Char Sheet:
Iris Miller
I stare at the nonsense scribbles and meaningless runes constantly writing themselves down through the tome of hungered knowledge. I wonder what it's actually telling me, if Mali isn't lying it's probably isn't being very polite about it anyways. Why am I still even looking at it this thing anyways? I can't read it or even hope to without my familiar's eyes, I'd be getting more done by staring into the darkness around me for all the time I've been looking at these...disturbingly thick and skin like pages. I sigh, tracing my near useless fingers down the pages, along the still drying ink.
A smile manages to creep onto my face as I slowly draw faint lines and swirls with the ink. Now I wonder how this book will react to that. Before I can even move my wings away from the pages, they start turning so quickly they nearly tear themselves from the binding.
I tilt my head inquisitively as dark red ink starts to scrawl itself out on the page, looking more like drawn threats than any language, mortal or not. And the same ink starts to pour out of the pages, so I calmly set it down away from anything that can stain and watch it, seeing if it will do anything else this...strange.
Oh no, it's just shutting itself like a child stomping away in a huff right after throwing a tantrum. Part of me still wonders what it was trying to scream at me. It's a shame, it probably had some pretty choice insults to throw at me, and now they're gone, wasted into its pages and reused for ink.
I sigh and fall back onto my back, holding my wings up so I don't end up laying on them, heaven knows how uncomfortable that is.
The air is warm, and so is the thin darkness all around me...and Mali isn't awake yet, so I have to assume it's still morning, since the little imp usually has the energy to rise with the sun and fall with it.