Was Link a bard?
Was Link a bard?
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We actually had the whole build for him, I think it was for 3.5 / PF and yeah, most class levels were in bard, for UMD.
No. Link is a hero. He doesn't have a class. He doesn't fit within the D&D paradigm. He's just Link, the hero.
Link doesn't fit very well into RPG systems, for being a master of all trades who can perform any task with distinction.
>He doesn't fit within the D&D paradigm
I don't get what you're talking about. What paradigm? Are you autistic?
He's a fighter with a bunch of magical items: magic sword, magic shield, magic boots, magic bow, magic instrument, and of course a bag of holding.
There's a reason why he's a mute fuck who can't get laid, he put all his Charisma points into Int and Wis.
Except speaking.
And no, "HA HYAAAA" does not count.
how dare you try to reject tg's autistic obsession with contorting everything into a D&D/WH40K/etc. framework
>bag of holding.
Mmmm, I know what you're saying, I'd like to fondle his "bag of holding" all night long, if you know what I mean.
He can literally be recreated, piece for piece, in 4e with almost 100% accuracy, and is still a viable character on top of it.
No, he's a Dawn Caste.
>samefagging to reiterate your post
Yup, autistic.
Don't forget that he casts magic spells and uses magic rods.
Bard is definitely a better fit, especially given the musical skill.
>mute fuck who can't get laid,
He probablt got laid at the end of Skyward Sword. And N64 Link may have ended up with Malon in the child timeline
Welcome to Veeky Forums, where every dissenting opinion you disagree with that's supported by more than two anons must be samefagging
>who can't get laid
there's plenty of doujins that prove otherwise
>He can literally be recreated, piece for piece, in 4e with almost 100% accuracy, and is still a viable character on top of it.
I'm as much of a fan of 4e as the next person but I don't remember any character in 4e being able to do all (much less any) of the following:
>Throw bombs
>Throw boomerangs that collect faraway items or paralyze enemies
>Use mechanical grappling hook to do the same
>Reflect attacks with shield
>See the invisible
>Conjure stone blocks out of thin air
>Become invincible
>Explode everything near himself
>Shoot lasers from his sword
>Wear magical masks to turn into various creatures
>Change the seasons
>Shrink down to the size of an ant
>Make time itself his bitch
That has more to do with the "E" rating than lack of likability.
There is a reason I said almost.
Also, think, user, how much of those abilities were tied to magic items, not inherent ability.
There was a screencap of exactly how to make OoT Link, piece for piece. You could probably google it. Or ask Tohoufag.
>throw bombs
>throw boomerangs
>reflect attacks with shield
>see the invisible
>conjure stone blocks out of thin air
>become invincible
>explode everything near himself
>shoot lasers from his sword
>wear magical masks to turn into various creatures
>change the seasons
>shrink down to the size of an ant
>make time itself his bitch
Half of the shit you just listed weren't actually "exclusive" abilities and not stuff he could just "do" and required the use of items for. That sounds like a fighter who took a couple spontaneous casting levels to me.
>Also, think, user, how much of those abilities were tied to magic items, not inherent ability.
Link doesn't have many abilities beyond his magic items. This is central to his design. He really just has "swing sword" and "block", the latter of which is not an activity reflected well in any edition of D&D.
No, he was a Factotum.
>can't get laid
He managed to seduce about half the female cast of Ocarina of Time without saying a word. Link would be swimming in it if he wasn't so busy saving the world.
this is what people are talking about, probably
And like I said, 4e could REPLICATE OoT Link. I never said it was the video game, user, and taking that tack makes your argument weaker
That's 4th, so either I remember the details wrong or there's a similar one for PF.
But yeah, this totally works.
You mean like that fish girl who he had to chase around and then rape?
Gandalf was, first an foremost, DMPC.
Nah he's just really good at Use Magic Device.
According to 3rd edition, only Bard's and Rogue's capable of using "Use Magic Device"
Yes, I realize how utterly fucking retarded that is
Gandalf was, at best, a disguised Astral Deva.
I think you mean BBEG. Statting him out as a PC only makes sense if someone is actually playing as him
Or Warlocks or anyone who picks it up as a cross class skill (I think there's ways to make it a class skill for other classes too)
Gandalf was more like a god incarnate or DMPC. It's just that he wasn't allowed to use his full power. He's noted to be the wisest of the Maiar in the Silmarillion.
Even contained in a frail, aged mortal body he can overpower a Balrog, and take in mind that he was wearing one of the three elven rings the whole time. If he was not restricted at all you'd be looking at someone almost as powerful as Sauron.
Tolkien's magic is very subtle. In fact, one of the most impressive magic feats in the books is removed in the movies - the Phial of Galadriel fucking fries Shelob by showing it the preserved light of a Silmaril. i was very hyped for that scene the first time I saw RotK and was very dissapointed at how the Phial is only as bright as a flashlight.
>As if his indomitable spirit had set its potency in motion, the glass blazed suddenly like a white torch in his hand. It flamed like a star that leaping from the firmament sears the dark air with intolerable light. No such terror out of heaven had ever burned in Shelob’s face before. The beams of it entered into her wounded head and scored it with unbearable pain, and the dreadful infection of light spread from eye to eye. She fell back beating the air with her forelegs, her sight blasted by inner lightnings, her mind in agony. Then turning her maimed head away, she rolled aside and began to crawl, claw by claw, towards the opening in the dark cliff behind.
This is what happens when Sam slashes her, which in the movie appears to seriously harm her
>But Shelob was not as dragons are, no softer spot had she save only her eyes. Knobbed and pitted with corruption was her age-old hide, but ever thickened from within with layer on layer of evil growth. The blade scored it with a dreadful gash, but those hideous folds could not be pierced by any strength of men, not though Elf or Dwarf should forge the steel or the hand of Beren or of Túrin wield it.
There is, you house-rule it.
I generally make the house rule that every class can use any skill, but their Class Skills (that they get bonuses on) remains the same.
It's stupid how a Sorcerer or a Cleric can't use Use Magic Device.
Depends on the game.
TP link is probably a pure martial class, learning no spells but gaining access to advanced sword techniques other Links can't use.
Zelda 2 Link is probably a magus/duskblade, he only gets the basic sword moves but gains a variety of spells that are mostly designed to augment his fighting ability rather than deal direct magic damage.
LttP Link is probably a UMD-focused rogue; he seems a good bit squishier than the Links of other games but can expertly wield all manner of magic wands, rods, scrolls, capes, and other magic gadgets. He's also apparently good at moving silently since guards never notice you until you attack them or enter their line of sight.
Bard is probably a good fit for the more music-focused Links like OoT and WW.
Depends on the Link in question. OoT Link was probably a Bard/Cavalier with a feat for his Emissary Familiar.
MM got level drained and retrained as a Masquerade Reveler
WW/PH was probably some kind of PoW/ToB class, since he seemed to be the most violent Link
TP was a Hunter
SS Link was a Paladin/Cavalier
>TP link is probably a pure martial class,
Shapeshifting and an Animal Companion. At the very least, he's a Ranger
Midna shapeshifts him.
TP link is a fighter with Animal Handler.
TP's beast form is nowhere near a wildshape; I'd consider it a story ability/curse obtained by template more than a class thing.
>all those swords
I house-rule that any +1/+2/+3/+4/+5 sword counts as non-magical and strictly has to do with the forging and quality of it.
It's only magical if it has the albel of "Arcane Blade" which can be detected through the use of "detect magic," and each magical blade has a unique magical property to it but is hidden and only known by the original forger/owner of the blade, but can be discerned by using spellcraft on a DC30 to "understand a strange or unique magical effect."
The effect can be as simple as giving an initiative bonus, or it can be as powerful as granting plane-shifting at-will, or having power word kill applied to the touch of its blade.
Teleportation is practically a parlor trick in 4e.
>living your whole life in a comatose dream
Sorry, but no
TP Link in 4e would have one of the werewolf themes
in zelda 2 he fucked random women for hearts
Fuck no. None of his incarnations have ever performed anything with more than like, eight notes, total. All his little jingles are are codes to use various magical abilities already inherent in whatever enchanted musical bauble he happens to have this game.
>multiclass shaman & multiclass ranger
It was my understanding that you could only have one multiclass?
Also - what paragon path?
Well hang on that's not totally true. Link to the past link played a nice little jingle with a regular flute he literally just dug out of the ground. In the saddest scene in any zelda game.
Its probably because they dont you to have to play Rock Band every time you open a dungeon or change the weather
That's just the thing though, it's not like, you play the first few notes and link just takes it from there, he only plays what the player inputs. Even in the conclusion of spirit tracks, he just played what the player imputed over and over and over again.
Bards have Multiclass Versatility that lets you take as many classes as you want.
Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10+25 (52 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Fuck you, pay me
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —
>That's just the thing though, it's not like, you play the first few notes and link just takes it from there
In Ocarina of Time, Link does play more of the song after you finish your inputs, and even then there's more to the song than what he has to play to get the magic to work,
>So, you are the hero of Ti-OH FUCK AN OWLBEAR
check the Treasure line
In 5e he's a bard, in PF he's a magus.
I thought he just changed due to going to a different dimension, the same way it happened in LttP?
I know him being a bunny is canon....but i also feel like a furry drew this and i hate it as a result
He also couldnt use his weapons as a rabbit so yet again deviantart fucked shit up
Yeah, the amount of good art of him as a bunny is next to none.
>the Zora
>the Rito
lol, at this point if you can't tolerate furries, you're gonna have some trouble with the Zelda fandom.
She's furry? I had her pegged as a demon, fae, or goblin-ish type thing, aesthetically.
Gandalf is like a celestial being
There is no arcane magic in LOTR
WW Link fucked Tetra so hard he repopulated Spirit Tracks world almost by himself.
>zelda, midna, and the rito
>the "Zelda fandom"