>user tried to convince me that Nyarlathotep isn't evil
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User tried to convince me that Nyarlathotep isn't evil
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He's not.
Good and evil are mortal concepts and by definition Nyarly is above that.
Those tentacle blobs playing flutes are distractingly silly. And sort of cute.
He just wants to have a good time, faggot. What's next, going to say Sheogorrath is evil?
And even if they aren't Nyarlathotep is at the very least of neutral alignment.
He may be above it but he clearly understands human morals and is a complete sadist who enjoys the suffering of others.
He's Lovecraft's most actively malicious character and outright corrupts men's societies for funsies and has avatars that requires baby sacrifices.
>elder being that you can never understand
>being subject to moral judgement by standards of buch of evolved apes that will be extinguished in time he will notice only as a passing moment
Wow, you guys are selfish as fuck, aren't you? Seriously, at least the Crawling Chaos deems to take notice of mortals. You should all be very grateful he CARES about your baby sacrifices.
I've never heard of him, please spoon feed this retarded baby?
He's your waifu for tonight
Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos, and God of a Thousand Forms, is one of the most powerful deities in the Lovecraft mythos. One of the Outer Gods, beings that are so monstrous in scope and power that they make Cthulhu look like a frog.
Nyarlathotep is a cool guy, though. He's a party animal who doesn't really know when to stop, is his real issue. Anyone who hangs out with him is sure to have a fun, entirely unproductive time. Everyone saying otherwise is just jealous of his dashing good looks, and the fact that he has like, a billion more avatars than everyone else.
Nyarlathotep is a character from the novel and anime series Haiyore! Nyaruko-san. She is an alien who comes to earth to protect it from other destructive aliens who for some reason are inextricably drawn to it.
Oh, hi me.
He's literally a Satan stand-in and based on what Lovecraft called the most horrible and realistic nightmare he had since age 10.
Crawling Chaos is love!
From his species's own perspective, he probably isn't. However, you/ your character does not operate on that level, and are in fact in the exact bracket of pathethic that he like's to have "fun" with. So, for all practical purposes, he's an evil motherfucker.
the point with lovecraftian beasties is that they are incomprehensible to mortals and stuff. So, the concept of alignments kind of breaks down when applied to them, at least from their perspective. If applied at a mortal perspective, he'd be so deep into CE that he'd drop off the graph.
>selfish as fuck
You say that like it's a bad thing.
'The eternally drumming and piping old gods' has to be one of my favorite descriptions from Lovecraft, I don't know why but I love the image
From the Outer Gods perspective he's a complete deviant, who may or may not be Azathoth's personality before he became the idiot Chaos
I agree, it's so bizarre it just fits them perfectly.
The chaos that always crawls up to you with a smile.
What? No, I'm just a fan.
We need a Nyarlathotep reaction to Nyarko.
She seems like a energetic young girl! What more is there to say? After all, clearly it is a different person by the same name. That happens you know. The other day, I met someone named Migo. He was a car salesman, not a mushroomfly. The name was such a coincidence that he laughed, I laughed, I completely change his entire cultural identity, it was a good time.
> Forgetting all anons are Nyarlathotep's Masks
>Then came too late the sardonic caution of the daemon legate who had bidden the seeker beware the madness of that song.
>Only to taunt had Nyarlathotep marked out the way to safety and the marvelous sunset city;
>only to mock had that black messenger revealed the secret of these truant gods.
>For madness and the void's wild vengeance are Nyarlathotep's only gifts to the presumptuous.
It's not a mask.
Fuck off, Steiner. You yourself are a spook.
Hastur just stop.
And here it is.
Thread ruined.
I read an interesting theory as to the logic behind this phrase. The idea is that drums are very 'primal' in terms of the emotional and physical reactions to them, in addition to being very simple. One the other hand flute playing is a very precise, calculated exercise. And that sums up the outer gods extremely well, cold, calculating, precise and at the same time simple and primal. It's the image for them I try to bear in mind whenever I run lovecraftian horror.
>And the Black King toyed with the idea of rising from Egypt
>For the Fellahin would kneel and humanity find a true God
>A Faceless God
>He smiled to himself and continued to toy with the notion
I'm suprised by the lack of August Derleth jokes about morality and the Yog-Sothoth Mythos.
that's because Derleth's fits yog-sothothery even worse than D&D alignments
I'm highly tempted to writefag something based off my 4 lines
All gods are lawful neutral.
>this niggah
Read some poems with Nyarlathotep in them
gets me every time
This is Nyarlathotep's universe; we merely live in it.
All he does is remind us how small and powerless we really are.
This guy gets it.
If you wanna get really technical, its Azathoths universe.
Azathoth is just a weed-smoker. He sits around all day, listening to terrible music, while not even having the brain-cells to qualify for sapience anymore.
>Forgetting Nyarlathotep pretty much is Azathoth
This does not mean we cannot rightfully label what little he does fill into.
If he's a cunt but woOooOOO he can see into the 16th dimension hurr durr it doesn't fucking matter if he's still a cunt about it.
Well a landlord is still an asshole even if he's the guy letting you live there.
Fucker probably thinks thought crime is abominable, fucking shitter.
More people who get it, your move other Anons
I do not trust the intelectual integrity of a man who's entire diet was white bread and heavy cream while shutting himself in 90% of his life because he's piss scared.
The Dance of the Old Gods
In the cold infinity of the void, unfathomable eons beyond our mortal scale of time, a drumroll began, and a fanfare sounded. First came the deep, undulating mass of Azathoth, the blind idiot god, the ebb and flow of his endless power the very heartbeat of the universe, this noise, this beat, the underscore of creation itself. Accompanying it is the gentle trill of Yog-sothoth, a delicate harmony speaking of perfect mathematical alignment across the grand scale of the multiverse, the sound of endless spheres revolving across the cosmos. Joining the first two, the harmony between Hastur and Shub-nigguruth, the dark low notes of despair mixed in balance with the vigorous energy of life itself, speaking at once to the beauty of birth and all the joy of life, and the fatal certainty of death, someone enhancing, rather than diminishing, one another. And in the center of the stage Nyarthalotep, soul of the old gods, at the same time composer and listener to this grand orchestra, dancing along, in some pattern of pure chaos, since strange eons before time has he danced to the music of the cosmos, and he will show all life the beauty of it.
just something I had an idea for after reading this thread
Lovecraft spent a large amount of his time exploring the areas he lived in, including New York City.
>my name is Saya, do you wanna be my fwend?
I'm calling it, this is Yog-Sothothery General. We need a place to congregate.
sure why not, on that topic if anyone here has played Tremulus, is it any good? I've read the rulebook but I keep going back and forth on whether or not I like it or not
I've known of it but never played it. So eh.
Have the book, never played it. Looks okay?
Any reason we don't have a CoC General here?
At least I didn't see one
Finally, A Lovecraft General.
Eldritch semen demons anyone?
Huh, cancer this fast?
So, clearly the Flying Spaghetti Monster is an aspect of Azathoth.
His... Unquechable hunger? His love of pirates?
The rules are bad. The creator essentially wanted to make a Powered by the Apocalypse game but without full control or understanding of how those games can be made good. Tremulus is all over the place.
But the fluff can be good. The city generation tool is pretty solid and the playbooks give a taste of what a certain person ought to be good at/own/act like. But the rules don't support it well.
His evidence that correlation does not equal causation?
Shit just happens.
You should really read The Gods of Pegana by Lord Dunsany.
Is the Yellow King Mythos canon in the Yog-Sothothery?
Every Lovecraftfag (including me) knows that Derleth is not canon.
Canon is a very loose thing here.
I mean heck, the very idea of imposing a canon, like with the CoC RPG system and universe, is radically heretical.
Lovecraft used and swiped from other writers, many things changed, other writers did the same with his ideas. I mean, technically I could link just about anything to the Cthulhu mythos via mutual crossovers.
Some of it. Lovecraft spoke highly of Chamber's writings and referenced Hastur as a sinister name in his own writings. Some of the wider stuff around Hastur (like Derleth saying he's a wind spirit) are ehhhhhh.
Yeah, you've got to pick and choose. Having Hastur as a wind spirit is just a hop skip and jump away from shota Hastur.
>Dat image
Google gave me squat, plos gib sauce
It's from the redone Fieldguide to Cthulhu Monsters.
This new version features art from one of the European versions of the game, which have always have good artwork.
Pardon my newfagness, but when you say Yog-Sothothery are you refering to the "Cthulhu Mythos" asa whole or does it have a different meaning here?
Isn't it the name Lovecraft gave his mythos? Cthulhu really wasn't the focus back then, it only became known as the Cthulhu mythos in recent times.
I know that an Anthology book is called that way, but you're right, calling it Cthulhu Mythos is the popular or more common name
Thus because Cthulhu has zero importance we call it the Yog-Sothothery/Yog-Sothoth Mythos/Yog-Sothoth Cycle is the name for hardcore nerds like us who used Lovecraft's original name for it
"Yog-Sothothery" is the term Lovecraft used to refer to his collected and inter-referential writings, the world and mythology he was building through his tales. He called it that because Yog-Sothoth was a far more active and prevalent part of the stories compared to Cthulhu, who appears in one and is referred to much less frequently.
I thought that somewhere it was said that he kept changing the name since, for the most part, he considered them as just standalone stories with the same themes.
>No mask?...No mask!?
Top tier twist
What are those things?
They are musicians which play to Azathoth to keep him slumbering I believe.
Huh, what happens if Azazy wakes?
The dream ends.
Reality fucks itself
Happy fun times.
So everyone dies, Christ that's bleak.
Leaves one wondering why anyone would summon him to earth, just so he can blob out
Nyarlathotep doesn't, he wakes up as Azazoth
Aw, niggah no. Nyarlathotep with the powers of Azazoth.
Now that's genuinely terrifying to think about.
He could probably destroy earth already if he wanted, but he really likes to have fun with humanity, we will probably just all live in a neverending nightmare version of reality, so its not that bad
>not three, but six times they mention his name
You... you... double Hastur!
Isn't Nyarlathotep already an aspect of Azathoth?
He's Azazoth's dream self, if Azazoth wakes he becomes whole once more.
The entire multiverse would be fucked.
Lovecraft general actually happened, holy fuck.
Reality is the dream of Azathoth. When he wakes, by definition the dream ends and we all stop existing.
The Cthulhu Mythos is basically St. Elsewhere.
How do you know Nyar isn't the good guy? You can't really understand him so as far as anyone knows he could be saving humanity just in ways humans can't understand.
Like how a wild animal thrashes at it's savior and needs to be put down. Maybe if you were to try and understand his viewpoint better you would know? Just research him a bit user. I"m sure there is a hidden heart of gold in it!
I'm fairly sure Nyar already pretty much has all the powers of Azathoth. I've always read it as he has all of his powers due to being the messager of the outer gods and the servant of Azathoth but he can't use it or at least minimizes it due to the danger that He'll wake up.
Not like he needs to either given what he is.
I read Narly as the 'Conscious' Ego of Azathoth the Dreaming. He's the 'lucid part' that keeps things running and entertaining.
As Azathoth is The Dreamer, he's technically the source of all (or at least most) thought in the Lovecraftian universe. However, there are certain beings like Yog-Sothoth (and possibly Hastur) who may be true outsiders, intruders to the dream.
The difficulty in dealing with Narly is that as the manipulator/guidance of the Dream he's capable of some impressive reality manipulation, down to knowing thoughts or taking on the visage of players in The Dream.
However as
points out, he himself runs the danger of causing Azathoth to wake up hence why he doesn't just run around stealing masksand overtly tossing around magic excepting certain circumstances are met (it's dream logic, the greatest danger is that Azathoth becomes aware of the dream in such a way as to wake, such event is likely to absorb and end Narly's reign of independence.)
Of course the knowledge of this relation is itself existentially dangerous as the more widespread it becomes the closer Azathoth comes to waking (he's technically everybody, remember?)
Nobody dies.
Far stranger things happen; processes right to the left of death.