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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Nice save OP
It's not like we haven't had the number wrong before, user. Nobody really minds. We're off by at least 15 threads at this rate.
I guess you could say my ego couldn't handle it.
You Are Specially Trained Dragon-Knight Slayer. Dragon-Knights are Evil and Killed God, and can turn into actual Dragons.
Oh No you are turned into a Dragon-Knight, and the Dragon-Knights were framed by God's Adopted Son, who was the one who Killed God.
God's Adopted Son is ass-pained because his Waifu was Evil, and was Killed by God. So he wanted to kill God, and now he wants to open a portal to the Afterlife to get his Waifu Back.
You've been manipulated the entire time by his Waifu from the Afterlife to help him
It's not a super high quality story, but it's fun.
And about 1/3 to 1/2 way through you can turn into a Dragon, and there are special Dungeons only for your Dragon form.
You fixed it so that's all that mattered.
My Light of Terra has a Cinnabon.
Jumpers, what sort of things have your companions snuck past you?
Oh, right, I forgot.
God's Adopted Son has the soul of Satan that was put into a Baby after Satan was killed. God couldn't bring himself to kill a Baby, so he Adopted him and hoped to raise him to be Good.
Satan's Waifu was from a Cult that worshiped the Original Satan, and wanted him to re-take the throne.
Why does you LoT have a cinnabon in it?
Since they snuck it past me I can't tell you, but nobody wears a smirk that big without having done /something/.
Are there any perks to prevent the classic mad scientist's folly of your experiments accidentally spawning something out of your control that destroys you? Because I'm working on a combo to make my own pocket universe, and it's occurred to me that running a supernatural realm at an accelerated time rate might result in some sort of evil demon god arising, escaping the pocket world, and trying to kill me.
True love truly conquers all. Like alignment.
But them trying to kill you is the fun part.
Well there's a perk called Shaper's... Makers... something in the Bolbox tree of EVO that lets you more easily control things you have shaped, and if you create it it's all but guaranteed to be loyal. I'm pretty sure that means unless you give it reason to be disloyal it will be 100% loyal.
Now I'm gonna do one more Secundo Jump tonight. No Saga-style jumps like Mega Man or Final Fantasy, where I'll need to do every related jump.
True, but I'd rather they try to kill me on my terms, when I enter the pocket world to fight them for my amusement. If they escape they're just going to make a mess.
Found it, Shaper's Authority. Yeah, that looks like it would help a lot. If I combine it with some perks that protect against general misfortune it should be some pretty good insurance.
Imawabi No Dakini.
That's the one!
Does your Light of Terra have an Orange Julius? I will be disappoint if it does not.
Sure, why not. I don't know what that is, but I'll do it.
>Only one perk tree that in and of itself doesn't outright break my rules.
Well fuck you too. But I guess I'm Human.
I don't know. My best guess is that one of my companions bought the rights to set up a franchise on board the giant spaceship. The manager is one of the helper monkeys and inherited from his dad, and doesn't have much of a clue about how it got there. My best guess is Arlyssa Val'ryan, as she's currently running it, though.
I'm going to have to check and take stock of this place again. I'm not on board very often, is the thing. I'll have to spend a good chunk of whatever my next jump is re-familiarizing myself with the place.
Oh, sorry. What are the rules for this chain?
Imawabi No Dakini-
Rolled for 19
Free Spacing Out
Disounct Investigation
Book of Enma
Discount Thief's Mark
For one? No Friends Allowed.
No Companions, No Charisma Perks, nothing. The closest I can get to Charisma Perks is just being Scary or Creepy In General. Not even ones that make me do so by talking.
Because that took all of 10 minutes, I'll take another Toss tonight.
Slice of Life.
Commoragh, I think it's called.
>Slice of Life
>For Anger/Hate/NoFriends Run
It's like you WANT me to suffer. But it's all cool.
I refuse. I have...problems with the Alien jump.
That would be fun, but SoL got first dibs.
I do want Secundo to suffer. He's a prick.
>Go to school with 3 close friends.
NOPE. Jump incompatible with Chain. That's before even Origins are applied.
He is, but sadly the jump is incompatible. OOC I don't mind the suffering. It's amusing, and helps build the Character into an even bigger Prick, and even more of a BBEG.
I guess you win.
>I guess you win
I shall take this inconsequential victory with pride.
Commorragh- Wait. I know these 'Dark Eldar'. They might be even bigger assholes than I am. Time for Biblical Plague?
Rolled for Corespur
Free Dark Eldar Physiology
Free Power from Pain
Free Doc Sawbones
Discount Scalpel Surgeon- So am I Franken Fran now?
Discount Haemonculi
Pre-Fall Science- Eldar Science? In My Hands? This can't end badly at ALL.
Paranoia- Gonna need this
Resistance- Ditto
Free Kabalite Armour
Free Splinter Rifle
Drugs(Cocaine)- Maybe I can turn myself into a Bargin Bin Doomrider?
The Ire of Vect+600- WOW! Nobody Likes Me! Who would have fucking guessed!
One Shiny Dark Eldar Jump.
This is not going to end well.
For anyone.
At all.
Except maybe Slaanesh, and Nurgle....and Chaos in general really.
The arbitrary nerf? If so, sorry, I forgot about that.
If you want another Toss Meee after Commorragh... hmm... 1984.
Nah, I'm done for tonight.
I'll take more requests tomorrow.
I've kinda hit a point where I'm not sure what jumps that are left I want to DO for my main Chain, which is why I'm doing the Secundo thing right now.
Someone should just compile a list of settings that don't have jumps yet from the massive dump of them in the last thread.
Your best bet is too is to like the other user said, get "Shapers Authority" and some other manipulation oerks to make sure your in control of it. Or, you could possibly be a bit of an asshole and pick up Ouroboros system from gunnm, combined with nanomachines will allow you to basically completely control your victims in a false sense of their reality, they are your rat in a cage.
No, that seems a bit over the line for what I want. Ultimately I want a vibrant, living world where all sorts of interesting things go on. I just don't want to get killed by it by accident. So yeah, Shaper's Authority and misfortune-preventing perks, I think. I've got Bolstering the Boardwalk and Enlightened Self-Interest from Worm (wow, Worm user's just giving me all the perks I need for this, isn't he?), those should work well with it.
Yo, so I have no idea why I continued with this, Without further ado (and with the reminder that I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing) let's do this:
My complete Full-Course Menu
> The Experience Cousine
Chef: Kurono Kurumu
Bishokuya: Noel Ua Dún Scáith
> Description
Dishes that, through intense concentration of flavour and texture, invokes short-lived synaesthesia with every bite, allowing the eater to Experience the entire meal and what it is best associated with. Eating this could count as training for those with Gourmet Cells as it allows them to experience how each system in their body works at that moment and how to improve it with MINOR (this is important to remember and note) tweaks. Each dish has palate-cleansing ginger served with it in some way to cleanse out the palate completely as the meal is done, so as to have each part of the menu's full impact on the customer. The necessary herbs and spices and seasonings aren't written below due to the assumption that they are readily available or they are already a part of one of the ingredients.
> Hors d'Oeuvre: Vegeterian Sushi [Julienne Ozone Herb, Rainbow Carrot, Hermit Avocrab's Avocado, Sweet Tomato, Giant Leek, White Radish, Giga Crispy Lettuce; Puzzle Plankton Nori; Umaine Rice; Pickled Palate-Cleansing Ginger]
Allows one to 'see', 'hear', and even 'touch' scents, but to those with Gourmet Cells the effect also has them and their cells experience how efficient their breathing really is. This has the effect of having their body adjust itself for increased efficiency with every breath.
> Soup: Delicate Consommé [Puffer Whale; Silk Bird Egg White; Giant Leek; Golden Carrot; Wine Flower Nectar; Palate-Cleansing Ginger] [All ingredients are strained out before serving]
The soup allows one to experience the full flavour of the delicate soup by enhancing their taste to the point where one could taste what other senses are picking up, such as colour or music. Those with Gourmet Cells have all their senses enhanced to the point that they can feel their body's own internal processes and their gourmet cells work make them smoother overall.
>Hermit Avocrab's Avocado
Is the fact that a crab lived inside it important, or could you get the fruit directly from whatever unique species of avocado tree they prefer?
> Fish Dish: Voltakifugu Sashimi [Voltakifugu (still somewhat electric due to Food Honor training); Shredded Pickled White Radish; Grated Palate-Cleansing Ginger mixed in with Soy Sauce from a Soy-Sauce Grasshopper]
The tiny spark left in the sashimi has the eater for a single moment, experience time itself, or their perception there of as their nerves are briefly super-charged. The Gourmet Cell bearers however, experience their nervous system's workings and the consequent tweaks to their efficiency.
(From what I understand, really, really, really, REALLY top notch fugu chefs leave an extremely tiny bit of the fugu's poison in the sashimi to let a customer experience a slight mouth numbing effect. Apparently, this is the mark of a top-notch experience)
It is, sushi isn't sushi without some seafood flavour in it.
> Meat Dish: Sausage Worm with Multiple Mushroom Sauce [Baked Sausage Worm; Sirloin, Cream, Hot, Napkin Mushrooms; Bacchus Onion; Minced Palate-Cleansing Ginger; Soy Milk Road Tears; Stew Wine]
This earthy, hearty meal enhances ones sensitivity to temperature, making those who eat it able to see and hear zones of temperature. This increased sensitivity lets a Gourmet Cell bearer experience their body's own homeostatis, using the thermal systems as an 'in', through this their Gourmet Cells are made aware of tiny inefficiencies and work to correct them. It also introduces a new system, the upkeep of the body's efficiency through the Gourmet Cells.
> Main Dish: Sunrise Spaghetti Bolognese [Zenman; Minced Jewel Meat; Finely diced smoked Bacon Leaf; Diced Sweet Tomatoes; Finely Diced Bacchus Onion; Meteor Garlic; Sunshine Cheese; Million Tomato Paste; Stew Wine; Crushed Palate-Cleansing Ginger]
A literal shining meal that makes one all too aware of all the light in the world by increasing one's sensitivity to it through their touch, hearing, and taste. Gourmet Cell bearers go a step further and have their photoreceptors' sensitivity and adaptability adjusted and the nerves involved better able to carry the impulses gathered.
> Salad: Grilled Nurseplant and Mozzericicle Cheese Salad [Grilled Nurseplant; Sliced Sweet Tomato; Mozzericicle Cheese; Mors Oil; King Vinegar with a touch of Crushed Palate-Cleansing Ginger]
A 'break' of sorts from the intense flavours, this simply allows one to enjoy rich, mellow flavours and textures that seem to have the eater feel their own body slowyl growing. To a Gourmet Cell bearer, it has them experience their aging and the tiny corrections that their cells do to reduce its harmful effects. It doesn't counter act it or stop it, just makes one's aging more graceful.
> Dessert: Supear Sorbet [Supear; White Apple; Rainbow Fruit Wine; Crushed sprinkles of Candied Palate-Cleansing Ginger]
From the first bite, this sorbet seems to just snap all senses that one has to fully awake, for that moment, the eater has their senses on at full blast. To Gourmet Cell bearers, this state has the added bonus of allowing the Gourmet Cells to effectively finish fine tuning one's senses and better linking them so general body coordination is improved.
(Color changes with each serving thanks to Rainbow Fruit Wine)
Never had I thought someone would actually make a full course menu and never have I ever thought someone's menu could make me this hungry.
> Drink: Cleansing Ginger Beer[Chopped Palate-Cleansing Ginger; Delicineral Water; Numblemon Juice; Honey Dragon Honey; Carbonated Cure Water]
To end things off, a simple Ginger Beer, that with a sip seems to mellow the experience of the menu so that they'll be able to go about their day, there is a tiny kick that serves as a final reminder of the menu. For Gourmet Cell bearers, it has the purpose of simply letting one experience their newly fine-tuned body in its all its glory, and to those who know it, makes one final tweak to their efficiency to Enbu. Either way, it serves as a step towards Enbu, the rest is for the eater to figure out
Neither did I user, neither did I.
Aaaaand done. Now I hope that this aside can just leave me alone.
Oh, if anyone has questions about the menu, feel free to ask I guess.
I have a question; why?
I'm not trying to start shit, I'm legitimately curious and haven't seen this before. Why are you doing this?
Just one: A bishokuya's Full Course Menu is meant to say something about who they are. What are you trying to say, with this menu focused around heightening the senses?
It literally didn't leave me alone from the moment I did my Toriko Jump. So I just gave in and completed it. Then I figured that I might as well share it with everyone I guess.
More fine-tuning the basics from which everything else is built. It's how I've realized my jumpchain works.
I jump into a world, pick the basics, then build on them. After a certain amount of layers, those basics meld into each other and then play off each other, becoming something else completely.
I guess it's why I insist on remaining human, because everything revolves around me being completely human at the core of it all.
And yeah, the senses thing is also a big thing, but less huge than the "Basics are everything!" part.
Oh! Almost forgot to mention!
This menu is just as mine as it is my chef's, Kurumu, as if you take another look at the menu, it has a lot to do with how the body perceives things. And since Kurumu's abilities have a lot to do with Illusions (her appetite energy boosts her natural illusion abilities) this menu help her illusions become all that more deadly.
So in sense, it's also all about my synergy with her.
Oops, made a mistake there...
Toriko-user has one, it's geared to feeding a lot of people all at once if I remember correctly.
Not sure if others have made their's and shared it in the thread.
Is the guy working on Digital Devil Saga part 2 around? Just wanted to see how that's coming along
List of settings that people want jumps made for compiled because I can't concentrate on anything productive. 224 ideas for anyone stuck for a project to work on.
Please keep in mind some of these settings may already be claimed, so ask before you start work.
Overlord (anime/VN) Jump # 113
Starting Location: Hidden by the great wall, Roble Holy Kingdom
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Race: Angel (150, Discount)
Player/Local: Player (Free)
Origin: Magic Caster (Free)
*Tolerance of Evil (Free)
*Personal Inventory (Free, 1 rank)
*Themed Aesthetic (50)
*Level 100 (600)
*Class Skills, Magic Caster (Free)
*Specific Specialization - Summoning (100, Discount)
*Innate Talent – Enhanced Healing Magic (100, Discount)
*Abyss of Magic (300, Discount)
*Divine Class Equipment (Discount, Free from 200 CP bonus for equipment)
*Foreigner + 100
*Embroiled in Politics + 200
Thought I might post another build. I must say I checked this anime out on a whim and it’s pretty good. I think I will try and make friends with Ainz though I am kind of worried that the floor guardians will try and kill me. They are a crazy bunch and I could understand them seeing me as a potential threat. Still it would be nice to be friends with a fellow player.
Since I start out near a savage land filled with a bunch of tribes of warring Demihumans. First I shall set out to claim an area of the wilderness of my own building up a fortress to serve as my home base. Then I shall set about uniting the tribes of demihumans in the surrounding area and trying to spread civilization.
I am not sure that it will be possible to bring peace to the area because… well I have no idea why they are fighting other than they are different from each other. I want to say I am not looking to nation build but I am fairly sure what I am describing is actually the very definition of nation building. I just want Neighbors that aren’t crazy and going to war all the time. Sadly I doubt I am going to find that here.
Generic Medical Drama Jumpchain
+100cp Soap Opera
+100cp In-Your-End-o
+200cp Clinic Hours
+200cp Smell Like A Father Figure
Rolling for ageRoll(1d8)+25:2,+25 Total:27
Doctor+10 to age total 37 years old-100
Interesting... Free to Everyone
Medical Doctorate X2One Purchase Free to Everyone)-100 :General practice, General surgery,Trauma surgery
Absurdly High Paying SpecialtyX2: Emergency medicine, Organ transplantation -400
Dirt -600
Doctor's orders free
Instant diagnosis -300 discounted for Doctor
Steady hands -100
The plan: be the sober Hawkeye Pierce, actually try to mentor this kid,Save some lives, use the Dirt ability to manipulate the flow of drama against my adversaries
It's adorably wonky but I'd kill for a proper Weyland-Yutaniverse jump. One with all the right crossovers and none of the wrong ones.
I arbitrarily made Generic Zombie Apocalypse into my ideal WY jump. TPK.
Quite the list. I hope people decide to give some of those settings a try.
And as promised I rise from the depths to give you.....this.
More perks which get no discount, but generally I think are good general stuff.
More notes explaining the Depths and transformation a bit.
More notes on the capstones and cross-jump interaction which people will likely ask or think about.
More notes everywhere I am afraid.
Re-worded some parts.
Fish tank is now Seafood tank for those who hate fishies.
Also 300cp perks for all backgrounds, don't get used to them, I am very likely to rewrite them based on feedback, but what they do should remain the same...maybe.
And that should be it.
Oh wait, I did finish some of the gear I started (Which I really need to rewrite how I describe them).
And I did put more drawbacks.
Yep that is it, still not ready, but we are getting there I believe, next time I start the Vestiges (which I am sure many wish to see...might need new drawbacks for some of you CP hungry maniacs).
Now if you will excuse me I am taking a small break, have fun tearing the jump a new one I suppose.
>You Been Thunderstruck
That's...not really worth 800cp.
Going to wait until it's close to finish before giving criticism, seems like it's more efficient. I do think you need to go over the formatting and grammar a bit more as you go though, it's pretty messy.
How will Cult work after the jump?
Im waiting so hard for this.
Aggravated damage, you take more damage from a taser....but yeah okay I will put it down to 600 as it was before and made more sense.
Fair enough and yes I am aware of those problems.
Scenario which when finished allows you to get a new one in each jump.
A new one based on what you spent the points on.(Forgot to write that).
Honestly even 600 is too much. Tasers aren't exactly omnipresent and there's not many other ways of dealing electrical damage that aren't location specific.
Random question time!
How many superhero/villain identities you’ve had on a single jump? How many where just for the hell of it? How many were just to get away with shit?
>Dubsman (“private joke”):Rouge that charged for making a temporary clone of you to give a brake (5 hours minimum or your money back)
Just dropped daily around Brocton’s hospital to give Panacea freebies
>Dwarf (being ironic, Makers are 12ft tall): Case 53 ‘tinker’ hero (tentatively)
Also known as “the bastard that suplexed leviathan”
>-Non named- villain. played the meltdown card and ran a messy purge in Brocton with telekinetically controlled, flaming, unbreakable chains.
>Fenrir: Giant(800ft tall) wolf with ice powers. Used it to fuck with Lung for a while.
>-unnamed-: Drill/Mecha Tinker that pierced fucking Behemoth (possibly from japan,they said...).
Got into beacon with companions. Had a couple of alter-egos, and some other throwaways.
>Hunter/beast: Used my Ultimate Beast Build from Bloodborne to be the gore monster to the white fang.
Stole all the stolen Dust. For me. Left a mess for Cinder. A bloody one.
>Grimm Cultist: Spend the first year on a Grimm slaughtering rampage all over Remnant to feed the Grimmoire. Couldn’t just let anybody know so I put on a black robe and made a mask. Designated power was the Kaguya kekei genkai and madness build (anger/wrath) to lure Grimm. Some guys actually thought i was making/controlling them. Good times ensued.
>Unknown Corporative spy: Basically used most of naruto’s vanilla stealth ninja powers and the warehouse to pocket as much Atlas tech as I could. Same with Shnee and most other I just got some money or dust from
Asking again- wasn't there a ruling on Dresden Files that if you took Job Offer and the highest level of Changeling parents, you could pick your parent from the Job Offer tier options?
How are you making temporary clones of other people capable of filling in for them?
The Marduk society has made electrical weapons specifically to gank Leviathans, but okay you are somewhat correct there, I shall see nerfing how much damage it would do and putting it to give less points than before.
Or just buff it so its close to instant kill.
As people have mentioned the Bolbox thing.
In terms of magic stuff and magitech though you can't really go wrong with Safety First in Cardcaptor Sakura. 200 CP and lets you become completely unaffected by magic that you've designed or from beings you've created. Shitload of stuff people love from that jump but that's probably the Cool cats top pick.
Doesn't cover everything but covers a fair bit. Doesn't hurt to spec for durability if you're going the mad science route.
Not exactly hero/villain, but since I acquired Hiveminded I have been playing in all the possible factions. Sometimes to help make peace, sometimes to make important weapons and artifacts to been losts, sometimes just to mess with people.
I haven't seen an actual ruling but I have seen people doing it, so I'd assume yes.
>it's a Jumper acquires more and more indentities each jump, becoming everyone in the settings they visit episode
CleanupAnon here, someone spoke the Words of Summoning? Just after I fell asleep too, damn.
Anyway. Since you're timetravelling through the use of your Sburb aspect, it would follow Sburb logic. Means you can't actually change anything without dooming your timeline, even in other jumps. On the other hand, you're free to go around and do stuff in the past or future, as long as you don't change/fuck anything up for the 'present' you left.
Immunity to time shit perks would maybe sometimes help, lot of the time wouldn't. Not because they're cancelled out, but because they mostly protect /you/ specifically. And Dooming your timeline doesn't technically do anything to you. It just branches the timeline off, and slates it for erasing. You'd still be able to escape to the new main timeline, where you didn't change anything, before that happens. Except then you're fated to die because of being part of a Doomed timeline. Fate-fuckery protection perks would help with that more than anti-time shit perks.
So although I could mess around with it, it wouldn't help me if I just want to live out my ten years in a different part of the settings history than the jump lets me start at?
Rather, it would sort of, but it'd be really dangerous to do so and not really worth the risk?
During Worm, I made liberal use of self-duplication.
My full-power, original self went undercover as the Hero/Villain (whatever Taylor was doing) called Portia and basically acted as Taylor's sidekick and stuffed around making sure she didn't get herself killed(/emotionally crippled).
Copy 1 (100% power) ran things from my LoT/ACU, preparing drop forces to intercept Endbringers and was my "Oh Shit!" button in case I needed to bring in my full range of power but didn't want to drop my guise as Taylor's sidekick.
Copy 2 (50%) ran ongoing projects in the warehouse and its various pocket dimensions, attachments, etc.
Copy 3 (25% power) retained my jumper appearance and went about socializing, politicking, trying to make deals with the PRT, trying to waifu various heroes/villains and doing all the shit that my file said I'd be trying to do. Basically acting as a huge distraction. Most of my companions stayed with this copy, since my file has their data too.
Copies 4-7 (12.5% power - 1.5% power) posed as different teenagers just discovering their shards and signing up with the PRT to infiltrate it. Numbers 6 and 7 posed as Tinkers, because that type doesn't need much in the way of physical power and all my copies can draw on the hive mind.
Copies 8-10 (
I am impressed. Like. Damn.
But I posed my--
Yeah, what user said. I've posted my Full Course before. A bit of a lazy full course but like stated, its made for variety and feeding a lot of people.
I'm glad that my Jump inspired (haunted) you to such a degree!
Just on its own, that's correct.
Through if you have any perk(s) to smooth over the butterfly effect, you could live out your ten years sometime else perfectly alright. Well, as long as you don't do something drastic like murder a historical figure.
What self-duplicting perk did you use?
Yeah, I thought it was a neat idea so I gave the go ahead. Just remember that you have to follow the rules for both powers, meaning you can't switch out your Job Offer's patron if you go that route.
I'd mainly use it to be about ten years before the main jump, and usually would mess up the plot which may involve killing or saving important people. I guess that means this isn't the method for me.
I had fun in Marvel (Comics) with this.
> Meta
That guy who sometimes hung around with Deadpool and talked a lotta bullshit. Crazily good merc though.
> Lancer
A battle hungry mage who is blinding fast and agile, kept up easily with Quicksilver and implied that he was capable of going faster. Uses runes and a spear made of Anti-Metal and hilariously strong wood. Dressed in a one piece sleeveless black and silver suit, there are suspicions that the suit itself is laced with vibranium.
> Joe
Just a guy who gets caught up in some shit and is just a little stronger and tougher than you thought or last saw. Just a little bit. Honest!
I forget the other two I used, but it was fucking hilarious when I had all of me in one place at one time during the battle that Tony brought out the Thor Clone. We worked well as a team I must say.
And thanks for the Jump Toriko-user, it was a blast and what got me to read the manga as well!
Thanks for the feast!
If SMTanon is here, I had some questions about eXceed... Do the sun or other stars count as an object for eXceed Alchemy? Kinda want to grab 'Heat' and 'Light' from the greatest source I can find.
Living beings are apparently enough of a object to get a concept from, does this mean I can also add a concept to them?
Also, could I draw a concept from myself and/or bind concepts to myself?
The one from Teen Titans. It gives you one full-power copy, and every one after at half power of the previous one (50%, 25%, 12.5% etc.).
Servant Supplement Update When?
Not for the foreseeable future. Why would there be one anyway?
New skills from F/GO.
F/GO a shit.
New skills get added every few weeks with new Servants though. What's the point of updating it now instead of waiting for the end?
Well, until we get a F/GO jump which is really unlikely I don't think there'll be an update. Certainly not one to include those skills at any rate.
Plum Juggler's Requiem ability can make up to 3 perfect clones of anyone or anything under your control. Tho' they only last "a few hours".
Im jumping fallen london now and I was just wondering. What does the correspondance course perk actually do?
Huh. That is incredibly awesome. Why doesn't it get mentioned more often?
Looks like JoJo will be my next jump!
Make sure you chose Diamond is Ubreakable or Steel Ball Run.
In those the arrowhead or corpse could give your stand awakening and Requiem
it gives you extensive knowledge of a powerful magical language and protects you from the usual drawbacks
Just to note, "Cult Members" conflicts with how many people it gives you. It says each time you buy it adds 20 people, then also says buying more than once adds 50 people.
I do believe Val's official stance on the subject is that Grand Order can die in a ditch and it's not worth the effort to try to salvage skills from that huge pile of crap.