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Warlock is best Vigilante edition.
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Warlock is best Vigilante edition.
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Reposting from last thread: Hey all, I just wanted to let people know that the first book of Steelforge is now out for non-Patreon backers, up on DriveThruRPG and
Thanks again for all the effort that the anons here have put in for playtesting this and other projects. It's great to see this thing finally get released.
Is gelatinous cube a bad idea for a 1st level party? They have to explore sewers to get to the first dungeon and I am thinking,it's dark, they won't be able to see far, and will be navigating slowly. Going to do some shit where they feel like they are being stalked then a gelatinous cube shows up when they are in a dead end. I even bought the 5e miniature for it so I can put absorbed characters inside the mini.
There are 6 of them with decently powergamed characters, I want to cut them down a size because in our other campaigns they basically breeze through encounters.
Just foreshadow stuff so you can have a believable case for a heroic rescue in case it TPKs them and you will be fine. Nothing worse that seeing that the DM is pulling punches because he overestimated the party capabilities.
How much should we (poorfags) panic for the disappearance of Volcanohound, QANON and all the likes?
Wasn't QANON around yesterday?
Markiplier describes his penis.gif.
QAnon is seeing about working with some guy from the site 4 doors down.
Well the thing is so easy to hit that once it's killed 2 PC's (if it does) I'll just have it die on the next hit. Honestly if no one dies that's fine, I just want the thing to absorb someone so I can use the miniatures Goddamn function. The frontman in the group has a 19 AC and the cube's only got + 2 to hit. So it will have to charge or just overrun the party.
I will at least do some foreshadowing and mention at least twice the ten foot wide corridors.
Thats a marksman problem, not the archetypes. If you wanted that you should lobby for errata of ultimate psionics.
Though the Mind's Eye disciple is compatible with the Shroud archetype for swift action invisibility shenanigans.
Fucked that up
>trying to figure out something to present to my GM to give the warlock a little boost
>any idea that isn't "well that's just this other class" either makes more sense as a magic item instead of as a class feature or is overcomplicated garbage
>the arcane striker talent is simultaneously mandatory, yet absolute dogshit since it basically means you NEVER EVER have a swift action for anything if you want to have the damage you should have by default
>only the weapon finesse feat portion of the lethal grace talent works on the bolts
What are the odds paizo will release an archetype that stacks with and buffs the warlock? What about official magic items that would benefit and/or be directly aimed at it?
I'm tempted to just go the simple route and ask to replace all appearance abilities with bonus feats, an alternate mystic bolt only lethal grace, and for arcane striker to be a straight buff to scaling after 6th level.
Some kind of slotless item that grants you a second swift action per round?
Int to damage on mystic bolts?
Is she throwing a chicken leg?
>an alternate mystic bolt only lethal grace
Paizo does love their "X Grace" feats, I'm surprised we didn't see "mystic grace" in Inner Sea Intrigue.
Anybody have an imgur album of the leaked pages from Inner Sea Intrigue? I want to make my vigilante a sex god.
Yes. Yes she is.
>slotless item... a second swift action per round
While it's functionally identical, a glove item to make arcane strike activation a free action would probably be a safer bet. Tack a secondary effect, like bonus range or single-element-resistance-piercing and boom, golden.
>Int to damage on mystic bolts
>"mystic grace"
I might ask to just make it so "Mystic Grace" is "get weapon finesse, add Int-to-damage on both melee and ranged mystic shot".
fuck strength.
QANON was here yesterday and I actually just sent her some stuff, thankfully it should all be scrubbed already (including the massive archive of pf stuff that likely has a lot of overlap).
Thank you, kindly.
Any good classes for a 1 or 2 level dip for a stalker vigilante? 1PP only, unfortunately.
The only dip worth for vigilantes is 3 in antipaladin so you can impart terror into the hearts of the ever brave.
>In a fight between a paladin and an antipaladin, the antipaladin always win, because the first is also fighting against fear for the first time in his life.
Will I be feeling the 3/4th BAB as a Stalker? My party already has a bard for face time and another initiator so I don't feel Warlord will contribute as much.
I both love and hate the antipaladin fear aura. On the one hand it can be fun to strike terror in the hearts of enemies immune to fear. On the other, it just doesn't fit at all, ever, for the paladin to end up fleeing from a fight with their dark reflection like a terrified schoolgirl
It's not so bad with the Deadly Grace talent.
I'm 90% sure that is talking about DSP's stalker and not Paizo's vigilante specialization.
Quick question, if a conductive weapon crits, does the spell on it crits as well?
pic not related
Just because you don't notice QANON doesn't mean she's not here. Hell, she posts without her trip or shift key abuse and nobody even notices.
Also Markiplier is terrible.
You should know to expect this.
Anyone got the Magic Tactics Toolbox shit?
Super easy to notice the trap masturbating to sylphs.
>Super easy to notice the trap masturbating to sylphs.
Not that there's anything wrong with that!
So I need a theme for a fey eldest of the night, redemption and the forest.
Gotta have wings, Moths are too similar to Desnas butterfly shit.
Anyone got any ideas?
I recall this roll20 campaign where the dm thought unchained rogues and kinetecist were "broken".
What is it with retards and their fear of psychic classes? They all suck!
Maybe its an inherited fear from the psionics fiasco of 3.5
sauce on pic related?
Need some help with figuring out how some of the chakras from occult adventures work. Can't seem to find what action it is to use the breath attack from the navel chakra or the healing touch from the heart chakra.
Gal Bitch sho-nen no INSEI
If no action is listed then it's a standard action. The chakras are crap, the archetype makes them slightly less crap, but still crap.
Standard's default.
>all psychic classes suck
Tell that to the psychic laddiwad
Here's my idea: Don't be a faggot.
Redemption doesn't necessitate moral redemption. It could be redemption in the eyes of the fey court, redeeming yourself for failing at the duties assigned to you.
>not just a shittier sorcerer that becomes a commoner if scared.
Not saying its not tier 2, just saying its the worse tier 2 there is.
Why would you post this at innocent people. Or me.
One could argue that describing the corridors wouldn't be hinting enough, since the cube could fit itself into corridors fairly smaller then itself. A better way to hint would be to have the party find trails of slime that don't match the regular gunk and grime they've seen around the area. If one of the PCs is brave/dim enough to actually touch the slime, you could say that it even burns or irritates the skin. Not for any damage mind you, just to convey the need to get it off their hands is all you're looking for.
If me GM put effort reminding me of the dimensions of the hallway, my first thought would be to expect some kind of rolling Boulder trap, or crushing walls, falling floors. But that's just me.
See that would be a problem.
If not for the fact Fey in Pathfinder do have alignment which we all have to live with.
And the angle is less redemption as in cuddly everyone hugs and makes up situations.
The theme is more 'From horrors and death can come beauty'
Poppies grow on old battlefields.
Predators need to eat to live and in doing so something innocent dies.
After the fire, the forest grows clean again.
A world in flux and redemption was the closet domain that could be found relating to good alignment that involves people changing and growing after being damaged, ect, ect.
Rot, Redemption and Loss.
I remember that campaign. I chatted with the DM a bit to try and figure out why Rogues were broken. He ranted for 20 minutes about how Rogues were OP because his Catfolk Rogue, using 2 different archetypes and obscure racial weapons could get 5d8 + Dex damage at level 5.
I pointed out that a Barbarian with a Greatsword and 20 Str could do the same DPS, and have better HP/Saves.
He then called me a munchkin and blocked me.
>They all suck!
Wow tell that to the Occultist bucko mcfucko.
I've stopped trying to reason with these people, they're the same dipshits that think rogues are OP and wizards are balanced
Why has Pathfinder become the weabest D&D
The fuck kind of cheater are you? get the fuck out of my PF brah. Who the FUCK would use a GREATSWORD on a BARBARIAN? Don't you know Barbarian is elvish for butler with a tiny knife?
It failed at gritty low-level fantasy so weeb is the only thing the system's good for now
A Wilder is still worse.
I still want kineticists to be good.
Does anyone know of a third-party or homebrew list of wild talents that are actually useful?
What was wrong with 3.5 psionics?
What's wrong with wilders?
3.5 psionics had very little wrong with it. 3e psionics was a convoluted, underpowered mess. 2e psionics was broken as fuck.
People remembering 2e psionics fueled misconceptions about 3.5 and DSP psionics that persist to this day.
Fuck all for powers known, if they're anything like the 3.5 ones.
Thanks for the clarification user.
>quietly packs up aegis and leaves i guess
crown and mist like train
voice like the wind rustling through leaves/sighing
skin like an aged grey willow in complexion
elven in appearance
There you go theme is Der Erlkonig by Goethe
>no Protean planetouched
>no lawful aligned planetouched
>low-level fantasy
>any form of D&D ever
What did you expect?
Nice things for lawful characters? Fuck you, suck on Crystals dick harder and post on the forum about how it tastes like candy, then thank her for the totes awesome CN Protean planetouched.
Kineticists of Porphyra has good stuff.
DSP's Avant Guard archetype is also a big fix while not being strictly better in every way (more ALLDAY, less nova potential).
Combining these two things can lead to some very silly results.
>what are ganzi
>what are autists
There are protean planetouched.
The lack of Inevitable and Psychopomp planetouched is still a travesty, tho.
>acceptableI refuse to accept them as the true protean planetouched; if anything they're just mildly "touched" rather then full blown fingerbanged like Tieflings and Aasimar.
a blessing*
>wanting Paizo to flesh out anything that sounds cool
>wanting Paizo to destroy everything good
Kill yourself
Yeah, that guy was a textbook case of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
I was talking about there being no lawful equivalent.
>Yeah, that guy was a textbook case the of Dunning-Kruger.
I remember a guy who homebrewed some up like a year ago.
Called them Ymir or some shiot like that; it's probably been lost to the sands of time.
>4th level to get 2nd level powers
>Arthur still buttmad a Witch managed to ruin her whole kingdom
Stay angry King of Knights.
Why would either of those things produce Planetouched? Psychopomps are too busy trying to keep this whole death cycle running smoothly and Inevitables are literally god damn robots. If you want an LN planetouched try making something with Axiomites.
Maybe the Planetouched who is a person sent back by a Psychopomp and reincarnated. Maybe the Psychopomp did so out of some necessity, they were destine for something greater, it wasn't 'their time' or maybe, in rare cases, a Psychopomp who has observed a soul while alive for a long time begins to feel an emotional attachment to that soul and when it finally brings it's soul into the after life, a new soul is created by the union and is reborn in the Material World to carry on that soul's life as their 'child'.
I could easily see this being a person touched by an Axiomite, but Inevitables could try and mess with an unborn child by exposing it to Lawful forces in an attempt to make the mortal race more compliant and orderly. There could even be Inevitables dedicated to ensuring biological reproduction of species, possibly in preserving endangered species and and ensuring that other do not overbreed by planting sterile offspring with Inevitable traits to slow down their progression.
Tell me what you think about this idea /pfg/?
It's a modern game where the players investigate a mysterious disappearance in the woods
They see a number of staircases, with no accompanying house, just staircases and most seem to be of a spiralling design
They see other odd unsettling things
They discover the hatch for an underground bunker, which they descend and it turns out to be a cathedral of metal
There are windows but the Vistas they see are planets and stars
Turns out they've been transported onto a derelict ship in the deep reaches of space
And that's when the horrifying fun starts
>inb4 Starfinder
Actually space station
DUMB WARLOCK TALENT IDEA: "How overloaded is this?" Edition
>Mystic Grace: You gain the effects of Weapon Finesse and Precise shot, but only while using your Mystic Bolts, and may take any feat that require them as prerequisites. These feats will only function for your Mystic Bolts, unless you take the prerequisites normally. In addition, at level 6 you may add your Intelligence modifier to damage with your Mystic Bolts.
Question - Can I deliver Maneuvers that do not specify a Ranged Attack through a Lasso?
Further, if using a Lasso while in Elemental Flux Stance (gaining +2d6 Fire Damage), will it do the fire damage on hit?
Should be "Do not specify a melee attack", not ranged.
To be fair, that's much less terrible with psionics than spellcasting, due to augmentation.
Can I intentionally purchase/craft an intelligent item at character creation (not first level obvs), or are they only in-game plot device kind of things. Would be helpful for a character concept I'm doing as long as it isn't like "dip in class X".
I can dig it.
Also, you're reminding me about those Spherecasting Vigilante conversions I was working on.
I was going to have Mystic Bolts work similarly to a Blaster's Arm Cannon, since it's a lot more interesting and variable than 'just damage'
I should get back onto that.
About the same as Killer's Implements, but for a specific attack.
Not too bad, all told.
Wilder is still a direct downgrade from Psion.
You know, it shouldn't surprise me, but I still can't believe people don't accept the caster/martial divide.
Planetouched usually aren't the result of humans and outsiders fucking. That produces half-Xs, which are far, far more powerful.
Planetouched are created by mortals being exposed to planar energy during pregnancy or just prior to conception.
Yeah, for sure. They're definitely still playable, though, at least with the student surge. Retraining into whatever powers you need with Psychic Reformation goes a long way too.
And now I'm contractually obligated to post this:
"I think it's a myth propagated by people with agendas." James Jacobs
Arguable. They have mostly the same tricks, except Wilder is somewhat more directly powerful (in terms of augmentations) and efficient with Wild Surge and Psions are more versatile via their disciplines. I'd still go psion personally, but the idea of going Wilder for a blaster still appeals to me.
Tieflings, Aasimar and Geniekin are descended from Half-Xs. Some (such as the Jade Regent) are even just the children of Half-Xs.
Futher back than that, almost. really early 2e, like the start of AD&D at all. The psychic powers were full of all sorts of save or die/mind control/confusion/etc.
Except without really the saves part. Or any attempt at balance or level scaling.
original psionics were on the long list of things in AD&D and suchlike that clearly only existed for the benefit of the GM, and were never meant to end up in the hands of the players. Like rust monsters, mordenkainen's disjunction, symbol of , and green slime.
I'm getting a drink.
>3) What do you think of an AP (or just a couple of aventures) based on the colonization of arcadia?
>3) I'd love to do an AP like that... although I'd likely end up presenting it with the colonists as being the bad guys.
>muh white guilt
>>muh white guilt
C'mon, fighting off the invading colonizers isn't just a white guilt thing, and it's a common trope.
Yes, but in the context of Arcadia, it's absolutely a white guilt thing. It'd basically be Avatar (aka: White Guilt: The Movie).