Buy ODN only 65 cents

I have zero clue what the future holds but if it hits 90 cents I'm buying myself a new truck. Thanks to the user for the new pic today.

>selling at $.90

weak hands pussy

Not going to dump just sell enough to treat myself for buying a SHITLOAD at ico. I havent sold any odn, but bought at 25, 45, and 60 cents.

what car you gonna buy?

Are you fucking trolling? I'm not selling until $100 at least.

>from last email

"CTO’s Perspective

The last week has been primarily focussed on the 'Christmas release' of Obsidian for Android v. 1.0. We are adding features, completing basic functionality, hope to begin testing and fixing around mid-December. Sending of text messages works today, other message types have yet to be added.

We have completed the ‘onboarding procedure' for a newly installed Obsidian app. Users are guided through generating private keys and Obsidian IDs. They can also create an encrypted backup of their Obsidian ID or restore a pre-existing one - essential for switching between devices, for example. We have switched to Base-58 characters for better readability of the 10-digit Obsidian messenger IDs, and the ID is now a truncated public key hash of the user’s public key. Thanks to this change,a certain level of message authentication is automatically available without comparing the full public key. It will also allow the implementation of anti-spam strategies.

We continue refining our Obsidian Node dashboard, ObsidianXXL. Beta release is planned for December 4th and we are excited to release this optimised and user-friendly dashboard for all Obsidian node owners. No matter the current staking size, this dashboard will be available to download and setup on your machine, and will be accessible for free. Updates will be released periodically adding new features and benefits. Explore the current ObsidianXXL dashboard today. "

I like that they focus on technology and network first.

They post github updates everyday

meanwhile at chainlink headquarters... lol...

yeah saw it. Thats make me calm. 40yrs old virgins with autism that coding in basement could make amazing stuff. Hold tight!

A Ford f 150. Always wanted a truck.

>Ford f 150
Oh you are from usa I see> Looks good.
I bought honda civic type r from previous odn pump

Ya from Texas. This crypto game is fucking crazy. What country are you from?

Poland. Get use to it. Will be only better

Im buying a tesla

Thanks for new pic. Now I don't have to fap to those huge Japanese jugs anymore.

H town here where you from user
& I’ll be buying an Aston Martin soon

West texas. Im Glad we are all buying vehicles thanks to ODN. The memes are real.

Ford Engineer and ODN holder here your gonna love that truck :)

I hope it will be ok

I wanted one my whole life. It may be possible thanks to crypto and Veeky Forums

what do you drive now user?

How long do you think this will take to spike? Big pump tomorrow or a slower growth as the relaunch gets exposure?

Nothing I just walk everywhere so getting a vehicle is a big upgrade the guys at the construction site are gona trip.