Talk about the Yugioh TCG Game!
What do you guys think of shining victories?
What's your current deck?
Favorite card from current deck?
Do you keep up with the anime like Arc V?
Talk about the Yugioh TCG Game!
What do you guys think of shining victories?
What's your current deck?
Favorite card from current deck?
Do you keep up with the anime like Arc V?
Other urls found in this thread:
Come now
you two must play magic the gathering
>dick joke
Yugioh is a children's game and Veeky Forums is 18+ only. If you're not a pedophile, you need to leave. If you are a pedophile, you need to leave and kill yourself.
18+ Warhammer Player
ur just mad cuz you have no anime
Yugioh is all about balance thorugh imbalance
Which is why every that is not absolute shite is overloaded in some way, in interactions with other cards or in the card itself.
you're an idiot
have you played any other card games at all? dominion, android netrunner, warhammer conquest, nothing?
Well played OP! Pay no heeds to nervous WotC shills.
>that image
Drawing two cards is pretty powerful, eh user? Imagine if something like this existed in yugioh. People would literally quit the game entirely as soon as it's released. In magic, it's just old hat, kind of useless, and only nifty in EDH. That's why magic is better.
Different rules, different powerful things
Pot of Greed is Yugioh's Black Lotus
I played yugioh competitively for a long ass time. It's just extremely autistic about card advantage and tribal synergy, the only reason the pot is banned is to stop powercreep. Black Lotus is objectively ridiculous, just like cyber jar and chaos emperor dragon. Pot of greed just speeds things up, and would be a "staple" card, which is why it's banned. Every deck would use it because it's good and yugioh went in a different direction. Magic still has black lotus-style effects, they're just urbog and cryptghast interactions instead. Do you even remember when lucksworns were a T1 thing? I hear they're still pretty good and that's like, what 8 years ago?
the yuhioh anime sucks a lot of cock though.
and most card games that have an anime suck.
Shouldn't it be the other way around? Yugioh blows its load turn 1 or 2 in full on rocket tag mode, magic takes the time to engage both participants in a longer, more satisfying act. Unless one player is on Belcher or manaless Dredge or something.
black lotus isnt that powerful. game changing for a turn maybe not its not an "I WIN" button. plus its rare as fuck i doubt anyone here has a real one.
One turn is usually enough.
K back, OP here made this thread last night.
Right now for tourney decks it's either monarchs or Kozmos. Depends on how I feel the place out.
Decks i'm working on right now are raidraptor as well as dinoslayer decks!
So much fun. I love this game, just got back into it a few months ago.
The whole point of the Black Lotus is that you can use it to fuel game ending combos on the very first turn. It was easily one of the most powerful cards in the series until the Urza block's Tolarian Academy blew the curve.
Idk man, the latest cards are pretty cool. I love the xyz, syncro, and pendulum summoning it adds more depth to the game and it made me want to play again.
It's worth adding that Tolarian Academy wasn't the most broken card in Urza's block.
Another great thing about yugioh is that the ban list isn't too shitty.
The ban list sucks ass in Magic The Gathering. In fact doesn't it ban whole sets at a time?
Did you just make this thread to show off how "cool and awwsum" YuGiOh is compared to Magic?
Wrong. There are 3 ridiculous individual things about black lotus:
>0 cmc
>adds 3 mana
>of any colour
Any two of those combined would create a very powerful card, but the ridiculous part is that it's all 3 at the same time. There is literally not a better card in all of magic. If you could replace every single land in your deck with black lotus, you would both be supremely powerful and have an objectively huge advantage when compared to anyone playing in a conventional sense.
Pot of greed on the other hand may be draw 2, but I know in the recent sets there are a fuckload of pseudo-tutors built around certain archetypes that are more powerful than pot of greed in context, but less powerful than pot of greed with context removed. Pot of Greed has no board interaction, it would just be an instant +1 regardless of context.
Now let's compare the situation:
>pot of greed gives a single instance of +1 objective card advantage
>black lotus gives a recurring +3 resource advantage regardless of context with no draw back
>assuming you only have one black lotus, because you could technically run more in some formats
>also assuming you aren't running anything that benefits from having artifacts on the field
Ya, you're dumb. Just the sheer volume of interactions generated by black lotus outweighs a +1 card advantage. Mox Opal is very good, and almost broken. Black Lotus is Mox Opal on steroids.
Clearly one card is more powerful than the other, and it's not pot of greed.
I've played dominion, and I know about netrunner
played magic too, if that makes ya happy
I just find yugioh a lot more "fun", in the way that good decks are just ridiculously crazy
hey the anime is aimed at boys 8-12 yrs old
Of course it's bad by grown-up standard.
But adding all those things just makes a deck that drops its hand on the first turn. Either it turns into first player wins or the other player has counters for all your shit, in which case they win because you've blown your load.
But that's just my experience with it.
Doesn't the lotus get put in the yard after use? How does it recur?
no but it's clearly making some of you salty lol.
Yugioh right now is very fast paced, but as konami adds more broken shit they also add some ways of dealing with those cards.
Control decks play with a win con on turn 2-3 or something.
it really depends what type of deck you're making.
I mostly stick to xyzs and pendulums. Although a few of my decks have syncros, like my zombie deck.
>someone posts a 'funny' picture, accompanying their post that pertains to their topic
>It pokes fun at Magic
>Instead of taking it in stride the entire thread is filled to the brim with asses blasting, frothing mouths and rolling tears
>those same people throwing tantrums and trying to push the narrative that they're the mature ones
Another prime example of 'make fun of everything (except the thing I like, then I get offended)
Fair enough, legacy wording got me a little stumped, you're right, but there is a lot that can pull a single zero cost artifact from the graveyard and plop it on the field, whereas yugioh doesn't really do that, as far as I'm aware, outside of very particular creatures.
hah yep! Most people I know who play magic are pretty cool, but some of them are total spergs.
Not like the yugioh community can't be toxic too though hahah.
This isn't what options did though, he purposely compared the two, I'll agree that some of the magic threads are shit but almost none of the ops purposely shit on other card games as an opening statement unless it's a troll thread
You have this the complete other way around buddy, yugiohs banned list is always changing and completely changes the meta all the time, magics banned list places maybe 1 or two cards per format besides standard which has gotten like 4 bans in its history
What your probably thinking is the fact that magic has multiple played formats, unlike yugioh, where ones like standard are only the 2 most current sets but then we have modern, which is all sets up to a certain point, legacy, all cards except for a moderately sized banned list(still smaller than yugiohs) and vintage, all cards except for a small restricted to one list
These formats are all played and are competitive, except for vintage due to the high price to buy in
Top kek, sir.
There are competitions
where people compete
why u gotta be so rude :((((((
don't mind them, they're just angry MTG players.
I think is just no one talks about yugioh in Veeky Forums, so the only ones that come to post are the ones that want to argue and the ones that chill, in other popular games they tend to be minority, but with yugioh its the only thing they get.
Dont really like or care about the current yugioh, at least MtG feels like the same game I played all my life, if you stop playing Yugioh 1 or 2 years, the speed, card advantage and power creep makes it completely different.
So, I want to make a cube of the yugioh I know, with stuff up to synchros and only the most generic xyz, any suggestions?
what do you mean by a cube>
Most of the yugioh threads ive made have gone really well. Maybe if I picked a different image to start with the MTG folks wouldn't have been all pissy, but it's still funny cuz it proves they can't take a joke.
just bought pic related, for muh nostalgia, and was really impressed in hindsight how shit Yugi's builds were... DK has like 10 five-star+ mons, BC is like 80% spells and like half of all the cards are dead draws if you don't pull dark magician turn 1... Fun stuff tho, sad to see some great cards got left out.
What's Veeky Forumss favorite series 1 card? Mine's legendary fisherman.
So joke sex is best sex?
Yugioh is banned from most of my LGS because the players would actually steal from and fight one another.
I'm just hoping the same thing happens to the Cardfight!: Vanguard players next.
While the point as a whole still stands, Standard has had plenty of bans in its history. Mostly during the Urza and Mirroden blocks, though.
It's also worth pointing out that the Standard bans fade away as the format phases out old release blocks.
Pot of greed isn't even that powerful in Yugioh, as every archetype worth anything in the current metagame have their own +1, +2 or field/grave/hand setup cards. The inherent problem with pot of greed is that it can be used by every decks and reduces the minimum deck size from 40 to 38.
Graceful Charity and Sixth Sense are ALOT more powerful.
>Because you need mana to play Magic
>Not laying oops all spells
>Not playing Manaless dredge
aw man, yeah it's good for nostalgia but idk if I want to pay 30 for it when I can buy a yugis legendary collection 3 for the same price and get a raigeki or something cool out of it.
The only thing I really like in there is the red dark magician, thats pretty cool. Exodia is nice to have I guess as well but still not impressive as having the booster versions.
For awhile my favorite card was Tyrant Dragon, now I think it might be Kozmo Dark Lady.
Yeah it really does reduce the minimum deck size. They got rid of having 3 upstart goblins in your deck for the same reason. Now you can only have one, and you still need to give 1000 life points to your opponent, and it became so even that wasn't a worthy enough trade off. Pot of greed had literally no price for it, as well as monster reborn. Makes sense why they got banned.
I love my dracoslayer deck, I've been able to summon this guy pretty easily with him.
>Summer has arrived
Picked up one of these guys the other day. It seems like theres a lot of good additions to performpal decks. I don't know what to put in now though for mine! And I only have one sorceror!
thats literally comepairing oranges and apples those cards are in different games.
you cant replace all of your mana with black lotus you can only have 4 of it in your deck. 4 of the rarest card in magic.....
im not saying the card is weak but by no means dose it do shit without other cards to combo with it. and thats only 3 mana for ONE turn.
black lotus itself dosnt win the game whatever card you cast with its mana wins the game. and you dont have to have black lotus to play a card normal mana works. its just extra mana or a 3 mana draw on one draw.
ya your a dumb cuck.
>eight lines of microscopic text
>no flavor
>redundancy and semantics everywhere
That's a pretty ugly card, design wise.
>idk if I want to pay 30 for it
I rationalized it by the fact that I really wanted a lot of Yugi's normal mons... Also it was just sitting there at Walmart and I certainly wasn't gonna spend hours shopping online
You can only have 3 in yugioh
Actually going to be on topic here.
>What do you guys think of shining victories?
Fuck yeah, blue-eyes nigga.
>What's your current deck?
Blue-Eyes, got it while it's cheap before the shit skyrockets from the movie packs. Also have a Zefra deck and an Odd-Eyes Gravity Dragon centered deck as well for fun.
>Favorite card from current deck?
Sage with Eyes of Blue. Him+Maiden= best opening two cards.
>Do you keep up with the anime like Arc V?
Nah, I really enjoyed the original series and 5D's. Zexal and its sequel did not appeal to me, and neither did the beginning of Arc-V. I might pick it up mid way where they go to the synchro dimension to see my boy Jack again. I heard it's pretty good starting from there.
I'm sure some boosters from the next expansion will heal whatever's vexing you.
We're not falling for your lies satan. If you don't just straight up win with a T1 lotus, then your opponent either had a force of will in hand to stop you or your deck is shit.
>Thoughts on shining victories?
More support for a good archetype, happy even if I don't play it.
>Current Deck?
>Favorite Card?
Junk Destroyer, especially when summoned with QuickDraw and Goat Tokens.
You heard wrong.lightsworns haven't been a meta deck in an eternity unless I guess you count splashing a couple of them in graveyards decks like shaddolls.
And they barely had 1 format of competitiveness at that.
This whole fucking thread.
most of the yugioh talk is confined to the dueling network/ ygopro general on VG.
And there's some autists on/a/'s thread who play shitty character decks and complain about new summoning mechanics (pend/xyz/synch)
Man I'm drunk and I definitely know how fucking retarded you are.
Fucking yugioh shitters are just as bad as MTG shitters.
Ok, am gonna make serious post
>What do you guys think of shining victories?
>What is your current deck?
Six Sams. Always has been, always will.
>Favoriiteee card from current deck?
Gatewey of the six. Holy fuck.
Yugioh still holds the world record for the most attended card game tournament.
>what do you think of shining victories
I think it would've been better with alternative in it.
>what's your current deck
For fun? Fluffals. For serious duels? Dracopals ft magicians.
>favourite card?
Pic related.
Why the added zeros in the stats? Or is there xx50 values? Seems pointless af, an azn thing I guess?
There are monsters with xx50 and xx25 attack yes, it's also convenient for when a monsters attack is halved twice.
Huh. Seems kinda unwieldy but whatevs...
The opposite, it gives monsters more flexibility in their attack of anything.
>black lotus isnt that powerful
Yes, I watch ARC-V. Yuuya is cute.
Not as cute as Sora.
Sure, Graceful Charity allows you to go through your deck a lot faster than Pot of Greed, and let's not even talk about Sixth Sense. But PoG, being an easy +1, is extremely powerful in YGO where card advantage is everything and determines the power of your board.
>play sixth sense
>declare 5&6
>roll 6
Power creep made the graveyard a second hand so it might even be better not to roll 6 in certain decks. Konami sucks at handling this game.
Drawing is always better than milling, in every deck.
>mill 6
>draw into reasoning/other mill spells and mill more than 6
It's a no-brainer
Even noids are better in the hand than they are in the grave, also they run spells.
>What do you guys think of shining victories?
Eh, didn't care much for it. Spinos, Fire King Island and the Digital Bugs were about it, but Digital Bugs are shit.
>What's your current deck?
Infernoids for casual, Odd-Eyes Magician for more serious games.
>Favorite card from current deck?
I don't run it, but I like the art a lot. Sky Iris for OEM.
>Do you keep up with the anime like Arc V?
Yeah. Current arc is alright, although the MC's antics pale in comparison to what happening with Yuzu
The state of the game right now is being ruined by Card of Demise. Next banlist it should go down to 1 with some hits to Kozmo & Monarchs making a somewhat balanced format until we get the movie packs and Felgrand takes over.
Kys, neo
>Talk about the Yugioh Traditional Card Game Game!
other than that good thread op
Fluffals aren't good, they're full of targeting and brick way too often.
Why do people hate YuGiOh so much? I understand that most discussion is kept in Veeky Forums, but it is a card game like any other.
Noone hates yugioh, it's the worlds best card game.
I refuse to ever play any deck as my main but Madolches
Dedication to a single deck will only bring you sadness, and alot of losses.
Their only real disadvantage is no outs to domainarchs.
Decent kozmo matchup because non-targetting shuffling into deck
Believe you me, Magic players might hate Yugioh players, but we hate Wizards even more. Shilling just isn't in our nature, only hatred.
>Draws cards at the end of your one and only turn
>Opponent's hand size only matters at the end of their one and only turn
>Pretty small body (only takes 1/4 of the opponent's life with a direct swing)
yfw this card probably wouldn't even be that good in YGO where it could be played for free.
they aint too bad for a general deck
Last year, this card was 2 dollars, now is 5.why?
also what support cards can i use for melodious
Any generic fairy support.