Those are good guidelines I think. I sometimes get lost in the settings though, I believe they should be really important, because the more immersive they are, the more attractive the game will be. For example Mordheim has that cool exploration theme to it, whereas Kill team doesn't.
A game about gladiators be it ancient, fantasy or sci fi, would have an improvement theme, and also some stuff beside gladiatoral fights, just like the Spartacus series for example, but would have no exploration theme at all.
Which are the best of those themes for a game like this?
That's a good one. Something like Warhammer Skirmish but with a campaign system added. I'd say that there should be factions, each with their own objectives, just like the poster I quoted above said.
Me and my friend thought about that for a while before, but I couldn't see ancient times with gunpowder realistically speaking. Although I admit it's really interesting. Right now I just want to add cool stuff and fuck realism, but I don't know if it's the way to go.
Also, what do you guys think it's best, complex mechanics or simple mechanics? I mean, I don't want too much bookkeeping, but I don't want to make a game like SoBH either, because I feel it lacks deepness in some ways.
It's a great game don't get me wrong. But a campaign-based game should have a bit more stats.
I think it's best to have a really good campaign system, really developed and with lots of random tables and options, and have the gameplay be as simple as possible, without it being idiotic. But I'd like to hear your oppinions