>Where to buy
Lets roll
Why the fuck would anyone waste their money on some stupid shit coin?
I somewhat like the idea of a chancoin,
it encourages good posting without the fagginess of upvotes.
I agree, its about fucking time we had a cooler Steemit. Steemit = Plebbit......Chancoin = Veeky Forums
So keen for the next wallet update.
to make money you dumb shit.
why cant you fuckstick shills keep it to one thread?
Id pay for the Veeky Forums pass with Chancoins.
Yeah bhhahaha, meanwhile Chainlink faggots are now buying ETH cartoon cat coins. Do they realize how retarded they look on Biz? Might as well buy a coin with the name CHAN in it. Has the branding down on lock. Branding is fucking EVERYTHING whether you like it or not in crypto world.
only $191k market cap
why though.
to buy it you have to
>buy crypto using fiat
>move crypto to an exchange where 4chn is avalable
>buy 4chn
>then buy a rope
>google how to tie a noose
because chancoin and Veeky Forums have no official connection
the top 25 holders own 90% of the supply though
It's literally just reddit gold fuck off normie
Early investors. Also you are reffering to the circulating supply. It is 6,8 mil right now.
Did you hear about the Ycombinator partnership?
Because we need a way to encourage good posting what with all the underaged edgelords flooding the site
nigger I've been on the chans since 2010
AYOOOOOOO, who here /rich/?
Not me.