Jumpchain CYOA Thread #864: Not In Kansas Anymore Edition

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Talk about your jumpchain waifus.

Nicole, the Spartan II from DoA. I brought her back to Halo and we used out of context BS to win the war in style.

So what;s your favorite material to work with, /jc/? What fictional substance have you found that you find yourself incorporating into a lot of your projects? Adamantium? Dreamstone? Orichalcum?


Do you intimidate the mundane folks?
How do you go about it.

Gaia, from EVO. Something about her hair seeming to be the oceans is quite nice.

I planned to use the wraithbone stuff from Eldar for ages, then the jump came out and I haven't had a chance to look at it.

This man has good taste. The wraithbone, too, but I can only post the one picture at a time.

Been turning energy into metals thanks to a capstone boosted Forge of Souls.

I still need to figure out how to alloy fire! and lightning!metal.

It's gonna be totally metal.

For those of you who did Mystery Dungeon, what Pokemon form did you take. Do you still use it now, all this time later?

I collect Veeky Forums women. Samus, Ayla, Michelle Davis, Olivia Armstrong, Wonder Woman... Gotta catch all the hard bodies.

My anthropomorphized pokemon team.

My starter, an Eevee/Sylveon.

What are some /jc/ rules that you think should be changed?

Depends, are we talking those we bring with us, those we spent time with in a single jump and leave behind, or what?

Multiplayer. I'm tired of eating potatoes all the time. I want something new. Maybe something with more greens?


Not changed but the ban on led jumps needs to be more clearly defined. For example would The Qwaser of Stigmata be banned under that rule?

What Pokemon would be the best to act as a secret bodyguard? Unnoticed but always there, always keeping an eye out.

Yes it would.

Put green mask, scream ooga booga

No it wouldn't.

Really? An action series is banned due to much ecchi?

Don't have any yet.

Just a sword-n-boarder with a Nu Mou buddy, a Bronze Dragon bro, and some Pokemon pals.

Honestly I'm not so much a crafting-build. If anything my sword and shield are going to be ridiculous hodgepodges of materials anyway by the time they're done, if only because of imports.

I need some guys.

I'm looking for Time Travelling perks and/or Powers, hell equipment is also fine. I mean, yeah sure, I could theoretically build a Time Machine, or improve on one.

But I'd much rather have something more concrete...but then again, using the equipment and then disassembling it is also a good idea. Well, anyways, any ideas Jumpers?

Three and only three, though truth be told, I have been wavering a little lately.

Akitsu, Kirishima, and Kurumu.

They're tonnes of fun to be with.

You know I actually don't know? I just use whatever is on hand at the time.

Can we talk about that?

How many of us actually did that?

How many of you took Crush?

How many of you were scummy enough to think to use Golden Chains and Cheat Mode with this?

That is a good idea user, thank you for the suggestion.

That's worse than charisma rape, user!

What is your go to fighting style anons?

So, I'm happy to let y'all know that I'm almost done with all the gear options for Kamen Rider Neo-Heisei Part 1 (what a mouthful)
My main thing I want to...basically talk about is something I want to be open with.
I may or may not be basing a number of the OC Medals given out by the jump on an existent fan creation, however I wanted to be open about this and I'm asking if that's acceptable...after all I wanna give as much fun toys as possible, even stuff that wasn't in the original shows, but I don't wanna get to the point it's annoying or do something that looks scummy to the thread...so, yeah, if asked, I'll link and show exactly where I'm getting the ideas. Just lettin' y'all know!

That's going to be hard, there's a bit of a stigma against time travel due to how complicated it can make jumping. Which is somewhat fair, I'd love to do a jump of All Of An Instant, but trying to figure out the ramifications of things like Drum's Awareness or the Frozen Instant in other jumps would be a nightmare to figure out. I know of some perks that let you freeze time, slow or stop time, even rewind it for short distances, but outright time travel? I don't know if we have one of those.

I like teeth. Revealing teeth and mouths where they don't belong.

How would a perk that makes a specific target like you be helpful in other setting in any way?

What would be the benefit of that? Wouldn't that just make your pokewaifu fall in love with other people?

> but outright time travel? I don't know if we have one of those.

just some items, but not that good.

That game has a prequel I wish I could play, but it's on an obscure Japanese computer system.

Gaia is very huggable.

It's an action series where the superpowers require suckling the milk from the breasts of schoolgirls. I'd be fine with Monster Musume and I think Qwaser is too far.

Feraligatr. Waiting for Mega.

I'm perfectly fine with OC Core Medals. I'm confident in your skills to keep them from being obtrusive, you're a good jump maker. I would like to know what you're planning on basing them on, though, just out of curiosity.

Actually, yeah, this user has a point.

Because technically, this means Kill la Kill, Highschool DxD, Highschool of the Dead, Bayonetta, and Sekirei should not be in the Drive.

More solid guidelines would be appreciated.


Stabbing people with bones.

Hayate Yagami from Lyrical Nanoha is one of my waifu. I had just gotten out of Light of Terra, NGE and Worm one after another, and my only companion until then had been Legion from Mass Effect, who hadn't gained a human form yet, and didn't exactly make for good casual conversation.

We ended up bonding over shared experiences involving hospitals, wheelchairs, near-apocalypses and loss. A series of coincidences which totally weren't arranged by the higher ups who were shipping us and we ended up sharing a room several times, and sharing the same post and... yeah.

I waifued mine! Here's my team!

Sylveon: {Nature;[Modest]}
Talonflame: {Nature;[Careful]}
Mightyana: {Nature;[Adamant]}
Lopunny: {Nature;[Jolly]}
Lilligant: {Nature;[Timid]}
Froslass: {Nature;[Timid]}

Please list them user, or at least point out where they can be found.

Flesh. I do a LOT of work with Biology, in both chains. Though I rarely unleash my Biological Monstrosities in my Main Chain.

As for types of Metal? Not really sure, I don't put much thought into it. I imagine I use Alloys that are suitable to whatever I'm making. I won't use particularly rigid metals for Joints in a Power Armor for example.

Main Chain? I try not to

Secundo? He's a walking Biblical Plague, I think that's intimidating enough.

A mixed style of my own Creation. In Wuxia I learned that if you pay for a Master, you can make up your own style, as long as it's on the same level as the Master you bought.
I paid for a Master who knew one of the 800CP styles from that jump, and made up a fighting style based on Bai-Hu, The White Tiger.
I then created styles based on the other Celestial Beasts, then made a style that fused the four.

Accepting a Toss for Secundo.

I don't know if I /can/ link it per se, but I'll try. If this doesn't work, just search up Tracker Zero on deviantart, it has a bunch of OC rider stuff including the medals I've got as my picture right now.

I can tell you like the shy type.

Monster Musume is all about lewd stuff thinly veiled through ecchi, Qwaser is an action series where one aspect of it's powers are sexualized. which is worse? Because I was to assume the reason Musume was banned was do to the fact that it had no depth and only had the ecchi going for it. Qwaser has a lot going for it besides the eechi.

Good ol' Sword & Board.

EVO. Punch out some dinosaurs by yourself.


Kind of hard to explain. You ever see one of those Dishonored exhibition videos, where the player will kill enemies in the most stylish way possible? And it makes for this fight that, to the NPCs, must look completely incomprehensible, because they're abusing Time Warp and Blink and Windblast? So position and momentum of all the objects in the area seem to change as they will them, and nothing makes sense from an outsider's perspective? Like that.

It was actually a stats minmaxing thing, but I'm going to say it just worked out like that during my journey. Yeah.

Secundo can't punch out Dinosaurs, he's a Magic Build. Well more of a "Bugs, Ice, Blood, and Necromancy" build. But close enough.

But sure, EVO

From what I understand the limit is based on how much the setting has going for it other than lewd stuff. The Qwaser of Stigmata is more explicit than Monster Musume but since it has depth beyond just fan service and implied lewd it should be fine.

Monster Musume isn't banned for being too lewd it is banned for only having lewd and not much else.

Oh, this guy's work is actually really cool. Thanks for linking. I'm totally down for including this stuff, if you want to.

I THINK there's some magic in Evo? There's a bird dude boss.

Then throw bugs, ice, blood, and maybe use some necromancy against dinosaurs, and other living things from throughout history. As an aside, there's a perk in Smite that would let him use his magic by punching people. Useful if he wants to blow off some steam.

Yeah, I'm limiting myself to the actual animals though.
The Mythics are cool but.
more sue-ish than I can deal with.
The plants and cellular animals are also kind of not-really-feeling great for me.

If it's impossible to excise the ecchi and still have something worth jumping, it's a lewd jump. Excise the breast milk-powered superpowers, and there's nothing left of Qwaser. Meanwhile, excise the lewd from MM, and even the romance, and it's still a slice of life about monsters integrating into human society.

I'm not trying to argue Monster Musume should be unbanned, just that Qwaser is a much clearer case of a Jump that fails the guidelines.

Overlord has Unified Focus that will make him as good at punching as he is at magic.

I'll keep that in mind if I ever get tossed to smite.

It's all cool bro, I can work within the parameters of the Jump. Besides, I'll think of the Evolution thing as Training for Zerg Jump.

Got a question Digger, couldn't one just create Core Medals from ancient Alchemy?

I'd argue the opposite; Quaser has nothing without lewd, where as MM does have stuff besides. YMMV, everyone has different opinions about that kind of thing.

If the alchemy wasn't breast powered it would still be interesting.

I'm still working my way through them. I got distracted by the Ghost Damashis he's done, he's come up with some creative stuff for those. I'm going to have to bookmark this guy's page, he's got some neat ideas.

MM is all about fanservice, Qwaser has more than just fanservice.

But it is. That's the problem. You can't just go "oh, but what if it wasn't," because then it's not Qwaser, it's an entirely different series.

Going about it all wrong, excise the fact that the powers are powered by breast milk and then voila!

But seriously speaking though, the whole breast-sucking thing is a thinly veiled reference to the Virgin Mary and that it's not even breast milk in the first place. The setting is just weird.

I'd argue that the standard should be as such; is lewd more important/relevant/integral to the workings of the setting overall than it is in real life? If no, then its fine.

Same with MM. People cite the slice of life bits but that's maybe 2-5% of the series compared to generic harem ecchi shenanigans with monster girls instead of human girls.

skullgirls or nardo?

harry potter and ranma 1/2

that is pretty gnarly user

can't disagree with the results

pretty slick

See . If there was alchemy without breast milk that'd be one thing, but there isn't. Therefore, all alchemy has to be excised for the test, and then it fails.

Look at F/SN as a counter example. Prana can be transferred by sex, but it doesn't have to be. So when you excised only the Prana transfers and sex scenes, you still have a complete series. Which is what they did in the anime.

You could! In fact the instructions and materials necessary are being planned as as part of the Creative Mind's capstone gear, but some people got different priorities, and crafting may be better for some than others...as well as the reagents themselves might be difficult to find...

I like the Four Great Beasts. And Bai-hu and a super aggressive fighting style seemed the most interesting at the time.

>skullgirls or nardo?
Nechronica + Naruto.

Nether of them can be called 'only fanservice' and both can be called 'mostly fanservice.' So, it doesn't matter in the end.

Here is how alchemy works in Qweser, every alchemist can control one element and materials containing that element at will. There is a lot of violence and fanservice involved. The fuel of the Alchemy is soma, a play on a depiction of the virgin Mary breastfeeding Jesus that is exploited for fan service. The ecchi is far less central to manga/anime then it is for DxD.

I honestly think that if you can make a jump about a lewd setting and shift the focus from the lewdness to something else then that's fine.

I mean yeah, MM is for the most part fan-service, but there was an issue with discrimination with rachnee's arc, and Centoria has issues with assimilation. There's the snow monster that opens the onsen too.

There are some themes there that could be used to build a respectful jump. I couldn't do it, but I don't think that means no one should try.

but if you do It's better to beg forgiveness than ask permission.

DxD as a setting isn't outright dependent on ecchi, but as a story, it is. By my standards, it passes and Qweser fails.

Lewd Story/Characters/lewdness in a setting =/= an explicitly Lewd Setting!

>harry potter and ranma 1/2
Okay, so unfortunately, I already Jumped HP and stayed far away from the Time Turners. Ranma's Mirror looks like the one I'm looking for, but just in case, any other settings you know of?

How about you fuck off.

I'm personally prefer spear and board, with a side arm of sword, but to each their own, user.

DxD shifted the focus from the ecchi bullshit to the war between heaven and hell.

If you can shift the focus I don't see the issue personally

Tell me have you read the manga or watched the anime, I will assume anime if you think ecchi all that matters in Qwaser.

This. Characters having sex in a setting or story don't mean a setting is magical realm, it just means those characters and the story they're part of is lewd.

Okay, this I can get behind, the problem is, of course, everyone's miles may vary on a lot of things about a setting.

How about you fuck off? We were having a perfectly reasonable conversation until you shat in it.

How about you give me a reason?

how did your opponents react to this style?

gonna do nechronica soon

not yet user

Agreed. Which is why I oppose Qwaser - it's a setting about performing lewd acts for power, where lewdness is integral to the setting. We wouldn't be contemplating a series where people powered up by jerking off, would we?

The problem is that ecchi actually matters at all in Qweser.

Like, with DxD, it's something that isn't even necessarily part of the setting, just the actions of characters in that setting because the story is lewd.

With Qweser, the setting itself has that stuff jammed in.

Bai-hu's style is 100% aggression, no defense. Just Attack Attack Attack.
It's a pretty scary style to be on the opposite end of.

And you are saying that there is no other reason to be interested in Qwaser? No cool powers, themes, or characters? Nothing A jumper might want from it or do there besides fuck monster girls. . . I mean nuns?

Welp, I see not-good-times on the horizon so I'm just gonna try and get the updated WIP up on Pastebin riiiiiight now


Have fun, tell me if anything sticks out!

It doesn't matter. They might exist, but its inseparable from the setting. Qweser can never be a jump.

Evo- So I'm Evolving now? I cool beans.
Rolled for The World Before Land- So I start from the begining? Fun.
The Benefactor
Free Evolutionary Potential
Free Mysterious Time Stream Evolves You
Free Record of Evolution
Free Instinct
Free Personal Theme
Discount Change of Circumstance
Discount Evolutionary Divergence
Discount Invasive Species
Born to Adapt
External Influence
Shaper's Authority- It was a REALLY hard choice between this and Locale Evolution. But without Psionics, I need all the Control I can get over my Monsters.
Free Blue Crystal
Discount Hyperbolic Evolution Chamber

The Dark Planet+300- More Lovecraftian Horror? I've been to Bloodborne Motherfucker! Bring it on!
Spiraling out of Control+300- Really? This is more complecated sure, but I can deal. Geneforge Time!
Evolutionary Pariah+200- Was this ever NOT going to happen? Also bring it Bugs, I'm a Lord of Vermin AND Got Queen Administrator

Oh I am going to LOVE this. Sure the time here will be hell, but this combined with my Shaper powers from Geneforge? So many Biological Horrors, so little time. I saw almost nothing in this Jump that I did not like.


It's been demonstrated multiple times that it's not considered acceptable to do that.

does it include grapples and throws?

Ryoko style.