Out of your current players, who is the punching bag of the party?
Out of your current players, who is the punching bag of the party?
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IC - my PC (tough brawler, can take it).
OOC - the GM.
Typically the brick shit house with regeneration. He can take the hits and keep chugging along
He may also be a furry, jury is still out
Doug Lasrifle
tends to be me. Part of it is that the rest of the party can sit and discuss things for an hour and I'm the only one who will actually do anything.
It rotates between our draconic sorcerer who's constantly plagued by bad luck and our idiot paladin.
Our 5e game has an improbable Dwarf Paladin/Barbarian who wears no armour and wields a quarterstaff. He generally gets KO'd once per session because Leeroy Jenkins
The same player's currently using a "support" Sorceror in our Ravenloft game, so things haven't been going too well for him.
I'm the tank of our party so if I'm the punching bag that means I'm doing my job right.
Not who the party beats up on, but the sorcerer has basically almost died every session so far. I think my favorite is still the first time when the party unintentionally left open a direct path to the sorcerer for a work to run through without provoking attacks of opportunity.
The GMPC Wizard. Dude's been stabbed, skinned, crushed by two separate dragons, shot by a psychic railgun, electrocuted, set on fire, dunked in acid, decapitated twice, Kali-ma'd, torn in half by mechano-zombie lions, eviscerated, shot and thrown from an airship.
The only thing that's kept him alive through this is the combination of advantages, bloodline powers, and Anti-Ki abilities that give him toon-level survivability.
The party has often thrown him, literally, into traps when they didn't feel like finding a way around them, or when they were in a hurry.
Hana Xiao
Out of all the shit that's happened in the game so far (eating rotten meat, getting mind raped my illithads, falling off a a big fucking mountain)happened to me and me only because of my impulsive ocd kleptomaniac dwarf fighter.
It's bassicaly a running joke that my character is just the punching bag of reality
My character.
Every fucking fight, the Boss (and the GM never has chumps, oh no) smacks me for 3/4 or more of my hit points in a single fucking hit and I have to struggle to merely stay alive. I mean, I'm a goddamn walking brick wall and the GM just has everything breeze through me like I'm not even there.
I feel like fucking Worf. I hate it so much.
My Paladin.
All I want to do is spread justice, but I nearly die every fucking fight.
Honestly? Probably my wife's character. She's a low AC rogue designed to hit people in the face. Her AC sucks unless she's dodging AoOs. Her HP sucks. Her saves suck. She also rolls poorly. And as we are still at moderately low level she ends up taking hits or effects the others can manage to shrug off or dodge.
Could have been something else but she loves being the sneaky rogue so...yeah. can't spare her from everything even if I am the GM.
ICly, it's a tie between the Changeling Rogue who does good shit in the party and the Tiefling Warlock played by someone who's doing a balancing act into That Guy territory because of his thought to play the character as an arson-crazy pyromaniac.
If we're talking among the players, it's me if we're considering the tighter-knit of the group because I'm the only virgin within. The punching bag in the general group is probably the only girl we have because she's also a virgin.
Why does everyone on this board have the hots for Marsille?
Literally all other girls that appear in that manga are hotter than her.
Its the same player in all my games, regardless of what he actually plays or how. The dice gods just freaking hate this man, whenever even the most basic of attacks come his way it either 1 shots him or at least leaves him near fatal.
I feel bad cause he's actually one of my favorite players
Currently he's playing an astropath with the image as his token. It might not be much, but hopefully the red octagon of the Emperor's denial will stop this bad luck spree.
The player who stole his character wholesale from a JRPG, and the character himself.
My best friend, he has never survived a campaign. Not even the one night joke game that we had played.
He had played a total of 15 characters in one campaign.
>party one
The burglar, who has was less vitality and DR than everyone else. Too brave, always charges.
>party two
The oni mobster, who is a very large target and doesn't have half the defense the rest of us do.
Me. It is always me. It is me in real life, and my characters tend to be a reflection on myself. It has been like this since the very first time I played and my Druid got clubbed and tied up for trying to convince the party not to destroy kobold eggs.
Shadowrun: me. Shaman/face. Geek the mage first.
5e: Barbarian. I'm supposed to be tanking, but the fact that a shirtless screaming man is next to me doesn't help.
I have a Magical Girl game right now with a the daughter of a Yakuza official, a delinquent, and an otaku. Currently, the Otaku has...
>Gotten her principal's family killed as a direct result of her trying to squeeze information on the main villain out of the principal
>Gotten the principal's eyes bitten out of their sockets, his teeth ripped out, and chunks of his face bitten off as a result of those same actions
>Gotten the principal implicated in an attempted murder suicide
>Gotten arrested by the police
>Been bugged by the police
>Had all her figurines heads' snapped off by the first major villain
The Yakuza daughter is a runner up, considering her father went missing and the main villain seems to be systematically hunting the Yakuza down.
She's that girl that goes along with whatever stupid thing you propose, she might complain about it but she's always a trooper. Sounds like a top-tier gf.
Plus her feet are pretty cute.
There's an obvious solution to that problem user
My previous character was, he was the only lawful character in a group of chaotics.
Eventually they just killed him so I could re-roll.
>Plus her feet are pretty cute.
Amen to that.
Dammit Quentin!
A guy I'll call S, who's a narcoleptic, passive aggressive turbo autist, who constantly forgets the rules and gets mad at others when he doesn't understand how his character works, takes irl hours to decide what to say in character. And once jacked off during a session via roll 20
For some reason, the monk
Despite having the lowest AC and HP
Damn it Ion.
The monk she's been: stabbed, slashed, shot, burned, thrown off the same cliff twice (same fight), and generally been on the receiving end of bad plans more than any other member of the party I dm for.
This sounds amusing, like Pinky and the Brain - but Pinky actually pays for his idiocy.
>Jeez, I've got this pile of dirt in my backyard and no where to put it.
>To make things worse, I've also got a hole I need to fill!
>What an awful predicament with no clear answer
The Tremere Apprentice
user, that's haram
My character.
She's only good in combat so I play her as a happy-go-lucky character that runs head-long into plot points. This generally means that she eats most of the combat damage as she soaks for the party.
If we're talking being the butt of jokes, then the unarmoured wiseguy and the ex-governmental aide. Neither of them are equipped for a fight, only one of them packs a firearm of any kind and that time when the latter tried driving a car with no skill in it whatsoever and wrapped it around a lamppost just cemented her place.
If we're talking actual combat attacks then the other two. They wear full body armour and soak up most of what gets thrown at them (the ex-cop had to burn through most of his luck points, but he survived being subjected to a burst from a minigun)
The Fighter makes himself the combat punching bag as everyone else is quite squishy.
The Druid, meanwhile, has had all her plans come to naught, been publicly beaten and has seen her philosophy proven wrong again and again.
She's facing exile when she comes home, once everything is over and only sticks with the party because they have been supportive of her, even when she was trying to have them all killed, because they mostly agree with her and the Sorceress has worked out how the Druid can even rules-lawyer her way out of being exiled.
In exchange for her entire collection of magical works.
DM's 70 year old dad. Sweet old Japanese man who plays a ranger. Has rolled 1 on attack rolls, breaking his bowstring, so often that we all carry extra strings just in case he runs out during a critical fight (and it always breaks in the most important fight). Is painfully socially awkward and that feeds into his RP, so his nickname is "Tactful" because he is anything but.
Why is this thread full of 'the person who gets hit in combat'? A thread with that picture and the term 'punching bag' and you all go with combat. What the heck, guys?
Do you even do any of you actually roleplay, or, with all your talk, do you really just stick to rollplay?
For our group, it's split between me with my amazingly bad luck, and Alex who tends to have at least one spot in his character concept that is just stupid. Stupid in the way of "How did you manage to live to adulthood?"
usually me, due to my terrible luck with dice rolls.
When I DM, I will often fudge results or just flat out ignore them. The times that I haven't done this have been a disaster.
Such as the time I was dming a post-apocalypse game and the badguys managed to sneak up on the party while they were asleep. During the surprise round, the bad guys missed literally EVERY shot and managed to hit nothing.
All except the two with shotguns who somehow managed to kill three of their allies with friendly fire.
Ever since, this is the official theme for "user's NPCs try to do ANYTHING."
>punching bag
What else do you think people are meant to interpret this as?
Are you really that surprised?
I am in our shadowrun game. Turns out a moralfag with the uneducated trait and one logic gets mocked constantly by the rest of the amoral team.
Oh, and that time he got hit in the chest with an axe. But on the bright side I got to suplex a fuckin mountain lion next session.
Chauncey LaRue, world renowned pugilist and tender lover.
Little do his opponents know, he keeps bits of scrap metal underneath his boxing gloves.
Despite the constant cheating and low blows he charges right towards any confrontation without hesitation and often tanks all the fucking damage.
Worth noting that he insists on being barechested constantly despite having great armour available to him.
In one game, the half-orc barbarian. Total damage sponge.
In the other game, the half-orc ranger. He tends to get right in the middle of things and often gets pummeled.
technically anyone who isnt the dawn
Not because the GM singles me out or anyone does it on purpose or anything; I just tend to roll one of two ways for some reason, namely really catastrophically low or really amazingly well.
There's next to no middle ground with me, I swear to god.
It means my characters tend to be hapless idiots who do a lot of sucking until suddenly they don't for a second or too and succeed at shit with style and flair better then anyone at the party.
It's gotten to the point where I've just started building these extreme swings of luck into the characters I make because apparently there's just no escaping but at all.
Physically and Character, my character hands down. since the start of the campaign has been mauled by basilisks, nearly devoured by giant ants, flambe'd by a hellhound, repeatedly pinned by the wizard's chain tentacles, got his hand lightly chewed by a 15ft tall chimera, arrowed gassed and exploded in a sealed room pressure plate trap, sucker-punched by the fighter, many times slapped by the bard, gut-punched by a barbarian chief, nearly mauled by plant-wolves, and got a fair beating in a spar with one of the NPCs.
Otherwise and Character, probably the wizard. No one really listens to the poor nerd until he nuts up and takes charge, and even then between the sheer assertiveness of my character and the fighter he becomes that third option no one really cares to contemplate. Also receives terrible thrashings in PvP spars.
Players, none of us I don't think, we play online and have fairly safe lives, worst any of us had gotten is breaking a bone accidentally or tumbling down a flight of stairs.
My human wild sorcerer, Wilhart Rattletoe.
He's been kidnapped and boiled alive by bugbears, exploded himself with a fireball, eaten by a dragon (as a sheep), shanked and poisoned by an assassin, turned to stone and lost an arm (was reattached),died and turned into a zombie (and then got awakened by our druid), lost his flesh and became a skeleton, decapitated and he then had his deattached body fall into a pit and the bones shatter. He was just a skull for a while, before being turned into an iron golem. After that I've been relatively untouched.
This sounds hilarious and I wish to know more of this bullshit.
The guy that always has a Blue deck.
footfags please die
But I think that feet are cute
My attention often slips, and then I get shit for it. No rocket science.
It is common knowledge that in any givem campaign, Danny's character will die first
yes, cute, not for lewds
Given Danny is the name of my GM, this is inevitable without extremely shitty playing
I have a magnus that goes into the negitives at least once per session.
Kind of a toss-up between the Superboy expy and my girl, the alien inventor with a, mostly cartoon, Starfire-esque 'fish out of water' culture shock and values dissonance going on.
The Superboy wannabe is gay and camp as a row of tents. He tends to be the butt of most jokes because of this and the meta reason of being based heavily on Superboy and at one time even got so pissed off that he left for a short while.
However, he's become a large figurehead for the LGBTG movement and the public loves him.
Meanwhile my bumbling cutie's situation is more self-made as she perpetually misunderstands, often willfully so, most things around her and most the time ends up in embarrassing, implicating or awkward situations.
She is rather aware of her general misunderstandings and plays it up so people tend to be more disarmed and off their guard around her.
However most the team suspect her to be secretly a master chess player or at least have Xanatos training wheels and a few villains suspect her to be playing some kind of long game with the earth because of this.
feet can't possibly be lewd, they can only be cute
currently playing a cleric in Ravenloft. everyone we meet is some kind of horrific evil. every fight encounter begins with enraged cleric rushing to smite the horrific evil. low level minions get smote, boss fights get cleric 0 HPed.
ME! Though largely its on accident. My first character for our campaign was a halfling alchemist who was nearly killed on purpose THREE TIMES by party members... two of which were our paladin(and I'm not evil)
They also nearly killed her on accident 3 times by trying to save her and not once have the characters or players shown any remorse. To be fair though, IRL our entire group are assholes
Me, the barbarian grappler. I suppose it's to be expected. I just wish I felt useful in the role.
our half-elf bard, it's not like he can take the hits but he takes the most hits out of entire party because he's not minmaxed in the least.
best girl
>feet can't possibly be lewd, they can only be cute
And I don't even have a foot fetish
My character. Between his bumbling personality, my abysmal dice rolls and the world always preparing something nasty for him, he's the joke character of our group.
He's also one of the funnest characters i roleplayed.
My party's rogue has a similar problem. He's got stealth, miss chances, and some invisibility, but if something hits him, he goes down.
No, you definitely have a foot fetish, because that is just really fucking weird.
Me. My Superscience scientist in fallout was flash ghouled, and ended up as a glowing one, a 1% of 1% chance. So now he just heals hisself real good.
>because that is just really fucking weird
Not in context it isn't.
I don't mean giving your significant other a foot massage. That's completely normal.
What's weird is the video's focus on it, and an external viewer enjoying watching it.
Well, I have a small foot fetish, but who would resist by something like that...
>I don't mean giving your significant other a foot massage
>a foot massage
Pretty minor spoilers for the movie but it's the story of an aspiring shoemaker and an older woman. She pretty much becomes the woman he wants to make the perfect shoes for. Call it foot fetish material if you want but it does serve the overarching story. It's not something of no consequence jammed in for fanservice.
Feet are disgusting though
Sounds like "Justifying my Foot Fetish Scenes; The Movies"
Either I am misunderstanding you, or you don't know what "despite" means.
Well, there was a cat-man cleric in our pirate-themed campaign. Never did anything, to the point that his most notable character trait was being lazy. The useless little furry was promptly shot with crossbows, beaten maliciously by his shipmates, hypnotized and made to do the hard labor of the group, at one point he was even hit in the face by the severed dick of a poledancing muscleman (dare you enter my magical realm).
All came to an end when he got caught standing out in the open in the middle of a treasure room by a trio of ogres. The furry tried to dash to where my bard had hid, got magic missile'd by the group's wizard, and was pummeled to a pile of near-dead meat and bones by the loin-cloth-adorned brutes. The best part? Our DM's Mary Sue lizard wizard teleported everyone back to the ship, saving the catman... until my bard and the wizard decided that he'd been too damn useless and threw him overboard.
2. Informal. a person serving as an object of abuse
Because character depicted sure fits with your interpretation. I thought that Veeky Forums was smarter than that. It's a pretty easy term to grasp.
Maybe I shouldn't have been so surprised.
Nobody knows how to roleplay; we all play D&D
>Masturbatory tale about casters fucking over the noncaster
>fucking over the noncaster
Anonymous, clerics are the second strongest full casters.
>Jedi master who is a pasifist
>bounty hunter who doesn't give a shit about anything but money
>a noble slut
>a padawan who can't do anything right
You do realize it's possible that party members might not receive much abuse until dice hit the table, right? Randomness will do that.
Not physical abuse you idiot, you're being obtuse.
Why would they shoot a man before throwing him out of an airship?
The Cleric, who refuses to wear anything but leather armor until his custom made ornamental full plate gets done.
At lower levels he also never wore a helmet and was knocked out at least once per session. Now he has the HP cushion to almost never go into wound-territory.
In DSA, our drunk, womanazing, gambling addict of a "bard". He got punched in the face by the whole party at least once -save for the healing focused priest-, when he asked for the age of an ex-slave girl whom we fished out of the river on our boat.
In my M&M game, the powerhouse of the party. Because he has the highest toughness and because he constantly does stupid shit, like grabbing a villain and hitting another supervillain made of living metal even after his living weapon went unconscious.
In my other M&M game, the toxin user, because he's a dick who pissed off half of all the NPCs we have met.
In my game of Stars Without Number, my character and the Captain are the only ones who remain alive (we've had 4 crew members die), so the Captain jokingly-but-depressingly shifts the blame of their deaths onto my character (with some good justification, some of it was my char's fault).
I get a lot of flak from it, but my char is the kind of man who broods silently and just takes the damage head-on.
I only meant in the sense that not every group has a player/character who gets the short end in roleplaying situations. Personality disputes can be settled, but there's no curing bad luck.
That's my estimation if it, anyway. Our party has one guy who gets the bum rap, but it's hardly as constant as his own dice being out to get him.
Love you buddy!
Feet can be an invitation for lewd.
Force Awakens? :^)
>Literally all other girls that appear in that manga are hotter than her.
Stop telling lies
I sense one or more stories about all of this weird shit.
Also, the wizard might just go all school shooter on you.
It's a toss up between the metagaming warlock or the terrible at RP cleric.