What went wrong?
What went wrong?
OP was always a faggot as a start
You made the mistake of thinking this was a board for you.
People pretended to be stupid, and the dregs flocked here thinking they were in good company.
Now we have people who are legitimately incapable of making their own rational opinions on things and lots of repeated meme opinions that were originally jokes.
reddit colonized a few years ago
People decided what they think of is fun is the only fun that should be allowed.
then some high and mighty board police became the arbiters of what is good and proper funa dndecided spamming and trollign and complaining to the mods would fix the board.
They forgot that some of the fun things people liked on Veeky Forums are created by people whose fun is different from theirs, so they drove all content creators, writefags, and drawfags.
And now you have a no more pure Veeky Forums than you did before, just with less creative people in it. Thank your local fun police today by leaving Veeky Forums forever.
here's an example, take your 10 epic voltaire quotes back with you
All good ideas for traditional games and gaming have already been discussed. Now people are bored and end up shit posting because of it.
nice (you) you have there
So in other words Nazi mod got rid of the creative people and left of with the dregs, which eventually lead to Quest threads, that retarded story thread that pops up, and the general lack of creativity and over abundance of awful threads such as "elf Slavs what do"
The spergs came out to play and unleashed their neckbeard opinions and other neckbeards agreed. Neckbeards in training or new to Veeky Forums things join the board and see these things and either leave or decide to latch on to these opinions, filling the board with even more cancer.
You're a good example of an uncultured retard, user
Quote-Frederick Douglass
Seconding this. There's a reason I stopped coming here about a year ago, seems it's only gotten worse since then.
At least the Quest-Fags are gone.
/pol/ invaded.
Quest threads are the Schrodinger's cat of Veeky Forums according to the whiners. They're both "hated by the majority" and "comprise more than 50% of the board" simultaneously.
No they aren't, they refuse to use the board they were given because reasons
The site outlived its community. Really, it's what happens to every website eventually.
The fa/tg/uys who made the site shine in 2006 were all forced to get jobs by their moms and ten years later, this board is absolutely filled with the new generation. This is the first generation raised on-line and it shows in the worst possible way.
Most people browsing don't make threads. If mlp or some other shit board decided to come here and make a bunch of separate threads, it'd have the same effect; a bunch of awful threads created by only a few people.
>The fa/tg/uys who made the site shine in 2006
Newfag fails his bluff roll