I really want to buy this house that's listed for 14k. I could probably get it for 8k cash. I have 0.3 btc, some rings that I'm waiting to sell on Etsy totaling 12k, and need to generate more money quickly. I am not able to work.
I really want to buy this house that's listed for 14k. I could probably get it for 8k cash. I have 0.3 btc...
Hope it works out for you, OP.
why don't you trade alts
gl op, theirs a house accross from me selling for 20k im kind of thinking about.
Buy Lumen while its dipping.
Then get it, you could easily make money from a 8k house. What type of house is it? Can you post pics?
because i dont know how and will probably lose all the money
cop it, itll be worth a lot more soon
Where do you guys live? Can't get a decent house for at least 5x that around me
how do i find cheap houses
OP is a time traveler from 1950s
Its $15k, obviously it wont be a decent house...
14k for a house...
I think he meant car, to live in, so you call it a house? Maybe thats what he meant?
Canada, Most houses are really expensive but not all houses. Out in the white redneck areas they are dirty cheap.
where do you live?
Its impressive! I'm a shitholer and I'm actually constructing a small house with 2k, but just because the land was free for me being inherited. So I'm just gambling with shitcoins saving for those 2k. I mean what's amazing is that you seem to be from the US and that price is cheap AF.
Third worlders...
When will you guys realize Veeky Forums is literally full of pajeets
14k doesn't even get you an uncovered single car park spot with faded out lines n Australia
I'm a 3rd worlder and no way in hell we can find a house for 12k here. A very very shitty one will be at least 40k. Dunno about the shacks in favelas tho
dude i remember those tasty fucking things.
Strawberries are good I don't know what that cheesecake looking thing is.