Why are they still on tg? Do people not like the new quest board?
So what's the deal with quest threads?
Other urls found in this thread:
New board is still kind of crappy.
The /qst/ board is still in beta, so quests are allowed to stay here.
As to why QMs don't move their quests, no fucking clue. /qst/ even has features this board doesn't. Probably just contrarianism.
>/qst/ even has features this board doesn't.
text formatting is nice, but /qst/ is missing the one feature that's crucial for quests and that Veeky Forums has - reliable long-term archive
suptg works on it now
But the problem is that the board is pretty fucking dead and you can't bump threads older than three days
Most recent discussion on why people still use Veeky Forums starts on post 194036 in the quest general.
So are quest threads, which is why they should stay there.
>New board is still kind of crappy.
Because questfags still post quests on Veeky Forums, so you just get trolls on /qst/ who're doing their best to make sure the board stays stillborn.
And players.
I used to play quests a lot because I was in the catalog for "more Veeky Forums" stuff anyway. With it being a separate board now, I just wasn't terribly invested enough to bother adding /qst/ to my list of routinely visited boards. I can't imagine I'm the only one with this sort of mentality.
They're doing it as a boycott to try to get /qst/ to fail out of spite.
How is not using a board you don't like spite? /qst/ only exists because people who DON'T play quests whined about it. It's not like there was a massive demand from people who actually run and play quests.
suptg works IF people archive from thread 1 on, but some slip through the cracks.
When that happens a quest is fucked for getting new players, because its much less appealing to jump in when the first few threads or random ones from when people forgot to archive are just gone.
Even with suptg, the lack of a complete searchable archive like 4plebs is a negative.
That seems like more of a problem with the archive system as opposed to the board, though.
Because the mods let the questfags take over Veeky Forums two or three years ago and aren't making them move to the new board yet.
You're not. /qst/ is so slow it can take upwards of a week to drop off without any bumping whatsoever, and you can go for days without seeing a single post. The Quest General looks like it has about three people in it max at any given time. Any time a QM has asked his players which board they wanted him to run on, the vote is almost unanimously tg, and even without asking players have bombarded QMs telling them to stay on tg. The few who did try to switch lost upwards of half their players over night.
The players that are there are there for short, slapstick mspa style draw quests, which have not been anything but the most niche of niches within the tg questing community for years, and even those threads are slow as molasses and tend to manage to use maybe a tenth of the thread's bump limit.
The entire board's design seems to indicate it was made with absolutely no thought put into what it was actually intended to be used for. This giant steaming turd was then presented to the community as if we had actually asked for it, and then after fumbling around with it and finding that it simply does the job of tg worse than tg, people are wondering why QMs are still using tg.
Mods and nipmoot are useless and questfags are children who get VERY upset at change.
>Roughly 10% maximum when including all things tangentially quest related
>Take over
What does the world look like in your strange, little head where numbers have no meaning and small things are large?
Posts like these only underline my point: the only people who want /qst/ are the ones who aren't actually playing or running quests, undermining the entire point of the board.
It's like giving a vegetarian a steak and complaining when he doesn't touch it.
But forcing content that isnt Veeky Forums and never has been (dont even start it on this note, quests arent and will never be apropos board content, they just clutter and shit up tg), is worse.
A lot of people stopped coming here because its over half quest threads that are usually not even board relevant in even setting.
To use a metaphor similar to yours, its like I ordered a steak and was given half a steak, slathered in a foot of vegemite and soy. And then the vegetarians get pissy because I dont want it anymore.
Enough of them left now that you can actually see the front page.
More like questfags are literally children who got a safe space made for them and instead of using it or trying to improve it you just undermine yourselves and whine.
Talk about entitled.
A board's quality is entirely determined by the quality of people who post on it. The posters choose how crappy the board is or isn't.
>Bullshit front to back: The post
>who got a safe space made for them
>but don't use it
Why could that be, fucknugget? Because they didn't want it and have no intention of going just because you want them gone.
No, it was always hovering around 10% at max rather steadily for as long as the archives go back. Any claim that quests at any point in their existence had "taken over" tg is verifiably false in every measurable way.
>dont even start it on this note, quests arent and will never be apropos board content
They've been on here for years, on a board that's pretty trigger happy when it comes to handing out bans. They're board appropriate content, whether you like it or not.
>A lot of people stopped coming here because its over half quest threads
And that's my problem... how? Why should I care about people that are both easily triggered and too retarded to filter out the word "quest"?
>To use a metaphor similar to yours, its like I ordered a steak and was given half a steak, slathered in a foot of vegemite and soy.
If it's a free steak you're sharing with a group, why not just eat the part that isn't covered in vegemite and soy instead of complaining that vegemite isn't real food?
>More like questfags are literally children who got a safe space made for them
Are you unironically defending safe spaces? While calling others a child? I think we should be more worried about the tumblr invasion than questfags.
>its over half quest threads
Why stop lying there? The board is 200% quest threads. Definitely not 10% like the actual numbers show.
If you can't ignore the garnish on top of your steak, that's your problem.
While that is true, it takes but one shitposter to decrease board quality. It takes multiple people to create decent content.
>(dont even start it on this note, quests arent and will never be apropos board content, they just clutter and shit up tg)
This is Veeky Forums, this is Veeky Forums, but not that, because i dont like that. What next, silent majority wants them gone, or half the threads are quests, or maybe even quests ruined Veeky Forums? Passing your opinion off as fact and refusing to argue about it is pretty stupid
>/qst/ is missing the one feature that's crucial for quests and that Veeky Forums has - reliable long-term archive
Maybe if questshitters didn't take it upon themselves to ruthlessly shit on the reliable long-term archive they have because they're so bitter about not being wanted on Veeky Forums, that would not be a problem.
Gentlemen please, let's take this to /qa/. They've got 2 separate threads we can shitfling in.
>Literally madposting.
This is the quality of poster we lost when /qst/ happened.
Thank god there's less of you questfags now.
Nah, quests were detrimental to the board, it's better now with less of them.
Especially considering most of the "quests" these days are circlejerk /a/ustism simulators we definitely don't need it.
To be fair, you are a child.
You guys should go on play by post forums, that's literally what you do, you just think Veeky Forums is "super mature xd" and that you're above playing with tweens when you are still tweens yourselves.
Like you guys think you're hip and cool but you're even more pathetic than people who can't find a physical group of folk to play rpgs with. At least they take their autism to roll20 know what I'm saying.
Real talk.
>Cancer cells report dissatisfaction with chemotherapy
News at 11.
But there's 3 questfags here right now how could be working to make that place better instead of being faggots?
>To be fair, you are a child.
If you say so
>You guys should go on play by post forums
Based on what? You know there's an alternative on another site for literally everything on Veeky Forums, right?
>you just think Veeky Forums is "super mature xd"
Have you ever considered that different websites have a different community and different site/board cultures?
>Like you guys think you're hip and cool but you're even more pathetic than people who can't find a physical group of folk to play rpgs with. At least they take their autism to roll20 know what I'm saying.
Why are you projecting so hard, user? Did a QM fuck your girlfriend?
>muh anime
>muh front page
You're scoring big. We've all heard this shit before because you've been posting it at least twice a day for years now.
Is myself.
I come back once in awhile, to see if quests are gone yet. I dont post or contribute while they're still here though. They arent board content, and when i come on tg and 40% of the board is filtered quests, that tells me i wont find anything of value here. Especially when they have a board they can use and they just refuse to, for no relevant reason aside from "I dont want to".
That post may have been a bit bad of me to make, but ive seen this argument 90 times, and the more thought out and nice you are, the more the quest defense force just screams memes and nonsense, so there isnt any point to trying to be civil or logical.
And as always, you'll get the quest defense force, that comes here never having played or even read a single ttrpg, or played any card games, or anything board relevant, to shitpost and decry anyone who wants them to leave.
its a fruitless effort to bother trying to speak with them, it wont get you anywhere. It never has in the years they've been here. They just start the persecution complex and bring the overall board quality even further down.
>Questfags will either ignore this post or move onto a new fake-reason they claim is the truly legitimate reason that they refuse to use the new board
Y'know, I detest quests, rarely if ever say a word about it these days; but that shit you posted is some seriously shitty /pol/-tier behavior, that the shitposters would rather help wreck the best archive they have instead of let /qst/ have some space to help show them out the door.
Goddamn I wonder why I still come here some days.
>Being this upset.
And you guys are perfectly on par with play by post forums, you just think you're "very sophisticated" and above it.
aka you're a underage faggot.
>needing a better reason than 'It's shit'
This bingo sheet fucking sucks. There's no free space in the center, and it doesn't spell bingo. Was the person who made this retarded?
Questfags are literally cancer.
This is well established at this point.
suptg archival folds to one hater with a downwote script. And as we can see in this very thread, there's still plenty of haters.
This. Quests are better done as community projects and Veeky Forums served as decent initial exposure due to the catalog. /qst/ will kill quests for all but the most ardent followers.
>suptg archival folds to one hater with a downwote script. And as we can see in this very thread, there's still plenty of haters.
Not to mention any thread can be misarchived before the OP gets around to it
This just reinforces my point. Look at the sorry state of /qst/ and how questfags are reacting to it. They were given their own special place to do their special thing, and they pissed in the ballpit and are crying about it. They did this to themselves.
Also IDs mean QMs cant samefag the quest to go the way they want.
>Was the person who made this retarded?
He was a questfag.
You don't even have to ask.
>They just start the persecution complex and bring the overall board quality even further down.
Quest lives matter!
It's hilarious to see them squirm though. Especially when they undermine themselves and shitpost their own.
Perfect example. Questfags are literally mad entitled children.
There are many things on tg I consider to be of little to no value. I still am ok with them being on tg. The fact you are that petty indicates that we are all likely better off with you not being here, and you should probably leave again before someone triggers you any further with their badwrongfun.
>All these assumptions
Jesus christ, how do you think I even got into quests if not tabletop?
>"It's shit."
>"Because [reason]"
>'Okay. [Reason gets addressed]'
>'You're still not using the board. Why?'
>"Because [different reason]"
>Repeat endlessly
We get it, user. You're making up excuses because you hate the idea of being forced off Veeky Forums so deeply that you will invent any excuse necessary.
This is why you are cancer.
The very provider stated that it was in fact questfags trying to sabotage /qst/ that caused the archival service to "fold." All I'm seeing is that your cancerous community is eating itself in a vile bid to destroy people "betraying" you by using /qst/ instead of continuing to shit up Veeky Forums with your unwanted forum games.
>Look at the sorry state of /qst/ and how questfags are reacting to it. They were given their own special place to do their special thing, and they pissed in the ballpit and are crying about it. They did this to themselves.
We all predicted a quest board would be shit YEARS before it was even made, and surprise surprise, it was.
Shitpost all you want, quests are here to stay and I'm not moving.
>The very provider stated that it was in fact questfags trying to sabotage /qst/ that caused the archival service to "fold." All I'm seeing is that your cancerous community is eating itself in a vile bid to destroy people "betraying" you by using /qst/ instead of continuing to shit up Veeky Forums with your unwanted forum games.
I should screencap this just to btfo questfags whenever they try to spread their /a/utism.
>Shitpost all you want, quests are here to stay and I'm not moving.
So you're a cancerous shitposter by admission.
I'm so glad you questfags are coming to terms with yourselves.
>I should screencap this just to btfo questfags whenever they try to spread their /a/utism.
If anime triggers you so much, you should start using a different website onii-chan
That attitude is going to be hilarious if /qst/ becomes a proper board and quests are forced out.
When quests first came to Veeky Forums alot of the posters in them were very vocal about not participating in Veeky Forums hobbies, and not having any intention or interest in doing so. I am holding them to their first impression, as to this day i still see mostly anime quests, and rarely anything else.
I have watched this board decline in post quality for years because of posters both like yourself, and like the quest players who have no interest in the major subject of the board.
Calling me petty for disliking that, is disingenuous at best. But as I said above, the quest players will fling shit like a baboon the moment someone states discontent with the state of things. You dont surprise me in doing so, and no doubt, youll have another childish post to make after this about how petty, or neet, or whatever the next buzzword insult you use will be.
To be fair, the guys who hate quests are just as cancerous.
It is a must-request archive, therefore it is unreliable as threads can be missed, misarchived etc.
It is a good long-term archive because it has exceedingly good uptime, but it is not reliable, as it has shown in the past when it has been attacked by downvotes and malicious misarchives on top of the fact it is not searchable.
>Doesn't understand it's your cancerous attitude that's the problem.
>Nothing to do with anime asides from the fact that people who are into anime are usually highly autistic.
You must actually have autism. Either that or your social awareness is severely lacking.
You should probably find some people to play with in real life so you can actually wrap your head around a normal conversation without resorting to anime memes my friend.
>But as I said above, the quest players will fling shit like a baboon the moment someone states discontent with the state of things
We're done arguing with unreasonable people.
You'll just go and whine on /qa/ until you get what you want anyway, so fuck off and stop posting here.
I can understand people staying on Veeky Forums if their quest was on chapter 23 or 384 when /qst/ was formed because their concerns about migrating, but most of those concerns have been addressed now. They should end their threads telling readers "Hey, we're moving the /qst/ in two weeks/next week."
Also, the people who are trying to start new quests on Veeky Forums right now are the worst kind of cancer.
>as it has shown in the past when it has been attacked by downvotes and malicious misarchives on top of the fact it is not searchable.
By mad questfags trying to sabotage /qst/.
Your cancerous community is literally caught red-handed trying to destroy the archive service because you're so angry about not being wanted on Veeky Forums, and you try to spin this as evidence that this isn't the reliable, long-term archive that you so desperately need, as if you would immediately start using /qst/ if such a thing were provided.
Questcancer was a mistake.
>>Shitpost all you want, quests are here to stay and I'm not moving.
Yep, people that use Veeky Forums for its intended purpose crash their own archives out of spite and stamp their foot and pout angrily when people try to help them.
Wish we had IDs on this board to be honest, it'd highlight how few antiquest-fags actually are and how prolifically they samefag. Then they have the nerve to call others autistic.
No, long before that. Hell theres even a news post about the one guy spamming misarchives of quest threads from some college a few years ago.
A lot of those were Veeky Forums quests from at least 6 months before /qst/ came along.
You can't make this shit up.
If we had IDs we'd see it's the same faggot who keeps making this "I know you are but what am I?" comeback.
There's a reason why /vp/ and /mlp/ exist.
Oh look, he did what I said he would. I've never posted on /qa/. Not once. And I have no plans to.
I've never been unreasonable in a desire to see quests moved somewhere else. Ive never shitposted in their threads, or made any attempt to force them anywhere. I've never even made a thread about the subject, only commented when it was brought up on Veeky Forums directly, in a thread like this one.
But the moment you suggest they might be better suited somewhere that was made for them, they act like you are now. Like a spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum, who refuses to believe anyones feelings or wants but his own will ever matter, and thinks that everyone who dislikes what he does actively works against him. I haven't, and honestly, the fact that you immediately chimp out and claim I have is telling of the board quality these days.
11:42pm UTC - 9/19/2012
Gave me a chuckle, and I could honestly not give a shit about quest-related drama.
>When quests first came to tg
You mean a few weeks after tg was made?
What are you trying to prove here? The questfag's own party line is that it's the antiquestfags that want /qst/ to exist. You are linking me to an example of an antiquestfag sabotaging quest thread archival, which wouldn't fucking happen if questfags would stick to their containment board, as an example of why sup/tg/ isn't a good enough an archival service to you.
You realize this line of argument makes absolutely zero sense, right?
Questfags hate each other far more than anti-questfags ever could. That is some weapons-grade autism.
Was an antiquestfags, they where downvoting/misarchived everything thread that had quest in the title
>he said, Jewishly typing 'sage' into options.
I had no issue with the more seldom, and much better handled threads that came before the saturation of them some years ago, though they hardly compare to the 'quests' that we're talking about now, in neither quality, relevance or abundance, as they had more of both quality and relevance in equal measure, and were much more seldom than they are now. And i think you know that, and are trying to steer the subject toward some honestly poor point you're itching to make, because for some reason, you feel i am not allowed to have an opinion, even if i make no attempts to whine on /qa/ or force my opinion into your threads, or anywhere else.
Those rarer threads what may as well have been eons ago were welcome, and weren't in my eyes a problem. They became a problem when they began dominating the board and moving toward anime and pedobait, fapbait, et cetera. When they started becoming a majority of the board, dominated by subjects mostly irrelevant to board subject or culture, was when i began to desire they were removed or placed elsewhere.
Im sorry people seem to feel my having an opinion means im attacking them or crying to the mods about it.
Was it that guy putting in a "doin' god's work" tag in his shit or something like that? I think I remember that. Really hated any thread with anime in it.
What you're saying is fundamentally untrue.
The only time there was a spike in anime quests was when they were pushed off /a/, over 4 years ago. And they didn't stick around. Most lasted a month at best. Years ago.
At no time have quests ever been 'the majority of the board'. Sorry if it seems like I'm attacking you, but what you're saying is wrong and it's reasonably likely, given the rest of this thread that you're arguing in bad faith.
tbf people hated on touhoufag just cause he posted touhou even though he was generally on point and had some really interesting stuff to say.
Questfags and /a/utism adventures are still terminal though.
>i dont understand when sage is appropriate.
10% of a board is hardly saturation, hell it was less than 5% lately, all of which could have been hidden with a handful of filters.
that was a different guy in 2015.
10% to 30% of the board most of the time, in point of fact, are quests, sometimes as high as 50%. There are 4 anime quests on the board right now, 3 on the front page i just refreshed.
Naruto, bleach, and one piece i believe. There are 3-6 more in the recent archives.
It is neither wrong, nor bad faith. Go check the board right now.
>I left Veeky Forums because I disliked quests so much, but came back specifically when a new containment board was created to gloat about it
Smells like bullshit to me, senpai
10%-30% is a lot when you consider that there isnt one subject on the rest of the board that hits that number on a regular basis with as much activity and front page spots as quests do.. DnD specific threads, 40k specific, etc, tend to make up a bit, but never as much as quest threads do and have.
>sometimes as high as 50%
This has already been proven untrue. At most it was 8% of the board. Stop using the same damn failed arguments over and over again, and people might just take you seriously.
>We're done arguing with unreasonable people.
>Constantly invent new reasons to not use /qst/ each time one is addressed
>Sabotage your own archival service to "get back" at "traitors" using /qst/ over Veeky Forums
>Use this as the latest reason to not use /qst/, because "sup/tg/ is unreliable since it can be sabotaged hehehe :^)"
You must have balls the size of Saturn to accuse anyone else of being "unreasonable."
How long are you going to keep spamming this meme and pretending it's anything other than complete bullshit?
>10% to 30% of the board most of the time
>There are 4 anime quests on the board right now
Dang, they really cut down on Veeky Forums's thread capacity, huh?
It may not be recently true, as i have said many times, I dont lurk as often as i used to. When last i kept up with things (which was some time ago), 10-18 quest threads simultaneously was commonplace, and sometimes there were more.
With /qst/ this may have changed. But then it becomes a question of why they all havent moved, when they have their very own board, and have been given an archive to make the move with. I dont care if you take me seriously, because im not bitching in /qa/ or expecting a change. If quest posters ever end up being decent and moving, it would be nice, but this is the internet, and i dont expect positive change or decency.
Quest threads weren't part of Veeky Forums for years after Veeky Forums was made. It was pretty much constant W40K and D&D with the occasional WW and a rare WHFB thread. I open Veeky Forums every day as the link to Veeky Forums, something I set up years ago. Now that all the threads are tied up in shitty generals which don't discuss the topics or allow any niche discussions, or there are shitty quest threads clogging up all the shit. I don't really hang out here anymore.
>That tiny timeframe.
>Still 7%
That's actually pretty bad evidence.
Why would you post that as an empirical truth with such a tiny sample size?
Looks like cherry picking.
They had some CYOA style threads in early tg user, but they were much higher quality, and much rarer.