Stat me, Veeky Forums.
Stat me, Veeky Forums
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Book Arya, or show Arya?
Cleric-assassin in training.
With a level in druid.
And a few levels in fighter, crippled by inadequate stats.
Show, I didn't read the books.
I'm just catching up with the show, finished season 3. She's one of my favorites. her and John Snow. And the not-a-knight woman
INT 12
Stop spamming this shit you git
Well, then I'd say she's a rogue working on prerequisites towards a really cool prestige class.
She's still in training, but because she's clearly a PC, we'll start her at level 3.
Race: Human Variant
Class: Cleric 2/Rogue 1
Strength: 8
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 13
Charisma: 15
Feat: Observant
Domain: Trickery
Not gonna bother with all the skills and equipment, or spells for that matter. Eventually I'm guessing in the show she'll get disguise self with those faces, but I can only hope.
You mean Assassin?
Even has Disguise Self. And this.
>The character must kill someone for no other reason than to join the assassins.
The Faceless Men are very 3e Assassin.
Well, Jon Snow demonstrated in his fight against the White Walker at Hardhome that Valyrian steel swords are basically magic weapons. So I'd say Arya has a +1 rapier.
Besides that, cheap padded armor and some coins.
And I don't buy the cleric thing. Not all priests are clerics (certainly not in Westeros, anyway.)
Faceless Men are clearly just religious assassins. They don't seem to have any healing spells or turn undead ability.
That will work. Any better variants of that? Maybe something requiring Blind Fight as a prerequisite?
It's just a well made rapier, not a magical one. One of the smiths at Winterfell made it; it's not an ancient Valyrian heirloom, it's just a sword that Arya likes.
You could go the other way I suppose. There are only a few Valyrian steel swords, so either DnDGoT doesn't have super-epic +3 nouns of verbing or it does and mundane but well made swords get treated as being +1.
Personally, I'd prefer the first approach. +1 is plenty when any level of magic has a side bonus, Brienne doesn't seem to be super OP for having a fancy sword, and we've never seen anything to indicate that there's something better than a Valyrian sword. No +2 Double Valyrian swords.
>Blind Fight
That could just be a punishment rather than a requirement. A thing that happened to happen to her, rather than something that always happens to every assassin. Character classes should be broad; prestige classes less so, but they should still have some customization room.
I've always liked a more mundane approach to forging weapons. Valyrian or w/e seems like a combination of adamantine and mithril. +1 for sure, maybe +2 on it's own, but clearly the highest tier the setting has achieved.
She essentially quit the faceless last episode, might as well axe cleric completely, make her pure rogue with blindsight and maybe some skill with a quarterstaff.
dead inside/10
Tyrian's sellsword has grown on me as well. Such a fucking champ.
I was actually sad when the hound died. He was a douche, but a nice douche.
Does Veeky Forums have a GoT thread? Seems fitting and /tv/ sucks.
could be a Masterwork Rapier though?
Gotta have some penalty to perception with her eyes being that far apart
Every time we stat someone we use 3.5/3.P even if it's an autist game for autist children.
What do we have to do to earn peace from this evil?
You need to stat someone your way instead of whining about how other people are doing it.
>>implying the Hound is dead.
user, he's at the monastery, guarding horses.
nothing like long enough to be considered an actual rapier.
he could never live a life so stagnant.
Stat them in your preferred system? People rarely specify which system.
Or are you just here to helpfully inform everyone how much you dislike D&D?
Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10+25 (52 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —
Do whatever. I've been dming 3.5 for 7 years and I like it fine, thank you.
no u
We aren't stating your mother, user.
>no, I like it, I just don't like that people are talking about it, people shouldn't talk about it...
What are you trying to prove here? That you're even more of a dork than everyone assumed?
Well, good job, you did it.
I'm kinda drunk so I may be missing your point?
i DM 3.5 and I like it fine. I play in a pathfinder game and a 5e game and I like those fine as well. Shit all over whatever systsem you want if you feel the need, I honestly don't care. I just really like Arya Stark at season 4. Stat her for d20 modern, or warhammer far as I care.
And you called it "an autist game for autist children" because...?
Season 1:
>STR 4
>DEX 8
>CON 6
>WIS 10
>INT 8
>CHA 8
Season 2 onwards:
>STR 4
>DEX 5
>CON 6
>WIS 4
>INT 2
>CHA 1
It wasn't him it was me. This is my third post ITT.
You were complaining about people always using those systems to stat characters or whatever, because they're having badwrongfun. Apparently.
ST 9
DX 12
IQ 11
HT 10
advantages: signature Gear (Sting), Appearance (attractive), Ally (That knight woman, remaining family), Patron (remaining family, must be in person, maybe a Talent
Disadvantages: Wealth (Dead Broke) Secret (Arya Stark, Possible Death), Enemy (Ramsay Bolton, Unknown, more powerful than the PC, Frequency: rarely), Destiny (Minor), Pacifism (Reluctant Killer)
Quirks: Code of Honor, Proud
Some skills in being of a noble family, using her sword, traveling, and doing shit with many face persons
This is one of the few characters who is effectively identical in both show and the book. The only real difference is show Arya is obviously in her early to mid teens while book Arya is currently 11 iirc.
>Appearance (attractive)
I think he just means Maisie Williams is cute.
She's 18 now so put away your Chris Hansen reaction images
That's not Chris Hansen you doofus
That's Care To Explain? Guy
I know it's not Hansen. My joke was you would pull out Hansen the moment I said he found Williams attractive, so I was telling you to not jump the gun.
I realized the joke fell flat after I posted and read it back to myself.
Is this the Owlbear stat block?
The girl has no stats
First day on Veeky Forums?
It's okay user, it happens to all of us sometimes
-2 parents
It's a meme to post the owlbear stat block whenever anyone asks Veeky Forums to stat something. It started as a way to mock them because the threads were usually a thinly veiled excuse to talk about whatever was in the OP, but by this point its just an almost obligatory part of every stat me thread because the truth is Veeky Forums is willing to talk about pretty much anything if given the opportunity.
oh boy, we're poppin' a cherry here