Share your horror stories
Other urls found in this thread:
>Joined game
>DM wants rolled stats
>Everyone somehow has almost every stat over 15
>DM wants us to do standard class gold rolling
>somehow people have thousands of gold
>DM wants no homebrew races
>people do homebrew races
>Elf/Dragon, Slime girl, ect.
>DM allows all of this
There's more to this story if anyones interested
I'm willing to see a couple more posts to see if it actually gets interesting
For the most part it was more frustrating then anything, but for you I shall continue. Maybe in I rewind abit.
>See game posted
>Actually have had alot of luck finding good groups on roll20
>Replies to post
>Almost no character creation info given on post
>ask DM about character creation rules
>"Roll stats (never asked for proof, literally was ok with people rolling them irl and just jotting down the results) and core source materials only"
>Roll monk, never played before
>Other classes post mythweavers character sheets
>Looks at other's characters to see what the group will be like
>Everyones stats are over 15
>Self is only standard fantasy race
>Other players consist of a elf/dragon "herm", a slime girl, and two others I cant remember
>roll human monk
>Game day
>Expect DM to call everyone out on their obvious bullshit
>Le start game
Player characters always have stupid fuckoff names with like zeds in them and shit
You deserve all your troubles
>Start game
>Tavern trope
>I'm ok with this
>Elf/dragon herm is eatting a whole cow
>slime girl is pointing out how large her boobs are
>i'm not so ok anymore
>Guard comes into tavern
>"Whole town is under attack by orcs"
>Elf/dragon herm calls guard a lier
>doesn't want to help
>Slime girl doesn't care either
>I go with other two to help
>ALOT of general interfighting between DM and some of the players over the use of some varient rules that are stated in the core rule books
>DM tones down the orcs because herm and slimy doesn't want to help
>Kill orcs
>"yaaaayyy" with almost no hope that things will get better
>Guards go to pay the three of us for helping town
>Herm gets butthurt, demands reward also
>DM "You didn't help so no gold for you"
>herm throws a fit
>attacks guards
>leaves the group
At this point i couldn't take anymore and just decided to quietly leave the group. All in all, i was expecting to have fun and instead felt alienated
>Elf/Dragon Hermaphrodite
>Blatant Futashit
>playing with random people on Roll20
I deserve that, I truly do. I had faith in the goodness of people. I was wrong.
Awesome filename
>See a post for Barbarians of Lemuria
>Cool. Never played before
>It starts off pretty fun
>GM had to end game after third session for some reason
>See post for M&M
>Cool. Never played before
>Starts of pretty fun
>During second session, GM never shows up to the call
>Doesn't respond to private messages
>Guess the game has ended
>See post for V:tM
>Cool. Never played before
>GM realizes she has overbooked
>Puts campaign on hiatus before first session starts
>Never see another post for it
That's the only real horror I've seen. But boy do I see it often.
this is tragically very common
I've never had worse than a flake off of roll20 randoms, but I never accept more than one random at a time.
Man I HATE RANDOMS!! Worse than normies
but then I don't have any friends so I always end up playing rpg solo :-(
This is less about the community there and more of my problem with the technical side of the site. A bunch of my friends and I all live far apart now but we still try to play some RPGs online and Roll20 is the best tool we know of so I've got to keep using it.
Anyway I'm pretty sure the site has a vendetta against me because all of my friends will testify that the RNG on that site has fucked me up the ass with a ten foot pull covered in razor wire.
In Dark Heresy I had my gun jam three times in a row, and missed every shot I fired that day. Hell just a couple days ago we started a new D&D game and I roll a 1 for how much HP I have. I thought "okay next level this has to even out" and I get another 1. when we get to level 3 it's a 1 yet again. In the first session with that character I had 2 miscasts, and because I had one HP both times I was knocked out before I even participated in the fight.
>Join pathfinder game
>It clearly states "Text only"
>Say they need someone to fulfill rogue duty
>Roll up alchemist which is pretty decent at this job
>Game starts
>People use skype to do everything
>Bitches at me for not using voice
>GM makes up rules on the fly despite us talking in advance about the inclusion of homebrew or 3pp and his answer was a very clear no
>Group is fucking huge (8 people in a 4 player game)
>One of them is an annoying attention whore that constantly screams on mic about how much of a nerd she is
>Holy-pain archetype Tiefling paladin is adversarial to the party and white knights except the whore whom she white knights consistently
>Party constantly accuses me of being evil (never cast spells with evil descriptor and never do anything close to evil) with the paladin hot on my ass 24/7
>His personal healbot cleric sticks to him to the point of impeding combat by taking up tactically advantageous positions
>Everyone is a murder hobo with the paladin serving as the "leader" and "moral compass" of the group
>Paladin literally slaughters a room full of incapacitated and sick bandits
>Druid who follows fey religion ambushes and murders TN~CG fey without even giving them a chance to talk
>The GM does nothing to punish this
>Party still constantly accuses my character of being evil and refuses to cooperate with me
Doesnt end there chaps
>Witch has access to brew potion
>I ask for guidance (infinitely reusable 0th level spell) whenever I make disable device checks
>At first he gives it freely but he laters offers to sell me potions at market price
>He also refuses to cast heal whenever I roll bad on disable device and instead offers to sell me healing potions at fucking market price
>Reach first town
>Group refuses to give me a share of the loot
>LFG listings
>mic only as far as the eye can see
Truly horrifying.
>At this point i couldn't take anymore and just decided to quietly leave the group. All in all, i was expecting to have fun and instead felt alienated
This is the problem with online gaming in general.
>join 5e game, first ever D&D game
>DM would rather be running 3.5 and lets us know quite often
>German player dropped out for no reason I could tell, and deleted the game from R20
>British teen who's quite nice, no complaints about him
>me, who has to speak loudly because of a crappy microphone and often sounds angry as a result
and then there's the TG guy
>playing an Aarakocra, gets invested in an orphan child and complains that his character has no reason to be with the rest of the party
>after the game got deleted and we started a new one, he decides to play as a centaur based on Dmitrys art(shemale porn artist)
>gets really emotional, cried because we killed someone under mind-control
>wanted to be evil and betray the party since the centaur has an oath of vengeance against the whole world (talked him out of it and into something more playable)
>says he loves the game but seems like he's ready to drop at any moment
>general TG drama/emotional stuff
The fuck?
These are nightmares. I'm trying to imagine what these sessions would be like if for some reason they took place in someone's home at their table.
I should also mention for that character that ended up with 1 HP. I rolled all my number online initially as well. My highest number was an 11 and everything else was complete shit rolls. If I was forced to keep them than I would be legally blind, slow as a snail, weak as a starved child, and about as charming as a sewer rat's asshole. GM looked and that and said to use something else if it's shitting on me this much for character stats. Rolled with actual dice and got okay rolls.
I'm dead serious about all this. If you want I could get a friend of mine to testify to this tomorrow if this thread is still live. Has anyone else ever had RNG hate them this much? I can get nothing but bad rolls when I use Roll20.
Don't you people have good stories for once? I really want to get into D&D but reading stuff like that breaks my morale.
Just got home from DMing Curse of Strahd. The party is in Vallaki, just split up, and only moved the plot forward a single night. Having an absolutely excellent time, but oftentimes that's not as good of a story as complaining about shit.
But it'd do wonder for my morale if people were posting epic or hilarious shit, because to an onlooker, it really feels like every game is plagued with attention whores, edgy retards, faggots, foreigners, mexicans, republicans and real-life satanists.
>epic or hilarious shit
The problem is, what you find epic or hilarious a lot of people will just think is stupid. Rage is universal.
Play with your friends, user, they're people you want to share the room with to begin with.
Unless they're attention whores, edgy retards, faggots, foreigners, mexicans, republicans or real-life satanists, of course.
>first time trying out online game session with people from Veeky Forums
>a couple of people instantly flake and aren't paying attention
>dm has to leave and says he'll message us to see when we can play again
>never hear from him again
Good bye Orc with 18/something strength and like 4 int.
Because every game is but sometimes it's fun.
Dunno, I remember a pasta of three martial artists trying to fight each other and only fumbling every roll, essentially knocking themselves out.
>Play with your friends
Have you ever tried to make them try tabletop?
I'll be your friend user
>insert trap picture here
>the that guy guy
>game horror stories thread
>"Why aren't people posting nice/happy stories?"
It's a mystery I guess.
You left that group, I hope?
Here is a tip: don't play D&D.
Just kidding: if you want to play it, go for it. Just know that on Roll20 you will have to wade through a lot of shit before you find a good, stable group.
I'm thinking of trying to get into some voice-based roll20 games to brush up my spoken english.
(I'm ESL and while I have ample opportunity to write in it, I haven't spoken it aloud since highschool.)
How hard would I be running the risk of getting booted for sucking?
Playing with randoms is very much alike to sifting a mud river for gold nuggets.
Though if you want more positive stories, you'd get more fish by starting your own thread here.
When you pander to the minority you alienate the majority.
That depends on the people you're playing with.
In my group, I don't think we would boot someone because they can't speak english as good as we can...
Only complaint I've had is with the "R"NG of Roll20. Almost every roll I make has a 1 in it somewhere. It's a running joke to sing "Are You Ready For A Miracle" because I make fumble points rain down when I roll.
Some people were faggots and I joined a different group.
Doesn't get more horrible han that on roll20 realy, for players at least.
Just don't ever apply to a game that neither provides setting information nor asks you to put some effort into writing an application.
If the GM care's enough to put 5 minutes into writing something up he'll put in the effort to kick out autists. And after a while, if you're cool (like myself) You'll know a bunch of cool players and GMs so you won't have to rely on randoms.
Just like Left 4 Dead, Vermintide, and every coop game ever.
I'm that GM and I hope I get run over by a Truck for it sometime.
On the other hand my games were shit anyway.
>Join OW game
>Fun, goofy premise
>GM like to smash the horrors of war, levity of invasion, boredom of soldiering and ludicrous nature of Imperial Guard together to make some damn fine comedy
>First session there's technical difficulties
>Second and third run just fine
>Fourth session rolls around and GM doesn't show
>Doesn't reply to any messages
>Next week find out he's in hospital after a psychotic episode
>The rest of the group stops responding
>They're so used to GMs flaking that they just move on immediately
>tfw I really wanted to play with those guys
One time, the party had to make three 2d6 rolls for something. We all rolled the same thing (3,3), which if put together looked like 666.
We TPKd that session.
>GM asks for long ass backstory and claims he's going to integrate it to the plot
>Claims his campaign is going to be of epic fucking proportions
>Comply hoping for the best
>He barely touches on it and forgets about it soon enough
>Ask about setting
>Says its set in default 3.5 setting
>"You mean faerun?"
>"Yeah that one"
>Ok lets make my character a survivor of the spellplague
>His Quest npc is fucking professor X in everything but name and wants me to join his x men
>"Ok in exchange for joining me I'll cure your spellplague"
>Should have stopped right there but decide to keep going
>Takes me to a fucking different dimension and everything is quickly forgotten
>Other quest npc claims he's from my world
>"Oh where from?"
>Calls me countryman
>Countryman from a different fucking setting altogether
I joined a game and the DM was just not very good. The 4 players all just left and one of them turned out to be a DM with a bit of experience. We've now run 2 very successful sessions, everybody gets along well, and we actually roleplay together pretty nicely.
Weirdest part is I saved a young girl and we're escorting her home, she really likes my character, and the female characters keep insinuating inappropriate things.
I don't care though, I get to be some little girl's hero. i'm okay with that.
Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
One of my players lives in Canada's version of the booinies. I'll let you guys imagine how terrible his internet connection is.
Why would connection quality fucking matter when the game isnt in reaction based?
You can probably have 1500 ping and still play roll20 games well enough.
otp, im jelly man
Pretty much, yeah.
>GM asks for long ass backstory and claims he's going to integrate it to the plot
You should've dropped out there
Well for starters it matters for voice chat if they're using it.
Second, totalshit internet would also have constant disconnects, which could run for minutes before restoring and then drop again soon after.
Our bard would've asked how old the girl is, then hit on her regardless of the answer. And then our party would've punched him. A lot.
I dont usually green text, so sorry if the writing is off
part 1
>Join Mutants and Masterminds game
>GM asks for a one on one interview before game 0
>interview is cool, me and him talk about GURPS for bit
>cut to game 0 to build characters and what not
>i accidentally show up 30 minutes late because i misunderstood when it began
>i apologize and GM says its cool, just try and be on time next time
>say "okay"
>one guy in the group is tapping on a practice drum pad
>i've done some drumming, so i know they're mostly done to practice drum speed and timing and arent actually instruments
>Guy stops tapping and asks everyone "so what did you think?" as though he played a song
>this strkes me as odd, but i forget about it
>everyone says "oh it was good to be polite"
>we start discussing out characters
>its a fairly serious campaign, not grim dark or anything but not goofy
>All characters are as based in reality, and their powers are pretty straight forward
>turning into bugs, creating matter, mech suit, etc.
>Then drummer boy tells us of his character
>all he says, and all i am ever told of this character is "He can turn into a plane"
>im reminded of the one maid RPG green text and the moped guy, so i think its alright
>he then explains that, for 'balancing reasons' it doesnt look looks 100% like a plane
>when questioned on what it does look like, he says "Like pixar's Planes"
>one person in group says he shouldnt, since its much too cartoony and silly for this campaign
>everyone agrees
>he says "Well, not EXACTLY like pixar"
>posts pic related saying "looks more like that!"
>everyone is still against it
>we throw ideas on how it could fit better
>he refuses
>this continues for, i shit you not, 40 minutes
>he starts getting really defensive
>says this character is really special from him
>says its special because he's been planning the character for months, just needed the group
>and he cant tell us the second reason because of "Legal reasons"
You know I've never played with that bard. The one in the game I'm running is a bard/warblade who acts like a paladin. The one in this game is more of a con artist and probably sees sex as a tool, not a high score.
I'm not even sure of what to make of that ending.
Woow man.
Did you ask the GM how the fuck did that guy get through pre-game interview?
Oh definitely. I'm talking about the gambling, drinking and womanizing failure of a bard that is playing in our group.
never occurred to me, although during mine the GM mostly asked if i would always be on time, he seemed very big on punctuality. I left that group not long ago though after he chewed me out for not being able to be there on mother's day.
part 2
>at this time i am about 70% sure he snuck onto a military based and started fucking a jet
>we drop the whole thing and decide to move on and cover his character later since it was getting nowhere
>he's acting defensive and passivle agressive the whole time
>stopping the conversation to mention how a car almost hit him that day for no reason
>he also keeps slipping mexian words into his speech, weeaboo style
>he doesnt sound very mexican by his voice though
I'll it was possible he was mexican, just didnt sound it.
>we all have teh basics of what our characters are, and leave still not having resolved the plane man's character
>session 1 hits, and plane man is not there
>Gm tells me that he had to drop him, as he was kinds weird and wasnt cooperating.
>also find out, that originally his character wasnt a person who turned into a plane, but an anthro plane that came from an anthro plane universe howard the duck style until the GM talked him out of it
>later i decide to do some snooping based on the plane picture he sent
>find out the artist and website it came from
>Its all miltary vehicle porn
>pages and pages of it
>men and women being fucked and fucking vehicles that arent even really anthro.
>now 100% sure that he snuck onto a military base and fucked a jet
>they're called Dire Machines for anyone interested
>i look at every image, not for any sexual pleasure, but out of morbid curosity
>flash forward awhile
>im browsing roll20 open games
>decide to look for pathfinder, i dont like the system but always wanted to play an alchemist so fuck it
>see an open game
>the GM was plane man
i ultimately decided not to join the game, although i was very tempted
>says its special because he's been planning the character for months, just needed the group
That's always a huge red flag.
>also find out, that originally his character wasnt a person who turned into a plane, but an anthro plane that came from an anthro plane universe howard the duck style until the GM talked him out of it
That's more redflagging than a parade in China.
>later i decide to do some snooping based on the plane picture he sent
>>the GM was plane man
>i ultimately decided not to join the game, although i was very tempted
You should've played an anthro chemsprayer!
>men and women being fucked and fucking vehicles that arent even really anthro
tell me you have a link to that site.
I've seen some of it in threads on /d/, flerg.
go to the art tab, and then the original section
>they're called Dire Machines for anyone interested
Damn, I wanna play a Dire Warforged now.
Do you see those mechatentacles in that the plane is using to hold onto the girl's waist.
Imagine what else those do.
Silly user, those tentacles arent for that!
oh sure they can be used for that, but its not the main purpose!
here's a diagram to help
Oh fuck, a part 2.
>my face the entire time
This annoys me the most.
Jesus fucking christ, user.
Oh, Gieger was into plane porn?
That picture was really cool, i like Bots and nanomachines etc
but then
>Probe (penis)
>Port (vagina)
>>Probe (penis)
>>Port (vagina)
Not just planes
Cannot unsee...
I will have nightmares about this now...
i am getting turned on by this
Well, what did you roll on your resist fetish saving throw?
crit fail
>Do not attack them, as they are likely to respond with aggression
Use enough gun and they won't respond at all.
They are nanite-infested tanks.
You'd need to go serious right off the bat.
their metal, so would fire even work?
would nothing short of an EMP or a nuke stop these things?
No problem: my strongman has been scrapping tanks in the past. If an atomic breath by a not!godzilla can't keep him down, those tanks don't stand a snowball's chance in hell.
>Tank and a plane get it on.
Haha, time for Blitzwing!
HEAT should work. Although you'd need to shoot a bunch of them to cook everything inside of the armor.
You can't just punch the nanites to death through. Sure you open the can, but then the mess just spills out.
>You can't just punch the nanites to death through
That's what the EMP-burst of our Thundergod is for.
Chlorine Trifluoride flamethrower should work then, right? That stuff can burn things like soot, ash, bricks, asbestos and concrete (mostly due to the fact it burns at temperatures over 2400 degree Celsius).
>mentions that vehicles more or less get infected with dire machine
>this implies that it can spread
Depends on what the nanites are made of. Didn't you see stargate?
Writer of these here
I manages to find the plane guy's roll20 account if anyone is interested
I am.
>Dire Machine turrets don't have 360 rotation.
this kills the attack helicopter.
does your cock have 360 rotation?