The first dump is now down. Does anyone have a link to a mirror of them?
Leaked Faction Decks
Other urls found in this thread:
I have them all. What do you want?
Isn't that obvious?
Give me 5 minutes and I'll dump them.
I'm looking for MK III Khador, but I guess other players will be interested by the other factions as well.
>inb4: 2hu futa porn
Here is ur mark 3 khador.
You, sir, are a scholar and a gentleman. Have a nice day.
I'm dumping the newest NQ. Enjoy.
By the way, any word on what will be the new Journeyman weekly thresholds?
>kommandos lost their shield bash
>gas no longer lowers def+attack
dang, man
bump for cygnar
bumping for retribution pls
bump for our undead overlords (cryx) and mercs
Back. Do you guys want me to dump links? I don't have swans.
Yes please post so everyone can see the absolute mess the game is going to become. Get out while you can kids.
Would be in your debt for Cryx sir.
wish I could give ya cygnar without letting the rest of these filthy parasites have it too, c'est la vie though
Right just to explain this a bit right. When you click the link go down the page to where you can see the red "Free user slow download" click on the "Download" font.
Enjoy/make copies and pass them along.
Maybe I'm just retarded, but literally wherever I click on the 'free user slow download' button i just end up refreshing the page.
why dis
Your problem is that you only see with your eyes. Your eyes, though, they lie to you. To see past the illusions, you must see with your heart.
Close your eyes. Use the Force. Let it guide you to the one true download button.
Getting the same thing.
Am I retarded? Probably.
Figured it out. Click on the slow part.
Because you need to click on Download and not the Image of download.
Anyone have a link to the leaked troll cards? I somehow managed to not save them. And now I've got troll friends giddy about the changes, and I need to prepare.
>card for a solo has health boxes up to the FA of the solo type
I like it.
Assault Kommando flame throwers don't blow up in a blaze of glory anymore when destroyed?
You need to click on "here".
The "here" nor the "download" work
This user speaks the truth
I have been out of Warmachine for a while so I have to ask. Has it been a long time since Withershadow combine lost its ability to turn enemy jacks into brand new cryx jacks? Them losing that ability is fucking horseshit.
Click on the word Download...
Yeah - it's not working - wonder if my adblock is messing it up
They're losing it this edition, so just now.
I don't know why it was removed, it was a fluffy ability that also never really got used. If course, Cryx got hit the most with the losing of extra abilities they weren't paying anything for.
Anyone got the troll deck?
Same here. I can click on every single one of the words in the Free User box in isolation, it still only reloads the page.
"here" doesn't work
"download" doesn't work
"free" doesn't work
not sure exactly what I'm doing wrong, but it's definitely not working.
yeah - these links are bad - can someone who has them move them to MEGA or another file share?
Well that was a waste of time
I do
cygnar too
so the links are bad yes?
seems like it. I've had no luck no matter where i try clicking.
The links are dog faeces
Anyone else has working links ?
Try this before it's gone:
Many thanks
So, with the new edition looming, I want to give this game another try as last time, about two years ago, didn't really work out due to some bad experiences in my first couple of games.
I own the Khador stuff from the 2 player box, a Decimator and a War Dog. However, I cannot find the warcaster; I assume I lost her when moving.
So, which warcaster should I get to start with? Is this even a reasonable starting point now? I like Men-o-War and 'jacks, both of which I was told would be better this edition.
>no warmahordes general thread
Anyone have the Wild Adventure RPG book PDF?
Well from the looks of it, the Men-O-War Shocktroopers got better. Democrop actually got shittier with the loss of backswing and icebreaker, and Bombardiers remain an exercise in pointlessness.
Don't make the same mistakes I did when I first started Khador, user. Don't go full Man O War. Get the new UA for the Shocktroopers and be happy for it, because that's all we're getting.
As for casters, I'd say Irusk 1 can do a lot to enhance the Shocktroopers further between Battle Lust, Iron Flesh, his feat and reposition. Butcher1 is also a good choice because he too has iron flesh (in addition to fury) and also benefits from the Shocktroopers since they can block LOS to him.
>This many morons who can't experiment enough.
I got it easily, the box to click on appears to be near the W in the word download.
Will anyone post Cygnar and Trollblood decks? I would be really grateful
Anyone got the thorn gunmage card? I swear I saw it a while ago and I can't remember where from!
Do manhunters come in pairs of 2 now like Kayazy Eliminators? It has model A and model B health zones.
No wait, I see how it works now. One card for each allowance. Really weird though.
They are FA2, so you get one set of boxes for each guy.
Man, Ruin looks so fucking cool. Like, not rules-wise or whatever that's all fine. I just mean in the art, and even the sculpt to an extent. He just looks really badass.