ok, i'm about 20k deep in this. i jus realized that "smart contract" just means they can issue useless tokens. there is literally no value to anything ETH does, and no token has been built off ETH that is any value.
i presume i should sell
ok, i'm about 20k deep in this. i jus realized that "smart contract" just means they can issue useless tokens. there is literally no value to anything ETH does, and no token has been built off ETH that is any value.
i presume i should sell
OMG /thread
just margin trade this coin and you'll make it.
>ok, i'm 20k deep in this and had no idea what it did until now
all cryptos are shit. fake internet money that you cant use for anything. invest in a buisness or something instead
That has value you idiot.. and think of all the transactions and mass adoption of ETH networks via the extra coins on the ETH blockchain.
Make sure you wear your helmet when you leave for work tomorrow.
>20k deep into catfag money
yes i agree but that doesn't mean you shouldn't invest in crypto. i mean, people are just now catching up to btc after 7 years, it should still take a while before they realise none of the coins actually stand for any material goods with use value
Watch Andreas Antonopoulos : The future of bitcoin - applies to ETH. It hasn't happened yet but there's a lot over the horizon that will use these tokens for new tech.
All is forgiven if you buy LINK
that's not even what a smart contract is you dumb fuck
OMG is going to have its own blockchain though.
ETH is one of the most surefire shorts in all of crypto history
Posts like these make me even more certain eth is going to moon in 2018
Veeky Forums is never right
bitcoin maximilsts actually think OP created an effective thread
tfw IOTA has smart contracts and ETH btfo lmao
nobody fuckin knows.
>none of the coins actually stand for any material goods
same for fiat which is even worse because the jews just print more devaluing the currency
ETH is good for buying other coins.
now they'll start raising interest rates, probably too fast.
I wonder what will happen to coins when the stock market corrects. Will they go with it?
If eth moons biz was right because eth was the most skilled thing on the biz board for years.
I just bought 1.6k of eth. Planning on trading it all for IOTA and praying for epic gains. FUCK I FEEL LIKE THROWING UP
LINK will allow for actual REAL smart contracts that run on ethereum.
Veeky Forums is right 1% of the time
FUCK k I am going to get a massage and bang my wife. PLEASE GAINS PLEAAAAAAAASe
Let me tell you what is really happening OP. You bought in and it hasn't mooned much, you are seeing IOTA mooning, you are seeing GRS mooning, you saw us talking about NEM potentially mooning. You think they have muh fundamentals because why else would anyone moon them, you want to be on the rocket too, you caught the FOMO, you were the normie.
Your destiny is literally to sell ETH and buy a meme, you will + a few % and pat yourself on the back, the next day your meme will crash and ETH will moon, you will post the pink wojak.
More than that. The most skilled things on biz end up being big 70% of the time
Good bait
Good advice
Poor bait, never should have said "fake internet money"
An actual unironic dumbass who has read just about nothing in depth but still considers himself informed and clever
Too intelligent to seriouspost on biz
Highly intelligent, 6 layers of irony, 9 levels of culture. Will own a link themed lambo
Coolcat that doesn't give a shit and just shitposts
Savant whose intelligence is only applicable to figuring out that link is a good bag but is otherwise unintelligent. This doesn't matter however, because he will have 5 lambos.
FOMO faggot that will probably get a lot of gains because IOTA will hype and hype upwards and won't crash until they try to deliver big and get thoroughly wrecked, or they delay so long that ethereum scaling solutions enable REQ to become the first mover in IOT payments.
Probably very accurate.
I disagree.
I already have 1 giota, got in at .3
what's a giota worth now? 200k?