Hell what was that one game with the telekinetic bears and the amazons wielding bazookas powered by crystals?
Joshua Butler
Had to think pretty hard to remember one I liked. This one was theoretically fun, but an unplayable mess. Doesn't have the rules for special powers in character creation. >Well, maybe you're supposed to use the ones in the core book. Nope. This game specifically does not include rules for powers it references, which the GM is supposed to make up rules for. >So it has the guidelines to make up the special abilities, but leaves them open to interpretation? Nope. No guidelines. No rules. No fleshed-out examples.
Hudson Turner
Never seen this I was working in a game store in the 90s when the movie came out too. I'm guessing not American?
Submitted for your approval, Raven C.S. McCracken's fever-dream with paper and dice, Synnibar.
This game is really unapologetic in it's sillyness. It's a relic of a more innocent time I think. The 90's were something of a golden age for RPGs as a medium. There seemed to be no shortage of these things clogging the shelves at our friendly local game stores. No idea was too crazy.
RPGs are experiencing something of a renaissance now, but a lot of that purity is gone. RPGs aren't being allowed to flourish as a medium anymore and keep trying to attach themselves to other things to justify their own existence.
Austin Hill
Crap, captcha ate my image.
Parker Barnes
I remember we started playing that at the same time we all got into Poison Elves. Games were gettin' weird.
Evan Parker
There was a super-awesome miniature game book put out here, next to 20 years ago. The publishers was a small indie outfit that was fed up with 40k (which I believe was in the later stages of 2ed at the time?) and says in the foreword that if you don't like it "you can go back to that shoulderpads crap".
The game was called Apokalyps and was about the battles that go on in the "last 120 days of humanity". Worldwide war has destroyed civilization, what few survivors are left are rounded up by those who have power and armaments. You are a warlord that holds dominion over starving refugees, rape/kill-gangs, ex-soldiers, pschyotic landmate pilots and various unstable militias.
The ruleset was nicely complex for it's time, and deadly af! Individuals hit by anything bigger than sidearm fire without protection are either dead or left for bleeding. Which didn't stop the system having random wound tables with graphical descriptions of every sort of damage from high velocity bullets, flamethrowers, laser weapons, explosives, railguns and lots more. You also had a battleplan system where you drew a map of the battlefield and gave every unit order how to move and behave during the battle, and a "initiative" for how to deviate from this battleplan when needed.
The game was meant to be used with whatever miniatures you could find that would fit the war that'll end everything. As such the game used the length measurement "meters" that was variable depending on model size but for use with 28mm was set as 1.5cm.
I still have the book. I've been wanting to scan it since forever but don't have the hardware. :( The setting and fluff is godtier 90's grimdark and fucking lost to time. I can't even find google results that this thing ever existed. I tried to find the softcover book just now to take a picture of it but I seem to have filed it deep somewhere...
Daniel Green
Wait, shit! I found an old forum mention "do anyone remember this?" from 2011. The developers of the game were Hardcore Entertainment (yeah, try to search for that...) and apparently it might have been standard spelling Apocalypse? I was dead sure that the plain black cover with red sprayed logo was with a k... >Artists depiction of what irc
Justin Cruz
Nah, that was World of Synnibarr
Nathan Collins
I'd put Dark Conspiracy in this category. Iirc the publisher was a major one at the time but the game never really took off, did it? Which kinda was a shame because it had a nice Xfiles-in-the-future setting and the published adventure modules were pretty damn great! I've converted those DC adventures I had to other systems lots of times.
Cameron Watson
Harvested babies used for some kind of meat computer in the NY subway? Fuck year
Aaron Cook
i almost feel Earthdawn should be here...
Luke Wood
Underground was fucking great.
Brody Scott
Ooh, yeah that's an old forgotten one! Geof Darrow made the cover for that, didn't he? That's a mark of quality in my book.
Grayson Garcia
Pic related. Fantastic Setting, Fantastic (?) Rules, Fantastic Art. And no support.
Much like the comics. :(
Samuel Wilson
Obsidian was a pretty cool old game. Cyberpunk sci-fi set in a postapocalyptic future where the nine circles of hell has forced themselves onto our world. Earth is a barren warzone for hell's hordes and generals and the only safe haven for humanity is a giant arcology towering miles above the wasteland, The Zone. But even inside this refuge cults are formed following the beck and call of demons, and sometimes needy or desperate individuals are sent (or flee) out into the toxic wilderness of a literal hell on earth... drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/55/Apophis-Consortium
I don't think that really counts; the entire book is RPG parody (albeit a playable one). You can only take that joke so far.
Luis Williams
Heh, true of sorts I guess. You could die during the character generation.
Robert Baker
"Paranoids. Sociopaths. Pyros. Kleptos. Delusionals. They're all here – and you're one of them. Enter the world of Asylum, where the United States has been reduced to a collection of walled Wards, built from former cities and surrounded by desolate Wastelands. The sun has been gone for over a hundred years, hidden from view by the airborne algae called Blanket Seed, and everyone has gone mad. Those in the Wards are called Inmates, and they are cared for by Staff and watched over by the Orderlies, who are as insane as they are."
Holy shit, I managed to find the telephone number to one of the developers and just had, basically a 10min interview, talk over the phone. :D
No pdfs exist, and the original material is stashed away on DAT tapes somewhere, but he said he was gonna talk to the woman, who co-wrote and did the computer work, if making it digitally available somewhere in the future was possible? It is two decades old this year after all...
He was surprised anyone even remembered it. Apparently Target Games tried to snipe their employees constantly, and had to be evicted from their offices, and the miniature hobby at the time seemed to fucking hate them, they were totally isolated within the hobby: "What? Violence in MY miniature gaming? Only family friendly GW products allowed!" The 90's was a strange time sometimes... ;_;
There was a pretty good thread for his a month back or so, but other than that this game is long forgotten. Which is a shame because it's a great setting and nice blend of balls to the wall action and survivor, or outright supernatural, horror.
Yup, Darrow did the cover. It actually had a half dozen or more supplements too.
It's also been in print constantly for two decades.
It doesn't even have character generation until the supplement Buttery Wholesomeness, and then as a big fuck you to people who kept demanding it.
Much more importantly, it included the complete rules for Freebase, greatest LARP system ever made.
I'm beginning to be surprised by how many of these I own, and have on my desk right now.
Charles Smith
I bought it a few years ago in a second hand bookshop. But the french version doesn't have the part about demons, so you're left with basic rules, character creation, equipment, background, and literally three antagonists and no guidelines on how to create your own. I tried to sell it back a couple months later but I don't remember if I succeeded. If I didn't, I have no idea where I put it. Kinda sad, it looks quite cool.
Ryder Richardson
Buh, what? They sold a "translation" of the game totally without the backstory? That sounds just dumbtarded.
Leo Smith
HoL been fucking in print since they released it? ...how?
But oh shit, yeah I haven't thought of Freebase for like 10 years! :D It's all coming back to me now... It was a pretty awesome little booklet! Is there a pdf of it anywhere?
Justin Martinez
Whoops, probably should've taken a look for myself first!
Grayson Cox
Most of the backstory was there, but the whole bestiary was missing. No human antagonists, no demon, and no way to create your own demons, and as a side effect you also lost all the lore that was contained in that chapter. The only statted NPCs you got were the three (or four? A really small number anyway) in the introductory adventure, which includes a single, underpowered demon.
Noah Brooks
Sounds like the french publisher FUBAR'd or simply didn't give a fuck?
Blake Baker
This one is way better
Xavier Turner
Black Dog printed it forever. Then in was reprinted with new covers by Dirt Merchant Games. It's currently printed by The CaBil with another variant cover.
If it's been out of print, it wasn't for long.
Evan Rogers
Shit son, no! :D I like that crappy sunbleached and wrinkled feel of paper in the scan. The 4 columns per page in the all-digital pdf gets too cluttered as well. Real adventurers don't roll like that!
Parker Butler
I'm just very surprised to hear that... Niche product af.
Jeremiah Walker
I just checked and apparently chapter made teh first half of a supplement, the rest being original content.
James Russell
fug :( >their faces when
Aaron Wood
Fuck, /pol/ doesn't support pdf's as pic in the OP :(
Jason Jenkins
No shit? Thats pretty cool, I want to see it.
Aiden Scott
Albedo, not a bad game but good luck getting a player group these days.
Sadly, anthropomorphic characters have been so thoroughly poised the internet, that they are now basically a discredited trope.