Let's talk about everyone's favorite weaboo MtG ripoff!
What's your favorite deck and why? What about your most hated to go against?
Let's talk about everyone's favorite weaboo MtG ripoff!
What's your favorite deck and why? What about your most hated to go against?
Nice 0 replies for everyone's favourite weaboo MtG ripoff!
>What's your favorite deck and why?
Blazer Knights of the Round.
>What about your most hated to go against?
Generally Valentina Regalia decks.
My favorite so far has been a shion kill all the resonators deck. Only matchup I've ever hated was against vlad. It's such a weird deck and with no pithing needle equivalent it's not too simple to stop.
I want to fuck Piruruk.
>MtG ripoff!
You arent' kidding. They're making affinity and they even have a Tinker
I'm a whore for fairies. Vomiting out hands is always fun. Can't wait for Ame to rotate. Fuck that card.
Any recommended resources for someone who's completely unfamiliar with the game but is considering getting into it?
Grimm looks like he's seen some shit now.
I just got starter packs, the black one sucks and the people I play with can learn and win with the blue deck in the first try.
>TFW making it
Which sets should I include in the card maker? Just alice cluster or all of them for completion's sake?
Start with Alice, and if you feel up to it add in the rest.
All of them!
>New to FoW
>Hear about god packs from a group who plays, they claim that you can't scale for them
Is that true? Seems like an all-foil pack would be incredibly easy to scale for. Is there no code card, or what?
>scale for them
I've never heard of this phrase before. Please enlighten me?
I imagine he means testing the weight of the packs and seeing which is heavier. Heavier pack should have foil stuff or multiple foils.
Things like this is why I refuse to buy single pack boosters from an opened box, ever.
Although uber rares are a better pull than all-foil packs value-wise.
>TFW Crimson Moon's Fairy Tale completed
Is this what accomplishment feels like?
>con exclusive
>500 total
Fuck you too Ultra Pro and FoW.
Her smile and optimism: gone.
Which con? I need this in my life
>Announced 1 month before the con.
>It's across the country and deep into busy season at work.
Well fuck you too, UltraPro and FoW.
Is the Oz deck any good?
Struggles to get going with the amount of removal, bows, red aggro etc. running around these days.
Anime Expo in LA.
>3 sets into Grimm cluster
>Friend asks me how it's going
>Say fine, he asks me if I'm sure nobody has ever made FoW in Tabletop Simulator before
>Say I checked workshop, nobody had
>Turns out I was looking from "newest" and not "most popular", there are already several
Fuck life. I've been holding off on buying my full art Pricia for my Sacred Beasts deck, and now no longer want a full art, I only want this and will probably never be able to get it. Fuck everything.
>tfw my LGS used to run 20+ ppl FoW tourneys and 6-10 mtg tourneys on fridays.
>tfw Rotation happened and now FoW players are back into MtG standard, leaving FoW tourneys with 6-8 ppl.
Seriously fuck Magic
Man, rotations are kind of cancerous in general, huh? Gets a lot of people out of games. Obviously MtG has em too, but it's just not a good practice in general. I hope Force gets some kind of legacy/whatever mode soon.
No, I wss talking about MtG rotation.
In my lgs, people started playing FoW cause of how fucking expensive was to play in MtG Standard while fetchlands were still legal. While some didnt like the art at all, at the end, ppl started playing the game cause of how similar it is. I'm a mtg player too and FoW fixes stuff that newbies hate like mana flood/screw.
Then shadows over innistrad and rotation happened and most ppl went back to mtg.
That proves that mtg is still better than your dying weeb game.
My favorite actually competitively viable deck is a Shion control deck with lots of counter spells and regalia destruction with the Celestial Wing Seraph and lucifer combo as the win condition.
I also have a sacred beasts deck that actually runs Pricia that is extremely fun, but not very good.
My most hated currently is the one that is kind of ruling the meta currently. The Reflect/Refrain red aggro rush deck.
Why do you insist on coming into every force thread? Can't you just talk about MtG with your pals instead of coming here and shitting up our thread?
I don't give a shit about their game but the fuck are you doing? "I don't like this game, get it off muh board." The fuck. At least they're discussing a fucking game derived from a traditional game. Go bitch at the questors to get to their board if you need to get it up.
Ca down guys, he probably sucks at mtg and thats why he needs to shit on other gsmes to find some meaning to his pathetic life.
Dont feed the troll and keep discussing.
What tier is dark alice? She's as expensive as R/R, surely she must be good, right?
She's not great currently, but is certainly viable in ACC. Gill is the better black control Ruler though.
Give me more information. I'm in the area that week so I might be able to pick one up for this poor user.
Ultra Pro hasn't said much other than its going to be at their booth and whats inside. Still waiting on how bad the price will be. And on that note I actually looked at their facebook page. $250. Goddammit. And AX is on the same day as BFA release. July is gonna suck.
I like it more desu.
There's something more exciting about having your hand go under a skirt to play with the booty than just seeing the booty outright. They kinda made it more lewd by covering it up.
I want to get into the game. Kaguya looks cute so might want to attempt building her.
Post your cutest rulers and what kind of deck they are.
Every time I come into FoW threads I hear interesting things about the lore, is there some kind of comprehensive place to read about it or is it all done through flavour text?
The main site has some posted in stories and comics. Just be forewarned that the translation (and possibly source material) is shit. It's not bad if you read the Alice block stuff, but the Grimm cluster story is almost unreadable. It fills out a bit of what the flavor text gives you though. The game does keep up an ongoing story and it fills that out.
>two hundred and fifty dollarydoos
>limited edition
>weeb expo exclusive
I'm fucking pissed.
They posted that it'll be at booths 711 and 712 at the Expo on July 1-4. Price tag $250. If you are serious about going, just shoot me an email and we could talk more: finders fee, etc.