Why do you need official figurines or cards? Can't you just use placeholders or printed cards?
Why do you need official figurines or cards? Can't you just use placeholders or printed cards?
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God I want that cheese dish pasta thing
I keep seeing it but I never know where to get it
But then the nerds who spent all their money on official merchandise will be butthurt about it and not let you play with them. And they're running the tournaments.
Some people wanna play with other people who have the actual things
I wanna play 40k against someone else with a nicely painted 40k model collection, rather than using various fruits and pieces of stationery to represent them because its cheaper
>not making your figurines out of paper clips and erasers
what a tool...
Ease of play, I guess. Also, only CCGs are really expensive.
Playing with and against painted and converted miniatures is more fun than cardboard cutouts. If you don't buy GW or PP, it's not that expensive either.
You don't, except for aesthetic appeal, and to support the creator.
How to Trigger a Whole Board: The Thread.
Is that spaghetti in a cheese bowl?
That's half a wheel of parmesan cheese.
My dick is diamonds
Because that way the official tournaments held by "company" aren't making dosh.
I cannot begin to imagine how the fuck you keep that food safe.
Like, it's easy to begin with because it's cheese, which can last for years stored in a fucking cellar. But you're pouring brandy and swirling around pasta in it thus increasing the moisture content and sugar content.
I guess parmigiano isn't porous.
It isn't porous, and they scrape the layer off before they put it away for the day so it doesn't have any time to culture anything
Beyond that all you are doing is rubbing spaghetti on it, and provided the spaghetti is clean, as it damn well should be, that doesn't really do any harm
Printed out caards usually look ugly and often don't have the right thickness to be effective. Also if you get real nitpicky you can say that them not all being cut the same way is cheating since you can tell which card's which from the back
As for minis, Why would you WANT to play with an army of placeholders?
There is no way this is legal
What the hell
Why would it be illegal?
Its perfectly clean, and fucking delicious
How can that much cheese be allowed by law? Surely there must be some sort of regulation.
Even if it's not, certainly it's a moral issue. You're not supposed to make things that good.
I imagine they scrape out the inside after each time, making a deeper and deeper bowl...
We live in the decadent west now father.
It is almost illegal to not eat as much cheese as you can physically fit in to your body.
Gone are the days of crawling through 50 miles of snow in order to squeeze the juice from a single mouldy potato in the hopes that it might sustain our wretched existence for a few more miserable seconds.
I know what you're saying is true. I just cannot comprehend the decadence of the whole activity.
I have no doubt that it would taste good (I hate parmigiano). But it wouldn't be any different than stirring in the cheese to the pasta. But someone decided that that wasn't good enough. No, we have to commit an entire fucking wheel of cheese to this single dish because fuck efficiency. If you want to use some parmigiano, fuck you, go find your own wheel.
I'm all about fancy eating - it is a weakness of mine. But I do draw the line at displays that add no flavor value to the dish and just make shit more expensive for not good reason. I'm impressed but I still think it's fucking stupid.
It's like the people who open champagne bottles with swords. Don't get me wrong, I want to learn how to cook the pasta in the cheese wheel or use a sabre to slice open a bottle of champagne, but it is still retarded as all hell.
I'm going to go eat this and it's going to be good.
It's not unreasonable
That restaurant knows they are going to be making a lot of carbonara, its like the most popular kind of pasta around, and eventually that entire wheel of cheese will be used in the course of making carbonara, not like they're wasting any of it.
Usually they cut a dome shape from the center of the wheel in order to create the initial pasta dish in it, and they use that parmigiano to season other foods
Why does she have long loose hair in front of her face while she's cooking?
kinda agreed
she could clip it, or wear a chefs cap, not hard
The cheese police are too busy chasing their own tails to crack down on this kind of shit.
that looks hilariously decadent and delicious, but is nowhere near as satisfying as the video of the guy breaking open the wheel of parmesan
I want to hug you.
You don't need official minis or cards. You also don't need official books or video games. You can even make your own dice from animal bones.
Or, you could just be less poor.
>You can even make your own dice from animal bones.
That sounds pretty rad actually.
Fun fact
Only shitty dice were made out of animal bones back in the day
A real nice set of dice would be made out of horn, as it has a more consistent and greater overall density.
Horn > Stone > Wood > Bone
I'm shaping dice from quartz and agates I found on the beach. The shaping part is not sp hard, adding the numbers and shit is not going to be fun.
What are you using for the numbers?
Try an Italian restaurant.
about to go to sleep and now that i see this im restless and feel like pacing around
There is literally nothing wrong with proxying an entire MTG deck and playing with it among friends. Unless you are playing at a sanctioned event.
>those shitty, plastic chairs
>interior looks like something out of former Soviet block
>a fucking half of parmezan wheel
It does not compute
Because if you use stand-ins then the game is about who's the better strategist and makes best use of all available tools.
That's not what they want. It's a community based around expendable income and gambling for advantages.
lol you're so fucking stupid
Congratulations, you have fundamentally misunderstood what is going on with this dish. You also seem to have no sense of a restaurant's economies of scale and how they differ from your poor ass at home.
>~8kg worth of fine cheese
>used for a plate
Jesus christ, if you hate good food so much why don't you just throw it in the trash can?
Holy fuck, you have no sense of decorum
Let's use a similar example to what's been shown already to illustrate the point.
Take this Rum Martinez here. This represents the cardboard and models you buy retail. It's a little fancy. No, actually it's a lot of fancy. It costs a lot, too, but nobody is denying that it doesn't taste excellent. There's also the feeling you get from receiving the product from the manufacturer (in this case, the bartender). Is it possible to recreate the elements of this drink to have it in the sanctity of my home? Sure. Could I produce a lot of it to save on the overhead, as well as not paying the retail? Of course. But why did I even want the Rum Martinez in the first place? It's because I remember it as I first saw it. The wow factor I get from drinking something like this comes from having it delivered to me in such a refined package is something I'm not able to replicate, even if I could make it taste molecule-to-molecule exactly the same. Plus, me spending that money that I could theoretically 'save' enables gentlemen like this guy to work on doing what I want him doing the most: figuring out how to make even more artistic and delicious drinks. Taking the cheap route and DIY'ing it short changes me in the long run, because nobody is interested in being creative anymore, because nobody gets anything out of being creative apart from the 'satisfaction', which doesn't pay the bills.
For the decade I played TCGs, it only occurred to me to print cards when I was proxying to test decks and gain an assload of meta practice for the price of ink. I always wanted to make nice laser printed proxies on 60lb cardstock and use them at locals, but I don't think most people allow that even in casual matches. There's definitely an elitism vibe about the whole thing.
As for recasts, it hurts GW the most so I'm all for it.
Why would anyone ever want to eat plain pasta coated in that much cheese. It looks fucking terrible.
Because without buying the official thing you arent putting money towards the hobby and supporting it so that it can keep on going and make more things for the game you play.
With things like Magic and its huge secondary market and all those old cards that will never be reprinted but are still in demand it can get fuzzy but the same idea still applies. In order for you to be able to buy from the secondary market someone had to buy from the source which they wouldnt do if there wasnt someone buying on the secondary market. So buying from secondary markets will still indirectly fund the source.
They use it for multiple plates
If you don't want miniatures, play cardboard chit wargames. Part of the appeal of minis is you get to play with your toy soldiers & tanks.
Just try it. You will never come back.
>fine cheese
O kno rite?
If it were pecorino it'd be a crime against culture and decency but this is just a snack thought up by some frat boy with more money than sense.
Oh wow next thing you'll tell me if I pirate music im killing the music industry and nobody will make good music ever again because it wont pay the bills.
I grew up playing old avalon hill games (blitzkrieg, panzer commander, Gettysburg) that have cardboard pieces for units. There's some amazing games for people who don't want to deal with minis.
Because other people won't play you
You can always play hex and chit wargames(They on average have better rules than 40K IMO) or just a deckbuilder game rather than a full CCG.
Also home brewing is hard to get into. And it's hard to get the taste just right.
But a card you can print out.
>Why do you need official figurines or cards?
I don't but they do look nice.
>Can't you just use placeholders or printed cards?
I could and have but not often at all.
Really, though, I imagine you knew what the answer would be already. Or at least, I hope you were able to come to that conclusion on your own. What does it matter anyway?
Because of a few reasons:
>Real cards look better
>Real cards get you into tournaments
>Fake cards always look like crap when printed out and placed over a common.
>A lot of competitive and casual players feel like you're cheating g when you use fake cards like that.
I used little colored cardboard rectangular standups for my D&D game. No illustrations on them.
It was nice because the overall visual was left vague, up to the players imagination, not literal miniatures on a while piece of paper..
It's what I do
When you have hundreds of different monsters, many of which doesn't and never will receive minis, not including characters and monsters that you can and should create yourself, then being limited to figurines for everything just doesn't work