You are a newly christened Mind, ready to head out of your home GSV to take part into the latest scuffle in which the Culture chose to show its guns.
What is your name/ship class?
You are a newly christened Mind, ready to head out of your home GSV to take part into the latest scuffle in which the Culture chose to show its guns.
What is your name/ship class?
Other urls found in this thread:
LOU Love Is The Answer
The VFP "Just Round Down To 3.14".
ROU If You Can Read This We're Ramming
GSV 'Fuck it we'll do it live'
GOU "Don't Use Coasters."
I don't know anything about this setting, but going off of these naming conventions I'd go with
TRB 'So What Does The Red Button Do?'
Okay i just teched some tech and solved the problem that we were questing for.
Thread complete.
ROU But what is the question?
GSV Prospecting for Gravitas
GCU Because I said so.
>missing the point of roleplaying
>missing the point of The Culture
Reminder that naming a ship "she's one of ours sir" in an attempt to confuse the enemy assumes:
1. That they will speak your language.
2. That they have no way of identifying a ship besides writing.
3. That they're able to read a name painted on your hull and not just a blip on their radar.
4. That they'll even care what the name of your ship is before knowing whether it's hostile.
5. That they won't say "The name of the ship is, she's one of ours sir, sir."
In short, unless you run into space captains Abbott and Costello, it's not going to work.
And even if it did work, by that logic you could gain even more time by making your ship's name something unreasonably long, such as the entire script of Bee Movie, since you assume they won't do anything to you until they say the name out loud.
>missing the point of The Culture ship names
ROU Hormonal Imbalance
GSV Anger Management Issues
GCU Outfox the Fox
LCU Would you like a Jellybaby?
GSV Real Cool Time
GCU Only If You Want To
ROU The Looks That Kill
GCU Star Hustler
MSV Where Does This Ocean Go
ROU The King Of The Streets
GSV Right Here, Right Now
GSV Dumb Enough
MSV Can Anyone Else Hear That Rattle?
You monster
GSV What Does This Button Do?
PS There's Fries in the Fridge
ROU Overdue Assignment
ROU Fun Times With Weapons
That's why it's the
ROU'); DROP TABLE SensorContacts;--
>this isn't a quest thread.
We'll never get a culture quest will we.
Pro-name here.
GOU Lithobreaker
ROU Prone to Rapid Unplanned Disassembly
GSV Kracken Bait
GOU Maximum Force Response
I don't know why, but that's been my default wars hip designation for a while now.
ROU Just The Tip
Now that's a table with some character.
MSV Night Time (Is the Right Time)
GOU Gridfire Sticks to Kids
ROU Live Fast, Die Hard, Leave a Good-Looking Shipwreck
ROU Your Destruction Was Always Inevitable, Now It Is Imminent
ROU Ever Heard Of (Your Homeworld Here)? Me Neither
ROU Gun With a Ship Attached
GSV Outside Context Solution
GSV Automated Capitalism
ROU A Grain Of Sufficient Velocity
(d)LOU What's A Tooth File, Doc?
>GSV Outside Context Solution
I like this. -SV's are kinda hard to make names for.
ROU's are easy because even in-universe they're described as crude.
VFP Not In The Primary Sensor Cluster
Okay, you got me at these.
GCU Let Go
GCU The Touch Of Your Skin
GCU Self Aware
Not a dud amongst them.
Good thread guys and rip in piece iain m banks
MSV Half Now, The Rest Later
OU/e Mistake Not My Current State Of Joshing Gentle Peevishness For The Awesome And Terrible Majesty Of The Towering Seas Of Ire That Are Themselves The Mere Milquetoast Shallows Fringing My Vast Oceans Of Wrath.
GSV The Centre Holds
GOU Anarchy Loosed Upon The Galaxy, The
ROU (Thug Class) Full Of Passionate Intensity
MSV Slouching Beast
ROU Fisticuffs (Ask Your Mother)
ROU I Can't Hear You Over The Sound Of My Engines
GSV Getting Served Variably
ROU Rigidly Overwhelming Usurper
GCU Flying At The Speed Of Context
OU/e Read Between The Lines
What is this about? Also:
GOU: Who's ship is it anyway?
>What is this about?
Also a good name for a Culture ship.
GSV Now That's A Table With Some Character
GOU Moe Moe Kyun~
VFS Eat My Space Dust
ROU Kinetic Negotiations
PS Kzinti Lesson
GSV You're Not In Kansas Anymore, But Deck 37-Tango's Pretty Close
I cam here to post this and applaud this master of ancient memes.
>Why did you sign up your son as "Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--" to our school, sir? Our entire student database seems to be gone.
>That's his name. Little Bobby Tables, we call him.
ROU My Nemesis on Stilts
GOU Dazed, Reeling, About To Break
In the same boat as an earlier user, having not read any Cultureverse works, but judging by the general tone...
ROU The Fact That You Are Currently Reading This Proves That Your Life Choices Up To Now Have Been Suboptimal
GCU Apologetic Imperialist
Could fit, but Culture ships don't etch their names on their hull. Indeed, it can even be said that most of them don't even have hulls, because most of their defense comes from concentric fields of various make. But again, they do communicate, using their callsigns, so it might actually fit quite well.
GSV Incessantly Polite Pedantry
LSV Lost Sibling Vanished
GSV Sophistry And Vain Rhetoric
GSV Bearing The Heart Of Discussion
GSV The Strawgoat
VFP Intermittent Morality Reversal
LOU Not again
VFP I've Come a Long Way
Spoilers bro
GOU Well, / Thought It Was Funny
Superlifter Hands Off, Eyes Closed, Drunk
MSV Don't Stick It In Gravity Wells.
GOU Some Of Us Are More Starstuff Than Others
>GSV Space Hamster
>MSV Fantasy Island
>ROU Don't Judge My Race By How I Kill You
ROU The Precise Application of Extreme Force
ROU Inappropriate Naming Schema
GSV Smaller on the Inside
Superlifter Carrying Worlds on my Back, but Only Those Who Can Carry Themselves
Superlifter I'm With Pretentious Over There
Don't forget the sister ship:
ROU Live Hard, Die Fast, Leave Good-Looking Shipwrecks
Why do these ships give themselves stupid names? Are they glitched or something?
The Culture has a distinct irreverent bent.
>those Superlifter names
ROU On Time or It's Free
The Culture see war as a horrible thing, so see no reason to glorify warships while packing huge amounts of weapons and destructive tools on them. Therefore most of the offensive units have dumb crude names like "I said, I've got a big stick" and so on.
The rest are just whimsical like that.
Litany of Litany's Litany
GCV How Did That Get There?
GSV Want Some Ship With That Gun ?
GOU I Don't Break For Galaxies
ROU Do A Barrel Roll
MSV If You Can Read This It's Too Late
I'd forgotten that was even a category.
GCV Forever Engrossed In The Dullness Of Life
But it doesn't make sense. Idiot parents would give their children stupid names. Super smart computers wouldn't give themselves stupid names.
Is this bait?
GSV Sensors Registered Irrelevance
Culture ships are somewhat... Facetious. They're super intelligent IAs with a strange sense of humour
Nah, just someone who doesn't understand how a ship who can fuck solar systems would sport a name like "You'll Clean That Up Before You Leave". Hint: it's because it can fuck solar systems.
GSV To Radiant And Novel Self
PS Run Away to Infinity
GSV Pilot Error
>Ship minds aren't their names.
Well, they're probably not the serial number with which they're born, but they are one of their names nonetheless, probably the most important one.
VFP Hare, Tortoise - Me.
Whatever. I'm too pissed off by Wordbrain to think straight.
Because if you were a world leader and Earth was visited by aliens, would you rather have the ship be named "GCU Japanese Sex Kitten" or "Star Galleon Undefeatable"?
Or "Right Hand of God No. 5928"?
GCU He Started It
SCV I started it
ROU Machine Error
VFP Sensors Registered Relevance
GSV Get Some Originality You Hacks
GOU General Direction
ROU I Have The Need
What I would rather have doesn't matter. It's what the ship wants that matters, and I highly doubt that every single ship of that species wants to make itself the laughingstock of the multiverse.
>GSV Get Some Originality You Hacks
ROU Unreasonable Amount of Weapons
So you're saying the names need more Gravitas