Does Veeky Forums like fantasy racism?

Does Veeky Forums like fantasy racism?

There's two types of people I genuinely dislike. Racists and gypsies.


Not as much as I like real racism.


no its boring overdone and trite

Like fantasy religion (which is, 99% of the time, bizarro Christianity following a pagan god -- ie "you should totally try to be just like Kord/Vecna/Thor/etc/etc," which is how Christianity works but not how paganism worked), fantasy racism ignores the causes and just presents an Aesop.

People become racist when their livelihood is threatened. But usually fantasy races all have wildly different occupations anyway. People wouldn't be racist towards elves if the latter stick to woods and magic, but they would become turboracist if the elves used their long lifespan to take over society and dominate via seniority, etc.

"Racism" as moderns understand it is a religious myth.

heed the words

Racism exists in our high fantasy setting because there's a fuckton of races that have all had a fuckton of wars with each other, causing a fuckton of historical and cultural reasons to distrust each other, causing a fuckton of problems when a band of Mary Sue PCs decide that visiting the redneck settlement in the wilderness is a problem.

As a GM, it's brilliant. As a player, it's fucking annoying.

It's always literally shit.

Define racism.

We wouldn't be racist if our governments didn't demand we treat coloureds like they're people.

You mean the local dork player making the same fucking knife ear jokes for the thousandth time?

Found the elf player!

No that's not how racism works you dunce.

Me personally, I'm a racist. I hate blacks because they're lazy, violent, and often times degrade the value of living.

In no way do they threaten my livelihood. I'm not competing at the job market with these welfare queens.

Stop posting disengenous things on Veeky Forums.


>everything I disagree with must be bait

Are you genuinely this stupid?

So fucking boring and played out.

>Hey you
>OUR "What ever were doing as a standin for Christianity" DOESNT LIKE THAT

What do you think of, say, South Africa?

meh. But I do like "racism" against undead. (vitalism? thanatophobia? mortalism?)

People in medieval settings should hate/dislike/mistrust even people from nearby villages, regardless of color. Humans are by nature oriented towards tribalism. Everyone outside your group are "the others".

Only if the regular orders of the day in the King's army have to be done in 15 languages.

While he is wrong, in that he leaves out that racism can be caused by learning from racists, there is no educated person so stupid as to just blindly hate a group unless they feel threatened in some way.

Though in the US, that threat often comes down to "They have sex with our women."

It can be utilized well, particularly to show the various ways that race relations in this fantasy world are not so different from the awful things we humans have done to each other in the real world.

However, it can get a little obnoxious if it's overused, or used to show how much better the author/designers MarySueTopia is than the rest of the awful world.


Not really, for one main reason.
Most Racial Slurs IRL are fun to say. They are short, to the point, and sound good.

Most Fantasy Racial Slurs are not.

My knife ears

I guess this guy has a point

>Though in the US, that threat often comes down to "They have sex with our women."
I don't think so.

I live in an 80% black city in the US and rarely see that sort of thing.
The reason most people here dislike Blacks is because the attitudes don't mesh well.

I was at a friend's highschool graduation and while the white families clapped the black families literally had blowhorns and those toot-toot sticks that they banned during the Brazilian soccer games for being too obnoxious.

Like, as people they're generally a hard culture to live around if you like privacy and reserved behavior; which is like what 90% of WASP culture is.

This man understands.

I've been wanting to play a human supremacist Paladin for a good while now but other character concepts have always gone first up until now.

I couldn't hope but notice that you try to argue against racism being about economic concerns but note the "welfare queens" bit. Unless you just mean that "livelihood" and "economic concerns" aren't synonyms in which case, fair enough.

Get this man a fucking medal

Yes, I enjoy it a lot. I always, always make my character a racist whenever possible, against the game's designated 'enemy group'.

This is because I loathe people who try to subvert things and go "No, the orcs are actually good." I always, always do whatever I can to derail that, and put forward stories of atrocities and reasons why they should be exterminated.

I once played a charter who hated dark elves, was suspicious of normal elves and was uncomfortable around non-humans. I was the only human in the party. It was a really fun game.

Naw humans hate each other just fine without needing a reason to. I guess you could say they need a thinly veiled reason to create an other group. Like, your elves living in their trees doing magic would 100% attract some racist hate because they're different, mysterious and for all we know caused that storm that made the crops fail.

You forget that people literally burned other people because they thought there was a chance the person cast a spell that made some cows sick.

People are a superstitious hateful bunch. We evolved to distrust and hate other tribes who usually looked different, since your tribe is your literal family. When we lost the tribes we started to distrust and hate people who looked different anyway. If you introduce a fantasy race race then you introduce the possibility for fantasy racism.

Or not. It is your setting. Maybe everyone loves their brother unconditionally and all that. Maybe the different races just kind of distrust each other but not enough to ignore the possible economic and social benefits of coexisting. Maybe Dwarves are 12 foot tall bunny rabbits.

>Like, as people they're generally a hard culture to live around if you like privacy and reserved behavior
Holy shit this. Life is fucking hell as a black introvert.
>go on family trip
>all my cousins do is drink and smoke weed during the whole fucking trip
>call me a killjoy for wanting to check out the local sites and museums instead of getting wasted
I totally get why people hate us as a collective.

Do you see black culture changing at all? I'm not one of those people who put the negative black stereotypes down to genetics, but I've often felt that those stereotypes stems from black culture being very toxic for fitting into society as it is now.

Are there more blacks that feel their culture needs to shift or change? And how would anyone even go about attempting that?

I agree with your general sentiment but I think this "People become racist when their livelihood is threatened" is bit too extreme.

It's true to an extent, but let's face it people are also just for lack of a better world straight up xenophobic. They dislike and distrust people that are different from them.

Personally I believe modern "racism" as we think of it today started when europeans cracked a travel barrier with navel technology that allowed them to easily and repeatedly travel to locations where other humans had been so isolated from them that they had evolved noticeably very different phenotypes like wildly different skin tones and hair styles. At that point there was a new dramatic category of "them" and therefore an "us" based on revolutionary categories we might call race, instead of the old way of religion, language, or city culture differences.

So it's a question if your fantasy world has that. Were elves a recentish surprise to humanity or have they lived side by side for centuries. If it's the latter then I think you need your proposed element of mutual tribal threat (fucking humans are cutting down our forests!) to justify the existence of racism.

>Naw humans hate each other just fine without needing a reason to.

"Coincidentally," humans hate each other most when they have a perfectly sensible reason to. The vast majority of what people define as hatred is caused by when a religious group or a racial group is perceived as being in competition with them. That's the origin of the KKK, for example.

>You forget that people literally burned other people because they thought there was a chance the person cast a spell that made some cows sick.

Assuming you're talking about modern Africa and not the bogus Salem witch trials, conflating "FUCK WIZARDS" and racism is fairly silly. If you want to just cram all forms of xenophobia into racism, fine.

Not that user, but plenty of us see a need for change, the issue is that the majority of us are programmed into a certain way of thinking, and refuse to adjust their behavior. I doubt it'll change unless something drastic happens, but I'm seeing more of the youth wising up to a better way of doing things, so we'll see.

American, btw, since the culture is probably different elsewhere.

>"Coincidentally," humans hate each other most when they have a perfectly sensible reason to
Well of course we hate each other most when there is a specific identifiable reason that can be pointed to. I'm saying that there is always that one holdout that hates darkies for no other reason than they're different. There will always be a group of people that hate everyone else but [SPECIFIC CRITERIA OF RACIAL PURITY]

>conflating "FUCK WIZARDS" and racism is fairly silly.
I was using it as an example of how easily we create an "other" class, even when one is not visually identifiable. When one IS visually identifiable it just becomes even easier.

I think to continue this discussion we need to actually define racism. The word is pretty muddied these days, so lets go with the tried and true "hates a specific, identifiable, group of people for no stated or specific reason." "Hates" in this case being defined as "will avoid interaction or consorting with, or in extreme cases will incite violence toward, a target"