ITT: IRL equivalents of 40k worlds.
Caliban is, essentially, fantasy Australia.
ITT: IRL equivalents of 40k worlds.
Caliban is, essentially, fantasy Australia.
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Don't you mean Catachan
No. Look at all the fucked up mutated wildlife on Caliban, it's totally Australia.
Nah, Caliban was Fantasy Europe. Vast dark forests full of great beasts. Knightly orders. All that stuff.
Cretacia is probably closer to Space Australia.
After reading Betrayer there's a lot of Roman influence in the World Eaters such as Kharn always being referred to as Centurion and having a unit named the Triarii. Also Angrons home world Nuceria is a part of Ultramar. Then there's obviously the comparison of Angron to Spartacus.
tldr the War Hounds were space Romans like the Ultramarines but got jacked up by the nails
Well they were gladiators, so yeah.
Yeah but Angron and the nails degraded the formal War Hounds legion into the World Eaters.
Why aren't there any Slav marines?
Because GW are bigots
You may only choose one.
Catachan is so much Space Vietnam that CCR probably plays constantly there.
>Fortunate Son intensifies
>xDDDD Australia is full of dangerous wildlife meme!
Except it isn't? The only dangerous thing about Aussie wildlife is the spiders and other venomous things. They're all tiny and otherwise harmless. The only megafauna it even has is the Saltwater Crocodile, and they're fairly tame compared to their man-eating Nile cousins.
The closest thing we had to Caliban was Earth during the Pleistocene, when shit like Cave Bears, Giant Sloths, and Sabre-Cats were still around and would make a meal out of humans.
>The only megafauna it even has is the Saltwater Crocodile
And the shitposter.
Krieg = WW1 Europe's No Man's Land
Catachan = Space 'Nam
Valhalla = Space Siberia.
Vostroya = Space Imperial Russia
Sevlar = Space Chicago
>Drop bears.
>Man eating pengiunees.
>More drop bears.
>Spiders the size of your dick.
>Man eating abos.
>Fucking drop bears.
>Ferocious as fuck kuokka.
>Man eating Muscleroos.
>Even more god damn fucking drop bearrs.
You ain't foolin me ya kyoont.
Sorry, too busy here in America wrangling with actual megafauna instead of some bullshit a bogan cooked up to sound tough.
Actually, America is just like Caliban. We killed off all the monsters, then immediately succumbed to corruption.
>>Man eating abos.
>The only megafauna it even has is the Saltwater Crocodile
>what are kangaroos
>what are camels
Sheer number of Slav based Guard Regiments.
Neither of them are megafauna, neither of them are maneaters, and the camel was introduced.
im sure we can all agree that whatever planet australia would be, it would be a death planet
its got abbos
Khârn is Sebrian though.
>Sorry, too busy here in America wrangling with actual megafauna instead of some bullshit a bogan cooked up to sound tough.
It is quite obvious that, for the purpose of this thread, we're not considering humans as megafauna: burgers don't count.
I'm not sure if I identifiy as a Ultra or a grey knight
Which planet is Hawii in space?
>not being deadwatch
you're not being honest to your inner fluid being
I dunno man. Moose(meese?) kill people all the time. So do the several species of bears, the buffalo, wolves(actually stopped being a serious problem but they still get a few), coyotes, owl actually maul a few every year as well as swans and geese, deer during rut fuck people over all the time, we got alligators AND crocodiles, hell at least one kid per species as of this year alone:mountain lion, foxes, crows, several kinds of snakes, all of the previous mentioned species, and burgers.
Hell i had to shoot a black bear with my bow 2 days ago to get it out of my backyard. I live in the burbs. If i wanna go celebrate surviving the crucible that is childhood and daily life in america with a damned hamburger i'd say i earned it.
This is probably why we're not comfortable as a country if we don't have some sort of war happening.
Harkoni is Space 'Murrica afaik.
Rest are fairly obvious.
The plural of moose is moose
That was retconned. Catachan is the only Murrican influenced world now.
Meesen? Moosenisms?
Naw, the plural of 'moose' is 'I'M GOING TO BE LATE FOR WORK IF YOU FAT SACKS OF SHIT DON'T MOVE' or 'JESUS FUCK RUN', depending on how belligerent they are.
>It Ain't Me intensifies
North America is probably worse.
Rattlesnakes, Cottonmouths, Copperheads, Coral snakes, Fer de Lance.
Bark scorpions.
Black widows, Hobo spiders, Brown recluses.
Mountain lions, jaguars, grizzly bears, wolves, even Moose.
>black widow
That shit fucking stings like a motherfucker. Those bitches love to hide in shoes too. And I have a greentext about brown recluses
>uncle is a methhead that spent a lot of time living with his methhead friends tweaking his mind out
>he sleeps in a garage for methhead reasons
>gets bit by brown recluse
>waits about two weeks to go in for treatment
>in the mean time, his wound is deep enough that you can look inside it and see darkness, and it's leaking blood and green pus everywhere.
>dumbfuck still has the scar
>boot checks were a kindergarten lesson to make sure we didn't get bit by recluse or widows, stung by scorpions, or bit by snakes
When in doubt, shake em out.
>Neither of them are megafauna
Aren't humans classified as megafauna?
The plural of moose is meese you retard. Just like the plural of goose is geese.
Depends. Its roughly used for things larger than humans but it has known uses of over 40Kg, 44Kg, and 1,000Kg. It's also used to describe things, most likely extinct, that are larger than related counterparts now by a sizable amount (3ft dragonflies VS. 3" dragonflies.)
Just the murrifat kind, the rest of us are normal faunas.
>cat people
Don't be jealous that we're averaging 5'11" and europoors and UKucks average 5'2".
Arizona is far far more dangerous than Australia
>Cartel Coyotes
>Black Bears
>Mountain lions
>Jaguars in the desert (look it up)
>Australians acting like their fauna is hardcore
If they're so tough why did it only take rabbits to almost fuck their shit up?
someones never watched monty python and the holy grail.
Amerilard average height is dropping even for whites while european average height in most of Europe now surpasses the US.
Partly because obesity makes you all stunted
instead of worrying about the averages you should worry about your own height
who else 6'2 masterrace here?
Nah. 6'5" PhDrace here.
The level of butthurt you have for Americans is off the charts. Are you a Serb or something?
My city is already a planet, description is spot on too.
sounds like your a lanky hungry skellington nerd
>tfw 6'nothing bachelorrace
> description is spot on too
Huh, so it is.
>americans have too much food
>food makes you short
This is what passes for biting commentary amongst people who consider soccer a sport and military impotence a virtue.
>]I[ with all the Spess Mehreen logos
>Black Templars hanging out with First Founding Chapters
This bothers me more than it really should.
>Black Planet
>No visible light
>no one wants to visit
>backwards inhabitants
>my sides
Jesus Christ, it's like GW used to be a different company.
Weren't drop bears originally a hoax made up by tourist guides to wow people with koalas?
Also yeah, all the Australian megafauna got hunted to extinction by abos some 40,000 years ago.
>a dozen different venomous snakes, some of which are in the water
>more venomous spiders than you can squish
>saltwater crocodiles
>kangaroos who drown your dog and crush your sternum
>koalas who chew through your power lines
>great white sharks
>tiger sharks
>box jellyfish
>those sea snails that sting you to death
The only place worse is Africa. It has the same amount of vicious wildlife, but also a host of horrifying diseases and unlike Australia the cities are significantly more dangerous than the wilds
They got Squatted
>why did it only take rabbits to almost fuck their shit up?
Now to be fair, having dealt with rabbit problems here in Texas I can say that rabbits can fuck up the environment pretty hard.
>mfw I thought it was a reference to Birmingham, Alabama, and "The Black Planet" was just straight-up thinly-veiled racism
I mean, either is equally likely, given GW.
Black Country, mang. Birmingham's in the Black Country.
See, I would not know this, as I am a Texan and know little of the UK besides the basics of the constituent nations that make it up.
In the US, Birmingham, Alabama has also always had a large Black Southern American population, and many of the kick-offs of the Civil Rights Movement for Black Americans happened in Birmingham, so it's an "important" location in Black Southern culture.
reminds me of Pratchett's Last Continent where dropbears show up and kill people by dropping their ass onto them
No, you're wrong. Caliban is a huge medieval-culture death world covered in forests. It's fucking Estonia or something else baltic.
What would be a rough equivalent to Texas in 40k?
That's a reasonable assumption, kinda, but Birmingham one of the biggest cities in the UK, in the centre of the Black Country - a famously poluted industrial region - with a bad reputation and a very distinctive accent (search "brummie" if you want to be forever disabused of the notion that English accents are cool) that carries with it a reputation for being dumb
pic related for this conversation, though more fun when used to troll
>kill people by dropping their ass onto them
That's how wombats kill predators isn't it?
Their asses are immensely tough, they can crush predators using that, their burrows and their strong legs
I don't think there would be a reasonable equivalent, except for something vaguely cowboy-ish.
Texas itself has too many connotations with freedom and resisting tyranny (as true or not true as that is) to really exist in 40k. It's too independent. The Imperium would roll over it and make it compliant.
Any American space marine chapters? Maybe less into self sacrifice and more into just making themselves stronger?
I suppose the Iron Hands
There'd always be room for such a fan chapter. Deeply set sense of independence, strong fleet, lots of powerful toys to throw at problems, set themselves up as peacekeepers.
I think that the original Iron Warriors were drawn from what is now Texas.
I don't know, Catachan manages it to a degree
the raptors
The ]I[ is the Deathwatch, I think.
As a transloyalist, this incomplete chart offends me.
I expected Dark Angel, but you got the point.
Don't forget the Grey Knights in there.
Actually that sounds pretty interesting. Maybe a Space Marine Chapter that also possesses a few Imperial Guard Regiments under their direct command?
Nah not grimdark enough. Maybe make it they focus on smaller xenos (and friendly Imperial) planets that show no true threat, but attack them anyway for resources on their planet that they can then give to the AdMech, who in exchange for supplying them tech in shady under the table deals, have them attack planets that are rich in resources they need. Maybe have a dedicated special corps that undermine the friendly planets in order to make them look traitorous, in order for the Marines to justify a decent casus belli.
Writing that up though, it's become quite clear that the American chapter is the Alpha Legion.
>Texas itself has too many connotations with freedom and resisting tyranny (as true or not true as that is) to really exist in 40k.
Texas places a strong emphasis on autonomy, but the level of individual autonomy an average Imperial planet has in the 40K universe is incredibly high, and would be more than able to satisfy a Texas-based culture.
Texans understand the need for a centralized government in three key areas - Interstate Commerce, National Defense, and Foreign Policy. In these areas, they believe in a very, VERY strong state that is capable of rapidly making decisions with little delay (Historically, this is because they were stuck between Mexico and their Bandit Armies, the Comanche to the north, and the US where popular sentiment was to acquire Texas by any means necessary). The basics of a Texas planet in the Imperium wouldn't change much - give your incredibly dangerous Psykers to the Imperium, contribute manpower to the Tithe as your honor compels you, and keep your ports open to Imperial merchants and Naval vessels, and you're pretty much set as an Imperial world. Pretty much everything else is decided entirely by the planet itself - government form, taxation, locally approved Imperial Faith, mineral rights, environmental policy, business dealings with non-heretical beings - all of these things the Imperium doesn't give two fucks about, and that's just fine with a Texan culture.
Nostramo is IRL Philadelphia right?
Felinids are from Carlos McConnell, jackass.
>Its never sunny in nostromo
>The Atrementar despoil the local water supply with the blood of criminals
More like an alternate history Earth where Dinosaurs and people existed at the same time.
With extremely potent acid rain storms.
Fuck off cunt
>Made by Britain
>Chaos is a Faction all about Personal Freedom who betrayed the Imperium
Obviously Chaos is America
Are Eldar France, then?
Uncultured moron here, what the hell is a drop bear?
The Eldar are probably all of the continental Europeans.
It's a Koala. They'll drop from the tree onto you and rip your face off, no joke. Or maybe that's just what they tell foreigners? I can't remember which it is.