A member of your party is now a paladin of the Goddess of Sex/Lust/Hedonism.
What does he or she look like? How is he or she stffued? What are his or her powers? What does he or she behave?
A member of your party is now a paladin of the Goddess of Sex/Lust/Hedonism
something something cheesecake
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>hey guys
Their gods domain attracts the attention of the Elder God who's doing its best bring that sort of thing under its power, and subsequently both they and their god are digested, and turned into God juice.
My DM has the best setting ever.
So something similar to an Oath of Ancients paladin from 5e then?
Paladin of Ancients, but that's really pushing it. Paladin is supposed to be pure and good, there's nothing good about hedonism.
I don't get it.
Wow hahaha sex must be like the best thing ever now I want to make a game setting all about sex.
Sex gods and sex monsters and sex people and hot ladies who are really men wow haha its amazing but its all a game LOL. I totally have lots of group SEX with my players hahaha they are all HOT MILFs and qt traps who were seduced to ENTER MY MAGICAL REALM. It is so good and I love all this loveley sex I'm having in rPGs.
You're all disgusting.
Sure, but she'd have to get along with the other six paladins of deadly sins as well as the redeemed succubus priestess.
>deadly sins
So, your setting use the Abrahamic mythology?
And you never will
Lol x3 Sex sure is funny :D Look at this cropped hentai picture, this is how I Paladin xD
I think there's a Paladin of Sune variant too.
you have serious issues
Stop being a prude!
>Witcher: A Game of Imagination
>Thematic gods and their paladins
Pick one
We already have one. I haven't gotten around to drawing it yet, but he looks a little like Lautrec. The armour is brass plated, with beautiful womanly arms embracing him. He is basically the same as other paladins. He's a little bit pervy, but he doesn't do anything that would make people feel uncomfortable. He's still lawful good.
Sweet Elspeth cosplayer.
>tfw she's dead
>eww, sex is icky!
God bless you, user. Praise be.
best husbando
Can we make posting on /d/ and Veeky Forums mutually exclusive already?
He does have an excellent voice. Probably my favourite in all the games. If I were a little more gay...
Only if you do it for me.
There is not goddess of sex, lust, or hedonism. Though I suppose the goddess of rebirth might have been something like it before she "died".
We kind of already have one, she was cloned from a kidnapped dimensional prisoner through a mixture of Rakdos gruntwork, Orzhov funding, and Dimir planning. She loves hugs and isn't afraid to make the obvious sex joke, as well as being a frontrunner to testing all the weird shit the Simic cook up and rivaling the party elf in natural lewdness. Currently her "powers" include fire/ice breath, growing and shrinking, and being an expert sword swallower, poledancer, and explosives rigger.
I don't know because she's also my mother and I gotta go be the founder of Rome.
Ran a paladin/cleric of Sune before, he looked like just a regular dude but kept up with his appearance.
>deity of sex
>not a god and goddess pair literally always fucking
Worshippers use the phrase "what [god's] dick looks like" to refer to hard-to-find knowledge. After all, how are you supposed to know what his dick looks like if he's always balls deep?
>new player tells me he wants to be a cleric of "Deez"
I'm really glad I invited a black guy to play with us, instead of pervert.
>Paladin of a specific god
I slap said party member upside the head and tell him to cut that shit out. Nobody wants to listen to you "redeeming" nuns by raping them.
I had a player who new nothing about D&D and wanted to play a paladin, so I showed him the list of gods, and explained their minor differences in my setting, and after reading for a few minutes he decides to worship the sun. It was pretty cool. I was worried he was gonna meme me with DaS shit but he was just like, real life type sun worship.
Although I prefer Epicureanism, hedonism is perfectly fine for "good." Certainly its no more of a stretch than, say, oath of vengeance.
Said Paladin is from a rather poor country, a poor backwards country. A poor backwards country where nobody wants to live anymore.
Love and sex don't have to be hedonistic.
>Love and sex don't have to be hedonistic.
You know what, fuck me. 5 posts later I confused the topic. OP said hedonism. I'm done for the night.
So they are a Paladin of Ishtar, and your playing in a setting using the Babylon gods? Okay I'm cool with that.
How do they dress, Depends on their fighting style, who they worship wouldn't effect that. It's not like Exalted here, where sun worshipers have to wear gold. Likely they will be wearing some sort of medium to heavy armor. More Agile paladins prefer less embrace to take advantage of their better agility.
Powers? See Paladin, in the core book but with a focus on anything involving thunder (for the innuendo of old) or buffing.
How do they behave. Like a paladin but one who tells people there is no shame in sex, as long as the other participants are not harmed, or forced to do something against their will. They would also council and seek justice against those who harm the clerics of Ishtar or a prostitute.
>there's nothing good about hedonism
>mfw this is what catholics actually believe
1/10 would not allow.
Hedonism etc would be chaotic and a far cry from the rigid, disciplined life of a paladin.
Dude, the orgy was right there on the calendar. You knew about it months ago. How is that chaotic?
She would go around the land, spreading the message of her goddess: a message of lust and pleasure.
There's nothing her goddess hates more than purity, so she would travel the land, teaching the prepubescent about masturbation and educating young men in the pleasures of the flesh. Of course she'd be very kind, patient and gentle to virgin boys. A big problem is that these young boys tend to fall in love with the woman who was their first
The boner in my heart will forever persist.
>He doesn't organise his fetishes by the Dewey decimal system
2/10 would not adventure or go to a brothel with.