The Goran nation, or gorilla lands is a large expansionist theocratic nation inhabited by the Goran taking up the westernmost heavily jungled portion of the landmass of Soi. They worship the Fire god Gor and spread across the world in a constant war often referred to as the "Red tide"
Struggle is the burden of being born of the chosen people. All work is for the perfection of the world. All are judged by their closeness with Gor and the True God . How close one is, is judged by ones piety and the amount of perfection in one's caste.
"We are the fire, we are life, and like a great fire we will grow and spread across the world that was meant for us no matter what obstacle blocks our path" (Goran Godspeaker)
The Goran are a collection of Ab human races on the surface of Soi that make up the Goran Nation. They are most commonly characterized by a fair complexion and red hair.
-The Goran are made up of various genetically engineered castes that each fulfill a unique position within their civilization as dictated by the Fire God.
-Their language and culture often cause conflicts with other nearby nations They are the most populous group of ab humans on Soi
"The Goran live in their own world, and the borders of that world grow larger by the day" ("Traveler's Gude to Soi" chapter heading on Goran territory)
In the past Goran would just ride into combat and conquer and territory they please. This is no long how the nation grows. When Gorans expant their territory they take their land and people with them. All expansion is handled by the Right Arm of the Goran military. Goran expansion is also critically tied to the environment of the region they seek to invade. The invasions are tied to the seasons.
Goran often charge during the frequent storms that come from the warm waters near their lands
Hunter Reed
"It's difficult to tell where the swamp ends and those people begin." -"The Traveler's guide to Soi" on the Lurkers
Swamp Lurkers, Swamp Folk, or Mossbacks are a race of ab humans that inhabit the swamps of central Soi. They are very reclusive and often hostile to outsiders entering their land.They differ from the normal human strain by their thick, greenish-brown, lumpy skin and ability to stay submerged underwater for 15-45 minutes at a time depending on their level of activity. They have been observed to be able to see very well under water. They are known to have natural night vision but very poor hearing except when underwater. Swamp folk do not see so well in bright conditions and are known to get dangerously sunburned very quickly, so they often cover themselves with mud if they must venture out into open fields. While they suffer no negative effects from being submerged for hours on end, their skin becomes cracked very quickly in dry conditions They are nearly immune to infection and are resistant to most other diseases and poisons. They often wear camouflaged cloaks made of moss, leaves, mud, and twigs in while traversing their swamps, allowing them to move completely undetected around the areas in which they live.
"It's our home, the only one we have. Everything, the history of our species and people all happen on this one world. It is everything, and nothing" (Anonymous cartographer)
Soi is the planet on which the Immortals setting takes place. It is in a stable orbit around its central star and has one moon.
>"This will be remembered as the war that everyone lost" (Unknown-Looking over the ruins of what was once a fortified Ashed city)
The great immortal war was the world wide conflict between the great Immortal nations which began the age of darkness. The war lasted for a century, stretching from 1800 to 1900 The Age of darkness lasted from age 1900 to 2100
>They were here before you were born. They'll be here when you're old and grey. When your bones are dust and the sky falls, They will be here on that day. (Children's rhyme)
Most of the Immortals choose to remain hidden and anonymous due to the ever present dangers they face. The Immortals, or The Undying, or Ageless ones are a group of ancient creatures that have existed as far back as history has been recorded on Soi, possibly longer. These sources also indicate that some of them have been behind the rise and leadership of many of Soi's most prominent civilizations, while many more exist in secret hiding away from the world. Many nations openly claim Immortal leadership, many smaller nations are skeptical.
Myth and legend surround them whenever they appear and follow them wherever they go, some immortals are worshiped as gods. The Immortals response has been everywhere from amusement, to encouraging this worship, to rejection.
The Immortal led nations history claims that the Immortals led the development of Soi from the dawn of civilization, shaping the people, culture, flora and fauna over centuries.
No one truly knows where the Immortals come from. Their number has been estimated at around 100-151 individuals spread across the surface of Soi. Immortals can have offspring with humans, however the offspring share none of the invulnerability of the parent.
Bentley Torres
>"Once life was wild, untamed, and without purpose. What we have done here is to fix that" (Journal entry recovered at abandoned temple)
An adventurer finds leftover biomorphs in an abandoned temple looking for treasure and hidden knowledge A bio temple is a structure created by the Immortals for the shaping of life and creation of biomorphs via
selective breeding over long periods of time.
They are stated to be some of the oldest structures by the great immortal civilizations.
Many were either destroyed or abandoned during the great immortal war, their biomorphs escaped or destroyed.
Bio temples are often found in the middle of or near Haunted forests
...wait, it's a jungle land with gorillas, but the people living there are white, red-haired Viking types?
Jackson Carter
Fucking fetishshit
Owen Cook
>"Some life arrived here by accident, just happened to breed little by little until it got its shape. Some things, like this beast, were made intentionally. What other forgotten horrors might be lurking in the dark corners of the world?" -Unclaimed Fisherman
Female shipwrecker caught attempting to claw its way through the boat's hull Biomorphs, or abberants, are often referred to as "shaped life" by the independent peoples of Soi.
Biomorphs are creatures bred and genetically modified by the Immortals in bio temples. The reason for each biomorph is different, some bred for labor, food, other harvestable resources, warfare, or purely aesthetic reasons for the amusement of the Immortals.
OP here. just for you, some people now have pangolins
Selectively bred to yes, and some of them are brown with red hair, its in the article
Zachary Murphy
>"Ash born, steel bloods, greyskins, whatever the you call them and whatever city they are from. If you see one, know that some work is about to be done" (Proverb from the travelers guide to Soi)
The Ashed people are a race on the surface of Soi that inhabit the Ashed City States. Their genetic manipulation has them classified as ab humans
they are commonly characterized by their short, sturdy build, black hair, and grey complexion. They are the primary inhabitants of the city states. Their durability comes from increased muscle and bone density, making it very difficult for Ashed to swim. The Ashed speak common and their own regional dialect
The Council of the Undying, or Immortal council was the semi regular event held by the Immortal representatives of the immortal civilizations of Soi. It was formed early in the Classical Era, and continued until the events which sparked the Great War.
>"I rule my people, but I also teach them to rule themselves. The goal is not to build the greatest nation this world will have seen, but to build the one which will stand when all others crumble. A kingdom for eternity which protects not simply its borders and interests, but the happiness, freedom and integrity of its people. I have seen that which comes from the pursuit of wealth, the pursuit of power, and the pursuit of influence. We choose to pursue personal excellence, and in doing so will have all of those things if we become masters first of ourselves." - The Truest King