Filename thread.
Filename thread
>Druid casts Reincarnate
i used to have one of those raptor hand puppets. makes the most annoying noise.
What kind of bullshit rape dungeon is this?
Have my Hen NeckTies Dungeons come to life?
I don't get the file name.
Man, I love it when the racism is so flagrant you don't even need sound to feel uncomfortable.
I need a name for this.
Grue waiting for you to come out at night.
I wonder if there is an edited version of this without the watermelon and just the melon pulp coming out.
I found it hilarious, despite not knowing the context. Honestly I'm pretty comfortable with racism.
Do you think Facebook would ban someone for this?
All the girls are wearing pink?
N is for..?
>X W
I've never seen someone trigger the entirety of /k/ in such a short comment before.
This is Russian, right? That totally looks like from a Russian show.
God, I wish she had tried, and I wish I'd have been there to watch that cop kick the shit out of her.
Apparently there's a Russian show called It's Always Sunny in Moscow.
You can't kick the shit out of someone who's holding your gun, senpai.
>implying anyone besides the rightful king of England can draw that gun
How far apart do you think two people standing in line are? If she'd yanked his gun he could have just turned around and kneed her in the gut.
She wouldn't of been able to grab it, it's got a lock on it.
She would've grabbed it and wondered why it wasn't coming out, and he would've proceeded to beat the shit out of her with his baton.
Aren't the White Scars 40K's Space Marine Mongols? I think it's a crack about the character's super-squinty (probably broken animation) eyes.
>probably broken animation
I don't know what game it is, but it doesn't look like the models have moveable eyes/eyelids. Seems like it's just a really weird face texture.
>I don't know what game it is
Man do I feel old when you say that.
It's GTA: San Andreas
I like how this can be read in two ways
There's the obvious one where GW is the giant jew because fucking duh, and there's the less obvious one where mantic's the giant jew case that's what their models look like compared to GWs
Oh. The only one I've got is GTA3.
>/pol/ assaulting our waifu's.
That holster is designed specifically to be a pain in the ass to take the gun out of.
Unless you pull it almost perfectly straight up, it's not coming out. It's designed that way so you can't walk up behind someone and take the weapon out.
I keked harder than i had any right
White scars? It's the mongoloid chapter of Space Marines, they like bikes. The webm looks retarded anyway
They have Obama on the alphabet for N.
That's...actually a decent plot point for a modern fantasy game.
Does anyone have that image where a guy realizes he's in the same room as a bunch of nazis?
All hail Karl.
Well, that was unexpected
Wow. What the actual fuck?
God damn it, I thought this gif was done being posted,
This is my ex-gf,
I hate seeing this fucking gif,
is there a way to stop certain images from showing on Veeky Forums on my side? like with 4chanx?
Did she give good head?
was she kinky?
I'm going to need some more information before I tell you how you can block it.
Yes actually,
not really,
and doesn't do table top gaming, but is super into pokemon, has a plush collection of most pokemon, trying to get one of each of them.
There was some talk of playing the Pokemon TTG, but we never got around to it.
Like what?
>Like what?
How many spiders did she have?
...And how is he going back?
she found that one and took it home for some unknown reason, looked up what it was and saw it wasn't poisonous and for some reason got the idea to put it in her mouth.
It's not even her spider,
She also didn't expect the video to blow up on youtube, wasn't trying to make a meme of herself, etc.
I'm still going to need more proof that you're not lying in the first place.
I don't need to prove anything to you,
plus we have a mutual friend visits Veeky Forums, he makes metal dice, pretty shitty quality to be honest.
She lives in Arizona,
not gonna say much else,
now, how can I block images from showing in Veeky Forums?
She looks like a QT, too bad things didn't work out :(
Almost didn't catch it. Obama's picture under "N".
N is for Nigger, apparently
Jesus fucking christ those names, its like their parents wanted them to die
Just filter the image hash.