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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Answer the posts Manyfist. Don't be a pussy as well as autistic.
>you'd have to jump through a fair number of challenging hoops to accomplish it
See, that's the thing: A jumper wouldn't. A Suul'ka's "ascension" is literal ascension. As in, they're going up, into space, out of the gravity well that threatens to crush them if they get any bigger so that they can grow without limit. That's all it takes, the reason they rush their species through the singularity to get the tech they need is just because getting a kilometer-long whale into orbit and keeping it alive up there is a serious engineering feat. But for a jumper who has perks to let them fly and survive in space, they could make the ascension with no problem. As a jumper, you could just wait, and eventually you'd get to that level of power.
Okay, do we really need to start threads like this?
Why can't people just like, chill out, man?
If you're going to ask questions, do be civil about it.
This is why ya wait a little before making the thread, so the people can't drag old drama back in like a dead rat.
New thread, time to drop all the things.
To be fair, people did ask questions last thread and got ignored. Some people were even quite polite. Not saying it justifies being an asshole but you know, it's at least not without reason.
I'm sorry
I thought I was helping
Forgive meee!
What's the worst thing you've ever dropped, jumpers?
You're not a bad user, nothing against you at all. It's just some advice. So let's talk.
How are you doing today? Do you have any interesting jumper stories to tell?
My grandfather's ashes. That was one uncomfortable Yom Kippur.
I almost tripped and dropped by grandad's casket, I know that feel.
A toss-up between the Deadlight, and that time I accidently a colony drop.
this bait is so obvious even I'm not biting it.
as a jumper? My grandson on his head when he was a baby, followed by a priceless prehuman heat gun in the Valley of the dinosaurs.
How does one accidently colony drop?
A yandere into a manhole, it was a bad idea in retrospect but the opportunity presented itself and I thought it would be funny.
I'm going to guess they seriously screwed up a transfer orbit.
Even if we were to limit it the Speed Force of the Arrowverse is a heck of a speed boost. Of things I have seen in the Flash (TV Series) her are a few examples.
Fast enough to time travel, twice that I know of. Fast enough to create whirlwinds with your arms, hit a man of steel (A Collosus Expy not Superman), Fast enough to Heal at an accelerated rate, and Fast enough to Phase through solid matter.
These are pretty solid feats,
A special experimental magical talisman that stored a Dragon Slave I, a DMC Doppelganger really, had spent nine years charging with the Abyss of Magic trait from Overlord (LN/M/A). The detonation deleted the planet I was on and I was forced to use D&D magic to survive my own stupidity. Not a good day.
The Deadlight. I discovered that if you don't break it at the start you can't break it at all. That lead to some bad times.
Does anyone know a jump (other than 40K jumps) that might help you ward against Chaos? I'm fine with most of the jump but when my super medical tech and magic doesn't work on chaos mutations it leads to my people having a bad time for reasons that have nothing to do with them, and I'd like to alleviate that if possible by adding a jump or two before LoT.
Who is this girl?
He Ho, no!
God motherfucking son of a bitch, Thread died just as I hit post.
Anyhoo, I'm the sort to run away, so if I'm one hundred percent invested in a fight, it's cause I'm Pissed with a capital P.
Could you please answer some of the questions and responses you got last thread? Some people did actually give reasoned responses and it's pretty skeevy of you to ignore them like this.
But OP, how is that possible?
I'm doing well, and Jumper stories, well, I'm doing the nintendogs jump now.
My companion wanted to take a break, and Jump-chan thought it'd be funny to turn us into dogs, so....
Homura Akemi, from PMMM. Before the time loops and trauma.
Are we dragging this forward?
Since people that are fine with the staus quo generally don't speak up, I'll throw my voice in and say that I'm fine with the jump as it is.
I saw some fan calculations a while back suggesting that Barry was running mach 15ish, and that's only two seasons in. He's definitely going to get faster as the show moves on. Plus there was a mentioning at one point of speedsters moving at "near FTL speeds" (which was very, very probably BS, to be honest). But yeah, going off of that, mach 40 doesn't sound too unreasonable at all. Give Barry a season or three and he'll be running at that.
Post-Spark... who cares man? Well, you obviously, I suppose. I at least don't. It's kind of fun to imagine, for me. At that point we're all arbitrarily powerful anyway.
But that's just me and what I think, not trying to convince you otherwise, or otherwise invalidate anyone else's opinion or whatever, just giving another view.
The bass.
>Post Spark who cares
Exactly the point several posts last thread were responding to, which were ignored, yet all had good points.
Just don't do like I did in Nintendogs and become Kyubey. That was a dark decade.
>Homura looking cute and not crazy
Aren't those perks just for defending yourself? I have a few perks like that, but nothing I know of that I can use to stop my followers being mutated by Chaos.
Oh then no you're fucked.
Seriously, does anyone know of perks I can use to protect my people from Chaos?
Yeah, she was this awesomely awkward nerd before being shit hit the fan. Do we have a PMMM Jump or is Magical Girl Noir our only fallback on that front.
1. Not breaking the Deadlight pretty much makes you immune to most Warp anything, as the Chaos Gods now have no fucking control over anything.
2. Any perks that help you resist undesireable change should help.
3. Willpower perks will make it so you aren't enticed into any deals with the Chaos side. Also since the entire Warp is Thought-Plane you could argue that will enough Willpower you could just take over the entire thing, but since the main golden man hasn't done that I'll assume it take End-Jump Gurren Lagan levels of Will to do that.
4. Any anti-Corruption should work as a blanket safety net.
Do you need specific examples?
go Angel in supernatural and carve some protective wards on their Bones.
>Do we have a PMMM Jump or is Magical Girl Noir our only fallback on that front.
We do have a Madoka jump.
You start PMMM before shit hits the fan. You can save Homerun-chan from her sins, and kill Walpurgisnacht before she ever comes to town.
No, please answer the questions. They are valid questions and you've just ran away from them and tried to use a new thread as an excuse to not have to answer them. Please answer them.
Might be having a dunce moment but I can't find the Madoka jump. Where is it?
It doesn't even really matter, the in universe speed force is already capable of FTL, moving between dimensions, energy blasts, time travel, and all manner of other bullshit. This argument is really really pointless.
Yeaaaah, kinda seeing their point when they call you out if you do shitty things like this. What're you so scared of? Are you just unable to answer the questions then?
Should be in the unimaged drive. Are you looking under Madoka instead of Puella etc etc?
Then have the post spark version offer that, not the infinite speed, omnipresence or near total control over motion the comics version has shown.
I think it may have been lost in the last update. I can't find it.
Infinite speed is also included in the Arrowverse version.
It is? Where? Let me remind you, comics Flash has outran people instantaneously teleporting before. Comics speedforce is faster then an instant teleport.
I'm seeing it at the bottom of the A-M folder along with MGNQ and Negima.
Sorry, just realised the confusion. Real me learned that you can't break the deadlight later after assuming I could and had thought I'd do so during the DLC. So I retconned me having dropped it, rather than changing my own thought processes. Now I have enough perks to be relatively sure of my own safety, but nothing to stop my followers being converted into chaos mutants.
... I am not going to Supernatural until all this BS is over, maybe not even then.
What version of the speed force gives you omnipresence? Unlimited potential speed is pretty much a given in any version of the speed force but what is with those other two?
Generally it's considered polite to not immediately continue shit from the last thread's shitstorm. If nothing else wait for autosage, even that's kinda scummy but means you're not going to be getting as much hatred for it. Currently dragging stuff here means regardless of what you're arguing most people are going to be pissed with you for starting stuff immediately in the new thread.
My thought is have growth be locked at an arbitrary point unless you take an expensive capstone for it. Allows the race to be offered and the other races would likely get a large scale strategic capstone in the place of that one.
Well infinite speed as in there is lo limit to how fast he can go.
Generally it's considered polite to answer people when your talked to and yet here this cunt is
*no limit
Comics Speedforce users have at one point moved fast enough to exist in all points in space and/or time (I forgot which one it was, pretty sure it was Zoom though).
Cue 300 post shitstorm between yet another pair of immovable objects.
So you're still ignoring my polite requests for you to respond to the people who reasonably asked questions of you? Doing my best to give you a fair chance and still get my say but you're making it really fucking hard to even bother trying.
>Expensive capstones
At which point, unless you have some truly incredible perks on offer elsewhere, it's going to be treated as if it's not limited at all because that's all most would buy.
Okay. I'll make some minor adjustments to the jump and post it here then. Gotta grab some lunch but I should be done in a few hours. From your responses so far, I doubt you'll refuse.
Since he won't explain it let me try. Your questions are unanswerable, the information doesn't exist. The only thing that can be done is provide arbitrary limits during your chain and then let you do whatever post spark. Which is exactly what he is doing.
He is still being an ass about it though. . .
Ha, you think your posting is 'righteous fury', wait till you see what the thread's reaction to you is gonna be.
These people aren't very smart, are they?
Considering Many's actions, it's pretty easy to see that you can get away with anything as long as you ignore the thread until they get bored and go away. It's what always happens, someone does something bad, people scream, the person ignores them and everyone grudgingly accepts the new things. Nothing you or I can do to stop it. It'll be great 'fun' seeing yet another shit storm from these two idiots being unable to communicate but that's life.
Ah, that's easy first things first Amulet's of Protection from Chaotic Evil/Chaotic Everything/All Alignments. Then we take all those lovely anti-corruption perks you have and Transplant/Ensoul/Golden Chain/etc. them into your friends, Easy enough and the Warehouse is outside of Chaos' reach so you can do so in the Operation Theater from Franken Fran. My preferred method of granting perks to my companions is to just buy them, however if I'm in a pinch I'll trot out the old Dreadfully Virulent (Generic Zombie) + Infectious Bite (SAO) + This is, in fact, my Final Form (SAO) + the Doctor line of perks (Franken Fran) = granting everything you have is possible but you can cherry pick it with the Doctor line of perks instead of making all your friends Jumper-San-Lite.
Also I have found the Madoka Jump so there's that.
Just a heads-up, more writefaggotry will be made during lull periods of my workday. I'll see if I can post more tonight, maybe make more progress on Boktai as well.
Thanks to all who enjoy either the jumps or short writing I make. I'm glad I can entertain you.
What are the best bullshit science perks out there? I want to go full transhumanism.
For now I have the ones from Portal and Evangelion.
Don't mind me, just seeing if anything's changed in the WoW build.
Retribution (Free)
Dual Spec: Protection (850)
Zen Master: Fishing (600)
Canon Companion: Elune (300)
Huh. That's...somewhat awkward. We don't seem to have anything else really pressing to spend 300 CP on.
But otherwise it's pretty much the same old same old. Mostly gonna treat it as an extended beach vacation, be the medieval tech era equivalent of the wandering hobo riding the rails and playing his mouth organ for spare change and try to just take it easy for once.
Vestal Barrier from Bravely Default, though it needs something important to you
Also, Protection of the Count from SMT, the Saint perkline from ActRaiser and Holier Than Thou from Darkstalkers.
Theoretically Witch or Wizard from Discworld should also work considering such magic has abjured Death, the progress of time and sentient concepts before.
The Platonic ideal of Legos, right on our foot.
We were doing some magical experimentation at Unseen University to see if it was possible to create the perfect lego by throwing enough magic at the problem. And then we slipped on a banana the Librarian had eaten.
And that is the story of why we've finally given up walking forever and hover everywhere.
I'm guessing by pushing the wrong button at the wrong time? Bad case of the sniffles, being startled at the wrong moment, too much alcohol before manning the Kill Sun (original superweapon do not steal) etc.
Also don't mean to nag but has a point given someone pointed out post-Spark rewards don't give you stuff from outside of a setting's continuity. Didn't something like this come up during the Green lanturn jump? At the very least addressing the issue directly is less skeevy than pretending it doesn't exist, seems like a completely reasonable suggestion
Strong spark from Girl Genius. Make sure to also take Controlled Sparking to keep it from getting out of control though.
I here Geneforge and Lords of Light is good for the Transhuman thing, not sure though. Haven't done them.
chosen of death from Lord of light
Most superhero jumps have super science perks, which should help. Also if you go the cyborg route Supreme Commander has the entire Cybran faction.
Karmatron Dynamics, GUNNM
Newto Is Rolling In His Grave, Johnny Test
Jumper is a Genius!, Devil Survivor 1
Pre-Fall Science, Commoragh/Path of the Scholar, Eldar
Sohon, Legacy of the Aldenata
The Drop-In perkline but especially Prototyper, The Policty
The Maddest Science Yet, Tenchi Muyo
Song Science, Ar Tonelico
Chosen of Death, Lord of Light
Gift of Chao, Mahou Sensei Negima
Calamitytech, Bastion
Brilliant Inventor, Adventure Time
Master Builder, Lego
Net Sphere Engineer/Dismantler, Blame!
Quantum Computing, Code Lyoko/Brackman's Mind, Supreme Commander/Enlightenment, Assassin's Creed
Digital Sorcery, Fate/Extra
Anartist, SCP (potentially, depending on how you interpret your design process working)
Pagan Science, Symphogear
Symbiote could help. Although the greatest powers are post-chain locked .
Because I'm mercurial like this and because nothing has been set in stone. We're going with infinite speed.
Put a trip on so we can filter someone as rude and pathetically desperate as you.
At least make the limit C dude
Honestly, I find it funny that he's just alienating even more people to gang up on him the next time he fucks up. I can't wait to see the next time he messes up on the scale of WoW and actually gets a jump taken from him.
In setting limitless speed (including FTL) is already confirmed as possible.
Can you please do the same?
You can do that with Arrowverse Speedforce. That way you get what you want, the other person/people get what they want and we can all move on from this discussion.
Doesn't the guidelines for jump creation prohibit that kind of thing?
Where is it confirmed that they have limitless speed?
You do realise you can filter by names right? Select "tripcode" then it draws up some criteria for you to filter by, names is one of them. It's how I've kept Bancho filtered ever since he started changeing tripcodes.
Why is there an argument about a 1000 point perk with a hellish mandatory drawback being too powerful post spark?
Well, time to start breaking the fabric of existence.
Any of these include exotic materials and the such?
That is why you are limited to mach 40 pre spark.
You're a gem user.
600, actually. And the drawback isn't so bad, given that the evil speedster will wait for the end of the Jump to actually try and kill you.
Just follow the jumpmaker and completely ignore the majority of the drawback's threat. It's easy peasy.
For me the issue isn't of power, but of something not from the original series' canon being included in a jump-which even the other most broken post-Spark rewards don't do.
Where does it say that?
The evil speedster is immune to your powers and devoted to making your life hell for "reasons", wanting to steal your speed is just one of the possible reasons for it that are listed.
To my understanding, he's immune to your out-of-jump powers. Some powered combat armor or a bit of Fist of the Pistol Shrimp will even the score pretty substantially.
But the Arrowverse speed force is the comic one, it even says lolspeedforce to explain everything! Zoom is bending the laws of physics over his knee in all manner of ways.
The bullshit is already there, using the comics just gives you lore that you can use to explain the bullshit.
He is also immune to what ever you have used to defeat the previous ones.
Oh yea, a new one shows up if you defeat him and will stick around to fuck with you along with the new one if he survives his defeat.
Except as the jumpmaker himself showed, you can just wait until the end of the jump to beat the first one and not need to deal with the other.
That sounds like bullshit.
Can he dimension hop? Can he travel from one galaxy to another?
If not, there is not even a need to fight him.
Or you could just use the vibe at the end and kill him as says.
I'm assuming something like every race having one big one, usually strategic scale, it's just that the one for that race would be more focused on personal power where the others would be more focused on getting what makes the faction great as something like a leadership perk. Though admittedly since a lot of jumpers go for personal power above all else and timescale is a joke there might still be issues.
Yup. But it's Many, he's showed over this and the last thread that he doesn't give a shit what others think of him.
I'll need a citation for confirming that it is EXACTLY the same as the comic version, so far as the other user point out the only thing they have in common is infinite speed and other aspects like reality warping/life transference and so forth haven't been explicitly stated as canon.
Otherwise, drawing broad similarities together to prove complete equivolence is a shitty argument.