Just for funsies, stories about That Guy/That GM, or anything else that goes horribly wrong. I'll start
>Join pathfinder game with some people I often played with in organized play
>Doing a pre-written adventure path about becoming weeaboo royalty or some shit
>Playing as a Mesmerist/Druid multiclassed snake person
>Backstory, my character was given to a cult as a child as a sacrifice
>Cult headed by The Red Biship, a crimson red seagull that has intense psychic powers and shit, basically a demigod of mental fuckery and live sacrifice. Masquerades as a fey.
>Cult instead raised me to be one of the members, and due to fucked upbringing and compulsion spells I massacred an entire small village
>Ended up breaking free from the cult after that
>Still have neutral evil as my alignment for purposes of detection because of all the acts I commited, but striving to become lawful good
>First thing first: Will saves
>Got a +10 at level 2
>That shit ain't happening again
>Meet the the party in a city
>It is important that you know none of us planned this, complete coincidence
>One of them is a red crow-man. He's a paladin.
>Before I can even be triggered by that, another is a aspiring cultist. Alchemist who "harvests" ingredients from live animals
>Our neutral good cleric is an Aasimar, brother of one of the cultists I was stationed with
>There's a kitsune ninja. Putting that cringe away, my character is still terrified of fey, which Kitsune are percieved to be
>Then there's Wizardbro. He's a wayang, which is basically a shadow-plane goblin. Both the character and the player are really chill
>So upon being freed from a cult of a red demon-fairy bird, I met a red bird, a cultist, a cultist-associate, and a fairy
>My character is non-ironically having a panick attack from all this triggering
>GM is loving it
>Goblins attack the town using fireworks
>A bunch of NPCs come up and start fighting with us. They're all like 5th level so they're really outperforming us to show off.