Accidental Magical Girl CYOA: 1.5 SOON Edition

Welcome to the Accidental Magical Girl thread!

Various worlds and multiverses have become connected together via the mysterious Overcity, a sprawling landscape inhabited by monsters and magical beings. Girls and boys endowed with their new supernatural powers can work together solving conflicts that arise!

>This is NOT a greentext adventure style CYOA with one GM and thread posting to dictate the adventure, but rather a hub thread for multiple storycrafters to use. A majority of activity (including campaigns) instead happens in the IRC, which is open for newbies to join.
Characters can be rolled with either the CYOA's purple PDF which is intended as a writing prompt and is in the process of developing an independent auxiliary combat system, or AMGC's blue pdf which contains combat rules for PNP campaigns along with the rolls. The IRC mostly uses AMGC.

Post builds, roleplay, write stuff.

CYOA Stuff:
Writefag Archive:
Magical Girl Images (updated 02/26/16):!xINWxCqY!HsVA2LnU9RDMMmZieoqv9w

Character Archive:
Add your character here!

RPNP Stuff:
IRC Linkboard:
Spec Trees (spells for all 19 normal Specializations, updated often):

IRC on Rizon:
In Character RP Pub: #TheWand&Circlet or #TheRedLine
IC Campaigns: #MGChronicle or #MGPnP
IC Shenanigans: #Overcity
IC Cafe: #MGCafe
IC School: #MGSchool or #MGClass

Early 2015 Old Thread OP Text:

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:!b58XRCQL!z50OFF70hX_OsfPpBMgCJQ

The CYOA's Patron Module, which determines just who bestows your character's magical abilities. But be wary, for not all of these patrons are after your best interests...

This PDF is for AMGC 1.12, used for PnP in the IRC.
>Features 10 additional powers and 20 extra perks, as well as combat actions, point buy, and more.

>Character generator for AMGC, made by Doxy using RandomGen by Orteil.
Just one click and your mahou will be finished!

>Add-Ons to AMGC Core including the Corruption, Fusion, and Puchuu docs, now in one convenient spot!!b58XRCQL!z50OFF70hX_OsfPpBMgCJQ

Said Add-Ons are also linked here for convenience.

Corruption, for all things monstergirl.

Fusion, because two magical girls are better than one, but one that's also two is even better! Or something like that.

And lastly, the Puchuu Expansion, largely for fluffing your dubiously (or not so dubiously) ethical fluffy employers.

Rolled 19, 12, 1, 2, 18, 15, 1, 13, 20, 7, 10, 20 = 138 (12d20)

More plant spells when?

Does this count as Censored or Leitmotif?

Why not both?

Disguise Artifact in action

When will Metal get dancing robots again?

Is this Gravity?

>Using an old version of the OP

Gravity or creative use of Air

Rolled 9, 11, 7, 8, 5, 18, 12, 14, 13, 17, 4, 13 = 131 (12d20)

Every thread, unless I forget that a new thread happened.

or Oddball: Mime.



Or Illusion

Oh shit this looks good gonna read through it.

Oddball: Batman (Adam West)

What is your opinion on Puchuu-Magical girl relationships?


If you mean relationships in the broad sense, then I like them to generally be somewhat positive. At the very least, There should be some measure of respect and care, even if it's possibly onesided or a product of circumstance and/or convenience..

Alternately, if you mean that in the sense of romantic relationships, then it can work, though it's difficult. An experienced puchuu is pretty much a no-go if you want to avoid the relationship having manipulative undertones. Therefore, a younger sort of puchuu is ideal.

It's also pretty degenerate if the puchuu can't turn into a humanoid. I mean, it's already weird to be dating your effective boss even when you're the same species, let alone two vastly different ones.

No dying.

There's a lot of variance there and possible ways to run that. You can take PMMM's tack with Kyuubi, or even the Red/Pink Doc's take on Puchuu and they're all goal focused to the extreme and don't really care about any hardships or problems the girls have. This leaves them somewhat aloof, but not hostile.

They could be a giant bag of dicks, actively hostile to you for killing or putting their previous charge out of action, and costing them resources to put you in their place.

They could actually be friendly and caring, respectful and helpful, like Artemis or Luna from Sailor Moon, or Kerebos from CCS - providing a useful dialog foil without being much use in combat.

In general, I would assume the Puchuu to be aloof and goal focused, with both the hostile and friendly Puchuu being outliers.

Yes, I meant romantic.

People are actually using that goddamn forced "u kiled a superhuman bean" plot element???

It makes no fucking sense to me. Your magical girls are born that way and just brought up the way they are.

Who is this qt? Someone was posting more pictures of her a thread or two ago.

Oh shit someone posted Libby
Spoiler: She was actually a magical girl turned puchuu to correct a mistake she made. She was going to lose her puchuu powers when Alex became corrupted then becomes a magical girl puchuu to save him with prime of your life displaying her human form. I shipped her and Alex.

and Alpeh x Lynnia
and Alex x Lynnia
and Alex x Xochi x Lynnia
Fuck Oliver

It's a shopped image for Kaylee, a Beacon girl on the IRC.

Hi Lynn! Also, don't bother to spoiler your pairings, we all know your magical realm already.

But what about romantic relationships between Puchuu and Magical girls? I must know the answer!

Degeneracy. Pure and simple

I approve


But fine too.

Come back to us, Lyn. We miss you.

Hug every puchuu.

Reminder, yet again, about the Doubles Tournament.

Sign ups and rules are in here:

Rolled 14, 3, 17, 3, 2, 6, 14, 12, 15, 14, 20, 3 = 123 (12d20)

Bumping the thread and hopefully rolling up something interesting.

Clearly I just need to ask more questions.
If you could add/remove one specialization, what would it be?

Rolled 17, 2, 20, 4, 7, 8, 2, 6, 7, 5, 19, 16 = 113 (12d20)

Rolling for Allies (first 6 for first ally second 6 for second ally.)

Tempted to coin out of it because I hate allies. But I probably will never use this girl.

Remove Corrupt magical girls!

Kaylee being corrupted would be an interesting plot point.

Rolled 7, 8, 13, 2, 18, 15, 8, 8, 9, 2, 16 = 106 (11d20)

remove empathic, no one knows what the fuck to do with it
add spacial for cool warping


STR: 4+3+1+4(Gold)+2(Silver)=12
AGI: 4+1+1+2(Silver)+2(Silver)=8
VIT: 4+1+1=6
MAG: 4+1=5
LCK: 4+1+1+1+1+1=9
HP 12
MP 5
SK 5
FP 11


Underdeveloped (+1 AGI)

Stone (+3 STR +1 VIT)

Melee (+1 STR, VIT)

Skimpy (+1 AGI)
Lucky Charm (+2 FP)

Nullification (+1 MAG, Cost 2MP)


Enhanced Outfit (+1 Soak)

Money (+1 LCK)

Patron (What is the protocal for this at this point?)

Mount (+1 AGI)


Ally 1:

Prime of your life

Ally 2:


Filler page of magical girl schooling, awaiting the glorious return of HP:

They see me rolling~

Fuck. I screwed it up somehow.

Rolled 16, 13, 2, 9, 2, 8, 13, 17, 16, 18, 8, 2 = 124 (12d20)


Inability to perform seemingly simple tasks is a common theme in the mahou shoujo genre

I'll prove I can do it right!

Rolled 19, 4, 14, 17, 3, 14, 1, 19, 19, 7, 5, 5 = 127 (12d20)

I hate my life.

Rolled 4, 5, 2, 10, 16, 10, 8, 15, 12, 10, 2, 5 = 99 (12d20)

Rolling bump.

get wrecked concerned user


When yo illusion game on point


Found it.

Behead those who insult Heartful Punch

Hey, haven't been back here in a while. Was there ever any more of Cassie & Olivia's story? Last bit I remember was them in a haunted theme park.

Rolled 3, 20, 4, 4, 19, 16, 14, 4, 6, 6, 11, 4 = 111 (12d20)

I don't think there have been any updates to the story since then, no.

The writer is out of town this week, but I don't think so?

>tfw you will never have a team of sweet yet fierce old ladies, among them Betty White, who crack witty jokes while fightan

Rolled 5, 7, 18, 17, 9, 12, 6, 17, 17, 19, 6, 15 = 148 (12d20)

Oh hey, you found Ferrous.

True dat!

>not Osakan obasans

I kinda like those classmate sidecharacters though! I'm hoping we'll see more of them, maybe even getting involved in the night raid action, in the future.

Rolled 14, 2, 16, 9, 15, 2, 6, 10, 16, 5, 16, 14 = 125 (12d20)

Rolled 12, 18, 10, 2, 18, 11, 2, 19, 18, 19, 18, 15 = 162 (12d20)

Rolled 1, 7, 20, 15, 6, 13, 10, 13, 7, 4, 20, 20 = 136 (12d20)


Rolled 12, 17, 16, 16, 9, 15, 3, 20, 3, 20, 10, 5 = 146 (12d20)

Rolled 1, 7, 3, 20, 3, 6, 7, 1, 5, 2, 17, 20 = 92 (12d20)

Don't die on me!

Good work.

Both of these were me.

>Both start with 1 and 7 and end with 20.

Dice, why?

>Dice, why

Sorry mate, but you're cursed. Happens to the best of us.

Death to all dice. Luck is mostly for people with no ability of their own anyway.

What's your favourite Mahou Shoujo anime series?

CardCaptor Sakura


So.... none of them...?

I was thinking the same thing.

Sailor Moon.
Minako has been my waifu for about 20 years now.

So how soon is 1.5?

Fuck this. I'm fucking done.
I'm tired of all the bullshit. All the stupid drama because you people can't fucking act like adults. I'm tired of how often one thing can be said and things just fucking blow up. What the fuck is wrong with you guys? I'm supposed to be the young one here, yet I swear I have more mental maturity than 50% of y'all. It's ridiculous.
I'm sorry to everyone who enjoyed RPing with me and had stuff with my characters, but I'm tired of the crap. See ya. - Ral

What the heck are you on about?

IRC drama. Pay it no heed.


Hi, it's Torque. Feel free to PM me if you want, I'd rather you didn't leave. Hope nothing I said or did contributed to this, I was playing around with all the Tera crap.

Why aren't the mods doing anything in IRC? I never remember shit being this ridiculous before

Ban people causing drama and making others leave.

We operate under a "3 Strike System". Which in theory would work fine if we had more Mods to administer said Strikes. But we've only got the two. They can't be around all the time, and will often miss the drama that goes on when they aren't there.

And the community is actually pretty small in the first place. Banning people immediately would likely thin the numbers drastically.

That's just my two cents here.

I don't think it's a big issue, seems like the frequent offenders could use a couple warnings and then we'd be good.

Rolled 17, 3, 7, 7, 10, 18, 1, 11, 13, 16, 12, 1 = 116 (12d20)

Look! I'm not screwing it up this time!

This is the worst.
What'll I do without ever being able to talk to Rally ever again?

You left us first. You have no right to complain.

I have as much right to complain as I want.
I love complaining.

You really don't. If you don't want to be part of the community, you shouldn't complain if someone leaves it.

Rolled 7, 12, 13, 3, 7, 8, 16, 7, 9, 3, 5, 1 = 91 (12d20)