(Middle East too because I could use more)
Character Art : Eastern Edition
I appear to have more art of women for some reason.
A friend had wanted an eastern sword with an eastern name. We hadn't officially established that it was a western setting, but we laughed him out the door. I only got to thinking about these things after he left - but I guess we were more comfortable with western settings in the end.
Monk pictures are cool, but it feels like they can only be used for evil.
I should move onto sharing what little middle-eastern art I have, but I have a few more eastern things I want to share.
Archers being archers. I dont know much about armor, but at least he looks cool. It looks sensible but I can't really tell.
A girl who wasn't a homo told me women were more interesting to draw than men. That might have been a personal preference but I imagine theres a little more freedom in the kinds of clothes they can wear. It probably goes a long way. That might contribute, for some reason I don't want to just accept the easy reason of people are horny when they make art, I dont even know if there are more male artists than female ones. So a reason like the prior one makes more sense to me.
Maybe I should stick to "fantasy" art.
Thats a cool looking shield.
>but I imagine theres a little more freedom in the kinds of clothes they can wear
in day to day life, for sure
but as far as fantasy (or science fiction) goes there's nothing really preventing either gender from having interesting outfits short of a lack of imagination.
I wonder if I've wrongly categorized any of these.
Anons, how do you categorize you art? - if at all.
Almost afraid to ask - but I guess I might be content to talk with myself for a while.
Actually that sounds about right now that I think about it, but I guess I'm back to not really understanding why - but maybe its just because I'm a guy - or maybe because people who have a tendancy to post art are probably guys? But thats not really confirmable either.
Eh - probably best off not thinking about that anymore. Heres more art.
I like that the lion is wearing jewelry too.
In my experience, male and female artists both draw more female figures than male. Obvious for dudes, but maybe women draw women more often because they're just more understanding of that anatomy?
What a well-done nonhuman. I wonder - if nonhumans actually existed, would we call them nonhuman? Because we called a lot of humans that were of different cultures nonhumans. Would the term just be humanoid? Or maybe we would have come up with another term for humanoid.
What a useless thought.
Now that I think about it, I don't think I'm all that more familiar with male anatomy than female anatomy, being male and all. Maybe its the culture that makes us more understanding of female anatomy? Or something like that sort.
(Understanding as in visual understanding.)
Until recently I thought the differences in figure and form were just amounts of muscle, but apparently thats not the case. Bone structure takes a part - probably, though I dont know that for sure it sounds reasonable.
And butts. Male and female butts are very different.
I sound like a dilettante.
Heres more part.
We wouldn't call them nonhumans for the same reason that we don't call dogs or birds or fish nonhumans. It's so obvious that they aren't human that specifically designating them as such outside of academic conversation would be redundant.
The idea of calling things like elves or therianthropes or whatever "demihumans" only makes sense in the context of our contemporary culture, influenced by our history of struggle regarding racial equality and our science-fiction notion that humanity is a state of mind as much as a state of body. I doubt the thought would even have occurred to us two hundred years ago.
Women just look better objectively. Curves, proportions, even facial structure is easier on the eyes than the harder shapes present with males.
There's also an odd little bit of human psychology playing into it - both men and women have a stronger sympathetic response to depictions of women.
What a nice looking
And hat too.
The "designs" on things, (there has to be a better word for that) and extending out of things are really cool.
I guess they're called talons, the finger-claw-things but maybe theres not an official term for them. It didn't come to me immediately. Or claws.
I have many folders and subfolders, and organize it based on why I saved the image, i.e. A picture can have great scenery, but if I saved it because of the character in it, it will be in the People folder (pic related).
Initially, it's split into Creatures (animals monsters, deities, etc.), People (classes, races, genres, setting), Scenery (interior, exterior, space), Symbols, Vehicles, and Weapons+Props.
Art in the Class folder is usually art of humans, but occasionally other races when they're a clear example of the class in question.
Art in the Cultures folder would be where I put things that have a specific cultural flavor- East Asian, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, etc. Again, usually humans.
Example of the deepest folder is
It needs some pruning- I have an Undead folder in my Races folder, and one in my Creatures folder, for instance.
That makes sense. Its probably better to think of things in terms of factions an alliances than racial division then.
I'm remembering now a study that found something of that like - that people generally preferred more feminine aesthetic qualities.
For some reason I'm thinking about Sasuke Uchiha character design. Apparently that was a big thing about why Sasuke's character design was appealing?
That face is hilarious. It's like she's just about to sneeze.
I just tag a bunch of names to character art. Monster/environment art I keep in subfolders because I either can't come up with keywords or come up with too many
I can't unsee that.
It's lammelar armour padded with a cotton west.
Quite great stuff actually.
Here's something I rarely see- People from Fantasy Africa.
I've got scads of European and Asian stuff, plenty of Egyptian things, but I rarely ever see clearly African-centric art that isn't a tribal hunter-gatherer or things like where they're markedly European in style. Not that that's a bad thing- it's just not what I'm after.
Anyone have anything that fits this bill?
Shes brown-ish. Lets see what else I have.
Closer? - technically.
What qualifies as african style to you? Cause doesn't have many european qualities
Concept art.
requesting gritty or non-fanciful warriors
Maybe I'll post one for one, then one for the other, and keep doing that until I run out of one for one of the ones.
Equivocation woo woo.
At second glance, you're correct. I just saw the armor style and deemed it European without taking in the other details.
So, uh... more like that would be good.
I just like
For some reason when I think of African culture fantasy things I think of a lack of metal armor. I dont know why.
Hmm. The picture should have been related. Heres a related one.
*I just like the idea of a mighty African king, powerful and wise, with a prosperous kingdom.
Because metal armor isn't very practical for the environment
meant for
Made me think of this Static Shock hero. Virgil goes "Hit him with a web blast" and the Spider says "I'm not that kind of spider"
Historically I remember a lot of African tribes had a culture of dueling for properties as to not spill blood. Then a particular tribe went and ignored that to spill blood, kill warriors, and conquer most of them.
Organise it like this myself.
Used to do it with my far to extensive porn collection too, until I deleted it.
Now I just have one folder named ''Never Again'' with a select few files.
Forgot the pic
Yeah, that makes sense.
That's fucking dope.
>Eastern Edition
>We end up in East, but Africa
I ain't even mad
Given that I have a hybrid China/Middle East country, a hybrid South European/North African and a not!Japan in my setting that need art, this thread's ideal.
Yeah, totally okay with this outcome.
That looks like my uncle
Veeky Forums, I need your rat (and misc. rodent) people.
Not skaven.
lab rat.
I get jokes.
What's that old artist's saying?
A woman's body is beautiful and graceful, a man's body is hairy and lumpy and should never be seen by the light of day?
There can be beauty in the male form, too.
Though it's a wonder to me that a woman can see a big, round hairy guy and be like, "That's husband material, right there."
That said, there are men who chase landwhales, so personal subjectivity is crazy.
I really like how this ratling was drawn, but I've never come across anything like it. I've looked, and uh, there probably isn't anything like it.
Except there is.
That's Ink-Eyes, a MTG thing.
At that's all I have of her, but now you know what to search for.