2018 chips. This announcement comes this week listen to the last android police podcast. Not a larp
Tell me more about this.
listen here youtube.com
Listen closely he says Qualcomm is coming out with something new regarding their chips that is not android related specifically. This is the IOTA CHip. This is the Q come from beyond is talking about today. IOTA going to $5 next this week guaranteed. This is THE PRODUCT
I want to fucking believe
holy fuck. please let this be true
Fuck is Q?
ISIS pump.
Oil fields ceased, moved on to crypto for gainz.
Allahu Ahkbar
If it's Qualcomm, it means chips that run on Iota inside every 2018 smartphone
please user at what minute?
Nigga that would be so fucking YUGE
1hr 16m 6s
I linked it to the second
Where 2 cop some sweet IOTA?
if you have usd buy eth from coinbase then send the eth to binance and buy there.
If you already have crypto just send eth to binance. Just keep on binance until thursday when the new wallet drops. hope this helps.
they have never confirmed anywhere it will release on thursday as far as i know.... source?
How can iota run inside of a device or be useful if its a coin?
Thought the concept was about p2p instant paying?
Biggest application is instant, feeless microtransactions in the Machine to Machine economy. P2P is another application.
Source is me.
nice, just bought a 100k
what is tangle again? doesn't it create a new coin for every transaction or something along the lines? either way when the world runs on crypto iota will just stay around a dollar so its purpose will be buying a pack of gum or some lunch. dont see much value above that either that or some other coin will replace it same idea
You are going to regret not researching this fully.
>Why is this piece of shit mooning are whales backing this crap?
No, its mooning because a bunch of college students with thousands in debt who only make $9 per hr at a coffee shop decided to go all in an altcoin all at once.
IOTA is not an alt by the end of this year when it passes ETH...Cap it
no why would i regret when there are plenty of other coins i won't get in and they will go up 700% soon. so its a coin +i dont see why it would be much of an investment into a coin that is just made for its transactions, seems perfect for the real world case i give it, not much valuebut fast for day to day transactions. why would your investment into an altcoin need to be fast tho if you bought it to make money and holding it, transaction fee doesnt matter when you gain moon profits and transactions are instant anyways when held on an exchange, so like i said iota is a a piece of gum buying coin
2018 here IOTA is now worth $76.45
fucking checked
2018 here IOTA is now worth $499.65
I had a hard time reading this post. I am not surprised you don't understand what IOTA does.
user, I...
Look, try it this way. There's a slf driving electric car. It has to send and receive data constantly from its sensors to operate correctly. Pulling into charging stations, actually charging and paying for said charge, sending diagnostics, etc. When this machine "talks" in realtime to other machines, it is using "transactions". That is why it needs to be fast/instant, and that is why it needs to be free-- it will be constant. Additionally, you are currently buying one MILLION iota for each time you buy. They sell them per million. So one Iota may be a worth very little, just as a satoshi is, but a mIota is worth much, much more, just as a bitcoin is. You don't know the things you think you do about this coin.
bought 1k last week, portfolio now at 2k. Its not a meme :)
You really tried man...
>2. No, it turns you’re a retard
good tech
finite supply of 2,779,530,283 pre mined
Not that guy. But I think I have the same question. If I understand it correctly all tokens are already circulating. There is no mining. And a high price would defeat the purpose of the whole thing as micropayments are suddenly expensive. So why would the price of the tokens rise besides speculators buying it up without researching it?
muh self driving electric iota cars
muh microsoft
muh fujitsu
muh tangle
allahu akbar iota
Its either this, or Q Learning integration for AI learning, which would be equally hype
Holy shit, I was actually interested in this coin. Thanks for clearing that up, I won't go near this shit ever again.
>When this machine "talks" in realtime to other machines, it is using "transactions"
literally an ape
u got it m88
also an ape
Stay away from this Jew coin. You have been warned.
The IQ of all these /pol/ faggots spreading FUD is probably
When you buy iota right now, you are buying MIOTA, which is 1000000 IOTA. If the devices will use IOTA for transactions, the device or the user needs to have IOTA, right? If they need to have IOTA, they need to buy IOTA. If you buy IOTA, the price goes up because you have limited supply.
Unless the price is above 10000$, i think micropayments will be fine (with MIOTA=10000$, IOTA would be 1 cent) I don't think you need microtransactions smaller than a cent
Sweet. I was missing that bit. Thanks a lot user
IOTA will be the next big crypto. Got 1Giota chillen on binance. Scared of losing it through a hack. HURRY UP AND RELEASE A WALLET DAMN IT
got 2.5GI sitting on bitfinex at the moment. Very pleased with how it took the btc dip today, considering most coins went to complete shit during it.
IMO this is a good sign this will actually be a real competitor in the market, and not just some add-on to the crypto hype
>uhhh what's a tangle
>iota will only be worth this much
why is this a jew coin? tell me
i noticed that too user. made me feel really comfy even if i only have 200 iota atm
So... no one in this thread knows how it will really work and the devs have no real solution to its problems either and are keeping their training wheels aka "centralized coordinator" on.
Ultimately, IOTA hodlers, I can see this going quite far up in price, but its vaporware. Remember to sell at the first sign of real bad news.
>nobody cares to explain it to me
>therefore nobody knows
must feel bad to be on the internet and not be able to use fucking google
>don't have solutions to their problems
literally read the AMA from two days ago retard
Prices are gauged in MIOTA. You cannot divide an IOTA, it is like a satoshi.
The concept behind it is great and if they manage to get a working product out it will do well. If they don't then it's worthless, but it's worth a shot..
Yeah, this and XLM were doing well when Bitcoin dropped. Should continue as more news comes out.
It is a meme, but that doesn't stop retards (almost everyone joining crypto today) from buying it
... you do know IOTA already has wallets, right?
Tell that to the guy who lost $30,000 because the wallet BLOWS.
Fuck I've been eyeing it since it was at like 1.15 this week stupid ass quadriga verification took over
is there still time to invest in this coin?
Yes. Wait for the dip though, 13k sats is buy level
Always. This will never drop from top 10. It's better than BTC and ETH arguably.
yes, this is literally the beginning,
>better wallet
>product launches
>news pipeline
>company partnerships
and that's just december
because they specifically stated you can't reuse send/receive addresses and he still didnt listen?
yes, speculation of announcement with qualcomm on tuesday.
only a complete crypto noob would reuse an address after he's spent from it. it's terrible practice with any crypto
honestly stop spreading that bs. qualcomm is an american company and all their partnerships are european since they're from Germany.
Q is referencing some piece of technology
They have a joint office with Bosch in Chicago. They're global.
Microsoft. Microfucking soft. You all were so eager to jump on omg because some mcdonalds shit in asia. Stop being emotional with your investments, buy iota and make money.
IOTA does not fucking stop
thats why i said speculation. believe it or dont. i dont care
lol not inaccurate
It's really fucking pumpin' from the Korean side atm
>stop being emotional
>being emotional equates to buying OMG
this board is fucking doomed
lol nah he lost his money cause he didnt refresh his address
Someone tell me how to buy iota
Granted when the update hit I thought I lost all my money too. I had to reattach to tangle and broadcast about 15 times. One of the reasons I sold out a while back. Oh well, I'm back but not as deep. I really hope they fix their wallet, was the only thing that held me back from it. Well, that and the developer that had a little meltdown that was pretty embarrassing.
Lurk more and learn.
Better yet, someone explained in this fucking thread. I'm all for helping out but you're asking to be spoonfed.
>Someone tell me how to buy iota
read this page and learn for yourself. iotaprices.com
UCL wallet soon. should be in beta testing atm
i've got 750 IOTA. bought in at 45, 75, 1.13, and 1.80. am i going to make it
How much % did you gain in sats?
Just bought 5 ETH worth of MIOTA. Thanks biz.
Why would wireless communication between devices cost money? I don't get it
get ready, breh. should be a fun week