Short rest Edition
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
Previous dungeon: How many hit dice you need to gobble up, Veeky Forums? Any spell slot changes?
Short rest Edition
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
Previous dungeon: How many hit dice you need to gobble up, Veeky Forums? Any spell slot changes?
I live on the edge. I never short rest. Always long rest. Even when the boss is in the next room.
Fuck bitches, get spell slots.
Hey, My group and I are playing though some 5e, and the big thing that keeps fucking up the dm is skill checks. He, and I as well, fell its very hard to assign some generic difficulty to most actions. What should the nature check should be to know the specifics on chimera attack patterns or resistance? For a generic Strength check, who much weight is stone that takes a dc 15 to move compared to a stone taking dc 25?
Anyway, I am just asking if anyone has any resources with good examples per use of a skill or ability check, or better yet some formulas, we can use for 5e.
DCs are as high as the story needs. If the players NEED to move the one ton stone to scape dying, the DC might be 15. If the players just want to move a random 50 pound boulder for no reason, then it might be DC25, because fuck fucking around.
DCs are just "how likely is the player to do a thing because plot" and fussing over exactitudes is just dumb. Of course, once a number has been assigned to a thing, it should stay that number on next visits, because consistency. Or maybe not.
Does anybody know when there's a new book coming out? SCAG was very dissapointing and I'm yearning for a good chunk of new content (especially if it's another MM).
I am not opposed to that, probably do it myself if I was running, but my dm would want to eat his own face if he read that.
we are probably just going to need to make our own homebrew formula system that still respects 30 as a cap for things and the whole capped accuracy thing.
Poor retarded gms.
At most just go with "would it be easy, normal or hard for a commoner to do this? And use thw numbers as given by the book." The game doesn't need much more granularity than that.
Some (broad) examples here, besides being a very handy DM resource
I'm looking into playing a paladin for an upcoming 5e group and was looking at all the available oaths, and I was wondering if anyone can give me some examples of characters that resemble an Oath of Ancients paladin? I'm kinda having a hard time coming up with how to RP a character like that.
Converting 3.5 characters for 5e. With no WBL, how do I determine starting gear, etc, for characters above level 1?
DMG, pg. 38
Thanks much!
what do you spend 20,000 gp on in a setting that has little to no magic items for sale? Building a town?
OoA pallies are people who loves all the good things in life and want to spread that to the people around them. They love the world and the people in it and want to protect that.
Devotion paladins are generally more about the greater good and establishing a kind of 'order'. Although both kinds of paladins want to make the world a better place and be a force of justice, I see those with the Oath of Devotion taking a more active role in trying to be an agent of change. Taking the Oath of the Ancients is more of a promise to defend what's good in the world and restore the light where it has darkened, but not necessarily impose some kind of strong order on top of that to enforce any one person's specific ideals of right and wrong.
Pic extremely related, I played an OoA paladin based on him and it was glorious.
Fleet of battle ships and cargo ships. Hold naval routes hostage. Own the sea.
Basically world domination.
Hey guys, wanted to ask a question about necromancy, simple question, is there a necromancer class?
i only have the two core books and i didnt see it, i may have missed it. so i figured id come here first.
then next question, any tips on playing necromancer/mage, never played D&D, and was only in one game of pathfinder.
Do you use any extra rules regarding the druids Wild Shape when starting out. Like a max number of animals they could have encountered before the campaign starts, or restriction to a certain habitat?
is there a chart of magic effect on items you guys can post. I'm noob
About to play some D&D5e soon with a random group but I hear the GM is a killer and likes to party wipe?
Is there anything I can do to avoid the eventual party wipe because the GM wants to throw impossible shit at us because he thinks its cool?
If there a broken class or shit I can use to avoid his shit or should I just bail and try to find another random group?
Me still, maybe it will help me out if i post what I'm going for. Im not sure if you can do it in D&D (I'm told its limiting) but i want to command minions to fight with, the more the merrier, could i do this?
Has there really been no "expansion book" with more classes and feats and such? Just a class archetype choice thing here or there?
Is there a handy compilation of them?
I'm considering pitching 5e for our next game and it seems all that is really out is the PHB except for setting/adventure stuff?
hmm, advice i can give,
1. drop the idea of creating something so strong the GM can't kill you, because for starters he's god, he can always kill you. And outplaying him will likely only upset him if he's childish, if he's not you still have to deal with the fact that he will kill you in the next fight if you survive.
2. talk to him, tell him that people do not enjoy this. my friend was a GM like this, he loved to exert his power over the players by killing them in impossible fights, he loved the power. so people stopped playing games with him, tell your GM to take it down a few notches, this isn't a murderfest its about the players overcoming challenges and feeling good for it.
If everyone in the group isn't having fun then find a new GM, if you're not having fun then find a new group
The mega-link is literally in the OP, broseph.
Sword Coast Adventurers Guide and Elemental Evil Player's Companion both have some new options for classes, races, spells and backgrounds.
Unearthed Arcana are basically playtesting documents that could potentially be unbalanced as hell, but they have a bunch of new stuff in them. You should check to see if your DM allows them, though - it's best to take it on a case by case basis.
Was looking at that, I'm just genuinely shocked there hasn't been a "PHB2" or some such.
You didn't read very carefully.
Look into wizard class, there is a necromancer school.
There is also a conjuration school if you want to be less edgy.
Outside of wizards, rangers and druids are pretty good at summoning beasts/fey to fight.
They have no staff and seem to be only capable of generating bad ideas. They have the DM's Guild to pick up the slack for them, but I imagine the bulk of that will be unbalanced garbage and people will just ignore it completely in their actual games.
Thanks user I was just worried about playing the game since I am not the best combat character since I don't know 5e like the back of my hand and always have more fun just rping than rolling dice.
Ill just play it by ear and if it goes south quick ill bail but fuck it im desperate to play some tabletop since it is literally dead where I live and online is the only alternative.
That is sad.
I thought 5e did well enough they could have at least 2-3 developers and a few interns to put some stuff out.
I really dislike GM's that think every single fucking encounter needs to be deadly.
I don't understand getting your jollies from killing the PCs. When I GM I provide tough challenges, that I am hoping the PCs overcome. Party wipe is such a shitty ending to a story.
Well enough will never be enough to satisfy hasbro.
It's evolved from the old DM vs players mentality. Some DMs think they're in competition with the players and creating unbeatable challenges is "winning". They are not very concerned with telling stories to begin with.
Very true. What a mistake. I should stop by and complain next time I drive by! hehe
not him but 10/10 cheat sheet thanks user
But that mentality makes no sense at all to me.
As a DM you are literally god of the world. Players are entirely limited in their power.
It's not even "winning" if you just place a ridiculously strong creature at the end of the first dungeon.
They only know the animals from their homelands. They need to meet any other animal in-game to be able to turn into one. Traveling druids are restricted to their latest location.
I suspect it's a product of 3.5, where players could make such mechanically broken characters any level appropriate challenge the DM could throw at them would be trivialized. Eventually DMs got bitter and competitive, leading to the offending mindset. Now it just continues out of tradition. People just think that's how D&D is.
It would only make sense if as a DM you were somehow limited in your power. Such as only being allowed to bring forth creatures of a challenge rating equal to the party or something. Then I could understand "winning" against your PCs. But otherwise it's just fucking dumb.
I mean, I understand having that little bit of DM glee when your monster crits or whatever. But feeling glad when your PCs all wipe, I'll never understand (unless you want to stop DMing). One PC death might be "fun" as it can impose interesting changes to the campaign.
The only time I'd ever prep for an intentional TPK as a DM would be if the party was being idiots and rushing the BBEG at level 3, if I somehow made that possible. Or if they started murdering innocents in a village.
Checking out the non-PHB stuff from, the Sword Coast guide, does this all match up well balance-wise?
Purple Dragon Knight and Spellsinger both look pretty cool.
Something a lot of DMs get tripped up on is making too many checks.
If a task is possible for the party,
If there is plenty of time to attempt a task again and again,
If there is no INTERESTING consequence to failing,
Do not ask for a check. Look at the attempting players' stats and decide how quickly they succeed.
For example, the party wants to break open a wooden door in some ruins. This is well within their capabilities. It should be something like a DC 15, but individual characters will still fail this more than half a time unless they have Help. In reality, most people could kick a door open in one go. It might take two or three kicks in some cases, but that takes a few seconds, and players are going to see making three attempts and three rolls as a much more involved effort.
Is the party pressed for time? Are there monsters around who could be alerted by this noise if the party takes a minute to just kick this door? Are they going to get there in time to do anything about it, or is it more interesting that they interrupt the party's door-kicking than come upon them while the party's inside trying to loot shit? Does it not feel silly to you that your 17-20 Strength Barbarian can't beat half an inch of wooden doorframe despite routinely chopping goblins in half?
So the 10 Strength Wizard kicking the door might take a minute. The 14 Strength Cleric could get it in half that time. The 16 Strength Fighter gives it a good kick, hears wood splintering, and shoves it open. The 18 Strength Barbarian pops the whole thing in one go. No checks, everyone's happy.
Purple dragon knight is underpowered and bladesinger muscles in on eldritch knight's already feebly held turf.
Is INT an unimportant stat, unless you're a wizard? I like playing intelligent characters, but it seems that, from a mechanical standpoint, investing in INT is a waste, except for a few skills.
Int is less important than it's ever been, both for mundane and magic-using classes. That's a good thing.
I feel like it is, unfortunately.
It's good to see through illusions and gain knowledge about the world. But otherwise, meh.
You are correct. INT is largely a dump stat for every class but wizard. Bizarre really how it's the only stat with only one class that needs it at all
I'm playing one at the moment and I'm basically just trying to do the right thing in the right situation. Also keep the balance. Extremes are never good. Just be a good person and find delight in the beauty of life. I really like my ancients Paladin. Just be a good person, that easy.
The decoupling of mental statistics' effect on general mechanics and character capability is one of the better design choices in 5E.
Mental stats directly limit your RP. If your group decides that only characters with X Int can come up with good plans or be "smart", or X Wis can stop making foolish decisions or be savvy, or X Cha can say something smooth, you're basically telling a large chunk of classes who get no mechanical benefit from those stats that they should not be able to talk and act a certain way, or should at least be less competent in their primary roles for having taken stats that let them be RPed as something other than dumb lunks. This is a lot different from telling a Wizard that he can't lift and throw orcs.
If you treat mental stats like the physical ones, by saying they only really have an effect on game mechanics, suddenly Intelligence turns from "how smart you are" to "how adept you are at a specific kind of arcane magic". It's Wizard Power. The effect it has on a few skills is negligible. And now no one feels awkward when the party Wizard is being played by the dumbest guy at the table and constantly has terrible ideas despite his 20+ Intelligence ass saying he should be leading entire armies or beating demigods at chess.
>That's a good thing
So you're saying I should dump INT too, and still RP my character as intelligent?
they should have made the warlock an INT caster to be quite perfectly honest
then you have two full casters per mental stat - bards and sorcerers for CHA, clerics and druids for WIS, wizards and warlocks for INT.
I think so too, int so they can remember how to do the shit their patrons taught them.
Proficient in int and cha saves though. I think that would be enough to encourage many of them to still use cha as their secondary stat.
INT is just an abstraction of how efficient you are with your brainmush. You might be too impulsive, bad at taking advice or thinking shit through or whatever other character flaw you can up with for acting "dumb".
5 - just to make sure you don't fumble
10 - something you should be able to do trained or not
15 - something you should be able to do if you did train in it
20 - something difficult even with experience
25 - something whose story might get you laid if you spin it well enough
30 - a desperate measure that should be considered nearly impossible even for the greatest heroes in the world
By buying whatever the fuck you want. Does your character only care about slightly better equipment, or does ze want to run a business or run a militia?
Holy shit, where did all the jaded fucks suddenly appear from?
Next people will be complaining that Mastermind is utter shit despite basically giving advantage to rolls made within 30ft. The "beastmaster is unplayable" meme was bad enough to listen to without people constantly bitching that there isn't enough WotC stamped products for 5e.
+5 is quite an expert bonus/proficiency for your average commmoner, and as such a trained elite will have only 50% to make a DC15 check.
Which is why I think your table severely underestimates difficulty. 25 is practically impossible for your average person, it's a nigh legendary feat only the baddest of asses can vanquish (with lucky rolls).
Totally agree. Only reason i can see is it woulda been too easy to multiclass between the two? Dunno.
High int low Wisdom would make perfect sense for ambitious character... with or without Charisma. And thats what a Warlock should be
But mental stats still give mechanical benefits. INT still dictates your knowledge skill, CHA still dictates your social savyness, and WIS still dictates...whatever it always dictated. So seeing good I guess. The only thing they've removed is INT's influence on skill points, since there are no skill points anymore. Your character's personality and many RP facets are still linked to stats.
This is Veeky Forums.
Everyone's jaded. Every class is bad.
Nothing is balanced. Nothing is playable.
Those things are true though
But if nothing is playable, then everything would be balanced. Everyone is equally incompetent.
Beast master is a little shit, I agree.
Honestly a simple approach would be to fix it like this
>Action to give companion an order
>Companion will follow that order until complete, acting every turn at the end of your turn
Your rolling too often if you think this. 90% of tasks can just be done with enough time, and a passive score should be a good gauge for competency.
Rolling a d20 is for when there is something you are up against - there's not enough time, there's danger around the corner, you're on a boat swaying on waves, etc.
Why yes, it is true that there are jaded fucks bitching about things.
taking a 10 assumes you take your time to achieve a task. 10 for a commoner trained in a skill will not beat DC 15.
I agree with the following the order until take an action to change it. Like the companion attacks one creature until it's dead and you use an action to tell it to do something else.
I disagree with making the attacks magical or bumping HP - but I feel like the companion should be considered expendable and swapped for the situation anyways.
Even without the companion a ranger is more effective than a berserker barbarian.
This is great.
Is it official? I seem to remember some user putting it together, but that might be something else.
Either way, I constructed a DM screen specifically for this, a while ago.
No, the official screens are all terrible
There is no taking 10 in 5e. But you're proving my point that you are rolling too often.
A trained NPC should have a +5 or higher in what they are skilled at. If your characters go to a healer the healer should be more competent than a level 1 PC.
berserker is another shit subclass though
Wouldn't it be too powerful? Thats essentially extra attack at lv3. Just wondering. Your fix seems intelligent.
What about the low amount of HP, the grave weakness to AoE, the absence of magic dmg? Would u do sth about it?
>but I feel like the companion should be considered expendable and swapped for the situation anyways.
Why? In what story have you seen a hero cycle through his companions like old socks?
Only because Frenzy hands out exhaustion levels, which are ridiculously crippling and hard to get rid of, and are not a mechanic directly faced by any other class.
Rework Frenzy and, though not the most exciting, Berserker can definitely pull its weight.
Well, notably, companions are smarter than the average animal, so following orders is a simple feat.
The idea of a Beastmaster isn't quite that you can chose which of two checkers you control at any given moment, but a competent fighter with an animal to attack the foe as well.
As for HP I don't know the specifics on how their hit points scale, but magic damage is simple enough for a not-braindead DM.
Give the companions the ability to get their own magical gear.
For example
>You find the tomb of a legendary falcon-hunting beastmaster
>in it you find magical war-claws for avian animal. Companions. Grants a +1.
Rolled 14 + 3 (1d20 + 3)
I would like to burn down a house.
There's not a lot of stories involving animal companions in general, and most involve more than one already.
A ranger calling in the powers of the wild should be using the animal that applies to a situation and not just drag a pet along.
Personal tastes and w/e
How would you rework it? Frenzy uses up a rage? You can only frenzy an amount of times equal to your con mod?
Rangers can do that too though. Don't they get Summon Animals or whatever?
but that's what summon nature's ally is for
frenzy already uses up a rage though
Yo! I found a website called TableTopping that has premade 5e characters for all levels. We should add it to the pastebin since it's a great resource for players quickly jumping in and DM's who need quick NPC stats for encounters.
Berserker is a completely shit subclass, and it's the only crippling one. Even way of the four elements monks can take shirt tests to recover Ki. Beastmaster is more optimal than either.
How does one take a shirt test?
No, a summon is extremely temporary and not a companion.
>exhaustion is ignored while raging
>at x level, a barbarian removes two points of exhaustion after a long rest
>frenzy adds an attack to your attack action instead of using a bonus
almost like something designed to be swapped out to adapt to the situation at hand
>Frenzy exhaustion last 1 hour
Ok, you take your shitty bear into the ocean.
>berserkers recover one level of exhaustion during a short rest.
I'm in a campaign where we're advancing fairly quickly (GM fiat every other adventure rather than exp) and I'm running a ranged fighter.
I'm probably gonna go rogue past 11th for the added sneak attack damage, but would a one-level dip into barbarian be advisable for the unarmored AC feature?
You take your shitty self under the ocean too you dumbass.
Same concept, except it's a bear.
>not having a hawk companion
>Exhaustion can be resisted with a DC15 Con saving through once per exhaustion point per short rest
At that point it's pretty much consequence free. Might as well say they don't get exhausted
A wizard can grow gills, I'm sure I can magic my bear a set somehow
>takes two frenzied rages to get an exhaustion point
>There's not a lot of stories involving animal companions in general, and most involve more than one already.
are you sure? it seems like a pretty common thing.
Speaking of short rests, have anyone on Veeky Forums ever used the slow or fast rest option on DMG? (pg. 267)
The book mentions that it usually make combat less/more often, but I'd like to know from someone with experience on it how often are we talking about. Also, how good or bad was the experience for the feel of "gritty realism" or "epic heroism".
Stop making an idiot out of yourself, jesus christ.
You don't need a roll to do this.
>thinking they're me
>capping that
holy fuck
>not having a shark companion
Fucking plebeians I swear
>not having a sharkbear companion
are you even beastmaster?