Is it actually possible to run a good campaign in this setting? Has anyone ever done it?
First three seasons or GTFO
Is it actually possible to run a good campaign in this setting? Has anyone ever done it?
First three seasons or GTFO
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Sure, lots of people have done it.
The anime is structured a lot like a game to begin with.
Not sure desu. One problem with the anime is the vast difference in power levels between different mons.
>agumon ultimate level:
>get a chain arm, and can fly, and turn metal, and can shoot rockets from his boobs
>palmon ultimate level:
>can make people be nice to you sometimes, if they don't straight up resist it
I'm not sure how to build that level of power imbalance into a system while not making it incredibly broken
>not liking Kodomo Sentai Digiranger
>Kodomo Sentai Digiranger
Well played user, well played
Actually that's not how it works. Lilimon is more or less as powerful as MetalGreymon. You're thinking about the fact different levels have different levels of power, although some Digimon are too powerful for their levels (Arkadimon child, Lucemon).
As for Lilimon it already has a huge arsenal of techniques, even when some of them are supporting ones:
Kek, always thought this was the case.
Admittedly, Lilymon was the weakest of the original 8 by the end of the series (not anymore as of Tri part 2), but they seem close enough to me.
>"elemental" damage in Digimon
My thing is that any system based around Digimon shouldn't be a Pokemon clone. It should be about bonding with your Digimon bud. Don't know how you'd systemitize that.
Also, being able to build your partner Digimon would be key. Maybe some sort of GURPS riff?
Frontier is highly underrated and had some of the best main character digimon designs in the franchise.
Come the fuck at me.
You could probably manage this pretty well in something like Mutants & Masterminds.
But then you can do pretty much anything in Mutants & Masterminds.
Cyber sleuth was enjoyable.
Well, on the face of it, you have a good concept and natural PCs in the form of the Digidestined; however, you'd probably need to design a mechanical system from the ground up. I don't think GURPS would work, and both D&D and Shadowrun (assuming you could jury-rig the underlying rules) wouldn't give battle the right sort of pace either...
But it could work.
Seriously, Mutants & Masterminds.
The system is built from the ground up to be pounded into whatever shape you want it to be in.
>unironically suggesting any D20 system
>Not appreciating the massive amounts of flexibility some of these systems present.
Sentaimon are pretty cool
Not that user, but I dispute that. D20 is good for D&D and that's about it.
I take it you've never played M&M
I don't see how that's relevant
>Claims all D20 games but D&D are shit
>Based off of an user suggesting a system that they've never even played
Of course it's relevant, it's the system I'm recommending.
What should the policy be for players wanting edgy digimon partners? The sky's the limit, or just one per party?
I feel like the whole "struggling to rise above one's evil nature" shtick is cheapened when half the party's digimon are demons and act like it.
I would say zero (unless you want that kind of game). In the show those types of digimon partners were never the main characters, they were side people.
The thin I'd be worried about is the human angst. One of the great things about the first season is that all of the kids have problems at home, but they're not defined by those problems because, duh, they're kids trying to survive in a strange world.
it's based on a tamagachi so it's not too hard
in fact given the lore and the in-depth caretaking of the digimon it's probably more game friendly than pokemon
>Is it actually possible to run a good campaign in this setting?
As with any anime, the answer is obviously:
Yes, just run it in FATE.
I like Fate but Fate takes a particular GMing style to use and it even tells you this, just like how Powered by the Apocalypse games are based around their own GMing style. One size doesn't fit all. Please don't make Fate into the same kind of meme that GURPS has become.
Not him but I honestly believe Fate is the best fit here. Crunch isn't very important and the narrative trumps.
Oh for sure, it definitely fits and could work quite well but only if the kind of GM who'd like using Fate. I just didn't like any one system being treated as the only option.
How has nobody suggested Monsters and Other Childish Things?
That's how it's set up in cyber sleuth, which plays a lot closer to SMT or persona.
You are 110% fucking correctamundo, my man. Beetlemon, Metalkabuterimon, Emperorgreymon, etc. are some of the best designs in the franchise.
I've even got a Beetlemon figure sitting on my desk right now.
My first thought as well, though it's not quite there.
I agree with except for one thing.
There should be at least one. Someone should get to be the Green Ranger of the group. It's like a law. Every season of digimon has at least one.
But what about tamers, Guilmon is literally a walking time bomb with all litterally of his evolution's having a full on Virus version. The fuck can even become a skullgreymon if his tamer/kid is fucked enough
FATE is a bland and confusing system
was just about to suggest that myself, only problem is I'm not sure it can emulate Evolution properly
>I'm not sure it can emulate Evolution properly
How so? If it's possible for some monsters to be stronger overall than others, you just fill a stat block for each form.
The only houserule you would need is how and when they're able to evolve, and whether there's a chance of failure.
Point taken. I didn't mean to imply that FATE was the only option. It is a very good option, though: if you like the system, it's pretty much perfect for running anything anime-inspired.
Does it have rules for creating monsters? As a kid I would always make up my own Digimon.
As far as evolution goes, I feel like there needs to be a way for the evolution to be narratively driven as well.
The day when it becomes a thing but sadly noone cares enough for the sheer awesomeness.
I don't see how it could possibly work.
You'd have to play both the kids and the digimon
Let's not fucking forget that Digimon are not animal companions. They're sentient.
Well the PTU has the GM playing the Pokemon as well.
Personally, I'd have each player partner up with someone. One person in each pair would be the human partner and one would be the Digimon parnter. I think that would actually be fairly interesting.
>Not wanting a full edgy party ala Thunderbolts
Mummymon, from what I remember, was a dorky mummy with machine guns who ran around trying to help his girlfriend. Bro-tier as hell. I'd be proud to have him as my companion.
Posting a digimon rpg I found on Veeky Forums a while ago
I think the Frontier set-up would be pretty good for tabletop: you streamline character creation and party politics and prevents the obligaral betrayer from just having the squishy humans killed.
But that may just be because I play with little kids.
Or maybe you run with the bit from Savers where a evil scientist turns people into digimon. You could have players get stranded behind enemy lines, desert or get abandoned. Have them search for a way to become human again until they stumble into the end-of-the-world device #24679063823.
Speaking of evolution, how would you even set that up? Do you decide for all stages at character creation have the GM pick every stage when it happens?
I know there are sites listing the evolution trees from all the media, but I'd guess they allow you to reach nearly every digit on by going up and down again.
I 'd say have players pick themes and a suiting start digit on and have 1-3 possible choices for the next stage. Or make some digimon up to fill gaps.
I just think that this would still be a lot of work for GM or system maker.
As many as the players want to. Just think to apply that silver age comics story that gets posted here every so often.
Fuck OP, post Digmon partners instead
Wikimon Fresh Digimon List
That's very old. The current writer's blog has already been linked.
I'll use my own template if you don't mind.
Hexagons are cooler.
>fighting the evil of the digital world with native american spirit magic
>native American dinosaur samurai
A true hero.
Too bad I can't make a decent pic on mobile, Veeky Forums's ideas could make good NPCs for anyone that runs a game. Also:
>Dear customer, you reached the maximum data volume for this month
>Not even an hour left in the month
Tell me what kind of Digimon you like and I'll put together an evolution chart for you
Try not to cry
Make the most convoluted line you possibly can, slide forms and everything, make it imposible to even tell where the poor thing began