Buy NEM and XLM
with your profit threat yourself the best hookers on newyears
Buy NEM and XLM
with your profit threat yourself the best hookers on newyears
Thanks based druk whale friend. Post updates once you tapped that plz.
Yes might be time to get back in NEM, a small moon is probably due... It still fucking rests on BTC so though
her right nipple looks out of alignment with the rest of the breast
She isnt a hooker as far i know she is a insta model. Would bang if she was open for a paydate
How do you stomach the idea of having sex with women knowing that they poop from their ass? So gross and stinky.
how many btc to plow her in the ass?
Your profits are going to be so high from XLM you could turn her into a hooker with a wink.
thats probaly true , but to much headaches xD
This is it.
I know.
hookers dont look anything like this lmao
a woman this attractive could get any fucking thing in this world she'd ever want, she doesn't need to sell her pussy on the streets for $50
1 btc for 2 hours
jesus christ
This girl her face is not even that goodlooking lol, what you talking about?
She's a 0.00010000
Maybe she just, at that very moment flung in that direrection...? Pic caught mid flight.
>t. virgin
its more than just the face and her face isn't even that bad, altogether i'd rate her at a 9 at the very least and that's far more than enough to make her a goddess in western society.
bought 6500 xml at 809 sats, am i gonna make it? when is mooning happening? how many gains?
i dont hink you dont understand how hookers work
stop larping you fucking faggot