How to beat ogors edition
Thundertusk, the ultimate hero killer; ironguts, best infantry; leadbelcher... the list go on.
Old thread
How to beat ogors edition
Thundertusk, the ultimate hero killer; ironguts, best infantry; leadbelcher... the list go on.
Old thread
first for president kroak
Has there been any thought or work put into trying to bring the concept of Malal into Age of Sigmar?
> 1d4chan.org
Sets of Homebrew rules have been made for 40k and WHFB, so I've been wondering if it's possible to create a version of AoS rules for his fanmade units or hell, maybe even create new units to fit into AoS's lore.
> 1d4chan.org
Reminder that the following posts are shitposts:
>Hi, I'm getting back into the game after a 10 year hiatus and I'm wondering what happened to Fantasy
>Hi, I'm getting back into the game and I'm wondering what happened to the Tomb Kings/Bretonnians
What did happen to the Tomb Kings/Bretonnians?
Sorry for the leddit link but I saw this today
Question: Hexwraiths or black knights?
whichever the narrative calls for
>Hexwraiths or black knights
Hammer or anvil?
Thanks for the link user, those are some cool looking converted/kitbashed knights.
Malal is forever shit.
And people think Age of Sigmar is shit, so the two should go hand in hand.
No, Age is an evolution, Malal is a cast off useless prehistoric organ.
>shitposts about shitposts
The cycle is complete.
>Age is an evolution
If only more people thought like this so we could avoid all the shit-posts.
Anyways, then the concept of Malal can evolve too with the inclusion of fanmade rules.
>the concept of Malal can evolve too
It did, into non-existence.
it was bad enough in Fantasy, but Age is unsullied by the stink of the worst god and it should be kept that way.
Hexwraiths looks cooler so I vote Hexwraiths
How many models am I expecting units to have in them? Like, if you have just 10 orruk brutes, you've got a boatload of attacks, but can still get wrecked in one turn to another 10-model unit of guys.
>asking questions is shitposting
Asking questions is not shitposting, but generally when someone asks those exact above questions, they turn out to be just shitposters trolling us. Occasionally they are genuine, but most of the time it turns into an 'guaranteed replies' string of posts.
these are not even questions, are just bait copypasta.
You guys have a lot to learn about the tangled web of shitposting, you just replied to a shitpost.
Keep your (You)s safe!
Nice shitpost! Here's your (you).
And here's yours.
Can we move on from this pointless argument now?
Post silver tower stuff?
Sure. Here's my custom character sheets from the last thread.
Is it a fun game?
I havent played yet. I am ordering mine next month. But from what I've seen is the reception is generally positive.
Welp guess this is a shit post then but fuck it.
So I'm bit 50/50 with AoS. And I'm not new too Warhammer, been playing for a good 7+ years now. I kinda want to play it but sadly people at my main FLGS refuse too. Found another store with a few people that actually want to play it but I kinda wanted to ask some questions to kind of figure things out
1: are orks any good? Not even from a super competitive stand point, just not shit
2: so what is orks lore reason why they still exist in this new world when the old world got destroyed? Did gork and mork just say "ZOG you gitz" and just send orks into this new world to fuck with everyone?
3: this might have just been over speculation due to rage or something, but are there some rules that allow people to auto win a game after doing some d6 roll? And I don't mean like rolling after 4 so turns to see if the game continues I mean like some dumb rule that says, "roll this to auto win. Or is all that rage garbage?
4: now I dare to be a fool to ask this question on this board but fuck it. Would you, say, that this game, is... fun
Holy fuck that cogsmith is OP
That's the official cogsmith rules, I just reflavored it for muh dudes
Brace of pistols rule leads to infinite loop.
should be like
>After resolving a duardin pistol action in which you have spent a hero dice, you can immediately make the same action with them without having to spend hero dice.
>When using a duardin pistol action, roll with 2 dice to hit. Each successful roll causes 1 wound.
>Mfw all infantry models with a save of at least 6+ cost a fuckton in the official comp because they have the potential to claim cover or shield stacking
Who else / -save master race / here?
>Captcha please click on all the popcorn
Theyre good. They have a lot of good synergy. Since there is no points or balancing system yet, the only way to gauge whether or not something is good is if it synergizes well with the rest of its army.
When the mortal realms formed, they contained life similar to the ones from the old world. That includes humans and dwarfs and orcs and whatever. Nobody knows how they formed or how the mortals formed on them. That question is still unanswered. But orruks remain relatively unchanged, rampaging accross the mortal realms in search of good fights.
There were a couple weird rules which nobody takes seriously and houserules. One is even argued to not really be a thing. Like the skaven screaming bell has a random table you roll 2d6 on, and the 13th option is you autowin because you cheated. Then they take that in combination with Kairos fateweaver which he allows you to choose one result on any die roll, and people argue this means you can roll a 13 on 2d6, which doesnt make any sense.
Also there are the sudden death rules which is generally agreed to be the worst way to play the game. Sudden death is if you are significantly outnumbered you can choose a single enemy unit, and if you destroy it you win. This can be easily exploited through verious means. The best way to play the game is to use battleplans, which are narrative scenarios throughout all the big books and battletomes, and they have their own victory conditions. Pitch battles with sudden death rules really are part of the bad reputation this game has.
Depends on what you are looking for. If you want a super balanced and competitive ruleset, or if you are looking for the WHFB experience, you will be sorely disappointed. But if you want a freeform narrative friendly fantasy skirmish game, and kindof a return to herohammer, this may be the game for you.
In july we will be getting a points system for it from GW and a system for compettive play. So there's that.
Sweet thanks ya git! Thanks for answering that and not treating it like a bait post. And yeah not looking for anything competitive just for fun with a small amount of ccompetitive-ness but nothing on the scale of tournaments or WAAC kinda stuff
No problem. I could tell yours was not a bait post. Those were pretty much the same questions I wanted to know when I was looking into this (but not orks specifically).
And yes, the game is casual. That's the best way to describe it. But as with any game, it's really only worth getting iinto if there is a scene for it in your area, and the players seem like bros.
I bought it at release and played for a couple of hours with a few friends, we had a lot of fun, took a while until we got the rules but when everything started flowing it got super fun.
i played 40k when i was a child around 11 or 12, iv been waiting to get back into miniatures and was wondering is it worth going into age of sigmar. fantasy iv always like the look of, medieval with knights and goblin. im 21 now but iv seen alot of hate for this game as it is pretty much remade fantasy and has made alot of people mad.
this question is mainly for people who have played fantasy and now play sigmar, is it worth getting into as a new player also is there alot of playerbase for it.
I used to play fantasy and I made the switch to AoS. It's a different game with a different gamer's experience. Read my post here too Also there may or may not be a scene for it depending on your area. If there is, and the players seem cool, dive right in and have fun. The game is only going to get better from here on out. If there are no players and a general resounding hate amonst the local crowd, don't bother because it's not going to pick up.
thanks, i think people just need to be patience the longer the game is out the more improvement it will get, 40k has like 7 editions now or something
>is there a player base
No, go play X-wing if you want that. I'm having fun with it at least.
AoS is incredibly unpopular, and is really the only game where people actively dislike it. Honestly, I can't blame them, their almost 40 year old setting got killed with 'and then the world blew up and everyone died'.
AoS is a game that is practically impossible to play without drinking and pre-planned games. Pickup games are literally impossible. It's kinda like D&D storytelling, but with 2 players instead of a GM.
Really, I'm not sure if that makes AoS a board game at all. In short, it's not really a game one can get into as a player at all.
That isn't really true. GW seems to be getting worse and worse at writing rules as the years go by and more veterans leave. 40k has been getting more bloated and sliding downhill since 5th edition. 7th was literally just a cash grab.
>the longer the game is out the more improvement it will get
GW doesn't operate by that logic. Each edition is made to nerf what people use and buff what they don't, so they have to buy more models.
Going through and rehashing my WoC. Only stuck on a few base sizes. Archaon on foot I'm planning on a 50mm round, archaon mounted on a monstrous cav 90 x 52 oval, dragon ogre shaggoth 60mm round, and Harry the hammer (normally on 60mm by 40mm) on a 60mm round. Do those sound right? Harry could be on an oval but I think it would look weird. Also any ideas on custom rules for him based on his old fantasy ones?
So I was watching some games on youtube and I noticed that they kept using cover saves even in close combat. Is that how it is supposed to work?
Yes. The caveat is when you charge, you do not benefit from cover saves. But in close combat it represents the fighters using the environment around them to their advantage.
Also they just simplified things so you use cover saves for both close combat and missile attacks. Makes it easier to remember.
Where does it say that? I know I read it before but for the life of me I don't see it now.
>Makes it easier to remember.
makes getting bogged down in the woods a real problem from what I saw.
bottom middle of page 4
>bogged down in the woods
Pun intended?
I'd really love to get into Age of Sigmar but seeing as I have barely any experience in WHFB and am also slightly invested in 30k where do I begin?
I was playing TW Warhammer and so I thought it was a good way to get me into this, but how do I go about it? What's this AoS all about?
so lets say a unit is only partially in cover and are charged from their covered flank such that everyone actually fighting is in cover, but the whole unit is still not in cover, then they do not get to add 1 to their saves?
no, but now I get to laugh at my own joke
Do you guys let toe-in-cover slide? RAW it should work but some people around where I play really don't like it and make every models base be fully in cover.
AoS is what happens after Fantasy. Canonically, Chaos wins Fantasy. When Archaon comes down from the north and our Deckard Cain ripoff is screaming about the coming apocalypse? He wins. This brings about the end of the world. Age of Sigmar is what comes next, with a new world, where everything's a lot more magical and mystical and vaguely Planescapey.
Rules say the whole unit has to be wholly in cover, so no. They do this because of how wound allocation works. If only the models in cover got the saves then you would have people do some stupid shit like have a big squad of dudes and one model inside a building and suddenly the whole unit is getting a cover bonus because the defender picks which models take the wounds. So it's either the whole unit is getting a save bonus or none at all.
You are looking for the WHFB general. AoS is pretty distinctly not a typical wargame, as well as it in no way being the Total War setting.
>Rules say the whole unit has to be wholly in cover, so no.
They can be within OR on it.
Oh right. I forgot about the 'or on' part. Thanks.
But they also do this as part of a limiter so people feel less inclined to take massive units of a 100 models or something, so it cant get any cover saves. Taking large units has its own benefits, they dont need easy cover.
why do they keep doing this to me?
Could I have a link to the art folder please?
The link in the op is 404.
The OP link lacks an A in front, but:
Yay, I'm stupid!
generals handbook WHEN
fucking hurry up
What happens to the sigmarite armor and weapons when a Stormcast Eternal dies?
I ask because I'm planning on making an Ork StormKrump Immortulz group, with a megaboss that took one too many starmaces to the dome, and believes they're the holy warriors of Sigmork and Gorkmar.
There was this blurb about the Yellow Orruks dudes. They paint their armor yellow to ape sigmarines, because apparently they can't loot the armor since they just phase out like necrons once they're dead or something like that.
So no looting afaik.
Most of it gets teleported back to Azyr. Sometimes bits of it gets left behind like the facemasks
I was about to ask about the facemasks, as one of the Brute models has a face mask.
Would it be possible to amass enough for forge armor from the bits and pieces that don't get magic'd up to sigmarland?
Or should I just lore it as they learned how to produce and use goldleaf?
Is that the sort of artwork GW puts out now?
>Would it be possible to amass enough for forge armor from the bits and pieces that don't get magic'd up to sigmarland?
I think so but I think it will be enough for one Orruk and it will be undoubtedly the Warboss.
Works for me.
Could just say that scraps of sigmarite are strewn across the army, anyone who finds any bolts it onto their armor and doesn't tell anyone.
It seems to me it's like everything attached to the SE when he dies, goes. If you rip off a pauldron/vambrace/mask before that, it doesn't get magic'd away. Only my theory though.
Since GW seems incapable of shipping the two boxes I need to finish this model, I made a first try to write a warscroll for it. The basic idea was just to take two dracoths, two riders and just sort of glue them together.
>Knights-Devastor Chariot
Move 10"
Wounds 9
Save 3+
Bravery 9
Missile Weapons
Lightning Surges 6" 2d3 3+ [---see below---]
Melee Weapons
Cyclone Poleaxes 2" 6 3+ 3+ -1 d3
Dracoths' Fangs and Claws 1" 6 3+ 3+ -1 1
The Knights-Devastor Chariot is a single model. The Knights-Devastor fight from atop the combat platform of the Chariot, swinging long-hafted Cyclone Poleaxes in wide arcs, while the Dracoths pulling the chariot tear apart the foe with their Fangs and Claws in melee and breath forth violent eruptions of energy called Lightning Surges.
Devastating Armor: The sheer mass of the Devastor Chariot is already a deadly weapon on its own. If this model has made a successful charge move every enemy unit within 1" of this model suffers d3 mortal wounds. In addition, the heavy armor of the chariot is exceedingly difficult to damage and offers excellent protection to the charioteers. This model amy re-roll failed saves of 1.
Lightning Surge: Some Dracoths, trained for line breaking, spit a crackling torrent at enemies that come too close. When a unit is hit by a Lightning Surge, do not make a wound roll; instead, the unit suffers a mortal wound, or two mortal wounds if it is within 3" of the attacking model.
Intolerable Damage: If the wound roll for a Dracoth’s Claws and Fangs is 6 or more, then that attack causes D6 Damage rather than 1.
Order, Human, Celestial, Stormcast Eternal, Hero, Knights-Devastor
what do you need to finish it? looks great.
The main missing bit is the thunderhead axe from the dracothian guard kit for the head of the left Knight's polearm. Otherwise it's mostly odds and ends to fluff up the chariot a little more, as it looks quite boring from behind.
I love the look of this so far. What Stormhost are you gonna paint this? Or are you going to do custom colours?
No, that's above par for AoS
Seems a bit too good imo. Too many attacks, all hitting very easily and doing a shit ton of damage.
You could pretty much wipe out almost anything in the game with one charge if you roll well enough.
Agreed. That'd be a lot of damage on the charge.
The riders' attacks are probably the thing to tackle there. Knocking them down to 4 and reducing the to-hit to 4+ would be a start.
On the other hand, one Dracoth has three attacks, it makes sense two would have six. Same goes for the breath weapons.
Also, the pseudo-impact hits could also go. With the lightning barf the ting already deals a lot of mortal wounds. Maybe the impact could instead reduce Bravery for a turn instead? Or make the axes Damage 1 and give them +1 Damage on the charge.
Why bravery 9? Is one of the crew a Lord Celestant? Should be bravery 7 otherwise.
Why not the other way round - krumpstorm? Doesn't that sound better?
Well, they're meant to be Knight-tier heroes, as the name and the keyword implies, and all stormcast heroes (bar the Heraldor for some inexplicable reason) are Bravery 9. Not that it really matters outside a tiny number of spells, anyway.
They'lll be part of my own stormhost, so custom colors.
You're probably right. I'll reduce the damage of the poleaxes and remove the mortal wound charge.
That said, I feel like the chariot on the whole should at least be comparable to a pair of Dracothian Guard, otherwise it'd be pointless. Possibly even a little better since it has the classic 'huge guts' problem to deal with.
When's it scheduled for release?
>in snow settings
inb4 dey daemons nao
The entire Seraphon book was terrible bar the slann pics.
Also, why are you even here if you don't like the game? Or have you been infected by /v/ and have to scream 'stop liking what I don't like'?
You do realise the Lizardmen invaded Naggaroth more than once in WHFB, right?
>GW admit they made a major mistake with AoS launch
Lol. Yet you fags keep pretending AoS is good. Fucking pathetic. You killed this setting. Keep supporting Jew Workshop.
>You do realise the Lizardmen invaded Naggaroth more than once in WHFB, right?
>what is summer?
If you say so, it doesn't mention the period they went in and I doubt they care.
after about 30 models the game gets really long. even if you bring a few big monsters. thats why there are rules from gw for games that big. each player has 30 models and then you count wounds. they player with less wounds gets extra objectives to complete which are worth points, who ever has more points at the end of turn 4 or 1hour 30 minutes, wins. i have won a few games by having less wounds and 3 extra objectives. i forget the name of the battle plan or whatever its called, it came out a few months ago
Have YOU been infected by /v/ or just 4chans retarded hive mind in general?
>yfw it is possible to have a mixture of opinions regarding a topic.
I enjoy the game, yet find a lot of the artwork to be terrible, this is a common opinion, but even if it wasn't it's still my own thoughts. Yet according to you i shouldn't post here.
Fuck off with your idiotic black and white mentality, not everyone is happy to just blindly eat shit as you are.
Slam resurgence soon?
>I will never finish this sketch
salamanders and solar engines
lizardbros can keep themselves nice and toasty wherever they go
Now I'm just imagining them sitting on a patio with a space heater
>shield stacking
Mystic Shield
To elaborate more, RAW you can stack multiple mystic shields and reduce your save by 1 each time. However, you can't give a unit with no save a save, so you can only stack mystic shields/have cover saves on units with at least a 6+
Oh right. For some reason I thought there was some loophole about attaching more physical shields to your models giving them more save bonuses.
It's not just RAW, it is an intended game mechanic. They clarified that it was an intentional functionality in the FAQ.
Won't be truly official until it's in the general's handbook though.
Also fuck me does it not just feel like an exploit purely for the fact that being allowed to stack up mystic shields on the same unit is stupid and broken?
Thankfully my lgs houseruled against it so i can't complain too much.