>get new group at uni
>nobody knows each other
>fat dude, me, the dm, cute asian girl, white guy who never showed up again and attractive dude
>attractive dude keeps making rape jokes over and over
>Me: "dude, that's rude. There's a lady present, don't be crude."
>him: "What is this, a game of DnD or a faggy rap battle?"
>asian girl bursts out laughing
>find out they fucked that very night
Bring back the "DM feels" thread
You sound beta OP
Sounds like that guy has game, and you're just pissed you didn't get some. If she didn't like the rape jokes, she would have said something. Let it go and enjoy the game. You do remember its a game, right?
Well I won't say you're beta but I also won't say both of em were dicks.
You thought the rape jokes were inappropriate and said something about it, that's all that matters m8. At least you got it cleared up that she's fine with the jokes.
Look, if there's a cute asian girl, SOMEONE is fucking her that night.
Why not make it you?
>dm, friend, and me
>three musketeer bro's since early middle school
>playing WoD during the easy lay goth chick era
>dm never quite "got" social grace
>dm hits on every girl that passes through in the greasiest feeling way imaginable
>me or friend would hook up on the rebound via seeming like the nicest gentlemen to ever exist in comparison to DM
>goes on for 2 years then we switch over to DnD and PF as everyone in the area has switched as well
>whole relationship goes on for 5 more years give or take
>best buds for life and nothing seems wrong in the world
>dm drops off the map one day
>happened before but never this long
>finally get the landlord to open his apartment
>hung himself around a week ago
>left a note
>claims me and friend gave him depression by constantly taking away any chance he had at a happy relationship
>claims we constantly psychologically tortured and humiliated him by flaunting our short lived relationships around him
>says he kept hanging out with us cause maybe then he'd be cool too
>mother and father know the lay of the land and don't blame us for it
>they have to constantly take flak and wingman us through the funeral as people spit on us once they find out who we were
Feels bad, man.
Never bring up "Thrs a grrll here" as a part of an argument unless it's relevant. Like, if / when someone starts throwing rape jokes in my table, if there's a girl present or not, I will tell them to stop. I am a person who has high tolerance, but those kinds of jokes are not what I want in my table. Of course, as a player, it's a little different, but if you want to be sure, never try to justify it otherwise than using your own argument. Use "Is this a game of D&D or a shitty rape joke train?" as a counter. Something. Just don't bring up other players to it, because you can never know what they want. Don't be patronizing, is all.
If you know a player who's uncomfortable with it, then you can say something about it.
TL;DR just tell him to shut up for your own sake, not for someone else's.
She could speak for herself, OP. Jesus christ, stop being such a beta.
By mentioning the girl you lowered yourself in front of the other guy.
You used her as a shield you pathetic faggot.
Women can stand up for themselves OP. If the rape jokes bothered her, she would've said something. In truth she probably decided to fuck him 3 seconds after he sat at table.
the fuck is this real
Sounds like a waste of air. Blames everyone else for their problems, takes the coward's way out, can't fuck a hambeast in black lipstick even.
Why'd you hang out with this loser? To make yourself feel better?
I love hearing about tumblrfaggots getting what's coming to them, got any more stories of you getting BTFO?
You sound like a faggot.
Blown the fuck out, OP.
*tries not to laugh* y-yep
>be me
>engage in sexual congress with several attractive human females
>enjoy a variety of tabletop role-playing games with a variety of human friends
>continue to enjoy quality human lifestyle
>sometimes wonder if I should feel bad about taking over this human's life, but then I remember that what I'm feeling is just human emotions
well, now i'm curious. if you're not human what are you? and how did you take over this humans body?
>>says he kept hanging out with us
>>Me: "dude, that's rude. There's a lady present, don't be crude."
Same three players for years.
Absolutely great games. Good times. No drama. Literally 1-2 sessions per week for the last 8 years.
And then....
>one player's wife gets a big promotion
>player moves 3 states away.
>now down to 2 players and me as DM.
>we play on...games feel more downsized.
>battles are more difficult due to losing an action every round
>the jokes aren't as free flowing
>I don't get to see 2 players gang up on 1 anymore
>feels different... Different leads to awkward
We're revamping game style a bit. Doing more 'detail' work. But its not the same. We'll keep going. Hope for the best.
Kill yourself op.
You're going to die a virgin anyway.
>>Me: "dude, that's rude. There's a lady present, don't be crude."
Your second mistake was rhyming. Your first mistake was being a bitchboy betamax kek