Do healers deserve to be bullied, Veeky Forums?
Please give your opinions.
Do healers deserve to be bullied, Veeky Forums?
Please give your opinions.
Bully a healer and they might decide you're not worth fixing up for the next fight.
No. I don't get where this retarded meme came from anyways.
As someone who often plays healers, I would probably just beat the shit out of your faggot face. So go ahead if you want, it's not my problem.
Why in fucking hell would I bully the person who's job it is to KEEP ME ALIVE?
>bully the healer
>enter combat
>kill the enemies, but have taken a beating
>bleeding pretty bad
>look over to the healer
>healer just stares, tapping their chin
Wow, I was into the idea back when the meme first started, but now it does nothing for me. Is this what meme-death is?
In 3.5, i put up with bullying healer bullshit up until the end of the campaign then had my unicorn stab fuck the rest of the party.
Good times.
>Implying healers have enough backbone to deny healing to their party
Yeah, ok. You're a little boy/girl/girly boy in a dress. Stop pretending you have agency.
>Allowing your party to bully you
Pussy ass """"""healers"""""". There are other guilds to join.
As the party healer, a dwarf cleric, you can go ahead and try, but you'll probably end up with a hammer to the scrotum and my beard around your neck like a garrote.
Dubs and trips confirm.
OP is a faggot.
This is not a MMO
>Having a "healer"
How about you grab a sword and help us kill something, faggot
It's a bit of a turn on
People who treat my yandere healer like shit get me rock hard
I thought healers in RPGs traditionally preferred something more like a mace + heavy armor ensemble.
>That filename
What do you think Clerics and Paladins do? Just sit there?
No, someone who keeps you from having to roll another character is allright in my book. Not everyone has to roll fifty damage dies every turn.
Personally I wouldn't. Even aside from the respectability of their work, I suspect that a mage with the mastery of mortal flesh to be able to heal a person could also afflict it with all manner of harm, if angered.
Previous poster has clearly only dealt with MMOs and shitty animes.
And more likely only the latter, since talking like that to the healer in an MMO means that nobody helps your useless DPS ass when you screw up.
>tfw the party's cleric is your irl submissive boyfriend.
I'm living the dream.
yeah, why would you play a healer without some sort of blunt object?
>Bullying healers
enjoy dying you fucking retard
No, they don't deserve our attention until they beg for it.
I think you shouldn't go behind your party's back and post that, you little slut.
Fluff puff
When will this shitty meme die?
From anime and weeaboo vidya, where pure healer classes are actually a thing.
They don't deserve it, but that won't stop us
A common trope in MMO/RPG-themed anime is the party healer is some kawaii basket case who talks in a stutter and acts like a total doormat.
Healers are backstabbing sluts.