>"Don't forget to bring your dice tray"
"Don't forget to bring your dice tray"
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is there a more superfluous item in existance?
>that Russian TTRPG that dedicates two pages to physical dice rolling rules, requires players to roll on a specific dice tray and use a desk bell to pass turns
As someone who has had dice go rolling off the table and disappear under the oven never to be seen again, I can assure you that dice trays are NOT superfluous.
As in everyone brings one? That's stupid as fuck.
It's reasonable if there's a lack of table space or are playing in a public space where the clatter of dice could be an issue.
The best dice tray is a cut-in-half jello mix box with a small square of old mouse pad along the bottom.
Why would I let anyone else use my dice tray? Next you'll say I should let other people use my fucking dice.
Somebody once knitted a sweater for my dick as a gag gift. I think that's more superfluous - plenty of hair to do that job, thanks.
Wasn't that Hungarian?
No, Russian
>Looking forward to rolling handfuls of d6's as I fireball my players, as well as multiple d20's and multiple damage dice
>Art supply store
>$7 shadowbox
>.99 piece of green felt with adhesive backing
>Roll in class and style without dice going everywhere
Why the fuck are you autists flailing around with your dice so much? Just shuffle them up in your hands and pour them out gently. They're not going to be any more random that that even if you throw them across the room.
Depends on the table m8. We play ACK on fold up card tables and they are thin and have quite a bit of bounce. So dice trays are a must. I made mine out of a repurposed wood box packaging that I spray painted glossy black and lined with a piece of green felt.
Why use a dice tray over a dice box? Hell, even a cup would be better.
One person in our group would spend combat rolling his die until he got a number he liked. Then when it was his turn he'd be like, "I rolled a 19." After a couple weeks of this our DM brought some pie tins and said "Rolls only count if they're rolled in the tin."
The guy has since left our group but we keep using the tins just out of habit.
I have a glass table. The little motherfuckers sound like rocks.
I want a nice, not-that-expensive dice tray. Alas, I live in South America, and the offer is nonexistent.
I use the lids of board game boxes.
I almost am certain they were designed to be rolled in. Hell, any cardboard box lid type thing counts as a nice, not-that-expensive dice tray.
No small wood boxes in S. America? Any cheap small wood box will do. Glue a piece of felt or a piece of mouse pad into it the bottom of it.
>2 pages of telling me how to roll my fucking dice.
>no contact with anyone beyond 4 people.
>Explore places and find shit/kill shit/ loot
this is like the ultimate that guy/ rules lawyer/ bullshit that expect from someone who never played Role Playing Games for Fun.
Did you at least try it on in front of them so they could see how it looked?
What if the fit was bad?
Well it even says that he's never played RPGs
So it's basically what we as little kids thought D&D was after we watched Dexter's lab?
To be honest, i was stunned by how shit the Setting was and how Ass-Backward the system is with all the shit you need.
Man, Dexter got me interested in D&D before I even knew what D&D was.
Or more accurately, the episode did. It's a surprisingly accurate take on how a DM influences the game.
Same, I made a dumb little d6 rpg where dumb shit would happen in every day life.
one encounter that stood out was the Traffic cone, had 2 health points, but could regenerate because the Road construction worker wouldput it back up, he had like 10 health.
this was like when I was Eight/Nine, lived in Colorado where Fantasy D&D games were of the Devil according to the Mormons, so me and my friends made one that didn't involve Satan.
the game was written in my 4th grade notebook and is now lost to the Sands of time and in my box of Nintendo Powers.
Oh man this is hilarious.
While I agree that it looks like more autism than FATAL, but is it also full of dumbass magical realming?
No, because that would ruin the gaming experience.
And when I read why he never played or consulted an RPG before doing this game, I knew we had ourselves winner.
I did the same when I was twelve, except mine was less about actual roleplaying and more about Zork, which I was a big fan of at the time (and also because I couldn't be caught dead by my grandmother with anything resembling DnD at the time). I didn't even make proper dungeons, I just had encounter tables that you would roll 6d6 (or more, sometimes) on a chart in order to find out where you even were on the map. And combat was a matter of continuous rolls until the enemy was dead- the game had limitless respawns, in the vein of every MMO ever. I still have the rules around somewhere, largely because my sister won't let me burn them. I won't lie, that traffic cone idea was actually pretty cute. Would work well in an Earthbound-type game.
On one hand, I laugh at this as superfluous and would argue that, as long as you have some table space to roll, you don't need a dish.
On the other hand, I whisper encouragement to my dice, and try to roll them in a specific way that I believe they find more favorable. Not that I really believe that my dice can influence the roll, but the habits earnestly seem to help.
Ok I finished the review.
The last screencap in it is from the book describing a player rage quitting during character generation.
I am utterly flabbergasted by this sudden flash of self-awareness from the author.
Seriously, have a laugh
>Player: Then maybe I'm an aspiring archer? (Rolls 3d6) Ten.
>Master: What stat were you generating?
>Player: Archery.
>Master: You didn't call it.
>Player: But I said about the archer!
>Master: Master shouldn't be guessing by the player's words. You must call the stat so it would be all clear.
>Player: (swears off about the master and the rules) So what, do I now have a penalty?
>Master: Yes, -1 for the next stat.
>Player: Wonderful! Lets make it Wizardry instead of archery. (Rolls 3d6) Sixteen!
>Master: +7 to minimum value. But due to penalty, you have +6. Minimum value is 3. That means your Wizardry is 9. (Writes it down in the gen-list.) You're a pretty good mage by uruk standards. Although you won't need it much becuase there's no magic in the proto-version.
>Player: Get away with you and your game!
Neato. That sounds like a cool idea.
Now I'll have a dice tray, made by my own hands. My complains will only be about not having a sophisticated and classy tray, one that compliments my patrician attributes.
>dice tray
>not dice cup
>"One person in our group would spend combat rolling his die until he got a number he liked. Then when it was his turn he'd be like, "I rolled a 19." "
Your problem was not the lack of dice trays, your problem is a DM who doesn't know how to handle assholes
Thats not how rolling for attacks works, ever, in any system
We don't play at a table so it's convenient for us
How is this a game that exists?
if you don't have enough space, why not use a dice cup, or if you don't have one, literally any other cup?
Maybe it was all a joke after all
Get on my level, pleb.
Not good enough to ensure a random roll, and really fucking unwieldy.
There's a reason leather cups are almost universally used in craps games and the like, especially in bars and taverns with small tables.
Are you telling me there are people autistic enough to learn how to throw a d20 JUST RIGHT to land on a specific number on an evenly number spaced die, going down a tunnel with bumps and spins along the way, to then roll in the tray on the bottem?
You are posting this on Veeky Forums, where do you think you are?
Real dice are shit anyways, electronic dice rollers are the only way to go.
stop that
I would play that game user. Mundane encounters like a traffic cone and a construction worker sounds hilarious
>attack traffic cone and knock it down
>attack construction worker and knock him down
>supervisor shows up
>"Hey, quit screwing around and get back to work."
>construction worker gets back up
>construction worker puts up the traffic cone again
When there's enough money involved, even non-autists will do that. Hence, the cups.
Can't you just switch the dice in the cup or rig the cup so that when it lands it drops your loaded dice instead of the ones you put in? Seems like some basic legerdemain.
>implying the cup isn't inspected beforehand, just the same way as the dice
Have you ever been in a casino, user?
I know those dice! Their from "The One Ring" RPG!
What's the little mark on the six for, then?
>tfw you've never lost any dice because you don't slap them around like an asshole.
>tfw THAT GUY can never roll dice like a human being, he has to throw them at the table or slap them or some stupid shit and they get lost under the fridge...
It's a tengwar rune, though I think it's there just for a flourish. The d12 actually only goes from 1 to 10, then has an Eye of Sauron rune (meaning most likely something really bad happening) and a "Gandalf Rune" (almost always something good).
An extra note, those d6's have their 1,2, and 3's unshaded and the 4, 5, and 6's shaded in to show that you want the larger numbers.
So are there any good Russian rpgs? Or did the Soviets hate games like that?
1,2,3 are unshaded because they count as zero in some circumstances. And tengwar runes on 6s bump success tiers.
There is the game where you get conscripted with your friend dimitri. Suddenly the older conscripts want to rape you and Dimitri. You decide then and there, is Dimitiri the girl, or are you. Then you rape Dimitri. He is girl now. Is good fun, because you are not of rape. Eventually after 15-20 years of rape of many dimitirs you retire, get dacha, maybe fish, maybe hunt. Stare at sky and think of fond childhood memories before rape.
I thought gay sex was a kill able offense in Mother Land, Make the Baby Jesus cry?